Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 751: Family dinner (3)

Xie Chengjiang said that he didn't want to join in the excitement of Zihua Industry. He wanted to retreat to advance and stabilize Liu Jianguo's panicked position just now. Shen Huai just smiled, his eyes swept across his father, Xie Haicheng, Ye Xuanfeng and their faces, and said with a smile:

"I think you don't want to join in the fun, I'm afraid it won't work. Hu Lin used Zihua Industrial to engage in private placement financing. On the surface, he wants to start the construction of Xinjin Port in Donghua, but behind it means that Jinshi Rongxin is going northward. No matter how strong the Hu family is, it is estimated that they will not go to Bohai Bay, Zhenhai or Jiangning to fight for any interests, but you don’t think that Jinshi Rongxin will go north and only set foot in port investment, right?”

Xie Chengjiang knew that Shen Huai was intentionally changing the rhythm of the topic and led them by the nose, but he couldn't refute Shen Huai's words; even Ye Xuanfeng, who had been sitting for a long time without saying a word, was also slightly moved at this time.

The meaning of Shen Huai's words is very clear:

Hu Lin borrowed capital from Hua Industrial to engage in private placement financing, started the construction of Xinjin Port, and promoted the northward advance of the Huaihai Gulf Economic Belt. It was only the first step. In fact, the more fundamental political and economic interests of the Hu family are revealed behind the scenes.

At this stage, the area along the Huaihai Bay area can really be called the big cake that the Hu family covets. It is none other than Huaineng Group's eastward exit of Huaineng Group at this time. Most people are stunned because there are too many political and economic interests behind this concept that make people greedy.

Xie Haicheng looked at Shen Huai's face. This is what Shen Huai said, but there is a lot of bluffing and bluffing in these words, or the so-called inside information that Zihua Industrial is going to engage in a private placement is basically a lie he made up. Not necessarily impossible.

Although Shen Huai and Song Hongjun were well-informed, Xie Haicheng thought to himself that Tianyi Group and Hu Lin would not be able to easily let the real source of information leak out today; they were also paying attention to this matter today, but they didn't hear it at all. A little definite news.

Shen Huai used to cheat, and this time it is very likely that he used cheating. On the one hand, he tried to trick Liu Jianguo and the others, and transferred the limited funds into the stock market. They exert additional external pressure, and the ultimate purpose is nothing more than to deceive this side to abandon the coal terminal of Jihe Port, so that Meigang can take over smoothly.

Thinking of this, Xie Haicheng looked at Shen Huai with a three-point vigilance, tapped the corner of the table and smiled: "No one can eat a big fat man. Although Jinshi Rongxin is one of the six major state-owned enterprises directly registered in Hong Kong in China, However, over the years, they have mainly focused on the development of foreign trade, financial and securities businesses in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Estuary, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. After the 1990s, industrial investments in ports, energy, shipping, iron and steel and metallurgy were involved, and the development was not very rapid. Not to mention the financial securities business mainly based on Ronshine Bank and Ronshine Securities, the investment scale of Jinshi Rongxin in other industries may not be comparable to that of Meigang. I think, even if the Hu family wanted to rely on Jinshi Rongxin Going north in a big way, if you want to form any threat, it is not a cold day..."

"Why, when I said this, you still think I'm teasing you?" Shen Huai asked with a smile as he spread out his cards.

Shen Huai asked so straightforwardly, but Xie Haicheng's old face was not easy to put on:

If they directly said that they doubted Shen Huai's motives, if things confirmed Shen Huai's guess in the future, this scumbag would never let go of the opportunity to slap in the face.

If you believe Shen Huai's judgment, the next topic has to continue to go around in the hole he dug.

"Your judgment is also justified," Xie Haicheng said, "but there is no need to worry too much about some things now. It's better to follow the steps. We can't listen to the wind or the rain and mess up our own position."

"What's your position?" Shen Huai asked. Seeing that Ye Xuanfeng moved his body, he seemed annoyed, and added, "I'm asking about the position of the Huaineng Group..."

