Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 719: uncle

Zhao Dong and Xiao Mingxia came out with their fleshy son in their arms, Shen Huai pinched the little guy's pink face, called the little guy's nickname, and asked, "Guo Guo, do you still recognize me? Learn to call people?"

The little guy called out "Uncle" in a milky voice, looked at Shen Huai timidly for a while, turned his head back, and looked for his mother with dark eyes. Laughing, Shen Huai was very strange, and asked Yang Haipeng and the others: "What are you laughing at, the little guy is right?"

Yang Haipeng said with a smile: "When Mingxia just pulled her kid over, she called people next to each other and called Zhao Dong 'uncle', almost shouting Zhao Dong's tears..."

Shen Huai patted Zhao Dong on the shoulder and smiled at each other.

Xiong Dini regretted letting Qiqi go back to sleep with her mother early, otherwise it would be interesting for the two children to run together.

For more than four years, the huge market gap has driven the domestic steel industry to surge, and the main force, mainly state-owned steel enterprises, is still struggling to turn around in the quagmire of the system, in order to adapt to the increasingly open market and overcome the increasingly serious bureaucracy Struggling with the drawbacks of ideology, Mei Gang can decisively cut off all the burdens and make great strides forward with an indomitable attitude, which is the basis for his great success.

However, without a group of people such as Zhao Dong, who regard the factory as their home, and dedicate the most quintessential youth in their lives, Meigang would not be able to have today's brilliance.

Zhao Dong personally participated in the renovation of the first factory, and participated in the construction of the second factory and the Xinpu factory. There is not a day when he does not work until late at night. Most of the time, for convenience, he sleeps in the dormitory shed on the construction site. It is because of them that the renovation of the old factory, the second factory and the Xinpu factory can be completed quickly with high standards and high levels.

It took only 21 months for Xinpu Steel Plant to go into operation from preparation to production, while a long-process steel plant of the same scale, which has the highest construction level in Europe and the United States, also had a construction period of 27 months.

Xinpu Steel Plant was built and put into operation at a high level and quickly. The super-standard cost and quality control have further strengthened the cooperation between West Umins Industrial Group, Feiqi Industrial Group, Berkeley Bank, BNP Paribas and other partners to Meishan Iron and Steel, the domestic economy and the domestic economy. confidence in market potential.

Although the current Asia-Pacific economy is in the midst of severe fluctuations, even countries like Japan, South Korea, Japan and South Korea are not immune to it alone. At the beginning of this month, West Umins Industrial Group also made a decision to invest 10 million US dollars in Huailian Heavy Industry.

The investment of 10 million US dollars has not made any waves in Donghua, and the investment of West Umins Industrial Group is just a prelude to the relocation of its metallurgical, mining and construction equipment manufacturing departments in the UK to China. .

In addition, after the transfer of all steel production capacity of West Umins Industrial Group, the steelmaking department was not completely abolished, and a new foreign-funded enterprise was registered in Xinpu, intending to transform into a consultant providing metallurgical materials, automation and software technology services.

The registered capital of the new technology service company of West Umins Industrial Group is also only 10 million US dollars, but it has actually strengthened the weak link in the entire steel industry cluster of Donghua.

At the same time, Feiqi Industry invested in Hengyang Shipbuilding Industry, but the capital injection was less, only 6 million US dollars. Expresses that West Umins Industrial Group, Feiqi Industrial Group and the industrial capital forces behind them have confidence and expectations for the domestic market and Meishan Iron and Steel, and at the same time they are worried about the current Asia-Pacific economy. resolutely.

However, Meishan Iron and Steel is one of the biggest beneficiaries in the current wave of industrial transfer.

But when it comes to the success of Meishan Iron and Steel, there are not many secrets. As long as there is a steel company that can have such a thorough clean-up and rectification, closely follow the current mainstream of metallurgical technology, and maintain an open and tolerant attitude, such a group of people can forget themselves. , Rigorous devotion to the work, under the previous market environment with huge gap, it is not an illusion to replicate the success of Meishan Iron and Steel.

The great success of the past few years is not the only one of Meigang, but Meigang's achievements are so dazzling, it is nothing more than the excellence and excellence in all aspects, but the ups and downs, only those who are in it can know the taste.

