Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 176 Forced across North America

The Black Velociraptor approached Judah, one of the thirteen young dragons, with lightning speed. Judas only had time to turn his head, but could not react at all. On the contrary, Peter beside him was already rushing towards the Black Velociraptor.

In the end, Peter was still a step slower. The hook claw of the Black Velociraptor had already stabbed Judas in the chest, but this claw did not penetrate directly as before, and no blood appeared.


The claws of the Black Velociraptor were like hitting an iron stone. Not only did they not penetrate, but they bent the claws.

Before it could react, Peter had already knocked it away.

The confused young dragons, the fearful Judas, the shocked Black Velociraptor, and the furious Peter, the whole scene was very chaotic, and only Xu Dong could see everything clearly in 3D mode.

Under the 3D vision adjusted to 0.1 times speed, everything was crawling like a snail. Xu Dong jumped directly from the tree to observe Judah's changes at a close distance.

The claws approached Judah's chest frame by frame, and the sharp claws shone brightly in the sun.

Just when it was only thirty centimeters away from Judah's chest, the ground changed, and countless hard iron blocks emerged from the ground and moved toward Judah's chest at an alarming speed.

When the hook was only ten centimeters away, a shield-like stone armor formed on Judas's chest, firmly protecting the place where the hook could hit.

However, Judas was not the only one to undergo changes. The eyes of Domo, who was the first to discover the Black Velociraptor, turned white, and faint ripples appeared around the top corners of his head. When Xu Dong didn't understand what was happening, the Black Velociraptor's claws were like this Distorted without warning.

Just when it was about three centimeters away from the Judas Stone Armor, its sharp claws curled downwards into a hook shape.

From a sharp weapon to a blunt weapon, and it still hit the stone armor, the Black Velociraptor not only did not cause any harm to Judah, but instead lost a pair of top-notch weapons.

After the contact, Peter hit the Black Velociraptor with the power of thunder like a cannonball, and the sharp horn on its head penetrated directly into the Black Velociraptor's body.

The sharp horn on Peter's head is the outlet for the power of thunder and lightning in his body. When he was struck by this thunder horn, the power of thunder and lightning shot out instantly and spread throughout the Black Velociraptor's body, directly exploding it into two pieces.

The 3D mode was cancelled, and Xu Dong nodded with satisfaction. This time he not only inspired Judah's superpowers, but also discovered another extraordinary little velociraptor named Dormo.

Its ability should be telekinesis, which can control objects through mental power, but it fell down after using it. It seems that the mental power is not very good, and it is completely incomparable with Xu Dong.

He also roughly figured out Judas's superpower. It should be a magnetic force like Magneto that attracts iron and stone from the ground and turns it into his own armor.

Now that attack, defense, and support are all available, it's hard to imagine how far the Thirteen Thunder Dragons can go in the future.

After returning to its habitat, it took more than three days of rest before it woke up. The first thing after waking up was to eat, and Xu Dong had already prepared it for it.

After Thomas was full, it was time to continue on the westward journey.

At this time, the shallow sea zone between North America and Europe has ebbed, and they only need to pass two or three kilometers to reach their destination, North America.

The tide receded two days ago, and the creatures in the water with keen senses had left before the tide receded. Only some stupid fish, ammonites, and immobile bivalves were stranded in this shallow sea area, helpless. of waiting for death.

But their death also brings life to land predators.

Since the low tide started the day before yesterday, the three-kilometer stretch between Europe and the United States has been full of stranded marine life. It is simply a gluttonous feast that all living creatures dream of.

But don't think that they can get away with it easily. If you want to eat food from this shallow area, you have to be prepared to die.

Predator competition? That is only a secondary reason. The main danger comes from nature itself.

There are many hollows under this shoal, but they are covered by silt on the seabed. It would have been nice to have seawater, because the buoyancy of saltwater can help organisms escape.

After the tide recedes, the silt is exposed to the sun and begins to dry, but before it turns into dry soil, it appears to be very sticky.

With the size and weight of a predator, if you accidentally step into the hollow below, the silt buffer will not fall directly, but it will continue to sink like swamp quicksand. In the end, it will either fall or starve to death on the beach. .

Of course Xu Dong would not pass through rashly in this situation. He chose to wait until the shoal was dried by the sun and turned into hard soil before crossing over.

At this time, the many prey and trapped dinosaurs on the shoal are all traps, and Xu Dong's IQ will not be fooled.

These baits cannot attract Xu Dong, but they can attract countless carnivores and omnivores. The food of the velociraptors in the past two days is the small and medium-sized predators that have been lured.

After Duo Mo woke up, the land in the connecting zone had also been dried, enough to support Xu Dong and other dragons passing by.

When you come to the coast, you will see an endless stream of predators in front of you. Among them, the big ones include Ventosaurus and Megalodon, while the smaller ones include Iliosuchus and Ornithosaurus.

To pass the connecting belt, Xu Dong had to be extremely careful, although few predators would dare to provoke these fourteen velociraptors when they walked together.

But I'm afraid that the apex predators will have nothing to do and attack them.

Although the current velociraptor group is not afraid of these apex predators, it is better to do less than to do more. They should set foot in North America early and start development and layout early to prepare for the upcoming battle for supremacy in the Late Jurassic.

About halfway through, the sea started churning again, and huge waves suddenly appeared out of thin air not far away.

what happened?

This big wave is definitely not a normal high tide. A normal high tide cannot be like this.

Xu Dong let out a long roar and told the thirteen young dragons to run away. It was only a little more than a kilometer away from the other shore. They should be able to reach the shore before the big waves hit them.

As the dragons were running fast, Jacob and the other three dragons did not pay attention to their steps and accidentally stepped into the mud.

Why is there still a quagmire here?

They must be rescued quickly.

Xu Dong was big enough, so he reached over and bit Jacob's tail, trying to pull it up.

But the half-dried mud was so thick that Xu Dong couldn't pull it out at all.

It’s not that you don’t have the strength, you can do it if you really have to use force, but how to use force?

The arms can't reach it, so if you use force with your teeth, you can't bite off Jacob's tail?

In this regard, Xu Dong could only look at Peter and let him use thunder to knock the three dragons out of the quagmire.

Under Xu Dong's explanation, Peter understood what he meant, and the blue electric bug flashed electric currents on its body.

Stimulated by the current, Peter's speed surged, and his body turned into a blue lightning, directly knocking Jacob out.

Okay, two more times to get them all out, but the waves are approaching.

In the ocean beneath the huge waves is a huge crocodile.

Oh no, to be precise, it was a big plant dragon. It was constantly flapping its big pulpy tail, causing the sea to rise and fall.

Thanks to Peerless Pig Trotters and Yang for the reward.

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