Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 689: Dispel the clouds and see the moon

The five thousand-word chapter is sent to ask for a monthly ticket


Shen Huai first considered cooperating with CNOOC, but at that time CNOOC was still thinking of financing in Hong Kong securities and building its own refinery, so Shen Huai was the first to rule out the plan of cooperating with CNOOC.

Now knowing that CNOOC's Hong Kong listing plan has been frustrated, Shen Huai was surprised, but also somewhat unexpected.

Provincial SDIC's participation in the Xinpu Refining and Chemical project is considered a relatively pure equity investment. The final capital cooperation plan will be relatively simple. Except for sending people to the board of directors, it will not directly participate in the production and operation of Xinpu Refining and Chemical.

If CNOOC cooperates with Meigang and participates in the construction of Xinpu Refining and Chemical Project, in addition to capital cooperation, on the one hand, it must also want to use Xinpu Refining and Chemical to digest the crude oil they extract.

At the same time, it is impossible for them to give up their efforts to build their own refining and chemical industry clusters, so they hope that the cooperation with Meigang will help them build their own refining and chemical plants in the future, so most of them will propose to directly participate in the Xinpu refining and chemical project. actual construction and operation.

On the other hand, when PetroChina and Sinopec have strengthened their control over the domestic refined oil market, it is impossible for CNOOC to give up the refined oil market. participation in the operation of the product market is also bound to carry out a new plan...

In a word, in cooperation with the Provincial State Investment Corporation, the plan is easy to determine and the negotiation is not complicated; in cooperation with CNOOC, the issues to be discussed will involve all aspects.

Although Xinpu Refining and Chemical has not yet officially obtained the approval from the State Planning Commission, after more than half a year of careful preparation, the final plan was determined as early as a month ago, and then it was implemented.

Now not only the peripheral supporting projects are under construction one after another, but the core equipment of the refining and chemical line has also signed an agreement with the supplier and entered the design generation stage.

The final plant construction plan can no longer have major adjustments. Even if there are, it is only a minor technical change. Therefore, the cooperation conditions that can really be negotiated with CNOOC will mainly focus on capital cooperation, personnel arrangements, crude oil supply and future products. market planning.

Back at the hotel, Shen Huai didn't have time to rest, so he talked on the phone with his aunt Song Wenhui, and told them about the harvest of returning to Yanjing with Cheng Yi in the past two days, and also called with Sun Yalin, Yang Lin, Zheng Jianzhang, Wei Fenghua and others, After the communication of CNOOC's participation, the adjustment of the plan.

Shen Huai was busy this time, and could not rest until five o'clock in the morning. He made an appointment for Yang Lin to rush to Xucheng, join Song Tong and fly directly to Yanjing, and directly participate in the possible cooperation negotiations with CNOOC.

At present, many construction projects of Xinpu Refinery can only be done secretly, and the main plant does not dare to drive foundation piles. The sooner an agreement is reached with CNOOC, the sooner an approval document can be obtained from the Planning Commission, and then a full-scale construction will be possible. building.

Lying on the bed, Shen Huai was also thinking about the cooperation plan. He fell asleep in a daze when it was dawn. He also felt a little itchy at the end of his nose. He reached out and scratched it and wanted to turn around and sleep again. The laughter of "eat", only when he opened his eyes did he see that Cheng Yi was half-squatting on the head of the bed, and he didn't know what he was holding in his hand, and swiped it on his face...

When he asked the waiter to open the door and enter the room, he didn't see any movement from Shen Huai. He tore off his hair and scratched him twice. He didn't expect him to sleep so lightly. Don't get up at this point?" He also deliberately pretended not to see the pile of documents distributed on the carpet.

Shen Huai sat up with support, the curtains had already drawn Cheng Yi into the room, but the sky outside the window was a little overcast, he took the plum blossom watch on the bedside table to see that it was only ten o'clock, and said, "Where can I go and be happy? Oh, when I got to the hotel, I kept calling and persuading the dead girl Song Tong to rush back to work tomorrow. I stopped here and hadn't slept for four or five hours. Are you here for lunch? "

"Ji Chengxi is going to invite everyone to ride a horse at the Rongcheng Racecourse in the northern suburbs today. Everyone is ready, and you are the only one left to get up." Cheng Yi said.

"Lao Ji is here?" Shen Huai asked.