In addition to Zhao Dong, Yang Haipeng and others, Sun Qiyi, who was in the mainland these two days, also rushed over to attend Xiong Wenbin's farewell reception.

Shen Huai asked Sun Qiyi with a smile: "I have a lot of things in the county these two days, so I didn't take time to spend with my second uncle. After my second uncle arrived in Donghua, everything was fine. If you are not in a hurry to go back, I will stay in Donghua for two more days."

"Hong Kong is so hot these days, I rushed to Donghua to escape the summer heat, so I'm not in a hurry to go back..." Sun Qiyi laughed.

The previous grievances have disappeared, and people always have to bow their heads to reality, even Sun Qiyi, who masters the billion-dollar investment of Evergreen Group in the Asia-Pacific region is no exception.

The economic situation in the Asia-Pacific region has a tendency to deteriorate further. Evergreen Group's investment in the Asia-Pacific region is as high as one billion US dollars, and it is difficult to avoid it, and the losses can also be described as heavy.

However, half a year ago, it shut down its light industry sectors such as electronic equipment manufacturing in Thailand and Malaysia in time. With the cooperation of Meishan Iron and Steel, it transferred a considerable scale of hotel, tourism and light industrial assets to mining, shipping and other industries that have fallen to a low point in Southeast Asia. , to minimize the investment losses of Evergreen Group in the Asia-Pacific region.

Especially the investment transferred to the mining and shipping industries, relying only on the business provided by Meishan Iron and Steel, can maintain a good profit in the current violently volatile economic situation, which is a rare bright color in the bleak.

Coupled with the correct investment decisions on the joint venture steel mill, Meixi Port and Meixi Power Plant, Sun Qiyi kept his position as the senior vice president of Evergreen Group and the general manager of the Asia-Pacific region.

The reality is so cruel. Although Sun Qiyi personally has a share of 20 to 30 million US dollars in the family fund, what really supports his position in the Chinese business world is the position of the senior vice president of the Evergreen Group with an annual salary of millions of dollars.

Once he loses this position, in the Chinese business world, Sun Qiyi can only be regarded as a third- or fourth-tier rich second- and third-generation rich.

Looking at Shen Huai's thin, stern cheeks, Sun Qiyi naturally still disdains his character, but in the cruel world of capital, what can win attention is always strong strength. Yes, in the dirty bin.

Sun Qiyi still remembers what Shen Huai said when he was invited to attend the board of directors of the Evergreen Group a month ago: "If the Evergreen Group wants to become a real first-class industrial capital force, the emerging market in the mainland is the only one that can be seized. Chance……"

Sun Qiyi can naturally come up with countless reasons to refute Shen Huai, but he has to admit that Shen Huai's strong words are very inspiring, and it is the key factor that prompted the board of directors to finally establish the China headquarters in Xinpu.

This also means that Evergreen Group's large-scale participation in the construction of Xinpu Port and the in-depth cooperation with Meishan Iron and Steel are about to start, which cannot be stopped by Sun Qiyi himself.

If he didn't get involved, Sun Qishan and the other group directors who were bewitched by Shen Huai and Mei Gang would be the first to kick him out.

And aside from previous prejudices and personal grievances, the achievements of Mei Gang's rise cannot be ignored by Sun Qiyi. He is not controlled by personal likes and dislikes, and he knows the principle of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

Sun Qiyi's visit to the mainland this time has four important tasks: one is to continue to promote the construction of electronic equipment manufacturing bases, one is to set up a headquarters in China, one is to negotiate a joint venture with Xinpu Port Group on Container Terminal Co., Ltd., one is to Its shipping business merged with Xinpu International Shipping Group.

The holding parent company of Xinpu Port Group is Xinpu Development Group, which represents the Xiapu County Government; Xinpu International Shipping Group has a more complicated background, but is mainly composed of Xinpu Development Group, Meigang Group, Huaineng Group, Zhujiang Investment, Pengyue Group, and Zhongshan. Seven companies of Xin Investment and Hongji Investment participated in the shareholding. To put it bluntly, Shen Huai was behind it...