Ye Xuanfeng didn't like Shen Huai's aggressiveness from the bottom of his heart, and could even be said to be disgusted. He stared at Shen Huai's face for two or three seconds before saying slowly:

"Concentrating resources, developing thermal power, coal, port, and transportation businesses along the Huaihai Bay area, and promoting the implementation of the plan to export Huai coal to the east are the development strategies decided by President Song and the ministries and commissions for the development of the group, and this is also the position of the group; It is also the Group's position to cut off some unimportant, overlapping and scattered resources projects such as the coal terminal of Jihe Port; SITC and Changqing have been partners of the Group for many years, and have the opportunity to strengthen cooperation with each other and rationally adjust the three aspects. Business, resource integration, and mutual promotion of development are also the position of the group; even if Jinshi Rongxin has the intention of entering the Huaihai Bay, at the root, we should develop our own and improve our competitiveness, even among state-owned enterprises. To compete, this is also the position of the group - is it still clear if I say so?"

Ye Xuanfeng said four parallel sentences in a row, answering Shen Huai's position question, his momentum was also full, and he didn't mean to cover up at all, and his dissatisfaction with Shen Huai was revealed inside and outside.

The smell of gunpowder on the dinner table suddenly became strong, Song Bingsheng also looked gloomy, stared at Shen Huai's face, and said, "How to develop Huaineng, how to adjust the business, do you have any good suggestions, you can say; necessary."

Xie Zhi was also a little surprised when she heard what her uncle said: Ye Xuanfeng only wished that the influence of Shen Huai and her aunt in Huaineng could be eliminated, and it was understandable to say a few heavy words relative to each other, but there was really no need for the uncle to add another sentence. so heavy.

No wonder the uncle wanted to drive Shen Huai out of anger?

Xie Zhi turned to look at Shen Huai, seeing that he pursed his lips and didn't speak, she had an inexplicable feeling in her heart: She knew that what Shen Huai said just now was right, and everyone's eyes should really be more long-term.

If the Song family is still an inseparable whole, then they should follow Shen Huai's suggestion, but this is already impossible: Hong Qi's father obviously has a heart for Cheng Wenguang and Shen Huai, and The interests of the Xie family, Ye Xuanfeng, Liu Jianguo and others seem to have all come to the opposite of Meigang. How could Broken Mirror be reunited?

Xie Zhi thought that Shen Huai had given such a reprimand, she should be gloating about it, but thinking about it, it was full of disgust, and she just sat on the side without saying a word.

Song Hongyi didn't talk like that today. He told Liu Jianguo but heard Ye Xuanfeng and his fourth uncle taught Shen Huai a lesson. He felt his resentment in his heart intuitively, and his eyes went straight to Shen Huai's face. The stool goes away.

Cheng Yi was under the table, reaching out to grab Shen Huai's hand.

She only knew that Shen Huai was at odds with his father and son, but she didn't expect the confrontation to such an extent. She didn't expect that when Shen Huai had conflicts of interest with Ye Xuanfeng and Xie Haicheng, his father would stand on the other side so firmly.

Taking 10,000 steps back, it is said that Shen Huai and his sister-in-law Song Wenhui have invested the most effort and contributed the most to the development of Huaineng Group, including the concept of Huaimei's eastward exit, which was first proposed and implemented by Shen Huai, Ye Xuanfeng and the others. Just picking peaches, Shen Huai now has two more words to say about the future development of Huaineng Group, and no one should put the hat of "pointing fingers" on his head - this is exactly what his father Song Bingsheng said. Cheng Yi was surprised when she said it out of her mouth, and it was no wonder that Shen Huai had never come to this house all these years.

Cheng Yi couldn't say anything, but she was worried that Shen Huai was not feeling well.

Shen Huai held Cheng Yi's tender little hand in the palm of his hand, and looked at the people with different expressions with sharp eyes, and said, "I have a lot of words today, and President Ye's four arguments also opened my eyes. President Xie Didn't you ask Secretary Tian what he was talking to me before dinner? This is something you shouldn't have known so early, but I thought we should be a family. I can't watch you jump into the pit..."

