Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 278 Both sides suffer losses

The ants who came one after another, carrying the mission of the mother worm, launched a desperate charge towards the terror of the Black Sea.

Among them, the main attack ants finally climbed onto the terrifying shell of the Black Sea after overcoming numerous difficulties and dangers. Countless ants died during this period, but neither they nor other creatures cared about it.

The size of the Black Sea Terror is more than 300 meters high. Even the Fragile Gigantosaurus is a younger brother in front of it. The shell mouth for the head to enter and exit can easily accommodate Jurassic dragons such as Diplodocus and Mamenchisaurus. .

Tiny ants are not even comparable to dust, and Black Sea Fear cannot notice such a tiny existence at all.

Finally, while dying, the ants reached the terrifying shell mouth of the Black Sea step by step, but they hit a wall at the entrance.

As a legendary creature, Black Sea Fear naturally knows its own weaknesses. Although for most creatures, this weakness can easily kill them, but they are afraid of encountering the same legendary creature.

For example, the Big Fish in the Starry Sky that once made waves together, in it, the Black Sea Fear deeply felt its own weakness. Compared with those old legends, it was no different from pseudo-legends.

But now, it is able to compete 50-50 with the powerful mainland in the old legend. It can be said that the growth ability of Black Sea Fear is extremely amazing.

In order to prevent its weak points from being attacked, Black Sea Fear created a special transparent membrane. This membrane has amazing defensive power. Even legendary creatures cannot easily penetrate it. It is also waterproof and poison-proof to prevent other creatures from entering, just like in the snail. An automatic glass door is installed at the shell entrance.

The Black Sea Terror can see what is happening in the outside world through the transparent membrane, but will not be attacked by the outside world, forming a closed loop with its defenses.

This transparent diaphragm can resist powerful attacks, but it does not mean that it can block ants. Not to mention that a thousand-mile embankment is destroyed in an ant nest. Although the transparent diaphragm is definitely stronger than human reinforced concrete, these ants are not the future generations. of ants.

The ants evolved by nature through plagiarizing alien bugs have rich clades and evolutionary potential beyond any species on earth. Their assassin ant colony, which is responsible for internal destruction, has demonstrated its strength at this time.

That small body has an astonishing digging ability. The pair of front pincers are constantly digging inward. Although the debris they grind out each time is smaller than their bodies, they can't hold up the large number of them.

Each digger ant can grind away septal debris equivalent to one-fifth of the size of their appendage. A hundred of them can grind away debris the size of half an ant. A million of them can burrow half a million ants. size gap.

The size of the Black Sea Horror is very different from that of ants. The transparent membrane it creates is tens of meters thick. How deep is a cave the size of half a million ants?

An average ant is two centimeters wide, and half a million ants are 10,000 meters long, which is more than enough to break through the barrier.

When the transparent membrane was drilled, Black Sea Fear immediately felt the air from the outside world, and also noticed this hole that could not be smaller.

Faced with these little things that sneaked into the house, Black Sea Fear was merciless and sprayed out a stream of venom. Before the digging ants that poured out of the hole had a chance to do anything, they were corrupted and disappeared by the black water venom, and all attacking ants were wiped out.

And the hole drilled by them was quickly filled with venom, and the fruits of the ants' labor were restored to their original shape in an instant.

The first force failed, but there was a second line, those ant-breeding teams that climbed onto the shells of the Black Sea's fear snails.

This group of ants with modified lichens lay firmly on the shell of the Black Sea's fear. No matter how the two legendary creatures fought and what kind of impact they caused, as long as they didn't hit them directly, they would remain as firm as barnacles. attached to it.

Successful attachment is only the first step. The next step is to explode and spit out the lichens from their mouths. The lichens spit out by thousands of ants soon spread all over the black sea shells, dyeing the black shells. silver.

Black Sea Fear naturally also discovered the changes in the shell. Although he didn't know what this thing was for, it couldn't be a good thing.

He raised his tentacles and peeled off all the lichen and ants on the shell, but this thing was like glue. He just stuck it with his tentacles and continued to grow.

This special kind of lichen has a characteristic that once it reaches a certain scale, it will become endless. Even if it is chopped with a knife or burned, it cannot be eradicated.

Silver lichen continues to grow on the tentacles, constantly devouring the energy in the tentacles, causing the tentacles to shrink continuously.

Black Sea Terror immediately cut off all the tentacles infected with lichen, thus ending the spread of lichen, but what about the lichen on the snail shell?

The Black Sea Fear chose to distance itself from the mainland first, so that it could have time to clean up the hidden dangers on its body, but how could the Malu, which also possesses high intelligence, let go of this opportunity and desperately pester the Black Sea Fear to remove the lichen on its shell? Deeper and deeper.

The Black Sea Fear can be regarded as a supernatural creature of the spiritual system. It has a keen intuition of danger. It can feel that the silver thing attached to its shell can really kill it.

Since the danger is imminent, it has no time to play training games with Da Malu, so it is safest to kill it.

All the tentacles stretched out at the same time, and the sea of ​​thousands of tentacles surged and rolled towards Malu.

The mainland is not a vegetarian either. Its body is curled up into a ball like a rat woman. It has received a secret reminder from nature and knows that something will solve the Black Sea Fear. Now it only needs to delay the Black Sea Fear.

At that point, it would be a waste of energy, just curl up into a ball and let the Black Sea Fear attack. Anyway, its shell is hard enough, and the soft tentacles of the Black Sea Fear can't do anything to it.

So the situation suddenly became a reversal of the previous one, except that the one attacking was Black Sea Fear, and the one defending was Malu. However, his cleverness was misled by his cleverness. How did Malu know that Black Sea Fear had no armor-breaking moves?

All Dark Fear's early attacks are with tentacles or venom, and worst of all, there's also mental pollution. In fact, it has one powerful move that it never uses.

This insidious Nautilus had been hidden for so long just to give the mainland an opportunity to relax its vigilance.

The head that had shrunk into the shell stretched out again, and a petal-shaped hole actually appeared on the dark head, and there was a purple light glowing in the hole.

Maybe Da Malu didn't see it at all, but even if it did, it wouldn't have time to dodge.

The purple light flashed away, and after half a second, Malus let out a heart-rending wail. Its body was directly pierced by the purple penetrating beam. It almost had no time to react, and Malus' body began to Rapid petrification.

Just after its curled body was liberated into a U-shape, it was completely unable to move, and the mainland turned into a stone statue!

At the same time that the millipede was petrified, the shell of the fearful snail in the Black Sea also exploded.

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