Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 359: Song Hongjun also has a mind

"Aren't you too sensitive? My sister runs to Yanjing every three days. I don't care about the rest, I just hope that someone can arrange a shuttle bus, order a meal, a hotel, an air ticket, a bus ticket, etc. I don't need my sister in person. Going out - just for this, sister set up an office in Yanjing, use someone you can trust, and spend one hundred and eighty thousand a year casually, what do you think is impossible?"

Sun Yalin was on the other end of the phone, dismissing Shen Huai's questioning, and blocking him with a few words.

Shen Huai stood in the bathroom, looking at the vanity mirror, thinking about what Sun Yalin said was right:

At this time, the investment directly controlled by Zhongxin Investment exceeded 6 million US dollars.

In international financial centers such as Hong Kong, Tokyo, London, New York and other international financial centers where industrial capital is concentrated, such an investment scale is naturally inconspicuous, but in China, where the economy has just developed for more than ten years, it can still decorate the facade. Over the years, the scale of investment in real enterprises has been so large.

Sun Yalin went abroad frequently during this period, and went to Paris and other places in order to persuade one or two old relatives of the Sun family to raise more investment for the construction of the new Meishan Iron and Steel Plant. Although Xucheng has an international airport, there are very few real international flights. Sun Yalin mainly transits from Yanjing.

Shen Huai wants to take charge of the overall situation, and there is still a large pile of party and government affairs. He rarely overlaps with Sun Yalin on his itinerary. Therefore, Sun Yalin spends most of the time traveling alone on the journey, which is also very hard. . Because the number of transfers in Yanjing is the most, it is very necessary for Sun Yalin to work in Yanjing to handle tedious daily affairs.

However, there is currently no need for Zhongxin Investment to recruit troops on a large scale. To deal with tedious daily affairs, the principle of selecting personnel is naturally "appointing people as relatives" - it does not need to be particularly proficient in professional skills, but also needs to be able to trust and have the patience to deal with trivial matters. The day-to-day affairs of the company, the people who are more familiar with Yanjing - Sun Yalin's selection of people is really limited.

From this point of view, Sun Yalin set up an office in Yanjing, but hired Hu Mei to take charge of the office work, which is completely reasonable - but Sun Yalin held back beforehand and didn't reveal any news to him, it must be for the sake of calling him today. When he arrived at Hu Mei, he was surprised.


Shen Huai really had no way to care about Sun Yalin. After talking nonsense with her, he hung up the phone and walked out to ask Hu Mei, "Where is the office located? Wouldn't it just be here?"

When Song Hongjun sprayed Shen Huai's face with a sip of tea just now, Hu Mei's face was flushed with embarrassment - Shen Huai teased Sun Yalin, but Song Hongjun's reaction was so big, no doubt they all thought she had an ambiguous relationship with Shen Huai. . Shen Huai walked into the bathroom to wash her face, her heart was beating wildly, she sat on the sofa with her knees bent, and she was too embarrassed to not see Song Hongjun and Chen Bing's ambiguous but harmless eyes.

Hu Mei's mind had calmed down a little, and the blush on her face had just disappeared, but she asked Shen Huai to come out of the bathroom. After such an ordinary question, her heart jumped inexplicably, she nodded and replied, "Well, it's on the fourth floor."

Shen Huai looked at Hu Mei's shy, cute and sweet appearance, and laughed dumbly. He looked at it normally, and it was a normal thing, and smiled with Chen Bing: "This is cheap for the big men who are stationed in Beijing, and there are beautiful women every day. "

Donghua Building has eight floors, the first to third floors are the hotel lobby, dining, entertainment and conference venues, the fifth to eighth floors are guest room areas, and the fourth floor is the office area.

In addition to Donghua Hotel and Donghua Beijing Office's own management offices located on the fourth floor, there are also some commercial office spaces for rent. If Sun Yalin does not dislike that the accommodation conditions here are not up to the five-star standard, she can stay here via Yanjing and set up the office here, which is the most convenient and the cost will be much less.

