Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 371: hilltop

(I only saw the great support of the Ximachimo brothers today, and I will send it to you)

Tan Qiping suspected that he had private contact with Tian Jiageng, and Shen Huai had no way to explain it.

Pan Shihua stood up and made a review, taking the blame for the immature plan before.

Next, Tan Qiping discussed Tian Jiageng's instructions with other members of the Standing Committee. There was no room for him to interject, so Shen Huai simply sat on the side and watched coldly.

The tone of Tian Jiageng's instructions should be considered euphemistic. It can be said that it is not right to the person, not to mention who is dissatisfied with the specific person, or who is specifically supported.

However, if everyone can look at the problem objectively, how can there be so many entanglements and contradictions in the officialdom?

Although Tangzha District came up with the plan to break up Meixi Town, everyone here today is very insightful and knows that it was Shen Huai who openly sought Gao Tianhe at the reception of the Birmingham Economic and Trade Corps. With support, Tan Qiping made up his mind to dismember Meixi Town by means of Ming Xiu's plank road.

The provincial party secretary's instructions may point out the deficiencies in Donghua's economic work and the immaturity of the plan to split Meixi Town; it may also be Tian Jiageng's personal dissatisfaction with Tan Qiping, so he made further instructions so clearly , asking the municipal party committee and government to discuss the possibility of establishing a larger regional economic new zone.

The connection between Donghua City and the province is rather special. Before, it was linked to Ye Chengming, secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Ye Chengming died suddenly in a car accident, and the local snake in Donghua City basically cut off direct contact with the province.

When Tan Qiping served as Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee in Donghua, Gao Tianhe and other deputy secretaries and members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee basically did not have strong support in the province, so that although Tan Qiping went to Donghua alone, no one in Donghua dared to directly contact him. **** for tat.

When Tan Qiping uses his own people in the relatively important positions of the executive vice mayor and the secretary of the Chengbei District Party Committee, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee will basically be under the control of Tan Qiping.

Although there are six other members of the Standing Committee, who would dare to unite and compete with Tan Qiping? In the absence of strong support from the province, who would take the lead and not be afraid to beat Tan Qiping to pieces with the technique of combining vertical and horizontal?

But if it was clear that the provincial party secretary was personally dissatisfied with Tan Qiping, the situation would be different.

Personnel appointments and appointments for cadres above the deputy department level are all in the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee.

Although Gao Tianhe and others do not have strong support in the province, if they can clearly know that the secretary of the provincial party committee is dissatisfied with Tan Qiping, then they will have less scruples about Tan Qiping in the future.

Shen Huai can somewhat understand why Tan Qiping is so furious. He is eager to throw Pan Shihua out to take the blame, but also to blur the vision of others.

Seeing Tan Qiping's gloomy face, Shen Huai sneered in his heart, he still felt wronged.

As long as he doesn't leave the place immediately, he is even ready to accept the dismemberment of Meixi Town into two parts, the Industrial Park and Meixi Street. Who would have thought that Tian Jiageng would interfere directly...

Although Tian Jiageng directly intervened in Meixi Port's declaration of a provincial industrial park, which is not in line with the practice, he has to admit that the city can really implement Tian Jiageng's instructions and set out a part of Huangqiao Town to be separated from Zhushe Township and Meixi Town. Merging into a large new economic zone, making full use of the first-mover advantage that Meixi Town has laid a certain foundation for, and unified planning and development will be of great benefit to boosting the overall economy of Donghua.

Shen Huai did not think that Tan Qiping would implement Tian Jiageng's instructions. Perhaps when he had to set up a new district on a large scale, it was probably the day he left the place.

At the end of the discussion at the Standing Committee meeting, there was no final conclusion, except that Tangzha District should come up with a mature plan according to the instructions of Tian Jiageng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee.

Tan Qiping emphasized the word "mature" again and again, and Shen Huai also knew that his intention was "to drag".

