Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 718: Foresight

Xiong Wenbin thought about Guo Chengze and Meng Jian's statement that they would meet in Donghua someday, introduce the officials in his department, and then simply cleaned up and cleaned up, and went to Yicheng to take office first, not wanting to make too many goodbyes.

Zhao Dong, Yang Haipeng and others also understood Xiong Wenbin's thoughts, and they didn't make a fuss about it, but not having a goodbye wine always felt unpleasant, so they let Shen Huai arrange to bring Xiong Wenbin's family over from the South Garden in the evening and gather again.

The car turned on Zhuxi Avenue, and the lights on both sides were brilliant.

In the past two years, Meixi New District has concentrated on the development of the area between the expressway along the river in the south and the Xiamei Highway in the north.

In Hexi, in addition to the steady development of the high-tech park that introduced more than 100 enterprises, the scale of urban construction with Zhuxi Avenue as the core has reached a new height in two years.

When Shen Huai left Meixi, at the west end of Zhuxi Bridge, there were only two high-rise buildings, Pengyue International Hotel and Huaineng Building. A large-scale residential area stands with Meixi Town across the river, forming a large and brand-new urban area at the southeastern end of Donghua City.

However, between the Meixi New District and the main urban area, Huangqiao Town, which used to be on the outskirts of the eastern city, covers an area of ​​about 10 square kilometers and is still under development.

According to the plan of Shen Huai and Xiong Wenbin, the overall development of Huangqiao Town and the surrounding suburban areas will make the main urban area develop southward in great strides, and the complete integration with Meixi New District will make Donghua's urban development rise to a new level. high.

It's just that sometimes everything can't go as planned. Wu and Xiong are transferred, and Yang Yuquan will be retired next year. Shen Huai can no longer directly interfere with the city's decision-making, and many city-level plans are no longer something he can promote.

In the car, Shen Huai talked with Xiong Wenbin and Wu Haifeng about his ideas about establishing a comprehensive vocational college in Xiapu County. He also asked Xiong and Wu for their suggestions on some questions.

Wu Haifeng sighed lightly and said, "The medical school, the teacher's college, and the engineering college have merged to form a comprehensive university. The educational park is planned and constructed in Huangqiao Town. Together with the construction of the new administrative center and the new urban business center, the new urban area will be integrated. When the framework is pulled up, Donghua's urban and educational development will enter a brand-new stage - a pity, this delay, I don't know how many years it will be delayed..."

The idea of ​​establishing a comprehensive university is not the personal whim of Shen Huai, Xiong Wenbin or Wu Haifeng, but the idea that the Donghua Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Government and the Donghua Education System have had a long time ago. been doing it all the time.

However, all four local colleges and universities in Donghua City have developed independently for decades, and each school has a relatively independent development idea. To integrate and develop into a comprehensive university, in addition to the city must have enough determination. , but also to invest huge resources.

These were not things that Donghua could afford before.

However, in order to further develop local industries, especially in the future, it is determined to develop in the direction of advanced manufacturing and high-tech industries.

If you only consider the development of a single enterprise, there is really no need to think too much.

In recent years, Meigang has invested nearly 100 million scientific research funds in the development of the research institute, mainly by absorbing and digesting advanced metallurgical industry technologies and processes at home and abroad, and has made great progress.

It is easy to imitate applied technologies and processes, but Meigang wants to surpass overseas iron and steel enterprises, from an industrial enterprise with an “advanced” technical level to an industrial enterprise with a “leading” technical level, and to form its own technological advantages, it must There is just too much to do.

From the perspective of the development of the entire regional industrial cluster, more work needs to be done.

Xiong Wenbin sighed lightly: "It is not very likely that the city will promote the establishment of a comprehensive university in recent years. Neither Chen Baoqi nor Guo Chengze, who will be working at Donghua, can expect them to have twenty or thirty plans for Donghua's development. It is very difficult for Xiapu County to use several secondary vocational schools to develop high-level colleges and universities. Only in the construction of campus infrastructure and disciplines, you have to be prepared to invest one billion yuan in three to five years. , but local resistance must be taken into account..."

The county raised 80 million yuan to raise the wages of primary and secondary school teachers, and the group of teachers rejoiced. There was not much backlash in the county, and it had other realistic foundations.

The vast majority of people are short-sighted, they only focus on their immediate interests, and they don't care about important opinions on local development ten or twenty years from now.

In the past three to five years, the local government has provided one billion or 800 million yuan to subsidize the construction of bridges and roads. Everyone will support it, but the local government will use one billion or 800 million yuan of financial funds to develop a place that does not see direct and practical benefits. University, the criticism may intensify.

Coupled with the covetousness of its opponents, it is not unexpected that many of the crises encountered by Meigang in the first half of the year are repeated.

Shen Huai nodded and said, "It is very difficult for the local government to obtain financial funds, and the financial funds themselves are not enough to spend. Now the Ministry of Education has issued policies to encourage the development of private colleges. I think that local enterprises will come forward and cooperate with Huai University. Under the name of Huai University, first to develop independent colleges focusing on metallurgical materials, mechanical engineering, information automation and other disciplines..."

