Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 699: A new vision of the coast

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After Vice Premier Xu Zhihua gave instructions, the approval process for the Xinpu Refining and Chemical joint venture project, which had been delayed for eight months, was quickly launched. Refining is now officially licensed.

Provincial SDIC's participation in the joint venture is mainly to send representatives to the board of directors of Xinpu Refining and Chemical Group to participate in the supervision of project construction and operation. There are no complicated conditions.

The conditions of Offshore Oil Corporation are much more complicated. In addition to sending people to the board of directors, it is also agreed that they will be responsible for supplying 3 million tons of crude oil every year after Xinpu Refinery is completed, which is to monopolize the future of Xinpu Refinery. supply of raw materials.

Although Meigang has an annual import quota of 600,000 tons of overseas crude oil, it can only meet one-tenth of the crude oil demand of Zhunan Refinery and Xinpu Refinery, and the main domestic crude oil supply market is bound to The three national oil companies, PetroChina, Sinopec, and CNOOC, will be divided, and Xinpu Refinery will bundle the main crude oil supply with the Ocean Stone Corporation, which is helpless and pragmatic.

However, since 1992, the state has allowed private enterprises to enter the refined oil market. By this year, almost all the newly added oil depots and gas stations in East China and South China are invested and constructed by private enterprises.

The Xie family's Haifeng Group has a large scale of operation in the refined oil market in South China.

Relatively speaking, the three national oil groups, the National Petroleum Corporation, the Petrochemical Corporation and the National Offshore Oil Corporation, have mainly focused their energy and capital on crude oil exploration and refining over the years, and their performance in the refined oil market is comparable. Conservative, it can be said to be described as losing ground.

Private enterprises have made great strides in the refined oil market in recent years, even occupying up to 80% of the market share. However, private oil enterprises have weak and scattered capital. For example, the assets of SITC in the petroleum business are only 300 to 400 million yuan. In terms of crude oil import and refined oil import, it is even more stuck.

At the same time, private oil companies do not have enough capital and technical strength to enter the field of crude oil refining and chemical industry, and their cooperation with local state-owned refining and chemical enterprises is only a buying and selling relationship, and lacks a deep or in-depth cooperative relationship.

Therefore, the three major national oil groups have no intention to carry out encirclement and suppression of private enterprises in the refined oil market at this time, but they are extremely vigilant about the possibility of Meishan Iron and Steel entering the refined oil market in the future - this is not the main point. Cao Guangming, who is in charge of negotiating with Meigang, can change his personal will.

It goes without saying that Meigang's capital strength, and the controlled Xinpu Refinery and Zhunan Refinery will be able to supply 70 to 80% of the fuel oil to the refined oil market in Huaihai Province every year.

If no restrictions are imposed, Meishan Iron and Steel will have no problem excluding the three major national oil groups from the refined oil market in Huaihai Province in the future.

As for who is behind the reminder, it is not clear that Vice Premier Xu Zhihua's instructions directly mentioned the construction of the refined oil market in Huaihai Province.

Vice Premier Xu Zhihua's instructions were there, and Meishan Iron and Steel had no intention of confrontation at this time, so in the subsequent supplementary agreement, CNOOC directly monopolized the sales of refined oil produced by Xinpu Refinery in the future.

The favorable condition for Meishan Iron and Steel is that it no longer has to undertake the construction of refined oil depots.

The assets that Zhunan Refinery and Xinpu Refinery have invested in the construction of refined oil depots will all be acquired by the branch established by CNOOC, and Meigang can save about 400 million construction funds.

At this point, it can also be seen that the country's policy trend in industrial development, especially in the economic lifeline industry.

Even local state-owned enterprises, the central government currently only allows them to participate in the development of links in the energy industry chain, and does not support their full penetration into the energy industry chain.

However, when Shen Huai was preparing for Xinpu Refinery, his attention was mainly on the chemical intermediate raw material market.

When organizing the design of Xinpu Refining and Chemical production plan, including the subsequent development of Xinpu Refining and Chemical Industry Cluster, it is mainly tilted towards petrochemicals.

Therefore, there is no strong conflict between the Offshore Oil Corporation and the instructions of Vice Premier Xu Zhihua, and the concessions that can be made, Shen Huai's side is very happy to make concessions.

In terms of technology and human resources cooperation, Offshore Oil Corporation has also made certain concessions. In addition to dispatching personnel to the board of directors, it not only directly arranges personnel to the operation management.

The two local refining companies that cooperate with the Offshore Oil Corporation, and even the overseas oil companies that cooperate with the Offshore Oil Corporation. The cooperation between Xinpu Refinery and Xinpu Refinery in personnel training, talent and technology introduction is carried out by Xinpu Refinery. It is no longer a mandatory condition of the joint venture agreement, which helps to maintain the independence of Xinpu Refinery.

Shen Huai did not hold any signing ceremonies or commencement ceremonies. Cao Guangming, a director-level official, came to Donghua three times before and after, but he went directly to Xiapu without telling the city.

Cao Guangming saw that the storage tank foundation pile project in the refined oil depot area was almost coming to an end, and the chemical and refined oil terminal with high pile prestressed beam-slab structure outside the refined oil and chemical depot area had already entered the actual stage. During the construction phase, I couldn't help laughing with Shen Huai: "I only heard that you are bold and arrogant before, but I still have no real feelings..."

Shen Huai smiled and said, "Although people are staring at it, in many things, you can step up one step ahead of others. As for risks, when will there be no risks? Just plan for the worst. That's fine. As far as the economic situation is concerned, the more tense you are, you can let go of your hands and feet, because then it's easier to see where the trough is..."

