Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 370: 1 stick

(Thanks to the Simachimo brothers for their enthusiastic support every month!)

Watching Secretary Tian throw aside the materials for Donghua's declaration of the Meixi Port Provincial Industrial Park angrily, Li Gu sat down at the desk and said:

"A month ago, Vice Governor Song went to Meixi and staged a big play between father and son. I heard others talk about the details, and it was as exciting as acting in a movie. And that night, Shen Huai made a public speech to Gao at the reception. Tianhe sought support and hoped to transfer the Donghua City Forging Factory to the newly established Beijing Investment Company in Yanjing, but engaged in a joint venture project with an investor in Birmingham. At this time, Tan Qiping wanted to separate the industrial park from Meixi Town. Come on, it's understandable..."

"It's excusable, it's a mess," Tian Jiageng said. "The two were originally one, but if they were abruptly taken apart, can they conform to the economic laws? If they don't conform to the economic laws, if they do it bravely, what will happen to the locality? Will there be any losses?"

"However, it's not that no one is happy to see this." Li Gu reminded.

Tian Jiageng sighed lightly:

Donghua City used to be very inconspicuous, and it didn't matter if the entire area became the territory of the Song clan; and judging from the current situation, Donghua's development potential was quite large. If other factions can't get in, it may not be a situation that everyone is happy to see. Last time, Xu Pei suggested that the Provincial Steel Group should intervene in the joint venture project of Fuji Steel, and he also thought of crossing the bridge first.

According to reason, he should stand aside and watch the good show of the Song Department, and watch Shen Huai and Tan Qiping fight each other with scars and bruises all over.

"What's the opinion of the Governor's Office?" Tian Jiageng asked.

"I just took the document from the governor's office, and there are instructions at the back." Li Gu turned the material to the back and pointed him to Zhao Qiuhua's instructions that Tian Jiageng had just overlooked. "It is up to the relevant departments to study as appropriate..."

Tian Jiageng frowned slightly and said, "Donghua's economy has finally improved, and Zhao Qiuhua is watching the show with his hands on his back, so I can't ignore it." He picked up the pen from the pen holder, raised his eyebrows, thought for a moment, and wrote down a few lines. Instructed, handed the document to Li Gu, and said, "Return it to the provincial governor and ask them to deal with it as appropriate."

Li Gu turned to the end to see Tian Jiageng's instructions:

"Donghua City applied for the establishment of a provincial-level Meixi Port Industrial Park. On the basis of the success of the pilot project, it is a good idea to explore ways to develop the economy on a large scale. It is suggested that the pace should be larger, and the Donghua Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government will be asked to investigate carefully. Study, merge the nearby economically backward areas into the industrial park together with Meixi Town to form a larger area of ​​economic new area for unified planning and development, is this idea feasible?"

Li Gu glanced at Tian Jiageng and said with a smile: "Donghua may not understand Secretary Tian's good intentions."

"Let's go as they want; just make trouble, don't screw things up..." Tian Jiageng waved his hand and asked Li Gu to send the documents back to Zhao Qiuhua's office. He didn't want to say anything more about some things. Show an impartial attitude.


Shen Huai didn't know the materials for the district's declaration of the Meixi Port Provincial Industrial Park, and what kind of turning point would be in the province, and no one tipped him off.

At the end of June, Shen Huai was originally in Jinhai and led Tang Chuan, a staff member of the District Investment Promotion Bureau, to participate in the Jinhai Investment and Trade Fair. On the 27th, he received a call from Sun Yalin, saying that important customers were going to Meixi for inspection, and he had to rush back to receive them in person.

Although Sun Yalin often pretends to be mysterious, Shen Huai can't guess whether Sun Yalin is telling the truth this time. She took Shao Zheng by train back to Xucheng overnight, and took a bus from Xucheng back to Donghua early on the 28th.

After Shen Huai arrived in Donghua, she contacted Sun Yalin, only to know that Sun Yalin was still in Hong Kong. She might be able to rush over tomorrow. Shen Huai had no way to get angry with Sun Yalin, and it was unrealistic to rush back to Jinhai to participate in the Economic and Trade Fair, so he went directly back to Meixi.

