Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 360: Huaineng Group

That night, Song Hongjun came forward to invite some investors in Yanjing and asked Shen Huai to contact them.

Shen Huai drank a lot at night and called Ji Chengxi.

Ji Chengxi wanted to accompany the officials of the Ministry of Railways, and he drank quite a lot, so he made an appointment to see you later, and Shen Huai flew straight to Jiangning the next day.

Shen Huai rushed to Jiangning, joined Qian Wenhui, Guo Quan, Shao Zheng and others, met with other management of Dongdian Group, and promoted the stock exchange plan.

There is not much difficulty on the TEPCO side. He Xianghuai, Minister of Electric Power, is one of the core figures of the Song family, and his sister-in-law Song Wenhui is the executive vice president of TEPCO, so there is no need to worry about what will happen within the Ministry of Electric Power and TEPCO Group. Additional resistance emerges.

Meixi Town will give up its controlling stake in Meigang this time; Dongdian Group's shareholding in Meigang is not significant in absolute value, but its actual status is equal to that of the local government, and it even has the advantage of state-owned shares held by ministries and commissions. , which is a clearly favorable condition for TEPCO.

Guo Quan and Qian Wenhui, the general managers of Meixi Industrial Finance and Investment Group, were in charge of the previous negotiations, but when the final plan was finalized, Shen Huai always showed his face and closed up relations with other leaders of Dongdian.

TEPCO has generally formed a plan to register and establish Huaineng Group to hold shares in Meixi Power Plant and Meishan Iron and Steel, and then mainly carry out investment and construction of power energy and related industries in the Huaihai Bay area.

In addition to injecting Meixi Power Plant into Huaineng Group and exchanging shares with Meishan Steel, Dongdian will also divest the port construction and real estate construction, which are not closely related to the main business of coal power construction, and inject an additional 100 million yuan. development funds.

Since the establishment of Huaineng, it will be one of the most important secondary enterprises of Dongdian. The positions of chairman and general manager will be concurrently held by the senior executives of Dongdian. Hu Shuwei, who is the executive general manager, is a rising star of the Song Dynasty.

Hu Shuwei said he was a rising star, but in fact he was almost forty years old. He once served as a secretary to Song Wenhui, who was promoted by Song Wenhui and has rich experience in enterprise management; he was originally recommended by Song Wenhui to be the general manager of Meixi Power Plant.

After the establishment of the Huineng Group, the scale of the divested and injected business and assets was nearly 400 million. Hu Shuwei's experience in Dongdian was slightly less, and he could not directly serve as the general manager.

After the establishment of Huaineng Group, in addition to exchanging part of the shares held in Meixi Power Plant with Meishan Iron and Steel, it will also inject 30 million funds into Meixi Port Company, holding 30% of the equity, while Meixi Port After receiving the injection of 30 million yuan, the company will continue to raise capital and build another heavy-ton bulk cargo berth and three 2,000-ton Zhujiang berths to ensure that the new Meishan Iron and Steel Plant and joint venture plant will be built. After completion, the annual throughput capacity of Meixi Port Wharf will reach five million tons.

Returning from Jiangning, Shen Huai was still on the way, and Liu Weili, who replaced Xiong Wenbin as the deputy secretary general of the Municipal Party Committee and the director of the Municipal Party Committee Office, called.

Liu Weilitong knew about Shen Huai, and Tan Qiping asked him and Hu Shuwei to report to the Municipal Party Committee on the preparation of the Huaineng Group, and Gao Tianhe would also be present to listen to the report.

Not to mention any grudges in private, but the normal working relationship still has to be maintained.

Huaineng Group will be incorporated in Donghua.

As a subsidiary of TEPCO, although Huaineng is wholly-owned by TEPCO, the decision-making power of personnel and important affairs rests with TEPCO, but unlike other subsidiaries of TEPCO, Huaineng Group, as a subsidiary, has independent company status.

The most direct significance of this to Donghua is that the taxes generated by the Huineng Group in the future will be paid directly to Donghua instead of going to the parent company.

