Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 688: Hesitant Ji Chenghai

At the end of the month, cheer yourself up, the monthly pass is over 320, and before dawn tomorrow, another chapter with 5,000 words will be updated.


He went home from Chengyi's place, and he didn't see his father come back after a long time. Tan Jun rode a bicycle to his uncle's house, and when he entered the yard, he saw his cousin Ji Chengxi was there, and said in surprise, "When will Chengxi come back? Why didn't you say anything?"

"I made a temporary decision to come back, and it hasn't been two hours since I landed..." Ji Chengxi dragged a chair to Tan Jun.

"Where's Grandpa?" Tan Jun probed into the yard, except for a few guards, he didn't see the figure of Grandpa who was used to walking around the yard at night.

"Just fell asleep in the backyard..." Tan Shiwei said.

At noon, the temperature will rise to 30 degrees, and it will cool down at night. After returning from the Huaihai Hotel, Ji Chengxi and the others sat on a few rattan chairs under the old locust tree in the yard.

Regardless of the special guard posts before and after the entrance of the alley, the guard room and the medical room inside the double courtyard, the scene in the front yard of Ji's house is no different from that of ordinary people enjoying the coolness in the yard after dinner.

Seeing that her father didn't specifically support her, Tan Jun sat next to him with his chin up and listened to their talk.

"The southern line project was launched in 1995, and the Jihe port, the Jinnan line railway, and the integration of coal resources in southern Jinan have also been carried out for two years, but according to the current progress, it will be possible to The initial formation of a coal output scale of 30 million tons should be considered very smooth, and the Nanmei Group will also be able to form a scale of annual revenue of 30 billion by that time.”

Ji Chengxi sat down and continued on the topic just now,

"Huineng Group and Huaihai Province jointly proposed the concept of Huaihai coal exporting to the east until the end of last year, and now they have entered the stage of plan demonstration. It seems that they are a few beats slower than us, but in fact their actions are faster than we imagined. Much faster. At present, one of their most important actions is the coal trading market established in Xinpu at the beginning of the year, which has developed very rapidly, with a monthly trading volume of 300,000 tons in May. This alone will make Huai Coal export to the east. The scale of the transshipment via Xinpu Port seems to be three to five million tons. They are going to carry out the reconstruction project of the Xudong railway line, which seems to be far away, and the east extension line of the Xudong railway may be completed by the end of the year? If it can be completed, then The transshipment scale of Huai coal eastwards via Xinpu Port can theoretically exceed 10 million tons. Shen Huai just now at the Huaihai Hotel proposed to rectify the waterway in the middle reaches of the Zhujiang River first. Zhao Qiuhua looked embarrassed, but this incident involved There are many benefits to the place, and the driving force behind it is very large. Once it is started, the improvement effect will be achieved within a year or two. That is to say, before the Xudong Railway double-track project is launched, the annual output of Huai Coal East will be possible. 30 million tons before us..."

"Really, if this is the case, Huaihai Province's actions are really slow..." Ji Chenghai previously served in the military, and he retired in the past two years mainly to be in charge of the old man's daily life, and the Ji family's several protégés in the Politburo The old official, who has nothing to do with the economy, is called Ji Chenghai who lacks a comprehensive understanding of the current local economic development.

This itself is also the biggest weakness of the Ji system at present.

"Isn't it slow," Tan Shiwei said, "The Daqin line took decades of accumulation to form the current scale of coal transportation of 100 million tons, and we are engaged in the southern line project, and the first phase is planned to form 3,000 in 2001. With a capacity of 10,000 tons, Nanmei Group has a revenue scale of 30 billion yuan; the second phase is designed according to the capacity scale of 80 million tons, so it should not be considered slow. It’s just that things are afraid of comparison. On the one hand, Huaihai coal is concentrated in Huaihai. Within the province, it is easy to form synergy at the local level, and on the other hand, the affiliated enterprises headed by Meishan Iron and Steel have strong execution capabilities at the grassroots level..."