Cao Guangming looked at Shen Huai, who was one more round than himself, shook his head and smiled, thinking that he wanted CNOOC's listing plan. If he could take a step forward, maybe it would be over, and it wouldn't drag on like this. Confidence but not enough action is due to it.

If there were not so many scruples, the listing action could be advanced three or five months earlier, and perhaps the billion-dollar financing would have been obtained, and there is no need to endure the current suffering.

The location where Cao Guangming and Shen Huai stood was a small hill called Zhuma Mountain on the west side of the chemical and refined oil depot area.

The top of the mountain is not high, only 30 or 40 meters in size. Over the years, the vegetation on the top of the mountain has been almost destroyed. The replanting is all small saplings. It looks sparse and out of scale, but the existence of this mountain , to form a natural safety isolation belt for the chemical storage area and the resettlement residential area on the west side.

A few villagers on the mountain were relocated, and the follow-up plan was to develop green belts, but now there are many places where money is needed. For the time being, only some vegetation restoration work is done on Zhuma Mountain.

Zhuma Mountain does not look high, but it is a high point near the shore. People walking up to it can see the first phase of Xinpu Steel Plant, the iron and coal wharf, and the coal storage yard of the coal trading market on the north side, which protrudes from the coastline. And the two 20,000-ton coal transfer terminals under construction have a panoramic view.

Although there is no news about the operation of Xinpu Steel Plant, it can be seen from a distance that the two blast furnaces are in operation, but the difference between trial production and official production is unclear. unrelated things.

From the storage and transfer base of the coal trading market, about one kilometer to the north, is the Xinpu Power Plant and the coal transportation terminal, which have also been officially operated, and are transmitting electricity through the high-voltage iron tower.

On a Xishan Island on the northeast side of the power plant, it may be inseparable from the coal transportation terminal of the power plant by one kilometer. The gorge between the power plant and the coast is narrow and the water is deep, which is a natural ship pond dock; Hengyang Shipyard was built along the west coast of Xishan Island.

Further north is the comprehensive dock area.

At present, only one multi-purpose wharf has been built in the comprehensive wharf area, in addition to taking into account the roll-on, but there is still about three kilometers of coastline development space between Xishan Island and the chemical wharf and the reservoir area.

The Xinpu freight station and automobile logistics base of the east extension line of the Xudong railway are built on the west side of the comprehensive wharf area.

Another rail exits the freight station and connects to the steel mill and coal storage and transfer base on the south side. It must be a special line for coal transportation. The rail with the refined oil depot area has not yet been laid, but it will be indispensable in the future.

On the east side of the chemical and refined oil storage area, is Xiaochen Village Island, the main plant area of ​​Xinpu Refinery. The comprehensive terminal for personnel, construction vehicles and equipment has been completed. Two crude oil terminals with a total annual throughput of more than 800 tons are also under construction.

A huge investment of 5 billion will naturally build Huaihai Bay into the largest refining and chemical base in the country.

However, Cao Guangming believes that Shen Huai will not stop there. In Xinpu's established industrial development plan, the reclamation project on the north side of Xiaochen Village Island has already begun; the newly reclaimed land will be used as the second phase of Xinpu Refining and Chemical. Development land; and on the north side of the chemical storage area and the Shugang Highway, is the planned petrochemical industrial park.

Investors build factories in the petrochemical park to undertake the supply of chemical raw materials from Xinpu Refinery, which will greatly save transportation costs.

After the construction of Xinpu Refining and Chemical Industry is in full swing, Cao Guangming estimates that the investment promotion of the petrochemical industrial park will soon form a scale; while the construction of petrochemical storage, logistics, fire protection, water supply, power supply, sewage treatment and other supporting aspects in Xiapu County has already gone Front.

As the main preparation person in charge of CNOOC's refining and chemical industry base in Maoming, Cao Guangming's understanding of the refining and chemical industry is naturally not under anyone's.

Just seeing the preparations and supporting work done by Xinpu for the development of the petrochemical industry, Cao Guangming was deeply He thought that the people at the top of the entire industry usually do not lack eyesight and professional ability. There won't be much of a gap, maybe it's such a firm execution ability...

Cao Guangming told Shen Huai: "The head office is preparing to build a refinery and chemical plant in Maoming, and the local government is also determined to build Maoming into a petrochemical industry base comparable to Zhenhai. Before that, everyone consciously invested in all aspects and promoted the work. Very successful. The postponement of the listing plan is a blow to us, but to be honest, after coming to Xinpu to see it, Xinpu has hit us even more..."

Shen Huai said with a smile: "Cao always wants to relax our vigilance. Once the construction of CNOOC's refinery in Maoming is started, the subsequent development of the petrochemical industry cluster in Maoming will also be launched. At that time, Maoming's development potential will be greatly improved. It's several times bigger than Xinpu's..."

Cao Guangming knew that Shen Huai was being polite, and that the Maoming plant would not be able to start until the start of construction. Even if the construction of the Maoming plant started with a scale of 10 million tons, the refining and chemical industry in Xinpu would not stop.

Looking at it again, although there are about twelve kilometers of high-quality coastline from the southernmost steel plant to the northernmost chemical terminal, the framework of the central port area has been erected. In the north and south of the Xinpu central port area, there are still 20 to 30 kilometers of development space reserved. It really makes people yearn for the future development of Xinpu Port...l3l4


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