As a state-owned enterprise with nearly 400 million assets at the beginning of its establishment, all taxes are paid by Donghua. The increase in the scale of Donghua's fiscal and taxation is naturally extraordinary.

Of course, this is also a condition that Shen Huai won. In addition to giving up part of the equity of Meishan Iron and Steel and Meixi Port, so that Dongdian can share profits from Meishan Iron and Steel's previous system, Meixi Town will also be located on the west side of Zhuxi Bridge. Allocated 60 acres of excellent land for free to Huaineng Group for the construction of the headquarters building.

Huaineng is a wholly state-owned enterprise, and there is no flaw in the procedures for the free allocation of land.

However, the more important significance of the establishment of Huaineng Group in Donghua is that it will invest in electric power and related industries in the Huaihai Bay area.

Donghua is located in the core area of ​​Huaihai Bay, and its power and energy development lag has always been the main bottleneck restricting the development of industry and agriculture. Not to mention that it is difficult to guarantee industrial electricity in Donghua City, and civil electricity is also interrupted every three times.

In the suburbs and counties of Donghua City, it is almost normal that the voltage is not regulated during peak power consumption hours in the evening. As a result, the most important task of the local power department at present is to crack down on the illegal use of high-power electrical appliances by urban and rural residents.

In the Donghua area, in addition to self-financing for power infrastructure construction over the years, it has been eagerly looking forward to the higher power sector to increase investment and construction in Donghua Electric Power.

Although Tan Qiping cannot take the achievements of the establishment of Huineng Group as his own, and understands that the establishment of Huineng Group in Donghua will further strengthen the independence of Meigang from local control, he also knows that after the establishment of Huineng Group, it will The importance of promoting the construction of power infrastructure in Huacheng.

If major city officials such as Tan Qiping and Gao Tianhe are not familiar with or care about the situation of the Huaineng Group, they will be derelict in their duties, and they will not be able to explain themselves to the province.

Therefore, knowing that Shen Huai had returned from Jiangning, Tan Qiping asked him and Hu Shuwei to rush to the Municipal Party Committee as soon as possible to report to him and Gao Tianhe about the establishment of the Huaineng Group.

"After the establishment of Huaineng Group, as a wholly state-owned investment and financing platform, its financing ability in the financial market is unmatched by local state-owned enterprises..."

For more than a month, Shen Huai has been running around outside, and returning to Donghua is also physically and mentally exhausted. Hu Shuwei has been in charge of the construction of Meixi Power Plant, and he is not familiar with the local area. Shen Huai went to the municipal party committee to face questions from Tan Qiping and Gao Tianhe.

"However, when the Huaineng Group conducts financing in the external financial market, the most direct constraint is the ability to pay financing costs," Shen Huai said, "Huineng Group has no profit and no ability to pay financing costs. Naturally There is no financing capacity. Without financing, it is impossible to further increase investment in power infrastructure. Conversely, if we want Huaineng Group to increase investment in power infrastructure in Donghua It is hoped that Huineng Group can obtain a large amount of financing for the construction of Donghua Electric Power’s infrastructure from the external financial market, and first of all help Huineng Group to have the ability to make profits and pay for financing costs.”

"I can understand your thinking, but what about the specific plan?" Tan Qiping asked.

"Can the city give up part of the income of Tianshenggang Power Plant, let Tianshenggang Power Plant accept Huaineng's capital injection at a lower price, and the local power grid will appropriately increase the on-grid price to ensure that Huaineng's income from Tianshenggang Power Plant can be Support Huaineng with large-scale financing capabilities. In exchange, the financing obtained by Huaineng should also be promised to be mainly used for the construction of Donghua’s power infrastructure.” Shen Huai said.

At present, only the provincial-level and some specially-approved city state investment companies have the authority to directly finance and borrow foreign exchange in overseas markets. This kind of financing is usually on a large scale in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Although there are some serious problems, it also greatly supports local construction and development.

Ordinary cities and ordinary private enterprises simply do not have this kind of authority.

Shen Huai suggested Chen Bing to form a Beijing investment company in Yanjing, which is almost the same reason.