"Meixi Development Group and Beijing Investment Group can contribute funds to participate in the construction of independent colleges, which is the best. In the future, local finances will be more abundant, and there will not be too much trouble in further funding. But for now, Meixi and Beijing Investment participated in the investment, and the resistance was the biggest..." Xiong Wenbin said.

Although He Qingshe, Li Feng, Guo Quan, Huang Xinliang and others stayed in Tangzha District and had strong control over Meixi Development Group, at the same time, Meixi Development Group, as a state-owned enterprise in the district, will serve as the secretary of Tangzha District Party Committee. Meng Jiansheng and Zhou Qibao, who is currently in charge of the Tangzha District government work, have the right to deny Meixi Development Group's major investment intentions, which is a huge obstacle.

That is to say, Meng Jiansheng may not be able to pull Guo Quan from the position of Party Secretary and General Manager of Meixi Development Group when he arrives in Tangzha District, but if he wants to make Meixi Development Group fail, he still has the ability to hold him back. of.

Shen Huai had no contact with Guo Chengze, and had limited contact with Meng Jiansheng. He couldn't figure out the preferences of Guo Chengze and Meng Jiansheng. More importantly, behind Guo Chengze and Meng Jiansheng was Xu Pei's will, which was even more difficult for Shen Huai to shake.

Shen Huai thought for a while and said, "It's really not possible, let the Meixi Development Group hollow out, and the land income should also be included in the financial accounting."

"I think this is probably what Meng Jiansheng wanted to do after coming here..." Wu Haifeng said beside him.

Shen Huai smiled and said: "He wants to do this, and we have no way to stop it. It is also the general trend that the land income will be merged into the local budget revenue in the future. As far as the central government is concerned, it even wants to incorporate this part of the revenue into the central finance. The budget may not be realized due to too much resistance.”

In addition to holding shares in Meishan Steel and other companies and participating in the infrared, the most important source of income of Meixi Development Group is the development and transfer of industrial, commercial and residential land within the Meixi New Area.

The income from the transfer of land for industrial and commercial and residential projects in Meixi New District is likely to reach 1.2 billion this year.

Although a large amount of land income is almost all used for the infrastructure investment and construction of Meixi New District, the circulation of such a large amount of funds within the Meixi Development Group has resulted in the huge power of the Meixi Development Group, which has the reputation of the shadow government of Tangzha District for a time. ; And the government of Tangzha District can use the budget of financial expenditure this year, it is only 800 million.

This is the same as the distribution of financial rights in Xiapu County.

Xiapu County is expected to spend 700 million yuan in local finance this year, and the funds distributed by Xinpu Development Group this year may exceed 200 million yuan, just because they are all under the control of Shen Huai, so the difference is not big, but After Meng Jiansheng arrived in Donghua, most of them would not tolerate such a large amount of land and financial rights falling outside the government budget system of Tangzha District, and he might even further split the Meixi Industrial Group to facilitate checks and balances and control.

It is within the principle that the land income belongs to the local government and is eventually incorporated into the local financial budget revenue, and Shen Huai will not block anything.

However, in the companies that Meixi Development Group participates in, future profits will no longer be distributed among the participating shareholders, but reinvested directly on the enterprise platform, which can bypass the future district committees and districts controlled by Meng Jiansheng and Zhou Qibao. Government, to achieve the purpose of hollowing out the Meixi Development Group.

Xiong Wenbin thought for a while and said, "If this is the case, it is best to let Guo Quan return to Meigang and chairman..."

Shen Huai Huang Xinliang has been transferred back to Tangzha District one step earlier, and the standing committee member of the district committee also serves as the secretary of the Party Working Committee and the director of the management committee of Meixi New District. Shen Huai also has to do a good job in He Qing. She and Li Feng may prepare to be transferred out of Tangzha District. Guo Quan will return to Meigang and directly control the process of hollowing out Meixi Development Group and strengthening the construction of the previously weakened Meigang Group headquarters enterprise platform. The foundation of Meigang in Meixi will not be penetrated or destroyed.

Shen Huai, Xiong Wenbin and Wu Haifeng were discussing things in the car, but they didn't expect that the car had been parked in front of Peng Yue International Hotel for a while, or Xiong Dailing was impatient after waiting, came over and asked through the car window: "Dad, Uncle Wu , Do you just want to chat in the car?"

Shen Huai realized that the car had stopped, Zhao Dong, Zhou Zhibai, Yang Haipeng and the others also came out of the hotel lobby to greet them, smiled and said to Wu Haifeng and Xiong Wenbin, "Hey, most of them thought we were putting on airs and asked them to come out. welcome..."

Xiong Wenbin laughed and said: "There are endless topics about the local development of Donghua, so I can have a good chat in the past two days. In two days, I will clear my mind and think about the problems of Yicheng. At that time, I continue to focus on Donghua, that is, my failure..." l3l4


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