Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 772: 1 stone double bird

With Yan Xinhua's praise, Dai Xiaoying didn't get carried away, but she still felt that the matter was difficult.

The whole thing is that Zhou Chenxi made unkind words to Shen Huai and annoyed others, and the reason why Decheng Auto Trade was angered was because the deputy manager Wang Hui had a biased treatment - they obviously couldn't grab Zhou Chenxi and bowed to Shen Huai to admit his mistake, Just asking Wang Hui to apologize in the past, will it work?

Looking at Shen Huai's attitude towards Zhou Chenxi just now at the door of the financial room, Dai Xiaoying was also worried that if Yan Xinhua asked Wang Hui to apologize in the past, Shen Huai might be even more unhappy.

Dai Xiaoying didn't say much, just watched Yan Xinhua make up her mind. She is a subordinate and mainly does cooperative work.

Yan Xinhua also felt a headache, but it was inconvenient to stay downstairs for a long time. He took Dai Xiaoying to the VIP room on the second floor, and talked about what happened.

At this time, Wang Hui was rushed downstairs, and the two sides met at the corner of the stairs.

Wang Hui opened his mouth to say something, but Yan Xinhua scolded: "Look at what you have done!"

Wang Hui's fairly handsome face flushed red, and he stood at the corner in embarrassment, not daring to defend himself again; Dai Xiaoying raised her eyes to look at Wang Hui, but didn't say anything, seeing that Yan Xinhua did not let Wang Hui follow her. Apologizing to Shen Huai, guessing that he is also worried about Wang Hui's appearance, but it will cause the other party's displeasure.

Dai Xiaoying walked into the VIP room with Yan Xinhua, and saw that Chairman Yao Zhenlin was accompanying Shen Huai and Cheng Yi on the sofa by the window, Yao Zhenlin's secretary and Yao Zhenlin's niece Yao Qian was serving tea and water beside her, she was busy leaving Help in the past.

After brewing tea and handing it over, Dai Xiaoying sat next to her and couldn't say anything. She listened to Yao Zhenlin and Shen Huai, the chairman of the board, talking about the development of the private economy in the province. A phone call to suspend and re-examine the car purchase contract.

Dai Xiaoying knows that some things can't be overworked, and there are cracks in the relationship, so they need to be patiently repaired.

After a while, Shen Huai asked about the handling of the temporary pass, Dai Xiaoying stood up and planned to go out to ask questions, and seeing Yan Xinhua's envoy's look, she understood:

There is no excuse here to keep Shen Huai and Cheng Yi. Even if the temporary pass is completed, it should be delayed a little. If it can be delayed until noon, Shen Huai and Cheng Yi accept the banquet here at the same time. That is a great achievement.

Chairman Yao Zhenlin and Yan Xinhua did not mention the discount on car purchases, and Dai Xiaoying knew that it would be blunt to mention it again.

As soon as Dai Xiaoying arrived downstairs, she saw Gu Jun, the general manager of the store, who had not shown her face all morning or even contacted Yan Xinhua by phone, was standing in the reception room downstairs, talking to Wang Hui.

"Ah, Mr. Gu, you are back. Mr. Yan called you just now. Mr. Yan and the chairman are upstairs with the guests." Dai Xiaoying said to Gu Jun.

"I know," Gu Junchong nodded to Dai Xiaoying, indicating that he knew something and asked Wang Hui to be in charge of receiving Zhou Chenxi. However, he pulled Dai Xiaoying to the next office and asked her, "How is the situation upstairs now?"

"You didn't talk to President Yan?" Dai Xiaoying asked strangely.

"Mr. Yan called me. I happened to be out of my cell phone at the time. When I saw that there were several missed calls connected to my cell phone, I was afraid that something would happen in the store, so I rushed back and talked about it." Gu Jun said.

