Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 177 The host body solidifies and the earth transforms into a flying dragon

He launched Thunder Rush three times in a row, and Peter was a little out of breath, but he finally rescued Jacob's three dragons.

This incident seriously delayed their escape time. The big wave was already close at hand. Fortunately, Xu Dong let the other small velociraptors leave early. Now only Xu Dong Peter and the rescued Jacob and other five dragons were left at the scene.

They ran wildly on the dry connecting belt. Because they were hit by Peter at high speed, the three Jacob dragons were not in good condition and could not run very fast. However, the water splashed by the waves had already hit them, and the huge waves They have begun to fall downwards, but they are still hundreds of meters away from the shore.

Xu Dong called to Peter to signal him to rush over, and he led the other three little dragons over.

Peter looked at Xu Dong uncertainly, not knowing why he would give such an order. However, after Xu Dong gave the second order, it still chose to obey and rushed to the front with a whoosh.

The 3D mode was unfolded and adjusted to 0.1x speed. Xu Dong picked up Jacob, who was like a snail, and dragged him to the shore of North America, followed by Matthias, and finally Philip.

In fact, when Xu Dong came back to pick up Philip for the third time, Xu Dong's head was already starting to feel dizzy, but he still held on and pulled Philip forward to run forward.

This consumes not only brain power for Xu Dong, but also physical strength to pull the velociraptors.

When Xu Dong was still two or three hundred meters away from the coast, he finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell down.

His collapse meant that huge waves would sweep him and Philip into the sea, and the probability of survival was less than one percent.

He didn't want Philip to die, nor did he want to leave this era so soon. The territory of North America had not yet been opened up, and the foreshadowing of North America had not yet been planted. He could not fall just yet.

Suddenly, he thought of the host body solidification prompted by the system, and this was the only way he could use it for now.

The moment before Xu Dong fell into coma, he finally revealed the last trump card.

At this moment, an old velociraptor disappeared, and a powerful red-scale flying dragon in its prime once again spread its wings and soared in the sky.

From Xu Dong's perspective, he just closed his eyes and fell into a coma, and then he woke up immediately. However, it seems that the loss of mental power was brought to the body of the red-scaled flying dragon, making his brain still very swollen and painful. .

He grabbed Philip and threw it to the North American shore. The waves completely suppressed the shoal and flooded the shoal. Many animals on the shoal were swept into the sea and became the food of Redondasaurus.

Spreading its wings and flying in the blue sky again, the earth, the ocean, and all living beings are at its feet. A sense of pride and overlooking arises spontaneously. No wonder the Sun Flame Dragon is so arrogant. This is really the inherent characteristic of the species.

Xu Dong flew to an altitude of thousands of meters in an instant, and his sharp eyes could clearly see the scene on the ground.

Half of the head of the huge Redondasaurus is located on the sea surface, and its big mouth is opened like a filter feeder to swallow all the creatures in front of it.

Under this nearly 30-meter-long mouth, there is no difference between an apex predator and a bottom omnivore. They are all its food.

Hundreds of creatures that fell into the water were swallowed by the Redonda Dragon. This guy was still not satisfied. He stretched his big head out of the sea and looked around, and finally focused his attention on the sea in the distance.

Xu Dong's eyes automatically focused, and he guessed the identity of the monster in the distant sea based on the shadow on the sea surface, Liopleurodon of Immortality.

The Phytosaurus turned around and dived into the sea, quickly swimming towards Liopleurodon. It seemed that its target was Liopleurodon, which is interesting.

Liopleurodon is not an ordinary long-lived species, but a long-lived species on the same level as Redondasaurus.

Although the size difference between them is huge, the Immortals are not easy to deal with. Is Redondasaurus crazy from hunger or Shi Lezhi actually wants to touch Liopleurodon?

Before it even got close to Redondasaurus, it swung its tail and launched the attack first. Its huge tail set off terrifying waves and rolled towards Litodon.

Of course Liopleurodon was not a vegetarian. Its four fins were like paddles and could flexibly change directions in the water. Facing the impact of waves, it dived directly and disappeared.

Did you escape? Also, with such a huge difference in body size, running away is the best option.

However, Xu Dong misjudged the character of the Pliosaurus family. Pliosaurus became the top predator in the ocean with its desperate spirit of fighting to the death. As a descendant of Liopleurodon, although it has wisdom, the legacy left by its ancestors Crazy genes don't change.

If Redonda Dragon dares to attack it, it will also give it a good look.

Huge exploding fangs rose from the dark sea bottom and bit into the lower abdomen of Redondasaur.

This move was also unexpected, and Redondasaurus didn't know whether it didn't notice it or didn't care, and allowed Liopleurodon to bite its lower abdomen.

It's a pity that even the armor on the lower abdomen of Phytosaurus was still extremely hard, and Liopleurodon's big mouth couldn't bite through it. Faced with this situation, it turned around and bit the tail of Redondasaur in an instant.

In the sea, Redondasaurus is definitely not as fast as Liopleurodon. After becoming an immortal species, it will be difficult for its body to evolve.

In other words, the body structure of Redondasaurus is actually similar to that of the Triassic. The only difference may be that the big tail evolved into a tail fin. This was a change that occurred before it became an immortal species.

Liopleurodon is very smart. He knows that this big phytosaur mostly relies on this thick and large tail fin to swim in the sea. The subcutaneous bones on its body cannot bite it. Can it not bite the tail?

With a click, Liopleurodon's big mouth bit the end of the tail of Redondaosaurus, which is the raised tail fin. As long as it bites off, Redondaosaurus will completely lose the ability to compete with it underwater.

But how could the old silver-coin Leidongdalong, who had lived for tens of millions of years, be so deficient in IQ? His wit and cunning even impressed future generations like Xu Dong.

Sure enough, the tail was just a bait. Redondasaurus knew that it could not compete with Liopleurodon underwater, so it used a bait to catch Liopleurodon. Naturally, the Liopleurodon that bit its tail would not let go easily. There is an opportunity to attack.

The long Redondasaur made a 360-degree turn in the water, and directly bit the Liopleurodon fished on its tail with its big mouth.

The nearly 30-meter-long mouth was not much larger than the entire length of Liopleurodon, and the terrifying bite force almost bit the Liopleurodon in two.

Fortunately, Liopleurodon was an immortal species, and its physique had been strengthened by prokaryotic bacteria. It could barely withstand a bite from Redondasaurus, but its bones were completely broken and it lost its ability to resist.

Ordinary stupid pliosaurs would fight to the death even in this situation, but Liopleurodon was not the case. It had wisdom. If it was wise, it would be afraid, and it struggled to break free from the big mouth of Redondasaur.

But how is that possible?

The bite power of Redondasaurus is unrivaled in this era, right?

The nearly 100-meter-long dragon vigorously swung its tail fin and jumped out of the water with Liopleurodon in its mouth.

The sea surface exploded, and countless water splashes burst out, crystal clear and dazzling under the sun.

It's time to take action, don't waste ten minutes!

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