Shen Huai's words have not concealed the relationship between each other, Xie Haicheng just thought he was confused, but hearing Shen Huai say that there are some things he is qualified to know but they are not qualified to know, he is also annoyed, thinking that this little red guy is really arrogant , look at him, see how he goes on.

"...Secretary Tian told me very clearly that after Premier Wang Yuan presides over the work of the State Council next year, the restructuring of state-owned enterprises will enter the most advanced stage," Shen Huai continued calmly, "At that time, the Ministry of Electric Power and other ministries and commissions will withdraw and merge. On the one hand, the subsidiaries of various ministries and commissions are spun off, and together with the enterprises directly under the central government at this time, they will be taken over by institutions similar to the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission or the management bureau or committee members, and the work of reorganization and consolidation will soon be promoted. Moreover, the number of large and super-large state-owned enterprises that will eventually be consolidated and retained will not exceed 100. The entire divestiture and consolidation work, even the enterprises under the Military Commission, will not be an exception. I don’t know that the Huaineng Group may delay at the latest. Before the second half of next year, can I win a place in this hundred families? I don't know if Mr. Ye will be able to keep his position after hearing the news! Of course, I will talk about it here. I don't recognize the table..."

Having said that, Shen Huai didn't care about Ye Xuanfeng's broken face, looked at his watch, and said, "It's getting late at night. Cheng Yi has to go to work tomorrow morning, so I'll accompany her to leave first," she told Xie Tang. Mom greeted, "Aunt Xie really bothered me today, we patted our **** after dinner and left..."

Xie Jiahui doesn't care much about political and economic affairs, but looking at her brother's and Bingsheng's disintegrated faces, she also knows what Shen Huai said after being provoked. Everyone at the table was caught off guard.

Xie Zhi couldn't hide his shock. If it is said that by the second half of next year at the latest, all the ministries and commissions will be spun off for reorganization and consolidation. In the end, only 100 large and super-large state-owned enterprises will remain. Do you want to split it up for other central enterprises?

At present, there are 70 or 80 enterprises directly under the central government in China, and there are more than 1,000 state-owned enterprises affiliated to the Military Commission and various ministries and commissions even after years of restructuring and consolidation.

Among the thousands of large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises in ministries and commissions, the Huaineng Group is not very high. Xie Zhishi can hardly imagine how the Huaineng Group will win a place in such a limited number of directly affiliated state-owned enterprises before the second half of next year?

In order to make up for the political resource support for Cheng Wenguang's appointment as Hebei Province, they finally managed to completely control the Huaineng Group. water!

Xie Zhi saw that his father, uncle and Ye Xuanfeng's faces Her brother, Liu Jianguo and Song Hongyi should all know how amazing the subtext behind this news was, she didn't know that Hongqi's father heard this. What a shock the news would be!

Everyone also completely ignored Shen Huai and Cheng Yi getting up and leaving at this time. Song Hongjun was also deeply surprised by the news. He picked up his windbreaker and bag and chased after him. Is it true or false, don't throw bombs to scare people?"

"Fake," Shen Huai said lightly, "I told them the truth from my heart, they thought I was lying to them, and they scolded me from the left and the right, telling me not to point fingers. Just tell lies and see how they keep their positions!"

"Fuck," Song Hongjun couldn't help but scolded, patted Shen Huai on the shoulder and said, "You kid is so cruel, you dare to tell such a lie, I'm scared of you; you're not afraid to expose it?"

"How do they expose me, ask Prime Minister Wang Yuan to confront me, or to confront Secretary Tian?" Shen Huai asked.

"That's true." Song Hongjun shook his head and smiled, "Prime Minister Wang Yuan has not officially presided over the work of the State Council, the final restructuring plan, as long as Prime Minister Wang Yuan and the cadres of the Department of Economics and Planning like Tian Jiageng know about it, the second uncle will probably scare you too. Not light." l3l4


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