Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 771: Can't climb high

(There should be a third update in the early morning, ask for a monthly ticket)

At first glance, Yao Zhenlin felt Shen Huai's face was very familiar at the time, but he came here in a hurry, walking in a hurry, and his mind got stuck for a while, as if the name of the person in front of him had jumped out of memory, but it was stuck in his throat. Can't spit out.

Yao Zhenlin's response was not slow, he grabbed Shen Huai's hand before Yan Xinhua, and said with a smile, "Who am I talking about, it turns out that you are the one who came to Handian..."

Seeing the big boss's reaction, Dai Xiaoying guessed that he might have forgotten Shen Huai's name, so she pretended to be surprised and asked, "The chairman knows Mr. Shen Huai?"

Calling Dai Xiaoying a reminder, Yao Zhenlin's mind turned around, he laughed, and said, "Of course I know the county magistrate Shen, we are old friends—" and "questioning" Shen Huai with a complaint, "Shen County You grow up to buy a car at Decheng Auto Trade, but don't tell me, do you look down on Decheng Auto Trade or Decheng Auto Trade?"

"Mr. Yao is joking, how dare I look down on you, Mr. Yao, my fiancee just came to buy a scooter, it's not enough to shock you, Mr. Yao." Shen Huai said with a smile.

The economy of Huaihai Province is not yet very developed, and the bosses with a net worth of hundreds of millions can be said to be well-known entrepreneurs, and they can be regarded as people above the level.

At the general meeting organized by the province, everyone had the opportunity to meet, but they did not have much in-depth contact, and it could only be regarded as one-sided friendship. Don't say that Yao Zhenlin can't remember his name for a while, even if he can't recognize him on the road, he can't be surprised.

As for Zhou Chenxi and Yan Xinhua who have not met Shen Huai, that only shows that they are not high enough.

Aside from this level, the propaganda of Meixi and Xinpu in the province is also very limited. Whether it is Zhao Qiuhua or Donghua City, it is too late to suppress Shen Huai, so naturally they will not actively use Shen Huai as a model; and for Shen Huai, he thinks Some of the things he has done are still ahead of the curve in China, and they belong to the unspeakable category. He has no intention of becoming a political celebrity, so it is normal for him to not be famous on a larger scale.

The last time Shen Huai was on the train, he told Xu Xian his name and also told him that he worked in the county below Donghua, and Xu Xian just regarded him as an ordinary staff member in the city and county below, and did not attract attention to other people. Lenovo.

Only at this time? When I meet the big boss of Decheng Automobile Trade, who is worth hundreds of millions, not only recognizes Shen Huai, but also calls him "the county magistrate" who is affectionately courteous. Xu Xian is a little stupid: there is such a young county magistrate or deputy Mayor?

At the same time, I quickly thought that Shen Huai was serving as the county magistrate and deputy magistrate at such a young age. Couldn't the background behind him really make a person like Yao Zhenlin bow his head?

Her face was pale, and she looked at Zhou Chenxi subconsciously.

Zhou Chenxi's smiling face froze just as he was about to say hello to Yan Xinhua. He still knew something, and at this time he also remembered who the "mayor Shen" was.

Zhou Chenxi couldn't wait to slap himself twice, and he couldn't help asking himself at this time, why was he blind before and never connected the young man in front of him with the arrogant and indomitable "Shen Huai" in the legend? Could it be that the young man in front of him did not have the indomitable aura of the legend?

Yan Xinhua asked Wang Hui, "Where's Lao Gu, I didn't get in touch with him when I called him just now?"

Gu Jun is the general manager of the Dongjiang store. If there was anything else, Yan Xinhua accompanied Chairman Yao Zhenlin to the store without contacting Gu Jun. It happened that he was in the store, and Wang Hui would wake up laughing when he dreamed.

It's just that at this time, he didn't have the desire to gloat over the misfortune and give Gu Jun eye drops behind his back. He said uneasily, "There is something going on at Mr. Gu's hometown. I went to the countryside today. Maybe the mobile phone signal is not good, so I can't get in touch..." Dare to connect with Shen Huai or Yao Zhenlin, he didn't know that the chairman would be a little furious at him after knowing that he offended the client.

"That's fine, go and open the VIP room." Yan Xinhua quickly took Wang Hui as an order to fight, and left Dai Xiaoying to come down to accompany him.

Peng Yue's list was personally watched by Yan Xinhua. He had done a background check on Peng Yue and the Meigang Department behind Peng Yue, and knew how much energy this young man in ordinary clothes had in front of him was sure he was the chairman of the board. Yao Zhenlin couldn't afford to offend a powerful person - at this time, he was completely sure that the problem today was in the Dongjiang store.

Wang Hui was separated, but at this time Yao Zhenlin and Shen Huai were chatting, and Yan Xinhua was inconvenient to pull Dai Xiaoying aside to ask what the problem was.

Seeing Zhou Chenxi standing at the door of the financial room, Yan Xinhua did not realize that the problem would be the conflict between Shen Huai and Zhou Chenxi. After all, it is normal for the store to receive seven or eight groups of customers a day, so he greeted and asked, "Oh, Mr. Zhou also here?"

He pretended that Shen Huai and Zhou Chenxi did not know each other, and smiled and introduced Zhou Chenxi to Shen Huai and the chairman Yao Zhenlin.

"This is Mr. Zhou Chenxi, the deputy general manager of TK Securities, and like the county magistrate Shen, he is also a loyal user of Volkswagen." He glanced at the beauty beside Zhou Chenxi and asked with a smile, "Mr. Zhou is this time. Whatever car you like, I'll ask Xiao Wang to give you the best price later."

