Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 26 Heading East to Tethys

If you want to ask about the most shocking scene after Xu Dong came to the Triassic, it must be the magical fungi he saw under the lake before, and his generosity in simulating nature, cultivating living creatures, and creating legends.

But the scene that shocked Xu Dong for the first time must have been the sky mica falling from the sky during the Little Red Lizard period.

This was the first time he had truly seen such a huge creature. Different from game movies, this was a terrifying and exciting experience that shocked his three senses and trembled his spirit.

With such emotion, Xu Dong used the knife to carve out a plump white cloud with a few strokes.

But this is still a bit cute, no, this is a powerful legendary creature, a terrifying monster that can eat the entire herd of Ken's beasts in one bite, so it needs to be a little more ferocious.

So Xu Dong drew two inverted triangle eyes in the middle of the white clouds to express his anger.

Well~ Xu Dong nodded, which made him look more imposing.

Then there are the many ancient creatures under the clouds, just need, huh? Forehead. . .

In the end, Xu Dong decided to be lazy and lit a bunch of small dots under the cloud to act as creatures such as Ken's Beast and Seven Crocodiles, simulating the scene of them being sucked into the cloud.

Just when Xu Dong was excited and wanted to continue painting the third picture, the rain became lighter. Long Jiu ran out first to feel the rain. Sure enough, it had turned from a violent storm to a gentle breeze and drizzle.

Xu Dong had no choice but to put down his paintbrush, oh no, Hook Claw. He will create art in the future. Now he has to return to reality and lead the little red dragons to continue walking and find a suitable habitat.

A few days of heavy rain have washed away a lot of the path that the deep-sea fear rolled out of before, but fortunately, the general outline can still be seen clearly, which also pointed out a way forward for Xu Dong.

After eating and drinking, the little red dragons set off again along the road. This time Xu Dong felt that they were very close to the ocean. Because the fish, shells, shrimps and crabs that fell before the heavy rain are all marine life.

Since it can be blown here, it means that the ocean is not far away. Xu Dong led the little red dragons to run forward.

After walking for seven or eight days, when it set foot on the top of a high mountain again, the sea reaching the sky in the distance clearly appeared in front of Xu Dong's eyes. When they arrived, the front should be the Tethys Sea surrounded by Pangea!

Yes, Xu Dong led the little red dragons across the desert, prairie, and mountainous areas. After nearly three years, they finally arrived at the end of Pangea, the Tethys Sea!

Of course, if you look at the plan from God's perspective, Xudong and the others have only traveled a short distance, probably not even a quarter of the central mountain range. (See comments, there are pictures)

However, it is also a good thing to get out of the uninhabited mountainous areas. Although the sea is unpredictable and ruthless, the shallow sea area is still relatively calm. The coastal zone has abundant ecological food and a complete food chain.

Although Xu Dong misjudged some things, the impact was actually not big.

Xu Dong and the 16 little red dragons drove for two more days and finally reached the coast, but this coast was obviously different from what Xu Dong had imagined.

Because this is a cliff, and the sea water is still a few hundred meters below the cliff. What is even more difficult for Xu Dong to accept is that there is no complete ecological chain here as he imagined. It is as uninhabited as the mountainous area.

In the previous life, there were three components of the coastal ecosystem: birds, aquatic animals, and insects.

At this time, birds did not exist, and the number of bugs was far less than 200 million years later, and they still gathered in places where there were plants and animals.

Therefore, the only things that can move in the entire coastal zone are shrimps, fish, and turtles. Of course, although there are few bugs, they are not without them. There is no shortage of things like scorpions that can be found everywhere in the coastal zone.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the coast is a paradise for shoal scorpions. After all, the aquatic animals that come ashore, whether they are fish, turtles or shrimps, have their combat effectiveness reduced by at least 80%, basically becoming a mobile buffet for scorpions.

However, sometimes things that look like turtles may not necessarily be turtles. For example, it is not easy for the Erythrodontosaurus who often come ashore to deal with these small scorpions.