"Ji Chengxi and Tan Jun have just arrived, and they are waiting downstairs with Wang Weicheng and Chu Qiang. Song Hongqi and Xie Zhi also came earlier, I don't know if they heard any news - they asked me to go upstairs to call you... Cheng Yi watched Shen Huai sit up, the quilt slid down, revealing her **** chest muscles with clear outlines, she didn't feel embarrassed to look more, looked out of the window, and said to Shen Huai.

This weekend, Cheng Yi was able to accompany him to stay in Yanjing for two more days. Ji Chengxi brought Xiao Wu, who didn't have to go to school on weekends, to come with him. It was very normal.

As for Song Hongqi and Xie Zhi running over to join in the fun today, Shen Huai thought that maybe the news that he was "staying over" in the married family yesterday had already spread the word.

Of course, whether Cheng Wenguang can successfully operate and go to Ji Province and whether he can get the support of the Ji family is very important, but the first condition is that the Song clan can temporarily compromise, his second uncle Song Qiaosheng, He Dai and others can't jump out of it. Light hind legs.

Of course Shen Huai knew that this conspiracy between him and Cheng Yi's father would definitely make his second uncle feel uncomfortable, but the world will never turn around for someone, and no one will live without giving in at all, and On the first day he came back, the old man's attitude was quite clear, so he was not too worried that his second uncle would be irrational enough to flip the table.

Song Hongqi and Xie Zhi took the initiative to come over at this time, Shen Huai thought secretly that this should be the second uncle's initiative to show weakness, sighed inwardly, and seeing Cheng Yi turned to look out the window, he picked up his clothes and trousers and ran to the bathroom to wash up .

"You too hurry up..."

It was bright outside, and the window glass had strong light transmission. Cheng Yi only saw Shen Huai's blurred reflection on the window. She turned to urge him to wash up quickly, only to see Shen Huai standing half-naked at the head of the bed. There was a huge pile in front.

Cheng Yi didn't expect to see this situation, her pretty face was instantly dyed red, she turned her face away and said, "Why do you lift the quilt without wearing clothes, like a rogue..."

"Why do you suddenly turn your face back? You've eaten my tofu, and you can still rely on me." Shen Huai said aggrievedly.

"Who eats your tofu?" Cheng Yijiao said angrily, after all, she turned her head back to take a second look.


We had to rush to Rongcheng Racecourse for dinner at noon, so Ji Chengxi and Tan Jun came to meet before ten o'clock. Ji Chengxi planned to ride horses at the racecourse in the afternoon and talk about things casually. There was no need for him, Shen Huai and Song Hongjun to have a restrained conversation in such a formal setting as the expensive living room of the hotel.

Song Hongqi and Xie Zhi came over, and as Shen Huai expected, Song Hongjun had a big mouth and told her mother Song Ying that Shen Huai was staying at Wenguang's house, so that her mother Song Ying wanted to be in the family circle of the Song family. spread within.

After the sister-in-law Song Wenhui's family saw that Shen Huai and Cheng Yi were getting along closely, Shen Huai and Cheng Wenguang talked until late at night and then stayed at the Cheng's family.

The upper-level figures of the Song family can stand up to others to beat Mei Gang to show fairness. After all, Shen Huai is a disobedient junior. The elders watched the juniors scrambling outside, smashing their heads and blood, and it could even be said that they hoped that the juniors could grow better in the face of adversity.

However, after Cheng Wenguang's semi-public choice to support Mei Gang, if Song Qiaosheng, He Dai and the others do not change their attitudes, it will wait for the upper-level Song clan to openly break.

Don't say that Shen Huai and Cheng Yi have just returned to Yanjing, the old man has already set the tone, and the elders in the family should support Shen Huai's development in the local area; even if the old man does not set the tone, Song Qiaosheng and the others can't ignore it. The consequences are not what they can afford.

Song Qiaosheng hated Cheng Wenguang so much in his heart, but he had to consider his "big picture". When Song Hongqi and Xie Zhi came over, they had a close look at the relationship between Shen Huai and Cheng Yi. , Or is there any conspiracy between Shen Huai and Cheng Wenguang.

Song Hongqi and Xie Zhi just sat down at the hotel, but they didn't expect Ji Chengxi and Tan Shiwei's daughter Xiao Wu to rush over to look for Shen Huai.

The scene that happened at the Huaihai Hotel yesterday and the matter of Shen Huai's meeting with Cui Yongping have not yet reached the ears over there, and Song Hongqi didn't even know that Ji Chengxi had returned to Yanjing.

Seeing that Ji Chengxi made a special trip to the hotel to find Shen Huai, and even knew from the conversation that they had a conversation at the Huaihai Hotel yesterday, Song Hongqi's shock was naturally conceivable.