The others walked around the production line, and before returning to the office, Shao Zheng trotted over with the mobile phone he had left in the car, and said, "There is an emergency notification in the district, and you should go to the city to attend the meeting immediately."

"Who's calling?" Shen Huai asked suspiciously. Now Tan Qiping sees him as more disgusting than a pile of shit. Is there anything that will make him participate in the discussion?

"The call from Secretary Pan of the district party committee. I didn't say anything about it." Shao Zheng said.

Shen Huai took the phone, saw that it was the phone number of Pan Shihua's office, and dialed it directly.

No one answered the office phone, and Shen Huai then called Secretary Pan Shihua's mobile phone and contacted Pan Shihua.

"Secretary Pan, I'm Shen Huai," Shen Huai asked bluntly, "What the **** is going on in the city, so eager to ask me to come to the meeting?"

"It should be declared for the provincial industrial park." Pan Shihua said on the phone.

"Isn't the materials sent to the province? I follow the district's instructions on this matter, and the district's follow the city's instructions. How can I be qualified to go directly to the city to participate in the meeting?"

Shen Huai could not wait to slap Pan Shihua and Zhou Qibao in their faces. The two of them got Tan Qiping's advice and made a plan to dismember Meixi Town to force him to accept it. He pinched his nose and endured it. Participating in the discussion of the plan at the meeting, he was only willing to run over to see Tan Qiping's face when he was ill, and he directly pushed the pond road,

"I came back from a overnight train ride yesterday, and now I feel a little unwell, maybe I have a cold. What kind of instructions should be given in the city, Secretary Pan, you can tell me directly when you turn around and I won't go there and spread the cold to others. City leaders."

"Secretary Tan asked you to come to the meeting by name this time," Pan Shihua said. "Regarding the application for the Meixi Port Provincial Industrial Park, you are the secretary of the Party Working Committee regardless of whether you can get the provincial approval or not. Discussing related matters, you have been absent many times, Secretary Tan also understands your hard work, and did not ask anything. This time, Tan Shuqi asked you to come over by name, do you insist on being sick? "

Shen Huai also found it strange. For the previous meetings of the provincial industrial park, Tan Qiping ignored his absence. Why did he insist on his attendance this time?

"I just arrived at the entrance of the Meishan Iron and Steel Plant," Pan Shihua said, "I will pull you over there."

Shen Huai could be temperamental, but Pan Shihua did not dare not to implement Tan Qiping's instructions.

Shen Huai didn't expect Pan Shihua to come to block the door. He couldn't escape, and he didn't want to take Pan Shihua's car, so he asked Shao Zheng to go to the parking lot at the entrance of the factory and drive the car to Erdaomen. He drove through the office area and followed him. Pan Shihua joined them and drove to the Municipal Party Committee together.

After waiting for a while in the small meeting room run by the municipal party committee, Shen Huai felt a little strange when he saw the municipal standing committee members come in one after another, but did not see Zhou Qibao for a long time, and asked Pan Shihua, "Why, today's meeting was not attended by Mayor Zhou? "

Pan Shihua was also a little puzzled.

Seeing the doubts in Pan Shihua's eyes, Shen Huai was even more surprised: Pan Shihua didn't even know if Zhou Qibao had received the notice of the meeting?

Shen Huai didn't know what medicine Tan Qiping sold in the gourd, so he dragged a chair and sat against the wall. Others were also called for a meeting on a temporary basis, and they didn't know what the topic of the meeting was. Shen Huai also patiently got together and smoked with a few old smokers, making the small conference room a mess for a while.

Tan Qiping and Gao Tianhe came in last.

Shen Huai saw that Tan Qiping was holding a thick stack of materials in his hand. He choked on the permeating smoke as he entered the conference room, frowning slightly; Liu Weili took a good job of observing his words and immediately went to the window and opened it. ventilation.

