Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 264 The White Dragon, the Forerunner of the Battlefield

Xu Dong only used his time ability once, and it only fixed the big lobster for a second, but the side effects were extremely severe.

This condensed second did not come out of thin air, but was exchanged for Xu Dong's own time. This is the rule of the universe, equivalent exchange, and conservation of energy.

For Xu Dong, he didn't care about the time of this body. After all, he could change his body at will. Even if the time of this body was taken away, it didn't matter.

But when he learned how much time it took to fix one second, he couldn't help but smack his lips.

It is too outrageous to directly reduce the body's life span by one year, and exchange it for one second per year. From this point of view, the life span of Xu Dong's body can only be consumed for a fixed period of one minute at most.

This only happened after the lifespan of velociraptors increased. In the past, velociraptors could live up to the age of forty.

Xu Dong felt it was unfair, because to him one second and one year were not equivalent at all, but for time, it was very fair.

Time is not a stone that can be picked up anywhere. It will not be accelerated or slowed down by human consciousness. It flows slowly through the eternal time and space, unshakable. Through the ages, few people can truly touch time. , let alone changing time.

But Xu Dong can now pause the time of others, which obviously violates the laws of time, so he naturally needs more time to compensate.

Although he felt it was unfair, he could not bargain with this concept that was more mysterious than nature, so he could only accept the price silently.

On the chessboard between nature and opponents, located in the corner of Xudong, the Sunyan Dragon Team, the super unit of this battle, was ambushed by the giant lobster.

The four giant lobsters with hard bodies kept pulling the triggers and fired out a series of sonic air cannons. The Sun Flame Dragon in the air was unable to dodge quickly due to the obstruction of the jellyfish, and became a living target for the giant lobsters.

Although Xu Dong was not the commander, he could see that the Sun Flame Dragon was at a disadvantage. How should they break the situation?

Six of the Sun Flame Divine Dragons in the air were killed by two rounds of air cannons. The team that originally only had about ten animals suffered more than half casualties. In order to avoid the threat of the air cannons, the Sun Flame Divine Dragon who led the team immediately called on the dragons to fly into the sky. go.

Although these paralytic jellyfish can float in the air, they cannot float too high. The Sun Flame Dragon with wings can easily fly over the floating limit of paralytic jellyfish.

It is safer to be at high altitude, but the attack ability is also useless. Their venom will be ignited as soon as it is sprayed out, and will burn out before it hits the ground. It does not pose any threat to the creatures on the ground.

At this moment, a half-human, half-dragon dragon, covered in snow-white body, led a large group of mothmen to the battlefield.

I don’t know how nature fooled this white dragon here, but now that it’s here, it has become a pawn of nature, and it has to fight for all living beings on the earth.

The white dragon looked at the countless deep divers, opened its mouth, and what it sprayed out was no longer the venom of the past, but real flames.

This flame, both in temperature and size, far exceeds the flames produced by ordinary divine dragon venom when it touches the air.

If the flame attached to the venom is a line of fire, then what the white dragon spits out is a raging fire dragon.

The blazing flames fell on the ground and came into contact with the water stains on the ground, but did not explode. The internal structure of Bailong's body had changed, and even the venom was gone, let alone an explosion.

Although there was no explosion, the blazing flames alone were enough to burn most deep divers to ashes.

As for the Hawk Moths who followed the white dragon, as their wings flapped, countless scale powder fell to the ground. As long as the deep divers were contaminated with scale powder, they all felt extremely itchy and scratched all over their bodies until their skin and flesh were torn apart, which was horrible to look at.

The appearance of the white dragon quickly attracted the attention of the big lobsters. Since the Sun Flame Shenlong team had escaped, they would go and kill the newcomer who had just joined the battlefield.

The lobster turns and the jellyfish goes first.

The paralyzed jellyfish floating in the air seemed to be slow and leisurely, but it was not flying slowly. It was much faster than the creatures on land, and soon it covered the path of the white dragon.

Facing countless paralyzed jellyfish in front of him, Bailong showed no mercy. The flames spurted out and directly burned through the jellyfish along the way. Even the pink poisonous gas was completely burned by the fire.

The white dragon's flames were so hot that even if it wasn't directly hit, the surrounding paralyzing jellyfish were burned and fell down.

Jellyfish are inherently very fragile creatures and have no ability to resist high temperatures.

The big lobster on the ground aimed at Bailong's position and fired four sonic air cannons. Just hearing the terrifying sound of howling, one could tell how powerful it was. Bailong quickly dodged left and right to avoid four consecutive attacks.

A Mothman following it was accidentally hit by an air cannon and was immediately reduced to a ball of blood mist.

There was obvious anger on the white dragon's head, and its originally white body began to turn pink.

With seven pairs of wings, the white dragon rushed towards the ground and approached four large lobsters at a low altitude.

After it got close to a certain level, it suddenly opened its mouth and sprayed out a stream of orange flames, attacking the big lobster.

The big lobster showed no sign of weakness, and the sonic air cannon shot out directly, colliding with the oncoming orange flames.

One side is an orange flame with a temperature of up to 3,000 degrees, and the other side is an air cannon formed by squeezing air at the speed of sound. The two weapons that only existed in concepts started a real confrontation on the shores of the prehistoric East China Sea.

In terms of power, the air cannon is definitely more powerful. The impact of the speed of sound causes the air to produce unparalleled destructive power.

But the high temperature of the flame cannot be ignored. You must know that the temperature of the molten iron in the steel-making furnace is only 1,600 degrees, but now the flame is a terrifying 3,000 degrees.

Although Big Lobster's air cannon dispersed the flames at first, it was quickly dissipated by the scorching flame temperature.

The flames rushed down unabated and directly hit a big lobster. The big lobster was covered in orange flames. In an instant, the cyan shell turned red, and the body was cooked directly, and it fell to the ground. On the beach.

The flames were not yet extinguished, and the scorching heat turned the wet beach red, and some even turned into magma, affecting the surrounding deep divers.

A lobster located next to the big lobster was unable to escape and was affected by the scorching heat. Its tail was immediately roasted red, and it lost its ability to move. In the end, it was scalded to death on its way to the sea.

The white dragon killed two large lobsters as soon as it arrived, and its power immediately made the deep divers fearful.

The other two lobsters did not dare to stay on the shore and sank directly into the water, hoping to use sea water to resist the white dragon's flames.

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