The issue of factions within the party is more complicated. However, in the early 1930s, he served as the deputy director of the General Political Department of the Northern Army and was elected to the Central Committee since the Eighth Party Congress. There are not many people of the older generation who can compare with him.

As a key figure in the transition from the second generation to the third generation of the central leadership, the old man of the Ji family still held core positions in the Political Bureau, Secretary, and Military Commission until he was 87 years old. It was not until 1992 that he completely retired. down.

At the 1992 All-Party General Meeting, there were as many as seven officials promoted and recommended by the old brokers to the Politburo, accounting for nearly a quarter of the entire Politburo.

The old man of Ji's family is also high-spirited, loyal to the party, and let his children serve in the army more. For example, Ji Chenghai retired from the army in his early 60s, and Tan Shiwei resigned from the teaching position of Yanda when he was old. After all, it was Mr. Ji who did not want to see his children involved in the political struggle at the highest level.

Many people said that once the old man of the Ji family was gone, the Ji family would be gone, but the influence of the Ji family should not be underestimated, and the Song family was not even close to it.

In recent years, the old man of the Ji family has been getting worse and worse, and he may not be able to survive it, but it is exactly the same. The effect of the old man Ji's restraining his children's participation in politics has faded, and Ji Chenghai, Tan Shiwei and others will enter the political core circle. It is placed on Ji Chengxi and other third-generation juniors.

The promotion of Shanxi Coal's East-South Line Project to form a comprehensive super-large group integrating coal mining, thermal power, railways, ports, etc. is also a manifestation of the Ji family's hope to gather political power through this.

Even though Shen Huai shines brightly in Huaihai, no one thinks that he is on the same level as Ji Chengxi at this time, not to mention that Ji Chengxi just served as the acting mayor of Qinghe, how could Qingxian just talked at the hotel yesterday , Today we meet again to the extent of riding a horse at a horse farm?

In addition to being shocked, Song Hongqi intuitively sensed that Ji Chengxi had some secrets to discuss with Shen Huai and Song Hongjun, and when he and Xie Zhi came over, he didn't want to leave.

Shen Huai also didn't mind Song Hongqi and Xie Zhi staying. At this point, it was time to unravel some of the fog. A lot of news had to be passed on through Song Hongqi. Second uncle, it would be better to go to He and Dai and talk about it.


Rongcheng Racecourse is close to the northwestern suburbs. It was developed and constructed by Rongcheng Company in 1992. It encircles 2,000 mu of land. In addition to an equestrian club, a horse racing breeding center, and a tourist resort hotel, it is a well-known high-end place in Yanjiao. .

After driving to the racecourse, Shen Huai discovered that Yu Wenfei, the boss of Qinghe Jingrui Group and Yu Wenli's father, was waiting at the racecourse long ago. He secretly thought that Yu Wenfei should have come to Yanjing with Ji Chengxi yesterday, but he didn't show up at the Huaihai Hotel.

Yu Wenli did not come to Yanjing with her father. Cheng Yi called and complained to her for a while.

After lunch, everyone rode in the horse farm in the afternoon.

The three girls, Xie Zhi, Cheng Yi, and Tan Jun, are all very good at riding. Xie Zhi even kept a horse as a pet at the racecourse in Hong Kong. On the contrary, Shen Huai, Song Hongjun and the others rode for two laps, and felt their waists and legs were sore, so they hid under the awning and sat and chatted.

The most direct purpose of Ji Chengxi's approach to Shen Huai was that Shen Huai hadn't explained the topic of dredging the channel in the middle reaches of the Zhujiang River to improve the transport capacity of the inland river yesterday.

Although Ji Chengxi mentioned the dredging of the Canal in the South of Hebei Province in Hebei Province, what he mentioned was only an assumption, and he had not made a thorough demonstration from the aspects of hydrogeographic conditions, development of local river transport enterprises, potential for power uplift, and economic pull along the river. .

Since Meigang has done a more detailed research on the dredging work in the middle reaches of the Zhujiang River, Ji Chengxi asked Shen Huai for details. Be able to find the right rhythm and avoid the wrong way.

Of course, in addition to the problems of Huaimei East, Ji Chengxi is also more concerned about Meixi and Xiapu's land development and reserve, the construction of local investment and financing platforms, the guidance to gather overseas industrial capital, the integration and development of local state-owned enterprise resources, the construction of local finance, and the development of local private enterprises. policies and experiences implemented above.

