Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 28 The first battle in the forest (double updates starting from Sunday)

Tomorrow I will test the waters and start double updates. Please follow me for reading!

At a glance, the plain under the cliff should be a gravel plain mixed with rocks and soil. There are sparse plants and not many living things. The only thing worthy of praise is the side close to the sea.

The rocky tidal flats on the coast extend into the water. There is still plenty of food, but it is not as easy to pick up as on the beach. The rocky tidal flats still require some effort to get into the water. Clams and shellfish stick to the tidal flats like stones. underwater.

The possible destination was right in front of him. Xu Dong was full of motivation and headed northwest along the coastline.

This journey is not like being hungry all day long in the mountains. There are enough creatures in the ocean for Xu Dong and others to eat, and they are almost full every day.

If you are tired of clams, you can eat decapoda. If you are tired of decapoda, you can also try turtle eggs.

Of course, today's turtles are not what they were in later generations. On the contrary, the whole body of the Mysodontosaurus is more like a turtle.

The ancestor of modern tortoises, the semi-shelled turtle has not yet completely evolved into a turtle shell. It only has expanded ribs and part of the turtle shell on its abdomen, but its back is still the back of a lizard. The whole thing is a lizard with a big and round belly.

Regardless of whether it is a Cryptodontosaurus or a semi-armored turtle, they have to go ashore to lay eggs. Tiny red dragons such as the Red Dragon cannot defeat them, but they can steal their eggs and eat their young to let them feel the pain in advance. The cruelty of the Triassic.

I only encountered one danger while walking and eating, and it was the aforementioned Mysodontosaurus.

When Xu Dong was stealing eggs, he was hit by a Mysaurus. His mother suddenly became red-eyed and rushed towards the little red dragons regardless.

The limbs of this nearly three-meter-long guy have not degenerated into fins, and his feet can still step on land, but the speed is definitely not as fast as the little red dragons, and he was easily thrown away.

After this incident, Xu Dong and the others became more cautious when stealing eggs, for fear of provoking some big guy again.

After walking for more than ten days without any danger, they finally saw the green area. If Xu Dong saw it correctly, this should be a cedar forest.

This journey has spanned mountains, rivers and seas, as well as plains and deserts, just to find a forest suitable for them to live in. Now, they have finally found it.

If he didn't have tear glands, Xu Dong would burst into tears again, but if he couldn't shed tears, he could howl.

Xu Dong was the first to raise his head to the sky and neigh, and the little red dragons standing behind also followed suit and howled together.

They are announcing to this cedar forest, I come, I see, I conquer!

Although it is very shameful to rush to alert someone without knowing the forest ecology, Xu Dong just wanted to vent the pent-up energy accumulated since the three years of migration.

Stepping into the cedar forest, the cedar trees on the outside of this large forest are generally small, with the highest being only about three meters. They should be newly grown seedlings after the heavy rains of the Carni period in the past three years.

The further you go, the taller the cedar trees become. This cedar forest probably existed three years ago. The arrival of heavy rains has accelerated the expansion of the cedar forest.

This forest that has existed for a long time must have its own complete ecological chain. Although there are no signs of animal activity in the fir sapling area, there are still many bugs. Xu Dong's requirements are lower, but there is enough here for the little red dragons. Settled down.

When you reach the junction of old and new fir trees, this primitive jungle reveals its true beauty to Xudong.

There are luxuriant branches and leaves, the ground is covered with young grass, dead leaves, and branches, and spider webs, insects, and moths are dancing in the forest, creating a vibrant scene.

Huh? Xu Dong discovered a mushroom at the root of a rotten cedar tree. Although the history of this thing can be traced back to the Permian, this was the first time Xu Dong had seen it.

At this time, if you can make a fire to stew mushroom soup and add some seafood, it will taste really delicious.


A sound of wind blew behind Xiao Chilong. Xu Dong turned his head instantly and caught a cyan tail in the corner of his eye.


Xu Dong didn't need to speak, the little red dragons were already in a state of preparation for war.




There were rustling sounds coming from all directions. They must be the natives of this forest. It seems that they are not very welcoming to their new neighbors. This is quite a fight.

Among the shadows of the trees, Xu Dong's eyes quickly caught the hidden creature, a small dragon with green body, upright legs, stepping on the trunk of the tree.

The moment he saw this figure, Xu Dong's solemn expression instantly turned into ecstasy. This little guy was the Skelerosaurus, a close relative of the pterosaur he had been looking for.

Seeing Skererosaurus here means that it has already set foot on European soil, and it also means that this cedar forest is likely to be the place where pterosaurs will soar into the sky in the future.