Shen Huai noticed that Gao Tianhe looked at him with a look of joy, and thought to himself: It should be that before the meeting, Tan Qiping temporarily passed his breath with Gao Tianhe. If the news is purely beneficial to him, Gao Tianhe cannot be overjoyed; the news that is about to be revealed should be harmful to Tan Qiping, so that Gao Tianhe can gloat over his misfortune.

Tan Qiping walked to the conference table and piled the materials in his hand quite heavily on the table, but instead of sitting down, he stared at Pan Shihua sternly, and said, "I have been working on the application of Meixi Port for a provincial industrial park. In asking Tangzha District to consider it comprehensively, to come up with a mature plan, and not to let the leaders worry about everything for you - how does your district committee and district government work?"

Without getting the slightest tip-off beforehand, he slammed a sap right in front of him, and Pan Shihua was there.

Pan Shihua has been in the officialdom for so many years. Although he doesn't know what went wrong in the provincial industrial park, he knows that something must have gone wrong, and Tan Qiping's stern remarks are to make it clear that the chariots and horses want him to take the blame for Pan Shihua.

Shen Huai gently pressed the edge of the table with his fingers, and looked at the lines of the long conference table.

Generally speaking, a leader needs three kinds of people: the first is to have some ability and be able to do things beautifully; the second is to be observant and comfortable with the leader; the third is that something goes wrong He can take the blame for the leader and wipe his **** for the leader.

Shen Huai only knew that the plan to split Meixi Town was tinkered with by Pan Shihua and Zhou Qibao in the district. It should have been instructed by Tan Qiping, but Zhou Qibao did not attend this meeting, and Pan Shihua blushed like a pig's liver at this time. Only then did Shen Huai confirm that Zhou Qibao was the black military advisor behind it, and that Pan Shihua was thrown out to take the blame.

Shen Huai thought to himself, who on earth criticized the immaturity of the provincial industrial park plan and made Tan Qiping rush to throw Pan Shihua out to take the blame?

The answer to this mystery was not hidden for a long time. Tan Qiping sat down and uncovered the answer by himself, spread out the materials, and notified the instructions of Tian Jiageng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee:

"Meixigang Industrial Park, on the basis of the previous successful pilot, further applied for the establishment of a provincial-level industrial park to explore a model for large-scale economic development. This idea has been fully affirmed by the province. Secretary Tian Jiageng of the Provincial Party Committee instructed the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. Do further investigation to study whether it is possible to merge the economically backward areas nearby into an industrial park together with Meixi Town to establish a larger regional economic new area. Secretary Tian Jiageng has a broader vision and has always been paying close attention to me. The city's economic work, this time also put forward specific guiding opinions on the city's economic We must study and understand carefully. At the same time, we cannot ignore the Tangzha District because of the euphemism of Secretary Tian Jiageng's criticism. The committee and district government hurriedly put forward an immature plan. At the same time, the city did not take good care of it, and it has to be reviewed..."

Shen Huai took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, and just as he was about to light it with a lighter, Tan Qiping stared at him with a stern look, and said, "I went abroad to investigate, and I saw that some European and American countries have clearly banned smoking in public places; some of us have Comrades should also have this kind of self-consciousness..."

Shen Huai threw the cigarette into the cigarette case and cursed inwardly. He didn't expect that Tan Qiping would think that he had private contact with Tian Jiageng, so he asked them to refute the plan of breaking up Meixi Town.

According to reason, it is impossible for the application materials of the provincial industrial park to reach Tian Jiageng so quickly; the normal procedure should be that the provincial government has completed all the procedures, confirmed that there is no problem, and finally took it to the provincial standing committee meeting. a bit.

Moreover, according to the unspoken rules between factions in the past, even if Tian Jiageng saw that he had different opinions on this plan, he could just call back and ask the local authorities to supplement materials or conduct further research, instead of making such explicit instructions.

Tan Qiping suspected that he had private contact with Tian Jiageng, and Shen Huai had no way to explain it. (83 Chinese Network)

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