Dai Xiaoying knew that Gu Jun was slick, so he didn't dare to answer Yan Xinhua's phone number directly, but hurried back to the store first to inquire about the news, which was not surprising.

"Did Shen Manzi get angry upstairs?" Gu Jun asked again.

Dai Xiaoying thought that the "Shen Manzi" in Gu Jun's mouth might be Shen Huai's nickname, and said, "President Gu and the county magistrate Shen know each other, so it will be easier to handle? The chairman and Mr. Yan are all shriveled and shriveled. I don't know how to find a topic to talk about."

"Hey, what can I do? I know him, but he doesn't know me, so what kind of acquaintance does that mean?" Gu Jun smiled bitterly, "Wang Hui is so troublesome, who's **** is not easy to touch, so he does This tiger's ass, does he think we didn't die ugly enough?"

Dai Xiaoying still doesn't know the origin of this Shen Huai and the county magistrate Shen, and she couldn't ask Yan Xinhua in detail just now, but now she asks Gu Jun: "What is the origin of this Shen Huai, the chairman seems to have Are you flattering him?"

"If you went to work in the Donghua branch before, you would know what this Shen Huai was."

Gu Jun sighed softly. He had previously served as the deputy general manager of the Donghua branch, and he was transferred back to Xucheng at the beginning of the year to be responsible for the management of the Dongjiang store, so he knew what kind of existence Shen Huai and the Meigang Department were in Donghua.

However, apart from him, the employees of Decheng Auto in Xucheng are not sensitive to what happened in Donghua in recent years, and it is quite normal. After all, the media in the province have treated Meixi, Xinpu and Meigang in recent years. There is very little publicity.

"No matter how powerful he is, at most he is only the magistrate of a county below Donghua?" Dai Xiaoying asked tentatively.

"At most one county magistrate? Xiao Dai, you said it so lightly," Gu Jun sighed and smiled bitterly, "He is a county magistrate, so powerful that he can drive away the secretary of the municipal party committee, and he is so strong that he even asks the secretary of the provincial party committee to come forward. He is so strong that he controls the largest industrial group in Huaihai Province, and that a single phone call can cause our company to lose 20% of its business volume. You say that he is at most a county magistrate, but if you really want to look down on him , the company has to be prepared to give up the Donghua market..."

When Yan Xinhua said that Shen Huai could decide nearly 20% of the company's business gains and losses, Dai Xiaoying was vaguely worried that a regional market might be involved.

At present, the sales of Volkswagen in the domestic market are still based on the provincial consignment system. The system is still a bit confusing, and the boundaries between provincial and provincial agency areas are also somewhat blurred. occur.

If Shen Huai decides not to purchase this batch of sedans from Decheng Auto Trade and replace them with other joint venture brand cars, Decheng Auto Trade will also lose a business, which is not a broken bone.

What's even more frightening is that Shen Huai took this procurement business to win over Volkswagen's agents in Jiangdong or Luyu and other provinces to enter Donghua, or to support a local auto trade company in Donghua, and went directly to Volkswagen headquarters to win. The independent consignment rights in Donghua and surrounding areas will be a much more serious blow to Decheng Auto Trade.

Now that Volkswagen needs to adjust the sales market and engage in franchising, this situation is even more likely.

In other words, Shen Huai may not only cut off the business cooperation with Decheng Auto Trade, but also support a company in Huaihai Province that directly competes with Decheng Auto Trade.

At this time, after hearing Gu Jun talk about Shen Huai's general situation, Dai Xiaoying thought to herself, Shen Huai's personal power is really strong enough to make the local top leaders and municipal party secretaries retreat. If this matter is not handled well, the company may really lose Donghua Market - Donghua is the fastest growing and most potential regional market in Huaihai Province.

No wonder Gu Jun rushed to the store and went upstairs in a hurry. After all, he knew that the situation in front of him was difficult to handle, and he was afraid of scolding the chairman and Yan Xinhua.