Xu Dong walked on the cliff for a long time before he found a way down the cliff. However, this road was not easy to walk, so the little red dragons had to climb down carefully.

When they set foot on the real coast, the indigenous shallow sea scorpions on the shore suddenly couldn't sit still and hurriedly gathered to resist these guys grabbing the territory.

I don’t know how they communicated, but all at once forty or fifty scorpions came to confront Xu Dong.

The little red dragons are almost all over 12 centimeters, while the largest of the shoal scorpions is only ten centimeters. The little red dragons have been migrating for so long, and they have encountered things like death worms, juvenile newts, Eoraptors, and Devourers. It was rare for a ruthless character like the Jaw Dragon to bully the weak, so Xu Dong felt free to let the little red dragons fight on their own.

Although these scorpions occupy the beach and prey on marine life, with their strength, they can bully the small fish and shrimps that come ashore. They are not enough to deal with the little red dragon.

The little red dragons that had been hungry for nearly ten days were like wolves and tigers, and they pounced on the scorpions that were showing off their power with their claws and tail stings. They had eaten too many of these things in the desert, and they were very familiar with killing them.

The one rushing at the front of the little red dragons was Long Jiu, who was larger than the other little red dragons. Its sharp claws were like cutting machines, chopping the black carapace of the shoal scorpion into pieces.

Fifteen little red dragons beat up forty or fifty shoal scorpions, and finally left more than twenty corpses behind and ran away like flying.

Xu Dong did not expect to be able to defeat the Shoal Scorpions who had the numerical advantage so quickly. It can only be said that this group of old antiques who have not kept up with the times are too weak.

After occupying part of the beach and having enough food, Xu Dong decided to repair it for a while and then walk northwest along the coastline to see if he could find the estuary area.

At this time, there are already signs of weakening of the shallow sea, but it is not yet obvious. The impact of the Carnian flood event on the earth's ecology is not limited to the land. The ocean is the biggest victim of this change.

Huge amounts of rain carried weathered rocks and fell into the ocean, drastically changing the mineral composition of offshore seawater, causing the death of large numbers of plankton, and subsequently shaking the ecological chain of the entire ocean.

Of course, the Carnian flood event has only just begun a few years ago, and the marine ecology has not yet collapsed so quickly. Various shallow-sea creatures do not know the disaster they are about to face.

Bivalves and decapods will still be washed up on the beach, and turtles, rays, etc. will still come ashore to lay eggs and hatch them.

Only those who have truly stayed on the beaches of the Triassic will know the happiness here. It is an excellent place to sit back and wait for the rabbit, and there is the supreme joy of getting something for nothing.

The little red dragons don't have to worry about finding any food almost every day. Naturally, bivalves, decapods, and echinoderms come to their doorsteps for them to eat.

This kind of life can easily make the little red dragons Indian, and Xu Dong doesn't want the elite soldiers he finally trained to be corrupted by pleasure.

So after only two days at this beach, the little red dragons were driven on the road by Xu Dong.

I would like to explain the reason why the author now updates once a day.

The first is that it is indeed difficult to find information on paleontology. For example, it is also in the Triassic period, but you cannot write about pterosaurs directly, because the pterosaur ancestors in the Carnian period have not yet flown into the sky. Similarly, the molar teeth in dinosaurs Both the genus Dragon and the genus Evillingosaurus were dinosaurs that only appeared during the Triassic period, that is, 208.5–201.3 Ma ago. You couldn’t appear 30 million years earlier, right?

The second point is that the author works in a government unit, which is extremely busy. After working during the day, he has to go to the community gate to check the health code and travel code at night. It is already past nine o'clock when I get home, and I really don't have much time to code it. Words, when the epidemic is over, there should be a little more space.

And thirdly, anyone who has read old books knows that I am a handicapped person, and I still use my mobile phone to code, and it takes me two hours to write a chapter. Besides, there is no recommendation for me to update it, so I will leave it like that for now.

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