Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 752: true and false news (1)

Cheng Yi came from such a family, she can be considered as flashy, smart, eager to learn, savvy, plus her experience of studying abroad, her vision is far beyond ordinary people, but her life and social circle are relatively simple.

The family background is there, and although some people gathered around her have ulterior motives and make her vigilant and even annoying, after all, no one will expose their intrigue and intrigue in front of her.

Even though she knew that the interior of the Song Department was far from being as peaceful as it seemed, and that she knew of some of the turmoil that had occurred in the early years, she had no chance to face it.

Although Shen Huai's remarks made the self-righteous Xie Haicheng, Ye Xuanfeng and others chaotic, which made people feel happy, but Cheng Yi could also feel the entanglement and viciousness of Shen Huai's position even more.

"In such a big matter, they will always suspect that you are lying," Cheng Yi added, "Hongqi's father may not be able to go to Premier Wang Yuan or Tian Jiageng to ask anything, but if he calls you directly to verify, or Let my sister-in-law come forward and ask you, can you continue to deceive?"

Shen Huai deliberately spread false news today, which is a response to the severe accusations against his father, Ye Xuanfeng and others. If Song Qiaosheng called to verify in person, and Shen Huai continued to deceive, there would inevitably be a day when he would be exposed. Because of Shen Huai's fake news, the rhythm of the Song Department's internal deployment was in chaos, resulting in a great loss of political and economic interests. Song Qiaosheng, He, Dai and others would spread their resentment on Shen Huai's head. This is not Shen Huai. can bear at this time.

Song Hongjun also realized this, and looking back, sometimes he can't be happy without reckoning with the consequences. Even if he deceived Ye Xuanfeng and the others to let them go to the coal terminal of Jihe Port, the fake news will always be exposed one day.

Spreading fake news to deceive competitors, that's fine. After all, the Song Clan is still a whole. Even if splits are inevitable in the future, they should try their best to put the responsibility of splitting on others.

Shen Huai crossed his hands on the back of his head, leaned comfortably on the car chair, and said, "This news cannot be said to be completely false. After the central government established the large-scale directly-affiliated enterprise working committee last year, it must be further reformed. Premier Wang Yuan presided over the reform. The work of the State Council, the divestiture and consolidation of ministries, commissions and enterprises will not be delayed - this is clear. Tian Shu and Secretary Tian asked me to change their words just now, and said these points. However, in the end, large and super large central Whether to keep 100 or 200 directly affiliated enterprises, I don’t think even Premier Wang Yuan can be sure about this. The opposition from ministries and various companies is too loud, or it is too difficult to merge and merge, and the number will decrease. Relax a little bit, it's too early to specify this scale - but ah, if next year's restructuring initially maintains the appearance of 200 companies, they can't say that I lied."

Song Hongjun laughed. The most difficult lie in the world to decipher is nine truths and one falsehood. Especially the false part should be said vaguely, and there is room for it to be rounded up.

After all, no one can directly go to Premier Wang Yuan or Tian Jiageng to confront the core figures of the Department of Economics and Economics. "One hundred companies" can be said to be the "restructuring target" initially set by Premier Wang Yuan for central SOEs, rather than "restructuring". Determination", but before the specific implementation, "goal" and "determination" are mixed up, who can really tell the difference?

Now tell Ye Xuanfeng and the others that "one hundred schools" is Prime Minister Wang Yuan's "restructuring determination". If Hongqi's father calls and asks directly, it will be changed to the initially determined "restructuring target". It's not that there is no room for relaxation. They couldn't say that Shen Huai was talking nonsense.

Cheng Yi couldn't help but stretch out her hand to pinch Shen Huai, and said, "You, you are so wilted."

If it is said that the merger of ministries and commissions will start next year, leaving 200 places for large and extra-large central enterprises, Huaineng Group still has the opportunity to form its own line, and there is no need to worry about splitting other central enterprises.

"To be honest, they don't listen; they only feel happy if I have to force me to dig a hole for them to dance - I'm not the same!" Shen Huai smiled, facing today's scene, somewhat helpless.

Cheng Yi can feel Shen Huai's helplessness to some extent. Shen Huai has said so much in front of him, but Ye Xuanfeng and the others are afraid in every possible way. .


Shen Huai, Song Hongjun, and Cheng Yi walked away for a long time. The group of people around the dining table had not recovered from the aftermath of the news bomb thrown by Shen Huai just now. They looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Although there was still residual wine in the cup, no one was in the mood to drink it, leaving a table of leftovers for the nanny to clean up. Song Bingsheng, Xie Haicheng and Ye Xuanfeng went to the study to talk.

The nanny was too busy, Xie Jiahui took the teacup and the kettle, and pushed the door into the study. After a while, it was smoky and piercing the eyes-she didn't like other people smoking at home, but she didn't say anything at the moment. , Song Hongyi took the teacup and the kettle on her own initiative, she withdrew, and did not hear what the people inside said. She did not expect that the news that Shen Huai left before leaving would be so shocking.