Zhou Chenxi only looked at Shen Huai coldly and felt embarrassed, but Yao Zhenlin stretched out his hand to say hello to him, he couldn't turn around and walked away, but he stepped forward and said with a forced smile, "I am still friends with the county magistrate Shen. …”

"Friend?" Shen Huai smiled coldly, almost squeezed the word "friend" out of his nose, and said tightly, "I'm just a small character who doesn't know how to lift up in the eyes of President Zhou, talking about a friend is too much for me. Gao Gao? Even Wei Yingcheng of Dongjiang Securities, I am not qualified to Gao Gao! Gao Gao Zhou? Please don't say such a joke, and come to laugh at a small character like me. "

Hearing Shen Huai's words, Zhou Chenxi wished he could find a crack to get in.

On weekdays, Xu Xian, who was long-sleeved and good at dancing, was standing beside her and was at a loss. Seeing Shen Huai's cold face, she probably held a grudge against Zhou Chenxi's rude remarks just now.

Furthermore, Shen Huai's words are also very clear, that is, their boss of Dongjiang Securities, Wei Yingcheng, is not qualified to come to him to talk about friends and friends. How can she be qualified to ease the already strained relationship?

Yao Zhenlin also knew the origin of the matter at this time, shook hands with Zhou Chenxi indifferently, and walked to the VIP room with Shen Huai first, leaving the mess on the aisle to Yan Xinhua to clean up.

However, when Shen Huai left, he glanced at Zhou Chenxi again; the sharpness in Shen Huai's eyes called Zhou Chenxi to have an illusion of being stared at by a poisonous snake: This kid won't spare him?

When he thought about the rumors that Shen Huai was arrogant and domineering, and that he was bound to retaliate, he felt a chill in his heart, and his back was so tight that he almost broke out in a cold sweat.

Yan Xinhua saw that Shen Huai's resentment towards Zhou Chenxi was not shallow, and he roughly guessed the origin of today's incident. Mostly, Shen Huai and Zhou Chenxi had some verbal conflict in the store, and Wang Hui might not have done a good job of balance, and was in favor of the side. Zhou Chenxi inadvertently offended such a number one person, so that Shen Huai immediately cast his grievances on Decheng Auto Trade.

Yan Xinhua was also secretly anxious in his heart, knowing that they had suffered an unwarranted disaster, but the situation was stronger than others, so they couldn't tolerate their anger at this time, called a sales manager to greet Zhou Chenxi, and pulled Dai Xiaoying aside to ask what happened.

"Before, Miss Cheng ran into the car to see and choose a car. It was the first time that Mr. Shen accompanied him. When he tried the car and went back to the store to sign the order, he met Mr. Zhou from TK Securities and Miss Xu in the showroom to see Che - They knew each other before, but Mr. Zhou and Miss Xu probably didn't know Mr. Shen's identity before. Ms. Xu was very enthusiastic and wanted to help Mr. Shen to negotiate a preferential price. Mr. Shen declined at the time, and then Dongjiang Securities Mr. Zhou said behind his back that Mr. Shen didn't know how to praise, but he happened to let Mr. Shen hear it again-I don't know if they had any grievances before..."

Dai Xiaoying told Yan Xinhua, the vice president of the group, exactly what happened just now.

"What did you do to make up for it?"

It is not the first time that different customers are fighting against each other for wealth and even fighting in the store. Yan Xinhua is more concerned about why Shen Huai took his anger to Decheng Auto Trade and spread his anger on them?

"I would like to give Mr. Shen some more discounts in private, so that I can go down a step, but President Wang disagrees," Dai Xiaoying said. "It won't be a big trouble, will it?"

"Not big?" Yan Xinhua snorted coldly and said, "The big order for two or three hundred cars every year is going to be screwed up. Do you think the chairman will peel off Wang Hui's skin."

"Ah!" Dai Xiaoying is a high-end talent in the field of auto sales, but she has little concern for the provincial internal political bureau. .

Although the economic development of Huaihai Province has been rapid in the past two years, the consumer goods market has always lagged behind the economic development driven by investment.

Decheng Auto Trade, as the general agent of Volkswagen in Huaihai Province, as one of the few auto trade groups in Huaihai Province, has not fully enjoyed the benefits brought by the rapid economic growth in the province. In the past, the performance and status are still in the downstream, and the annual shipment is only 15,600 If Shen Huai is one, it can determine nearly 20% of the business volume of the group company. , Such customers are definitely not something that their middle-level sales staff can offend.

However, at the same time, she was curious: the purchase volume of official passenger cars in a prefecture-level city is only two or three hundred a year; Shen Huai, a county or deputy county magistrate, have such a great decision-making power?

Dai Xiaoying had doubts in her heart, but she would not ask them stupidly. She knew that a person at such a young age would be able to take up a county-level leadership position, most of them would be frightened by the background, and continued to say to Yan Xinhua:

"Mr. Wang didn't agree with the store's further discounts, so I called the auto insurance company and persuaded them to offer a five-point discount."

"Very good, you did a good job," Yan Xinhua looked at Dai Xiaoying with admiration, and said, "Head of Magistrate Shen, you will be responsible for the reception later..."

Yan Xinhua knew that it would not be a problem if the group gave Shen Huai a few cars for free. The key problem was that they could not send them out. It is impossible for a person like Shen Huai to accept a car or a few cars from a non-related household. , they are more concerned about face, and more concerned about whether there is a desire to be in place here. l3l4


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