Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 279 Create opportunities even if there are no opportunities

It was the last time I saw this scene.

Just kidding.

However, this familiar scene did remind Xu Dong of the time when he believed in light, but it was a pity that this mainland was not the one.

And the mainland that turned into stone was not without achievements. At least it bought time for the lichens to explode the shell of fear in the Black Sea.

Corroded by the silver lichen, the nearly indestructible shell of the Black Sea Terror is still eroded by the lichen's hyphae.

Thinking back hundreds of millions of years ago, when there were only rocks on the earth, they were the ones who pierced the mycelium into the hard rocks bit by bit, and bit by bit disintegrated the rocks into nutrient-rich soil.

It can be said that lichens are indispensable for the flourishing and vigorous growth of all things on this land.

Now it has also shouldered the responsibilities of a pioneer, corroding and disintegrating the strongest shell of the world-destroying demon king.

The skill points of prehistoric molluscs such as Nautilus and Ammonite are almost all focused on Diejia. Even though the fear of the Black Sea has long transcended the category of ordinary creatures, the disappearance of the shell has a huge impact on it.

After the shell shattered, the soft head and internal organs inside the shell were exposed. Unlike the black head and tentacles, Black Sea Fear's internal organs were very clear and transparent, and it turned out to be black skin and white heart.

Black Sea Fear was obviously frightened by such a scene. The shell is armor, home, and the sense of security that Black Sea Fear obtains from deep within its genes.

Just like the quilt that can isolate monsters and monsters, maybe there is not really anything outside, but the person wrapped in the quilt needs a sustenance.

Now that his sustenance was shattered, Black Sea Fear fell into a brief panic. Although his reason was still there, he just couldn't settle down and think about things, as if he had an anxiety disorder, and he couldn't complete the important task of destroying the world.

This is the time when Black Sea Fear is most vulnerable. As long as another legend appears, Black Sea Fear can easily kill Black Sea Fear, but the only legend has turned into stone, and nature can only rely on the top immortal species.

What are the top immortal species doing at this time?

Peter and the three of them are fighting a life-and-death battle with the Nine-Headed Dragon and the Big Zombie Fish. The two sides are currently evenly matched and no one can do anything to the other.

After receiving the call from nature, Peter, Velociraptor, and Morganmon immediately wanted to leave the battlefield and fearlessly kill towards the Black Sea.

How could the Nine-Headed Dragon and the Big Zombie Fish, who had received guidance from the will of the underworld, let them go and harm the boss? It could be said that they risked their lives to intercept them.

It seems that no one can come to this battlefield for the time being.

On the other side, the four Sun Flame Dragon Kings who were injured by the falling white dragon were able to rejoin the battle after absorbing the sun's rays for a period of time.

With these four half-disabled top immortal species, there is still hope to kill the Black Sea Terror, at least that's what Xu Dong thinks.

But the actual situation is that he was severely slapped in the face. A legend is a legend after all. Even if his shell is broken and he has mental problems, he still has terrifying fighting power.

The four Sun Flame Divine Dragons did not engage in close combat for the first time. Instead, they sprayed flames from a distance to test. As a result, the flames were not intercepted at all and easily hit Black Sea's fearful body.

One of the flames hit the tentacle, and the effect was almost useless.

Two flames sprayed onto Black Sea's fearful head, leaving two scorch marks on it. Unfortunately, Nautilus's head was originally black, so the scorch marks were inconspicuous.

The last one actually hit Black Sea's fearful internal organs. The flames burned these white organs, and the huge pain finally touched Black Sea's fearful spirit.

In later studies, anxiety disorders are often accompanied by mania. After being stimulated, the Black Sea Fear suddenly fell into a violent state, with surging tentacles lashing out in all directions.

In its eyes, there is no difference between itself and the enemy. It only knows how to strike randomly, and its attacks are totally unorganized.

The four Sun Flame Dragon Kings are rich in experience, constantly dodging the tentacles of Black Sea Fear in the air, and spraying venom on its internal organs from time to time, stripping away the reason of Black Sea Fear, turning it into a beast that only knows how to attack.

Although the raging beast is terrifying, it is at least easier to deal with than an experienced strong man.

But obviously they still underestimated the ability of the Black Sea Fear. They were not present when the light was just sprayed through, and they did not know that the Nautilus actually had this powerful attack.

The purple beam shot out from Black Sea's fearful head, and without giving the Riyan Dragon King any time to react, it directly penetrated the European Dragon King and turned it into a stone statue.

The petrified European Dragon King whined and fell down, and fell into rubble under the horrified eyes of the other Dragon Kings.

Just like that, a top-level immortal species died so easily, as easily as a dog. How could this not make the Sun Flame Dragon Kings hurt their own kind and feel sad.

The violent Black Sea Fear showed no mercy, and the petal-shaped hole on its forehead fired a purple beam of light for free.

Purple beams of light filled most of the sky like raindrops, covering the remaining three Dragon Kings.

Having learned the lesson from the first Dragon King, they did not dare to stick to the beam again. In order to avoid the attack, they used all kinds of tricks.

Unfortunately, although they are among the fastest among animals, they are nothing compared to the speed of light.

Each purple beam travels at the speed of light. Those who miss it can only be said to be lucky, and it is impossible to avoid it.

Soon the second Sun Flame Dragon King was hit, its head was directly pierced by the purple beam, and it fell before it could be petrified.

With the second one, there will naturally be a third and fourth one. The remaining two Sun Flame Dragon Kings were completely frightened. They raised their seven pairs of feather scale wings and ran outside.

But is escaping useful? How fast can it be as fast as the speed of light?

While escaping, a Sun Flame Dragon King was unlucky enough to be shot in the back and turned to stone, falling to rubble.

The last Riyan Dragon King is the African Dragon King. He is obviously from Africa, but he has the best luck among the four dragons.

Unfortunately, this good luck did not last until the end. A purple beam of light hit its right hind limb, which was about to turn into stone. The African Dragon King was decisive enough and raised his claws to chop off his right foot.

But unfortunately, this move has no effect. The purple penetrating beam does not follow common sense at all. Even if the African Dragon King chops off the right leg that was hit, it still cannot stop the spread of petrification.

In the end, all four Sun Flame Dragon Kings were killed, and their contribution was to explode the internal organs of Black Sea Fear and consume its most deadly attack ability.

What appeared before Xu Dong's eyes now was a legendary creature that had lost its absolute defensive shell, lost its strongest attack beam, and was in a semi-disabled state.

Xu Dong raised his eyes and looked around. It seemed that he was the only one who could take action now?

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