Xie Jiahui didn't care much about politics and economics, so she couldn't understand the amazing news thrown by Shen Huai. Xie Zhi was not in the mood to go upstairs to accompany Xie Tang at this time, and stayed in the smoky study to see her father and her Does my uncle and Ye Haifeng have any countermeasures to discuss?

Of course, Shen Huai may still lie to them, but how can they verify it?

If the information disclosed by Shen Huai is true, then the Huaineng Group will face the cruel situation of splitting and encroaching on other central enterprises.

If this blow is really coming, it will be too cruel.

In the past few years, Hongqi's father has always pressed Cheng Wenguang. In the middle of the year, he supported Cheng Wenguang to serve in Hebei Province and be elected to the Central Committee. The core exchange condition is that Shen Huai and his sister-in-law Song Wenhui will completely hand over the control of Huaineng Group. come out.

In the first ten years of reform and opening up, many people could not see how the whole country and the nation would go in the future, but now, many directional things have become more and more clear, and more and more people in the Song Dynasty have seen it. Now, mastering the Huineng Group will have huge advantages and significance in cohesion and organization of political and economic resources in the future.

Although the Huaineng Group is the site of the Song Dynasty, the Song Dynasty has the absolute right to speak in industrial development and business decisions, but in the final analysis, the Huaineng Group is a state-owned enterprise and an asset of the country. In the process of enterprise consolidation, the Zhuneng Group needs to be dismantled. The Song family has not yet been able to stand up to publicly resist, and the influence and control that the Song family has gathered in the Huaineng Group is naturally the same. Then disintegrated instantly.

The influence formed in Huaihai Province by the Song family members from Huaineng Group and Huaineng Coal Dongguan will fall apart. Ye Xuanfeng, Zheng Yiwu and other Song members will focus on the backbone trained by the Huaineng Group, and their future careers will also become tortuous. At the same time, Liu Jianguo's securities company, SITC Group and other companies have recently gathered in Xucheng. The idea of ​​​​working hard and making a lot of money around the Huaineng Group will also be completely empty. The initial investment even All may be lost.

The so-called idea of ​​wooing Sun Qiyi, wooing the Evergreen Group, and cracking down on Mei Gang and Shen Huai's arrogance is naturally a joke - and within the Song family, how much capital will Hong Qi's father have left to compete with Cheng Wenguang in the future?

"It can't be like this, Shen Huai is so daring, why dare he not tell a lie?" Song Hongyi refused to face such a situation from the bottom of his heart. Seeing the silence of everyone in the study, he couldn't help but say.

Everyone glanced at Hongyi, and everyone knew that Shen Huai might have lied. The key was how to verify it?

Everyone knows that after Premier Wang Yuan takes full charge of the work of the State Council, he will definitely push the restructuring of state-owned enterprises more forcefully, but how to reform the enterprises directly under the central government and ministries, everyone is guessing, and the final plan is still hidden in the mind of Premier Wang Yuan.

At present, at most, the core figures of the Department of Economics, such as Tian Jiageng, may know the real thoughts of Premier Wang Yuan; and state councilors such as He Xianghuai and even several vice premiers may not know what the final plan will be.

Will Tian Jiageng take the initiative to disclose relevant information to Shen Huai?

The restructuring of state-owned enterprises is divided into The state-owned enterprises must be reformed, and the state-owned enterprises in the provinces and cities must also be reformed. In the end, everyone must follow the central government to maintain the same rhythm.

Since last year, the Huaineng Provincial State-owned Enterprise Working Committee chaired by Li Gu has cooperated with Meigang in the business and structural adjustment of many provincial state-owned enterprises such as Huaimei Group and Provincial State Investment Group. After Tian Jiageng left Huaihai, if It is hoped that his policy on the adjustment and development of the economic structure of Huaihai Province can be continued, and that the restructuring of state-owned enterprises in Huaihai Province can take the lead in the whole country. It is possible for him to communicate with Shen Huai about relevant news before he leaves office.

Comparatively speaking, even though Shen Huai is the head of the county, his voice in this field is stronger than that of all the people in the study room. This is an embarrassing fact that everyone has to face.

You can't go to Premier Wang Yuan or Tian Jiageng to verify the news, and Shen Huai, the bastard, just said "leave the table" on the table. You can't go back to Shen Huai at this time to confirm the truth of the news, right?

Even if this news is false, since Shen Huai dares to tell them, even if they put down their airs and go back to Shen Huai to verify, how can Shen Huai change his mouth and tell the truth?

Xie Haicheng saw that everyone was bored here and didn't talk, and it was not a solution. He said to Xie Zhi, "Hong Qi should go home, or you can call Hong Qi and talk about it..." He was afraid that Hong Yi would report this to his father. There are too strong emotions, which led to a misjudgment on Yanjing's side. The current situation is that they can't screw it up.

Xie Haicheng also knew in his heart that it would be impossible for them to further reveal the truth from Shen Huai's mouth, unless Hongqi's father made a phone call in person, or directly asked Song Wenhui, or directly stabbed the matter to the old man... Even if it's shameful, it doesn't matter too much now. l3l4


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