Tan Shiwei didn't engage in politics before, and he didn't even want to be criticized by others. He retired from the Yanda chair at the age of sixty and went home to retire. There is no possibility of engaging in politics. He can only be a think tank behind his back. There is no way to directly control the Southern Coal Group, and it is still quite difficult to make up for the weak economic strength of the Ji Department in the short term.

"This Shen Huai looks like a not so easy to mess with today," Ji Chenghai touched the top of his sparse hair and said with a smile, "But according to what you say, Song Hua has such a majestic grandson, but he doesn't have one. Seeing that he has publicly supported this grandson - the second son of the Song family is not very happy with this nephew of his own."

"It's hard for outsiders to guess what Vice Premier Song thinks in his heart," Tan Shiwei said. "In the current Huaineng Group, except Song Wenhui, almost all the other main leaders are from the second son of the Song family. The group is very similar to our Nanmei Group. They are all focused on the big framework of Huaimei, but the progress in the early stage is slow, which is also very similar to Nanmei Group. The Neng Group still has a lot of difficulties to overcome, but in this process, it has actually covered up the wonderful performance of Meishan Iron and Steel to a certain extent. If we have always been concerned about the development of Huaihai Province, if Shen Huai took the initiative to talk about Zhu Zhu today It seems difficult for the outside world to imagine the possibility of the river channel renovation, and it is very likely that the Huai Coal export will form a capacity scale of 30 million tons before the southern route project. In this formation process, the leading role of Meishan Iron and Steel can not be ignored... "

"You mean Song Hua is an old fox, and let outsiders watch the Song family fight, but no matter how you fight, the Song family will benefit?" Ji Chenghai said.

"It shouldn't be the same," Tan Shiwei said, "If there are no conflicts within the Song family, Meigang and Huaineng Group should cooperate faster, but there are conflicts within the Song family, and Vice Premier Song did not stand up to suppress them. This contradiction should still have a balance..."

"Chengxi, what do you think Shen Huai is so good at?" Ji Chenghai asked his son Ji Chengxi.

"It's the same as what my uncle said," Ji Chengxi said, "I think Meigang's grassroots execution is very strong. Shen Huai looks at the local enemies, but besides the enemies, he has a very strong ability to mobilize local resources. The efficiency is also high, which eventually makes many people willing to stand up and speak for him. Even Tian Jiageng is in Huaihai Province, in fact, many actions are in harmony with Mei Gang, more like Tian Jiageng grasping the overall situation in the province, Mei Gang The implementation and promotion will be carried out below. The establishment of the Xinpu Steel Plant, the eastward export of Huai Coal and the development of Huaihai Province's economy, and even the Xinpu Coal Trading Market, the cooperation between Mei Steel and Huai Coal Group are also directly facilitated by Tian Jiageng. Obviously, Tian Jiageng looks aggressive towards Mei Gang this time, but I don't think he will hit Mei Gang hard..."

"Tian Jiageng is still quite good, take good care of it and focus on the overall situation. Wang Yuan hopes that he can enter the Politburo this time. Several old people have a good impression of him, but some people are worried that Tian Jiageng and the others will all enter the Politburo. Yuan's means of promoting the restructuring will be tougher, so there is still some entanglement, thinking about whether to put pressure on him and let him advance in the next session to balance it..." Ji Chenghai said.

Ji Chengxi did not ask in detail who was against it and who supported it. There were too many and too complicated factors to consider. He also knows in his heart that overly radical reforms are not good for the country. Over the past few years, the close follow-up of economic policies and how to master them are a test of political wisdom. As far as he is concerned, he has to accumulate at least ten years of local experience before he is eligible to participate in discussions at this level.

Ji Chengxi also returned to the topic just now and said, "Just like what Grandpa told me earlier, if you want to succeed, you must not be afraid of offending others, and you must also pay attention to uniting more forces. Some things are easy to say, but the truth is When I went to work at the local level, I discovered that some things are far from simple. The biggest drawback of the southern route project is that there is a serious lack of participation in mobilizing local resources. This is where we need to learn and strengthen..."

