Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 263 Steel Cannon Shrimp

When the half-edged steel knife shuttled freely among the deep divers, it suddenly hit something hard. Not only did the steel knife not penetrate, but it was ejected.

This immediately aroused Xu Dong's interest. Through telekinesis, it quickly learned the situation ahead. What the steel knife hit was actually the shell of a creature.

This guy's appearance is similar to a lobster, but his size is surprisingly large, as big as ten deep divers stacked up. His body is covered with blue-black armor, and his two large pincers are extremely majestic.

what's the situation? Isn’t Cthulhu just the half-murloc deep divers and the Octopus Star Familia? Where did this big lobster come from?

Soon Xu Dong realized why he really wanted to bring this crisis into the Cthulhu Mythos. The big BOSS behind him had not yet been seen. He only saw these half-murlocs who were similar to deep divers.

But fish-men are not limited to the Cthulhu mythology. There are half-human and half-fish existences in myths at home and abroad, both ancient and modern. Not to mention the mermaids in the West that climb up to humans and descend into fish, there are four-legged mermaids in the Classic of Mountains and Seas of the motherland.

Therefore, there is a large copy of world mythology. You copy it and I copy it. There is nothing strange about it.

For Xu Dong and all the creatures participating in the war, it doesn't matter whether you are a deep diver or a mermaid, as long as you are an enemy, you must kill them all.

This huge lobster lay across the front of Xudong, obviously coming to intercept them.

Under the influence of telekinesis, the half-edged steel knife kept stabbing at various parts of the big lobster's body, testing its weak spots. Unfortunately, this guy's shell was like an iron can, and there was no weak spot at all.

Every time the steel knife struck, the result was a ding-ding-ding sound of gold and iron and the result of being bounced away.

If you want to cause harm to this troublesome giant lobster, you have to break its iron can. At present, Xu Dong can only hope to disintegrate its shell by using the millimeter-level annihilation field.

However, with Xu Dong's remaining mental power, he cannot use the millimeter-level annihilation field at all. It seems that he can only go around it. With the slow movement of this big lobster, it is impossible to catch up with them.

Xu Dong ran towards the inside and ran in a circle through the area.

The big lobster on the beach was really slow in moving, and could only watch helplessly as the group of enemies who penetrated deep into the enemy camp walked around from the side.

But when it raised its deformed shrimp claws, Xu Dong suddenly felt something was wrong. Why did this thing look so like an enlarged version of the pistol shrimp claws of later generations?

The big lobster's deformed shrimp claws are set in place and aimed at the running Xu Dong.

A burst of invisible force distorted the air, and the invisible force hit Xu Dong at the speed of sound. It was certain that Xu Dong would be broken into pieces as long as he was hit by this thing.

This was a bit outrageous. Xu Dong knew in an instant that he couldn't escape such a fast air, so he could only use the ability he had just acquired.

Time stands still!

Stopping time with the invisible power of the speed of sound, Xu Dong took the opportunity to use his remaining telekinesis to accelerate forward for a certain distance.

One second later, time flows again, and the fixed invisible force strikes ahead again, but Xu Dong's figure is no longer in front, and it can only affect the Lizard-Eating King Dragon following Xu Dong.

The giant lobster's claws are so much larger than those of the pistol shrimp. It's not just for show. It's not a pistol at all, but a complete cannon claw.

The sonic air cannon fired by the cannon pincers directly hit Xu Dong's original position. The air cannon, which was compressed to the extreme, exploded, instantly erupting with powerful tearing force.

Although the air cannon missed the target, the Lizard King Dragon near the explosion was severely affected. It was torn into pieces by the chaotic airflow under the cannon and became the earliest creature to die in Xudong's formation.

Their initial plan was just to survive the battle by hugging Xu Dong's thick legs.

But they didn't expect that they would die faster if they followed Xu Dong.

The existence on the other side that can play games with nature cannot be a waste. Nature has dropped a sharp chess piece, and the other side must eat it to avoid affecting the entire chess game.

Of course, nature is not a vegetarian. After the other party makes a move, it immediately follows suit.

The cries of a dozen sun-flame flying dragons came from the sky, and the bombers from the natural camp arrived.

These dozen or so Sun-Fire Divine Dragons kept spraying venom downwards, the focus of which was exactly where the big lobster was.




The successive explosions knocked the deep divers off their feet, but they were not a big threat to the giant lobster. It raised its cannon tongs and pointed it in the air and pulled the trigger.

The sonic air cannon fired again, targeting the Sun Flame Dragon in the sky.

Although the speed of sound is fast, the Sun Flame Divine Dragon is also not slow. At least in this era, there are almost no creatures faster than the Sun Flame Divine Dragon.

It seemed that it was the result of eating a big lobster. After spraying the venom, a dozen Sunfire Dragons immediately dispersed and flew in a completely irregular route.

This kind of countermeasure was very effective. Big Lobster's air cannon was completely shot, and not a single Sun Flame Dragon was hurt.

And then it will face the bombardment of the Sun Flame Dragon again.

Creatures like the Sun Flame Divine Dragon have strong combat capabilities, can fly, resist, and attack from a distance. They are definitely the ace unit in the game.

But they are not really a species, but a variant of the Red Scale Flying Dragon. Their appearance depends purely on probability. Even if both parents are Sun Flame Divine Dragons, the child born may not necessarily be a Sun Flame Divine Dragon.

Therefore, even though the red-scale flying dragon has dominated the sky for so many years, the number of divine dragons that nature can summon now is only more than 200. They are scattered throughout the battlefield and are basically a drop in the bucket.

If you have a real commander, you can naturally let the Sun Flame Shenlong Group charge and bomb the group, but nature will never end personally, so the war depends on each individual fighting.

Some of the more than two hundred Sun Flame Divine Dragons come from North America, some from Europe, and some from Africa. They are not from the same tribe and in the same place, so naturally they cannot unite to attack together.

So after Xu Dong joined the battlefield, he only saw these two small groups of about ten Sun Flame Dragons.

After the Sun Flame Dragon joined the battlefield, the enemy was not to be outdone. Thousands of jellyfish floated out of the sea and continued to float into the air.

Dense jellyfish soon filled the sky, and a high-speed flying Sun Flame Dragon couldn't dodge and hit the jellyfish.

Immediately, the jellyfish exploded and turned into pink smoke, shrouding the Sun Flame Divine Dragon.

The explosive power of jellyfish is not strong, but their paralyzing toxin is strong. After being paralyzed, the Sun Flame Dragon fell down, landed in the deep diver formation, and was devoured in an instant.

With the interference of these jellyfish, the Sun Flame Divine Dragon's high-speed flight ability was sealed. The Sun Flame Divine Dragon, which was unable to move at high speed, was quickly shot to pieces by the giant lobster's air cannon.

But it was not one that was hit, but four.

Three big blue lobsters emerged from the sea. This was basically an ambush against the Sun Flame Dragon Team!

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