Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 698: New Standing Committee Candidates

(Five hundred monthly passes a day, I never imagined that there were so many last night, thank you for your support. In addition, I would like to thank the Sanshan Sanshui brothers for their enthusiastic support and monthly pass support, 100,000 vertical and horizontal coins, almost dazzling, haha)

Shen Huai left the Provincial Guest House before the banquet was over, and picked up Sun Yalin from the airport, not even nine o'clock. Shangxiyuan Yiyuan Road store, at this time, was also drunk and gold fans. Watching the diners in front of the banquet building greeted them, Shen Huai asked the driver to drive directly around the banquet building and parked in the small garden in front of the annex building. .

Chen Dan saw Shen Huai's car parked in the small garden in front of the annex building in the office, rushed downstairs, blocked Shen Huai at the entrance of the stairs, and said, "Didn't you say you were going back to Donghua at night? Why are you here again?"

"Come here to see if there are any adulterers and prostitutes hiding in your office before you leave, isn't it?" Seeing Chen Dan's flustered look, Shen Huai pinched her tender white face affectionately, and when she saw her head out the door, she turned around. After reading some, no one in the small garden came over and said with a smile, "Why, there are people I can't see?"

Chen Dan's deep eyes glared at Shen Huai angrily, and slapped Shen Huai embarrassedly in front of Sun Yalin, dragged him to the small conference room on the side, and said, "Cheng Yi and the leaders of the Provincial People's Bank are in front. For dinner, you don't even make a phone call, just run over rashly..."

"Ah..." Hearing that Cheng Yi was having dinner with the leader of the Provincial People's Bank in the building in front, his neck was shortened.

Sun Yalin curled her lips and said with a smile: "I still want to catch someone else's adulterer and whore, now I'm going to arrest myself as an adulterer and whore?" She stepped out of the door deliberately, "The leader of the Provincial People's Bank is here, then I'm also going to say hello, have a toast or something..."

"Don't you think it's not enough to make trouble?" Shen Huai pulled Sun Yalin, who was not afraid of the lively show, by the corner of her skirt, and was not afraid of her struggling. If she struggled, this long skirt would be torn apart.

To stop Sun Yalin from causing trouble, Shen Huai turned around again and said to Chen Dan, "Then you should treat me as I haven't been here, it's getting late, I should go back to Donghua..."

Although the relationship before the agreement with Cheng Yi remained the same, but in Cheng Yi's eyes and nose, sneaking over to see Chen Dan, it always felt not quite right, Shen Huai subconsciously thought about slipping and talking.

"You're a gutless guy." Sun Ya? Sun Yalin gave Shen Huai a contemptuous look, and reluctantly pulled Shen Huai out.

It's better to be embarrassed than to be embarrassed. Shen Huai shrugged and ignored Sun Yalin's provocation, waved to Chen Dan who was standing in the building pursing his lips and laughing. The driver, who took a breath, quickly drove away.


Shen Huai originally planned to go back to Donghua by car after the seminar in the afternoon was over. This was what he had agreed with Cheng Yi and Chen Dan beforehand.

However, when he arrived at the parking lot in the afternoon, he stopped him and asked Zhao Qiuhua to go to the small meeting. Later, he participated in the reception banquet in the evening. Seeing that the plan for the evening was disrupted, he simply went to the airport to pick up Sun Yalin. Did not leave Xucheng.

Thinking of coming over to meet Chen Dan, I didn't expect that Cheng Yi and the people from the Provincial People's Bank would eat here - Cheng Yi has a good relationship with Chen Dan now, and helped to recommend Shangxi Garden, which made Shangxi Garden do it during this time. Many of the business of the Provincial People's Bank and other banks are high-end customers.

It's just that the better the relationship between Cheng Yi and Chen Dan, the more inconvenient it is for him to run to Chen Dan's side when he gets to Xucheng, and he also has a headache.

As soon as the car went out, Shen Huai had a severe headache, and a text message called from the mobile phone in his pocket.