With the endorsement of the local government, the financing funds of Beijing Investment Company in Yanjing are invested in the infrastructure construction of Donghua. As long as Donghua can pay the financing costs such as interest to Beijing Investment on time, the financing and investment scale of Beijing Investment Company is theoretically , it can continue to expand infinitely like a snowball - in this way, the development of Donghua can directly utilize external financial resources.

At present, Donghua's total loan volume in a year is only 6.7 billion yuan. Do not want to be "deadly", try to obtain financial and credit resources from the outside as much as possible, and build a high-grade highway every year according to the local financial resources. It's not enough, what about the rapid rise?

Chen Bing's establishment of a Beijing investment company in Beijing, of course, has serious limitations. First, it is not easy to gain the trust of Yanjing financial institutions. Second, the overall domestic financial resources are very limited, and everyone is fighting. Donghua has nothing obvious. The advantage, at the moment, can only be said to be doing some work slowly.

Relatively speaking, overseas financial capital markets are much more mature and larger.

After the establishment of Huaineng Group, it can apply directly through the Ministry of Electric Power to obtain the authority to raise funds in overseas markets.

However, for Huaineng to borrow foreign exchange from overseas markets, it must first have the ability to pay interest and other financing costs to overseas markets.

Tianshenggang Power Plant is currently the most important thermal power plant in Donghua City, with an installed capacity of 400,000 kilowatts and annual profits and taxes of more than 100 million yuan.

In other words, if Donghua wants to obtain a large investment from Huineng in power infrastructure, it must first cut a piece of the cake of Tianshenggang Power Plant, and even consider giving up local control over Tianshenggang Power Plant.

Tan Qiping did not mean to ask Gao Tianhe's opinion, so he directly rejected Shen Huai's proposal and said, "This plan involves too many aspects, and it seems that it is not feasible at present."

In Donghua City, the importance of Tianshenggang Power Plant is not under the municipal steel plant. It is one aspect to give more benefits and less. To directly put the control of Tianshenggang Power Plant under the Huaineng Group, this is an unacceptable condition. .

If you really want to agree to such conditions, the Huaineng Group will expand rapidly, and together with Mei Gang, will become two powerful wings on Shen Huai's back. Then who can control him in Donghua?

Of course, when Tan Qiping said so, Shen Huai had no way to say that he was not.

Tianshenggang Power Plant and Municipal Steel Plant, as the few enterprises in Donghua City that can support the scene, not to mention the enterprises under the Ministry of Electric Power, even if the Ministry of Electric Power comes to open this opening, it is not impossible to directly block it back.

"This model is very attractive, UU reading" Gao Tianhe said, "Take out the Tianshenggang Power Plant directly, the steps are a bit big, can you try it out with the district and county power plants?"

Tan Qiping glanced at Gao Tianhe with stern eyes; however, Gao Tianhe looked at Shen Huai with great interest, as if hoping that Shen Huai and Hu Shuwei could talk more in-depth, and asked: "If Xiapu County takes Xiapu Power Plant and Huaineng to cooperate ,How about it?"

Tao Jixing, the secretary of the Xiapu County Party Committee, was promoted by Wu Haifeng, and the county magistrate Ge Yongqiu was from Gao Tianhe. With the cooperation of Xiapu County Power Plant and Huaineng, Gao Tianhe did not have to worry about what technical obstacles Tan Qiping was able to set up.

Facing the peaches thrown away by Gao Tianhe, Shen Huai kept calm, looked at Tan Qiping, and asked, "Secretary Tan, what do you think?"

Tan Qiping didn't expect Gao Tianhe to suddenly intervene in this way, and there was a kind of depression in the chest, but he couldn't directly refuse.

Whether the Huaineng Group can develop rapidly or not is related to whether the influence of the Song clan can further take root in Donghua. Tan Qiping cannot suppress the development of the Huaineng Group in Donghua in a high-sounding manner because of his personal confrontation with Shen Huai. At this time, he could only use soft means to Mei Gang. (83 Chinese Network)

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