Sklerosaurus is 18 centimeters long. It walks alternately on two legs and four legs. It is active in tree trunks and forest areas. Although it is not the direct ancestor of pterosaurs, it is also the basal species of pterosaurs.

Now that the little red dragons are here, the canopy ecological niche of this forest is no longer available to the Skererosaurus. This will be the territory of the little red dragons from now on.

Of course, you can't just rely on your brain to seize territory. Every ecological niche in nature is very precious. If you want to seize it, you must have the consciousness to beat the original owner to death.

It just so happened that a war was going to start sooner or later anyway. Since Skelerosaurus took the initiative, Xu Dong would not have to spend time looking for it.

The little red dragons formed a circle back to back in a defensive posture, surrounding Xu Dong in the center, and screamed at the Skerero dragons.

After a moment of stalemate, it was Skerosaurus who couldn't help but take the lead in the end. About twenty of them jumped from the trees to attack, and ten of them attacked from the ground.

Although Xu Dong was full of confidence in the little red dragons he had brought out, the opponent was, after all, larger in size and twice as numerous as the little red dragons. If he wanted to defeat such an opponent, Xu Dong would naturally not be able to continue to watch calmly.

It and Long Jiu, the two strengthened little red dragons, were like two sharp blades, tearing apart the Skerero dragon's surrounding network.

Xu Dong's speed and strength, coupled with his pair of sharp claws, dealt with the Skererosaurus falling from the air just like cutting a watermelon in ancient mobile games. He cut two pieces with one cut and three cuts with three cuts, cutting the bodies of these enemies into pieces. Eight falls.

Almost no Skererosaurus is the enemy of Xu Dong Yihe. It does not matter whether it is superior in size or in number. It is still a scum under the sharp claws of the little red dragon.

Soon the Screrosaurus will not stand up, what should we do? Call someone.

So in the jungle outside the scene, more than twenty smaller Skerosaurus ran out, and they also joined the siege of the little red dragon.

In fact, regardless of body size and quantity, if you carefully compare the skills and equipment of the two parties, you can see the true strength of the two parties.

In terms of equipment, the little red dragon has an indestructible claw, but the Skerosaurus is still the same.

Compared with physical fitness, the agility attribute of the little red dragon is super high, while the agility of the Skerero dragon is not as good as that of the little red dragon, but its jumping ability is stronger.

Compared with the organization speed, the little red dragon is even more powerful than the Skerosaurus.

Taken together, it is logical for the little red dragons to kill the Skerosaurus.

The battle lasted for about ten minutes. The Screro dragon couldn't hold on any longer and began to retreat. About twenty corpses were left on the ground. Most of them belonged to the Screro dragon, but two of them belonged to the little red dragon.

Although the sixteen little red dragons who came to the forest were powerful, the disparity in numbers meant that there would naturally be battle losses, but compared with the results of the battle, the battle losses were completely worthless. In prehistoric times, no one in the tribe could die again. Nothing more than normal.

But Xu Dong doesn't think so. After getting along with each other for so many years, he has developed feelings for these brothers and will feel sad for their passing.

He will also use his own way to let these two brothers who died in the battle rest in peace.

Here again, I beg you readers to read the latest chapters of this book every day for a week. Follow-up reading is very important for this book that is in the testing stage.

Starting from tomorrow, Sunday, there will be double updates at 6:30 pm. If the recommendation can continue, the double updates will also continue.

Small theater of paleontology: Hemicodon, about 40 centimeters long, has many different characteristics from modern turtles. The upper and lower jaws of Hemicodon have teeth, while the jaws of modern turtles have evolved beaks made of horn. Many prehistoric turtles Already possessing a complete turtle shell, Hemicodon only has a carapace on its abdomen and no shell on its back. The ribs of Hemicodon are broad, similar to the embryos of modern tortoises. Based on this, scientists speculate that the turtle's plastron evolved from its ventral ribs; the specialized spine and widened ribs gradually connected together to evolve the carapace.

In addition to the teeth in its mouth and the lack of a carapace, it has many primitive features. The contact surface between their spine and ribs is different from that of later turtles, and their skull proportions are also different from that of later turtles, with the part in front of the eyes being longer. The transverse processes of the caudal vertebrae did not heal, unlike in later turtles. The scapula lacks the acromion process. Based on the above characteristics, scientists found that the Hemipodondon is not only the oldest known turtle, but also the most primitive turtle known. They may be a transitional fossil.

Sauriformes - Archosauriformes - Panchelonia - Odontidae - Odontosaurs

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