Shen Huai took it out to see, but it was Cheng Yi who sent a text message: "Come in a hurry, leave in a hurry, what about being a thief?"

Shen Huai's back was sweating, only to know that Cheng Yi had seen his car come in just now, but the car had already left the gate, and he didn't want to turn around again. The matter should not be revealed so that Cheng Yi's colleagues would be aware of it.

Shen Huai thought that the county should prepare two more cars in the future, so he sent a text message back to Cheng Yi:

"I just picked up Sun Yalin at the airport and picked up things from Chen Dan; I was just about to text you..."

"Ghost letter." Cheng Yi texted back.

Sun Yalin leaned over and asked, "Who are you texting with? It's so hot?"

Shen Huai moved to the side, didn't ask Sun Yalin to see it, sent back two text messages to Cheng Yi, and hid the phone in his pants pocket.

Shen Huai and Sun Yalin talked on the phone every other day. There was no special news to announce to each other, and it was not convenient to talk nonsense when the driver was there. Turning out of Xiyuan Road, Shen Huai closed his eyes and rested, planning to go to Donghua. Before that, let's get some sleep and keep your spirits up.


As soon as the car arrived at the expressway toll station, the text message on Shen Huai's mobile phone rang again. Sun Yalin was still thinking about the fact that she hadn't peeked at the text message just now, so she grabbed the phone before Shen Huai could react.

Shen Huai was too lazy to pay attention to her. Using the tall spotlights at the toll booth, he saw Sun Yalin holding his mobile phone and frowning slightly, and asked her, "Who sent a text message?"

Sun Yalin returned the phone to Shen Huai, but the screen displayed a text message from Li Gu: "Meng Jiansheng, member of the Standing Committee."

Five characters and one symbol is very simple, but what Li Gu wants to tell here is clear, that is, before Xiong Wenbin is officially transferred from Donghua, Meng Jiansheng will soon come to Donghua to occupy a seat on the Standing Committee.

"Has there been news of Meng Jiansheng's appointment at Donghua before?" Sun Yalin asked.

"No," Shen Huai shook his head, raised his phone and said to Sun Yalin, "This is first-hand news, it is estimated that Secretary Tian and Xu Pei have just negotiated..."

"Meng Jiansheng Standing Committee member and what?" Sun Yalin asked.

Shen Huai also frowned slightly, shook his head and said, "I don't know, it's all possible..."

It's not that Li Gu hid the news when he passed the news. It should be that Xu Pei and Tian Jiageng only made it clear that Meng Jiansheng would go to Donghua first and be a member of the Standing Committee for the time being.

However, after Meng Jiansheng arrived in Donghua, he took over as the deputy mayor of Xiong Wenbin, and then directly replaced Gao Tianhe as the deputy secretary and mayor of the municipal party committee. There may be no consensus between Pei and Tian Jiageng.

Meng Jiansheng has been with Xu Pei from Jinhai to Xucheng and has been the deputy secretary-general of the Municipal Party Committee for more than two years.

As a direct descendant of the Department of Planning and Economics, Meng Jiansheng won Xu Pei's trust. He then directly served as the secretary-general of the Xucheng Municipal Committee, and then joined Xu Pei to the provincial party committee as the deputy secretary-general of the provincial party committee. Su Weijun did the same back then.

However, Meng Jiansheng has no experience at the district or county level, so for him, it is no problem for him to be transferred from the secretary-general of the Xucheng Municipal Party Committee or the deputy secretary-general of the Provincial Party Committee to Donghua as the deputy secretary and mayor of the Municipal Party Committee. If you want to be promoted directly from the deputy secretary of the Xucheng Municipal Committee to the mayor of Donghua, not to mention that there will be different voices in the province, there will also be a backlash from Donghua.