In recent years, Shen Huai has greatly mobilized local resources to participate in the process of promoting the rapid rise of Mei Steel, which can be attributed to these points-Ji Chengxi realized that the South Coal Group, which Ji Department can directly affect, has the ability to mobilize local resources. The shortcomings of the serious shortage of resources to participate in the construction are really the most important thing to learn from the experience of Shen Huai and Mei Steel in the development of Donghua.

Before Cheng Wenguang's whereabouts were known, and everyone was cautious and not in a hurry to express their opinions, the conversation between the two sides was more like an exchange of experience and learning, but when Song Hongqi heard it, his heart was unstoppable.

Xiapu County, in the name of Xinpu Development Group, a state-owned enterprise, reserves a large amount of industrial, commercial and residential land locally. Shen Huai's purpose in doing so is to form a government-led primary land development market.

In this way, in addition to improving the efficiency of project construction and carrying out local construction in a more orderly and planned manner, it is also to ensure that the huge benefits generated by the operation of the land can be more retained in the local finances - Shen Huai said No matter how good it is, Song Hongqi knew that it was Shen Huai's bold operation on the land reserve that gave people the opportunity to report Xiapu's excessive land acquisition directly to the Ministry of Agriculture.

The construction of local investment and financing platforms is also one of the roots of Xiapu's previous debt crisis.

Mei Gang was on the cusp of the limelight at this time, Song Hongqi thought that Shen Huai would be somewhat restrained after being beaten this time, but seeing how he and Ji Chengxi peddled these experiences, he didn't seem to have any reflections.

However, Ji Chengxi's interested appearance is also called the doubt in Song Hongqi's heart. Could it be that Ji Chengxi wanted to learn from plum steel in Qinghe when the wind was surging?

In addition, Shen Huai and Cheng Yi returned to Beijing together, and Ji Chengxi just came back from Qinghe. The two have been together for nearly a day. Is it just to exchange experience in local development and construction?


Shen Huai and Ji Chengxi chatted freely for an afternoon, but they were still unfinished. In the evening, they directly arranged to have dinner at Rongcheng Racecourse. Song Hongqi didn't have the patience to wait any longer, and made an excuse to leave Rongcheng Racecourse at five o'clock in the afternoon and drive back to the city.

Song Hongqi's eyes were still a little tender, but he told her father and Xie Zhi his father about the long conversation between Shen Huai and Ji Chengxi in the afternoon. Xie Zhi's father immediately thanked him: "Cheng Wenguang wants to go to Ji Province..."

Song Hongqi was suddenly surprised, and after connecting all the factors, he understood why it could be concluded that Cheng Wenguang intended to serve in Ji Province.

Song Hongqi saw his father standing in a corner of the yard where the sky was getting dark, standing with folded arms, not saying a word for a long time, and guessed that his father was facing a difficult choice.

Cheng Wenguang served as an alternate member of the Central Committee and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee in Yanjing. It can be said that his status is not low, but the alternate member of the Central Committee is always a little worse than the Central Committee member, and the deputy secretary of the Yanjing Municipal Party Committee has a higher status. ministerial level.

However, as long as Cheng Wenguang can successfully operate to serve in Hebei Province, he does not have the luxury of becoming the secretary of the provincial party committee, even if he is the governor of the province. It is said that the huge and unparalleled threshold will allow Cheng Wenguang to pass smoothly.

And at this point, within the Song family, Cheng Wenguang will officially have the ability and status to compete with his father in court, and even in detail, there are still some subtle gaps between the two:

Cheng Wenguang operates on his own without relying on the help from within the Song to cross these two thresholds; his father is only a deputy minister who enjoys provincial and ministerial-level treatment in the organization department at this time, not yet Executive Vice Minister.

At least from an outsider's point of view, it is very likely that Cheng Wenguang will have a higher opinion.

"Mei Steel backdoored Xucheng Refinery to restructure and go public. Cheng Wenguang did not object to Cheng Yi going to work in Xucheng. At least he started planning this," Xie Haicheng stood up from the stone bench in the corner of the yard and said, "This time someone else Going to the Ministry of Agriculture to report Xiapu's excessive land acquisition, no one came forward to support Shen Huai, but forced Shen Huai to help Cheng Wenguang charge into the battle - Cheng Wenguang is really willing to be his daughter, and he is a wolf!"

Xie Zhi listened to her father's words by the side, and felt uncomfortable for a while, but seeing that Hongqi's father was still watching the corner of the courtyard without saying a word, he couldn't guess what Hongqi's father was thinking. .


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