"The key is how to learn and strengthen, right?" Ji Chenghai asked with a smile, "You rush back from Qinghe for this matter?"

"I'm saying this because I'm not trying to find a way to suppress the development of Meigang, and the traditional factional boundaries also need the courage to break," Ji Chengxi said, "As far as the central government is concerned, there has always been a lack of support for reform and opening up and conservatives. Voice, and in the past few years I have been to the local area, I have also heard a lot of disputes about whether to be the first director or the first to build the system. Many issues are still a fog, but the first director can't be wrong..."

"Okay, you have an appointment with Shen Huai tomorrow, then you can talk about whatever you want. Even if it's a local cooperation, it can be said to be out of touch with the top. For other things, I'll communicate with you and some uncles. communicate……"

"Well..." Ji Chengxi nodded and said, many times he was not in control of many things, so he could only influence as much as possible.

Ji Chenghai stood up on his knees and said to his son Ji Chengxi and his brother-in-law Tan Shiwei, "I'll go to the back to see if the old man is sleeping soundly. Let's talk..."

"Shen Huai also talked about the Huaihai Fleet's berthing base today. He should have had contact with Cui Xiangdong and Cui Yongping," Ji Chengxi said to his uncle Tan Shiwei, "What do you think he has cards in his hand?"

"He rushed to the hotel and took a bite on Zhao Qiuhua's body. He should be confident. As for the situation that Mei Gang is currently facing, these cards should be enough. As for Tian Jiageng, he will probably be against Mei Gang. Beat, beat, cover up your edge," Tan Shiwei said with a smile, "As for Cheng Wenguang who wants to go to Ji Province, he won't hide his trump card at this time. You can wait and see in the next two days..."

Tan Shiwei watched his daughter, Tan Jun, sitting there eagerly. He listened carefully to what they were saying, and asked, "By the way, you ran over to tip off the news, but did you find any news?"

"I'm not a double agent, where did I find out what news?" Tan Jun said embarrassedly.

Ji Chengxi rubbed Tan Jun's head and said with a smile, "As long as you don't eat the insides and the outsides..."

"You've only eaten inside and out," Tan Jun counterattacked delicately. "You're also willing to let Cheng Yi's father go to Ji Province. I asked me to tip off the news. Do you think I'm happy?"

Ji Chengxi laughed and said to his uncle Tan Shiwei, "Zhao Qiuhua probably never dreamed of it, the problem is on your side..."

"Shanxi Coal and Huaihe Coal have competition, but we can't talk about vicious" Tan Shiwei said, "It is said to learn from Meishan Iron and Steel's experience and mobilize local resources to participate in the progress of the southern line project. Accumulating more power in the project is easier said than done - you can't fully grasp the initiative in Qinghe, and in the province, how can people who are able and willing to work be selected to suitable positions? How to activate local resources in the province is a big problem that you can't control. Take the relationship between Meigang's development and Tian Jiageng in recent years, the southern line project actually needs to have a "Tian Jiageng" in Hebei Province. Cheng Wenguang may not be the most suitable candidate, and the most suitable candidate may not be willing to go to Hebei Province. Compared with various conditions, Cheng Wenguang is much stronger than Zhao Qiuhua. "

As for supporting Cheng Wenguang, Ji Chengxi talked to his uncle on the phone before he came over and said, "But I think my dad is still a little hesitant..."

Ji Chengxi personally also supported Cheng Wenguang to go to Hebei Province. The two sides have a lot of points of cooperation, but not to mention the people that Ji's family can influence in the Politburo, even in Ji's family, he and his uncle's relationship The sound is not the strongest.

"It's normal for your dad to hesitate. He is afraid that Cheng Wenguang will become an orphan of the Song clan. We will be passive if we support Cheng Wenguang to go to Hebei Province," Tan Shiwei said, "but Cheng Wenguang didn't turn back this time, I think Ah, if the old man of the Song family is really not confused, he will stand up and express his stance at the right time..." l3l4


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