However, if Tian Jiageng and Xu Pei both advocated that Meng Jiansheng should go to Donghua and start from the Standing Committee and Secretary of the Tangzha District Party Committee, then it would basically be a foregone conclusion. Li Gu should also deliver a clearer message. Shen Huai took the phone lightly. Knocking on his forehead, he thought that perhaps behind Li Gu's five-character-one-symbol text message, there was a disagreement between Tian Jiageng and Xu Pei on Meng Jiansheng's appointment.

Every family has a hard-to-read scripture, and the Song Department has done it like this, so Shen Huai didn't believe that the Jingjing Department was monolithic.

There was a difference between Tian Jiageng and Xu Pei, and Shen Huai had already noticed it, but he couldn't see how deep the difference was.

Shen Huai returned the word "thank you" to Li Gu, deleted his text message, and said to Sun Yalin: "I guess Xu Pei may want to do it in one step, and Secretary Tian may be more conservative, so Meng Jiansheng went to the east. Hualai, what exactly is a member of the Standing Committee and what it is, it may depend on the results of Secretary Tian's discussions with other standing committee members of the provincial party committee..."

"No one can go up in Donghua?" Sun Yalin asked.

Shen Huai shook his head and said: "The appointment of city and county officials is currently intensifying the efforts to communicate in different places. In addition, over the years, the province has not been able to intervene in Donghua. Now two key positions are vacated, let alone. May have promoted people from the local..."

Sun Yalin thought about it too. After Tan Qiping was driven away, the important officials who were officially transferred from the province to settle the situation were Chen Baoqi alone, and Yu Chengzhen was only an official of the Zhao clan in the local government; Qi Jingyao was a powerful and blessing in Donghua, but There is no direct voice in the city-level power structure. At most, it can only be regarded as the spokesperson of Hu Lin or Tianyi Group in Donghua.

"By the way, you can only get the news as soon as the province decides to make the list. How does it feel different from before?" Sun Yalin stared at Shen Huai with bright eyes.

Hearing Sun Yalin say this, Shen Huai couldn't help laughing, and said, "The hero doesn't mention the braveness of the past, as long as he has been bragging..."

Sun Yalin glared at Shen Huai and ignored him.

Shen Huai looked out of the car window and remembered that he had chased Tan Qiping out of Donghua, and then pushed Xiong Wenbin and Yang Yuquan into the city's standing committee. ——If you don’t do that, Meigang will not have the opportunity to grow rapidly.

One more thing, although Mei Gang was on the cusp of the limelight before, he could still hold the banner of the Song family as a tiger's skin.

This time, without the support of the upper management of the Song family, Mei Gang experienced frequent crises in just three to five months, and it was time to adjust the rhythm. In the future, Mei Gang's roots will be deeper and his fangs will be exposed, but he must also submit to the current rules to a certain extent.

You need a backer to do But if you move your backer every time you move, the backer is also unreliable.

This time Shen Huai is also determined not to try to influence the provincial personnel adjustment of Donghua City.

However, no matter which two people the province finally decides to send to Donghua to serve as the secretary of the Tangzha District Party Committee and the executive vice mayor, they will have a direct impact on Meigang's future development in Donghua. It's hard to think about it.

Wu Haifeng was transferred from Donghua, why did Secretary Tian advocate that Yu Chengzhen be concurrently the director of the Municipal People's Congress instead of Chen Baoqi? After Meng Jiansheng was transferred to Donghua, would he have a certain degree of independence? He is also the secretary of the Tangzha District Party Committee, and the executive vice mayor is the candidate to replace Gao Tianhe as the mayor of Donghua. How will the province compete?

These questions were all circling in Shen Huai's mind. At the same time, he had to think about it. Next year, when Yang Yuquan and Tao Jixing both retired, how should the Meigang Department be adjusted?

Shen Huai took out the notebook. Although there was only a faint light coming in from the car window, he could vaguely see the lines and grids on the notebook, so that he could feel the darkness and write down many thoughts that flashed in his mind, etc. After a while, think about it slowly. l3l4


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