At this moment, Dai Xiaoying saw Wang Hui sending Zhou Chenxi and the others out, and when she saw Zhou Chenxi going out, she looked up at the second floor for two seconds, thinking: Could it be that Shen Huai is also standing upstairs and looking down at Zhou Chenxi?

When Wang Hui walked back again, Dai Xiaoying asked him, "Why, Mr. Zhou didn't pick up the car today?"

Wang Hui said dejectedly, "Zhou Chenxi suddenly stopped signing..." He kicked the trash can in the corner and muttered a curse. Dai Xiaoying didn't hear it clearly, but he knew that what he was scolding was not a good word, but he didn't. He knew whether he was scolding Zhou Chenxi for not signing the bill, or whether he was scolding Shen Huai for spreading his grievances on his head.

Dai Xiaoying ignored Wang Hui who could only be trapped in the office and complained, and asked Gu Jun, "President Gu, do you want to go up too?"

As the general manager of the store, Gu Jun couldn't escape after all. He stood up and followed Dai Xiaoying upstairs. He turned the corner of the stairs and heard Shen Huai's voice. Looking up, he saw Shen Huai leaning against the railing on the second floor talking on the phone.

"Just let him know that someone is staring at him, we just want him to jump off the wall..."

Dai Xiaoying heard such a sentence without beginning or end, and could not guess what Shen Huai was talking about, so she wanted to retreat with Gu Jun first, so as not to hear any confidential news and make others unhappy.

But Shen Huai saw them coming upstairs, so he hung up the phone quickly, put away his mobile phone, and asked, "Manager Dai, have you finished the temporary pass?"

Dai Xiaoying just wanted to say that she would have to wait for a while, when she saw the person she sent to the DMV to apply for a permit just walked in from outside the gate. That was an excuse for delay.

After getting the temporary pass, Shen Huai and Cheng Yi declined the invitations from Yao Zhenlin and Yan Xinhua, and took the car to leave the Dongjiang store.

There was a delay of two hours before and after the franchise store. It was only before ten o'clock in the morning. The car was full, and I went straight to the expressway. It was not too late to have lunch in Donghua.

Cheng Yi didn't drive on the highway for a while, and the speed was at ** ten yards and drove forward.

"By the way, you clearly have intentions for Decheng Auto Trade, why don't you appreciate it when they leave you for dinner?" Cheng Yi asked Shen Huai in the car.

"The key now is to scare Zhou Chenxi into a panic, so that there will be a big show to watch," Shen Huai said with a smile, "As for Decheng Auto Trade, unless they don't want Donghua's market, I can still be afraid of them. Ran?"

"Then what's your idea for Decheng Auto Trade?" Cheng Yi asked The auto industry and consumer market have great potential for development in the future. Steel has funds and has a geographical advantage in Donghua, but it does not have professional advantages. It is not the right choice to enter rashly. After all, it is greedy and easy to lose,” Shen Huai said, “Now some fast-growing cities in Jiangning are planning to do automobile trade city ​​project. This is a model that combines auto dealerships and spare parts trade, logistics and transportation, repair factories and commercial real estate. In this model, Zhujiang Construction and Decheng Auto Trade can cooperate with each other to play their respective strengths. In addition to quickly building Donghua's auto trade market, increasing employment and local taxes, it can also effectively develop land. resources and expand the scale of urban construction. Although the scale of Decheng Auto Trade is not large, it is difficult to find a more suitable partner than Decheng Auto Trade in the province. "

"Hey, I thought you were simply accompany me to pick up the car. It turns out that you have been thinking about something." Cheng Yi said with a smile.

"No, before I went over this time, my mind was really just to please you," Shen Huai said, "Meigang doesn't count, the county plans to negotiate 100 investment promotion projects in 1998, such a huge amount of work. , It is necessary to formulate and decompose plans and goals, but in many cases, we also need to see the needles, make contact and seize opportunities..."l3l4


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