Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 25 The color of heaven and earth changes

With howling winds and torrential rain, the Carnian flood event showed Xu Dong its violence and power for the first time.

During the more than two years of migration, they were either in deserts or grasslands. Due to terrain problems, the power of the Carnian heavy rains weakened so much that it gave Xu Dong a false impression.

The Carnian flood event was nothing more than that.

However, when a real natural disaster hurricane hit with rain, Xu Dong was afraid. Although the Carnian heavy rainstorm was not a mass extinction, it was a disaster that wiped out countless creatures. Who should underestimate this event that has been recorded in history.

That would only result in a ruthless slap in the face.

Xu Dong immediately ran back to the group of small red dragons below. At this time, they were eating and drinking. Some were eating fish, some were eating shrimp, and some were eating ichthyosaurs. The whole scene was so uncomfortable.

Xu Dong immediately stopped the little brothers who were eating and ordered them to drag their food and escape back to the selected cave.

Xu Dong is now on the road, accustomed to seeing all directions and listening in all directions, looking for possible food and shelter in the surroundings while walking. This cave is the suitable shelter he found before.

Although the cave is not very large, it is more than enough to accommodate sixteen small red dragons.

The wind outside was getting stronger and stronger, and many stones were already being rolled by the wind. The little red dragons were too small to withstand any strong wind.

After Xu Dong drove all the little red dragons into the cave, he hurriedly dragged the fish carcasses from the outside into the cave while they could still move. He was afraid that the hurricane and heavy rain would last for a long time and Xiao Chi would be unable to walk by then. The dragons could only wait in the cave.

Therefore, there must be enough food for the little red dragon to survive this period of time.

A gust of wind roared past, and Xu Dong staggered and almost lost his balance. Fortunately, he immediately inserted his claws into the partially remains of the fish and dragon, so that he was not blown away by the strong wind.

He could no longer stay outside. His body shape could not withstand such a storm. After dragging the last remains of the ichthyosaur into the cave, he sat down to rest and never went out again.

In the face of terrible natural disasters, living things are too fragile. They can do nothing but pray to God to leave a way for them to survive.

The wind outside the cave was blowing loudly.

Dark clouds covered the sky, turning the outside of the cave into darkness.

The rain fell suddenly, slapping on the rocks.

The strong winds whipped up the rocks on the mountain wall and waved them around. They were no longer satisfied with lifting small stones, they wanted to directly blow up big stones.

Stones continued to fly from the entrance of the cave, some even bigger than Eoraptor. Except for large corpses such as ichthyosaurs, most of the corpses outside were blown away by the strong wind.

Even in the cave, you can still feel the terrifying power of God. The little red dragons are hiding behind Xu Dong one by one, trembling. Under this situation, let alone the little red dragons, the Tyrannosaurus Rex can only Rest vegetables.

Only the leader Xu Dong exists, and standing there, they feel the slightest sense of security.


The dark environment outside suddenly lit up, and then returned to darkness instantly, followed by the roar of heaven, the source of fear for all living beings, the roar of the God of Thunder.


Under this loud, rapid, and majestic thunder, Xu Dong's heart began to beat.

Although I had heard countless thunders in my previous life, they could not be compared to this time. No matter how loud or numerous the thunders were in my previous life, I still had a house and family to accompany me, and I felt safe.

In the Triassic Period 200 million years ago, the house was a small cave, and the family was a group of weak little red dragons. There was no support between heaven and earth, and there was no sense of security.

Xu Dong felt homesick for no reason. He recalled that when he was young, he was bored and stayed by the window watching thunder and lightning, heavy rain, and wind.

After now knowing all the sorrow, apart from a long sigh, what else is there?

Sure enough, Xu Dong guessed it. The heavy rain continued for three days and there was still no sign of stopping. Fortunately, the hurricane he saw before did not land here, otherwise it would not be safe even if he hid in the cave.

The wind has calmed down a lot today, but the heavy rain was so severe that Xu Dong went out to try it out and was almost swept away by the rainwater.

Fortunately, the residence he chose was close to the top of the mountain, otherwise the cave would probably have been flooded the next day.

There is still a lot of food in the cave. In the past three days, the little red dragons have nothing to do except eat.

Xu Dong also felt bored, so he graffitied randomly on the walls of the cave.

He didn't know if it was because he had been in the body of the weird fungus for a long time, but he felt that his size, speed, strength, and even the hardness of his claws had significantly improved.

Similar to him is Long Jiu, who is a head taller than the others of his kind, and his body is also stronger.

Although Xu Dong's claws, which had become harder, still felt a little painful when he slashed on the rock wall, they could at least leave scratches.

Having a notch means it can be carved.

Xu Dong wanted to engrave his experiences and what he saw and heard along the way on the rock wall, such as the seven crocodiles, Herrerasaurus, and the giant sand scorpion preying on the Kenshin beast in the desert.

Mica descends from the sky;

Carnian rainy season;

The migration of the little red dragon;

hunting tuatara;

Encountered by death worms;

Etc., etc.

Thinking about it this way, there are still a lot of murals that need to be carved. Xu Dong doesn't know if he can return to modern times. He just wants to leave some memories of his insignificant prehistoric journey.

At least it proves that he has been here, seen, walked, lived and struggled in this Triassic Period.

Even if his migration failed, he would be eaten by predators, or wiped out by nature, he would have no regrets.

In the first rock painting, Xu Dong depicted his first image after coming to this world, a small red lizard crawling on all fours.

It's just that Xu Dong's painting skills are not good enough, and he painted the imaginary heroic posture into a Q-version little red lizard with a fat body and short limbs.

Xu Dong scratched his head with his paws. He wanted to cross it out, but he was a little reluctant. This was the first mark he left in this world.

Just be more Q. No one will know about it anyway. Even if later generations of paleontologists unearth it, they won't know it was painted by him.

After finishing the painting, I felt that it was too monotonous and I should add some background, so I brushed a few more paws, and the simple sun, Gobi and desert appeared.

But anyone who looked at it probably wouldn't know that it was a Gobi or desert, and would probably think it was a fat lizard eating the sun for fun.

But Xu Dong was quite satisfied and used the blood of the fish and dragon as paint to paint the little fat lizard and the sun to complete the coloring work.

Although he knew that blood would turn black after settling over time, he didn't care at all. He admired the mural of a newborn red lizard looking at the sun in the desert with great interest.

I just don’t know what future generations of humans will think when they see it? Black dragon murals from 200 million years ago? Or paint with the blood of ocean overlord fish and dragon?

Tsk tsk tsk.

After the first mural was completed, Xu Dong immediately started making the second mural. This time, he planned to paint the legendary creature Sky Mica.

Thanks to book friend 20201115102535185 for the reward.

Paleontology Theater: In the early and middle Triassic period, a group of terrestrial reptiles returned to the ocean to avoid competition on land and evolved into ichthyosaurs. This process is similar to the evolution of dolphins and whales today, but the direct ancestors of ichthyosaurs are still present today. Not sure. The earliest ichthyosaurs looked like finned lizards rather than fish or dolphins. These early species included Chaohusaurus, Brachyurosaurus, and Utazusaurus.

Classification: Sauromorpha—Lumerosaurs—Dipsids—Ichthyosaurians

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