Even towns have means to deal with districts and counties, and districts and counties have means to deal with prefectures and cities. Naturally, prefectures and cities cannot obey the orders of the province; the word "drag" has always been tried and tested. Nor can it be said that the following is not.

Tan Qiping likes meetings and the feeling that he is in control of everything at the conference table. He has a good eloquence and can talk for a long time by himself at a meeting. The Standing Committee meeting was on an issue, and it was already dark when I came out of the conference room.

When going down the stairs, Shen Huai and Zhou Ming missed each other, pretending that neither of them saw each other.

After passing through the office area of ​​the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Shen Huai saw Zhou Yu standing in the aisle talking to people. However, after Zhou Yu saw him, he turned around and entered the office, as if he hadn't seen him at all.

Shen Huai went to the parking lot and got into the car.

Although it was parked under the shed, the car was still scorching hot. He turned on the air conditioner, opened the car window, and stood beside the car waiting for the hot steam in the car to dissipate—before Zhou Yu's call, my sister-in-law's call came first. called in.

Shen Huai smiled bitterly and said, "I just took Tan Qiping to the city for a two-hour meeting when you called. Did I file a complaint again?"

"Your second uncle and Tian Jiageng failed to fight for the seat of Huaihai Province, and Wang Yuan tried his best to abolish the Ministry of Electric Power at the State Council. There are some things that make everyone very sensitive," Song Wenhui said on the phone, "The phone calls to me. Now, I can't help but call to confirm."

The Ministry of Electric Power is currently the most important base of the Song Dynasty, and He Xianghuai occupies the seat of the Minister of Electric Power, and he also thinks of going a step further when the time comes.

Wang Yuan's proposal to abolish the Ministry of Electric Power has greatly affected the interests of the Song Dynasty as a whole. It is still unclear how the interests of all aspects are balanced. Shen Huai, of course, also knows how sensitive some things are; he is in a faction, and from the fact that he is rooted in Donghua, he sometimes has to aggrieve himself to safeguard the overall interests of the faction.

Not only Tan Qiping, but most of the Song clan at present, would not want to see him hooking up with Tian Jiageng.

It's just this matter, Shen Huai also feels extraordinarily wronged.

Seeing that people in the Municipal Party Committee Building came to pick up the car one after another, Shen Huai put the phone between his head and neck, opened the car door and sat in, rolled the car window up, and said to his aunt:

"I have already said that the time is right, I will not fall in love with the store. Tan Qiping is targeting me now and wants to dismember Meixi Town; after I leave the place, I think he will also plan for the future of the industrial park and Meixi Town. Going back to adjust, why should I bother to create chaos at this time? Tian Jiageng understands economic laws, sees the disadvantages of dismantling Meixi Town, and gives instructions to stop the mess in the city. This is also his responsibility as the secretary of the provincial party committee—— I don't understand, some people don't find reasons from themselves, why do they think so much?"

"If everyone could be upright, why would there be so many contradictions?" Song Wenhui could only comfort Shen Huai on the other end of the phone, and said, "Don't think too much about your father and your second uncle, I Let me explain to you. Besides, the people around Tian Jiageng are not necessarily all fuel-efficient lamps. Seeing that the gaps in Donghua can be drilled, it is not impossible to do it on purpose. "

My sister-in-law suspected that this was Tian Jiageng's alienation scheme. Shen Huai thought that it was not impossible, but he was thinking about Tian Jiageng's instructions. If he could really put aside the factionalism and follow Tian Jiageng's instructions to develop a new district, it would be in the interests of the overall situation. of.

It's just that the Song family is all sensitive to this matter now, but Shen Huai is hard to say anything on the phone.

It may be that Zhou Yu failed to make a call in the office. Shen Huai watched Zhou Yu also come to the parking lot, turned his face and told her to see that he was on the phone.

Zhou Yu smiled gently, got into his car, started the car and left the parking lot; Shen Huai also started the car, followed Zhou Yu's car slowly, and left the municipal party committee compound.