During this period of time, the adjustment of Changqing Group's investment in the Asia-Pacific region was carried out in close cooperation with Meishan Iron and Steel. This is also called Sun Qiyi's cooperation with Meishan Iron and Steel, West Youmings, Feiqi Industry and other industrial giants. updated awareness.

Once supported by industrial capital, West Umins, Feiqi Industry and Meishan Iron and Steel will continue to cooperate deeply and transfer their industrial manufacturing departments to Xinpu and Meixilai on a large scale, which will further strengthen the industrial foundation of Meishan Iron and Steel.

The Xinpu Refining and Chemical Project successfully obtained the pass of the State Planning Commission this time and entered the comprehensive construction period, which makes people look forward to the future growth of Meishan Iron and Steel.

A few years ago, Sun Qiyi also regarded Sun Yalin as a little girl. When he was in Hong Kong, he felt that she was not easy to manage, and it was a hassle to stay by his side, so he kicked her to work at Yexin Bank. How could she have thought that in just four or five years, she would become Has there been a huge change in "30 years of Hedong and 30 years of Hexi"?

In addition to being the chairman of Xinpu Refining and Chemical Group, which has a total investment of 600 million US dollars, Sun Yalin also controls the Zhongxin Industry Investment Fund, which has grown to 800 million US dollars in total assets in just three or four years. It was jaw-dropping.

Zhongxin had previously raised funds for the Xinpu Refining and Chemical Project, and had lent more than 30 billion yen from Japan's Yasuda Bank. Recently, Japan has been dragged down by the Asia-Pacific financial turmoil, the yen exchange rate has fallen sharply, and Berkeley Bank and other capital have once again Provided a loan of up to US$200 million to Zhongxin to help it buy Japanese yen in reverse at any time for hedging.

As far as the current drop in Japan's exchange rate is concerned, the direct benefit of Zhongxin's hedging operation will exceed 120 million US dollars; if the financial situation further deteriorates, the benefit of Zhongxin's hedging operation will be even more amazing.

As a result, the total capital controlled by Zhongxin Industrial Investment Fund will exceed one billion US dollars, and Sun Yalin’s personal assets in it will also exceed 100 million US dollars, so that the board of directors of Evergreen Group once acquired Zhongxin, making the Sun Yalin's idea to replace Sun Qiyi as Asia Pacific president.

Thinking that he has been in the business world for half his life, even a young girl is far away, and Sun Qiyi is also discouraged. At this time, in front of Shen Huai and his niece Sun Yalin, he naturally has no temper, although he has always been reluctant to admit it. Huai is his cousin.

Although he had suffered a lot of scowling and squeezing before, Shen Huai had no particular resentment towards Sun Qiyi. Maybe there were different souls in this body. Similarly, when faced with huge interests, personal grievances and likes and dislikes also need to be restrained.

Evergreen Group made its fortune in the tourism, hotel, real estate and other industries in the early years, and once monopolized several wholesale markets in the suburbs of It only entered the shopping mall and financial industry in the middle period. These industries also constitute the Evergreen Group at this time. The main business body in Europe also constitutes the core of the current main assets of Evergreen Group.

Due to the long-term weakness of the traditional economies in Europe and the United States, the business development of Evergreen Group in Europe has been slow and stagnant in the past ten years.

In the early 1980s, Evergreen Group began to invest in the Asia-Pacific region on a large scale. In addition to traditional hotels and commercial real estate, it also began to enter industries such as ports, shipping, electronics, and electromechanical manufacturing.

The accumulation of Changqing Group in the manufacturing industry cannot be compared with the giants such as West Youmings and Feiqi Industry, which focus on industrial development. However, the investment of large capital and the accumulation of more than ten years is also called the development of Changqing Group in the industry. accumulated a certain background.

Although Meigang has achieved great growth in recent years, with its current scale, if it wants to fully integrate with West Youmings and Feiqi Industry, there is a danger that it will be eaten up. However, the industrial department of Changqing Group is relatively weak. With the integration of the two, Meigang can continue to take the initiative.

The accumulation of Evergreen Group in the industry for more than ten years is not bad, especially the high status of Evergreen Group in the Southeast Asian Chinese business community, which is more conducive to Meigang's absorption of talents, technology and management from the Southeast Asian Chinese community. Much-needed nutrients. l3l4


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