When passing Xipi District, Shen Huai threw the car in the parking lot on the side of the road, took Zhou Yu's car, and drove out of the urban area to the northwest. Along the way, he saw a wild scorpion forest, and parked his car in the north of the safflower forest. speak in the wild.

"What a headache!" Shen Huai leaned against the back of the chair, thinking of these troublesome things, he couldn't help frowning in annoyance.

Zhou Yu sat next to Shen Huai, took off the too serious bun, and let her crow-colored hair loose, which made her beautiful face more detached from the stereotyped image of an official, adding a charming and femininity, and she was lazy. He leaned into his arms and said:

"Mei Gang has also gradually become a force. Your family has officially separated you from the local area, and officially formed two non-interfering branches with Tan Qiping. , either to make money, or to make political achievements, and leave as soon as you get it, there is no nostalgia, how can so many people understand your thoughts?"

Shen Huai took Zhou Yufeng's slender and charming body into her arms. She usually wears an orthodox suit for work, but in a dark brown short-sleeved shirt, she wears a rose red tube top with two buttons unbuttoned. It is extraordinarily charming against the smooth and lustrous skin.

Shen Huai stroked Zhou Yu's smooth face and smiled helplessly.

From the point of view of the faction, he and Tan Qiping both belong to the Song faction, and the conflict between the two comes from their ambition to stand on the top of the mountain.

Mei Gang is now becoming more and more popular, and he publicly lifted the lid again, which can be regarded as a success in erecting the mountain of Mei Gang.

Under this circumstance, the Song family arranged for him to break away from the local party and government system and to break away from Tan Qiping's subordinate relationship, so that he could continue to develop and strengthen the mountain of Meigang, while the local party and government affairs of Donghua were completely There is nothing unreasonable about this, and it is not unreasonable to return the water from the well to the control of Tan Qiping.

After all, the Song family can't let their children take up all the cheapness; and Shen Huai and Tan Qiping formed two hilltops in Donghua where state-owned enterprises and local governments develop in parallel and can promote each other, which can also strengthen the overall power of the Song family. .

Even my sister-in-law thought that after the completion of Meishan Iron and Steel's new factory, it was the right time for him to break away from the local government. And when he moved from the local to the state-owned enterprise system, his career prospects may not be bleak, and it can even be said to be more open. At present, it is not without precedent that the CEO of a state-owned enterprise has been transferred to an important provincial and ministerial position.

As far as Shen Huai's ability is concerned, this is undoubtedly a shortcut to Zhongnan.

It's just that Shen Huai knew that although he told his aunt that he would not be reluctant to part with the place and would not care about his position in the place, he was just reluctant to leave the place, and he was reluctant to break away from this land, otherwise Why bother to go to Meixi to take root?

On the one hand, Shen Huai hopes that the new factory of Meishan Iron and Steel can be completed and put into operation as soon as possible without On the other hand, he thinks that after the new factory of Meishan Iron and Steel is completed, all parties will want him to break away from the local relationship. So sad.

Thinking of being upset, Shen Huai hugged Zhou Yu and sat on his lap.

Zhou Yu asked, "What are you doing?"

"I've been depressed for several days, and no one has comforted me. What do you think I want to do?" Shen Huai asked with a smile. He asked Zhou Yu to stretch his legs and sit on his lap. He leaned back and untied his trouser belt. , revealing the ferocious step down the giant object.

Zhou Yu tapped on it and said worriedly, "No, what if someone suddenly bumped in?"

"Don't be too troublesome." Shen Huai turned Zhou Yu's skirt up to her waist, revealing her sturdy buttocks, and reached out from behind to reach the ditch. She didn't take off her panties, but gently patted the loincloth underneath. Pulled aside and asked her to sit up.

"You bastard, how many women have you played with?" Zhou Yu put his arms around Shen Huai's neck, bit his ear, and asked viciously, but he had to admit that although it was a little inconvenient, he really wanted someone to approach Come here, she can stand up and turn the skirt down, not afraid of exposing the light. (83 Chinese Network)

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