Counting Hu Mei and hiring one more back-office staff member, plus the office rent, 100,000 a year is barely enough for the office expenses.

However, Shen Huai knew that Sun Yalin was a person who enjoyed herself. Although she was very short on funds at this time, she would not make herself too shabby when she wanted to come, and said to Hu Mei: "This room is crowded, so let's go to the office and have a seat. …”

Take the fire stairs downstairs, the office is on the southeast side of the independent elevator.

Shen Huai walked in with Song Hongjun, and Sun Yalin really wouldn't feel wronged. It was a small company's office space, and the layout was even more luxurious.

A relatively open office area is separated by frosted glass from the reception area, staff office area, conference room, manager's room, and Sun Yalin's dedicated president's room: push the door and walk in, and inside there are also the secretary room, meeting room, and lounge. ——The entire office is about 400 square meters. At present, apart from Hu Mei and a chubby back-office girl, no other employees have been recruited.

Chen Bing said with a smile: "This used to be the office of Xiapu County's Beijing Office. When I came to Yanjing, Tao Jixing and Ge Yongqiu decided to move the Xiapu County's Beijing Office out. This place has always been empty."

Chen Bing used to be the deputy secretary and county magistrate of Xiapu County. If Tao Jixing and Ge Yongqiu’s activities in Beijing were under Chen Bing’s eyes and noses, it would be strange if they didn’t feel uncomfortable, and it would be normal for them to move out.

When Sun Yalin was not in Beijing, Shen Huai occupied her president's office, sat and chatted with Song Hongjun and Chen Bing, watched Hu Mei help them make tea, and smiled at Song Hongjun: "Sun Yalin set up an office here, it is very good. ; I used to be in the hotel every step of the way, and I was tired."

"I also have a company in Yanjing, and there are several beautiful girls who suit your taste. When will you take the initiative to visit?" Song Hongjun said.

Shen Huai knew that Song Hongjun had companies in Yanjing, Guangcheng, and Hong Kong, but they were mainly in transit trade business, and ministries and commissions ran the most.

Hu Meiqiao blushed slightly, and sat quietly by the side, listening to their chat.

Chen Bing's plan has been approved by the city, the procedures for registering Donghua Jingtou Management Company are in progress, the divestiture of the hotel's business is also under negotiation, and everything is proceeding step by step.

However, as a local state-owned Beijing Investment Corporation wholly-owned by the Donghua Municipal Government, the property of this hotel under its name is limited to cooperation with private and foreign-funded enterprises, and it is difficult to expand the financing and investment channels and scale at once.

However, building a framework is the first step to success. At the same time, as a local state-owned wholly-owned enterprise, it naturally has special and convenient features that private and foreign-funded enterprises do not have.

Shen Huai and Song Hongjun then talked about the financing and investment situation in Hong Kong.

In early March, Song Hongjun acted as the main force and personally invited more than a dozen Hong Kong investors to visit Meixi. Shen Huai was in a hurry to go to Birmingham at the time, and was unable to participate in the reception in person.

Shen Huai spent more than a month in the UK before temporarily finishing the affairs in the country. During this period, he had a phone call with Song Hongjun, but there was no detailed long talk.

Investment promotion is a long-term and continuous process. Most investors will not make a decision immediately after the initial inspection. Most of them require a process of weighing and in-depth investigation. Shen Huai had not been able to learn about the follow-up feedback from Song Hongjun in time.

"The friends I know in Hong Kong are very interested in the new Meishan Iron and Steel Plant. But it is not without results. I have a friend who likes the small and medium-sized enterprise park built in Meixi Town and wants to buy it and open it directly. Garment enterprises, the investment will not be less than 20 million Hong Kong dollars..."

"There is no problem with this. I set up a small and medium-sized enterprise park in Meixi Town, and built a factory in advance. The roads, water, electricity and sewage are fully equipped. The main purpose is to help light industrial enterprises quickly settle in and shorten the construction period as soon as possible, so that they can make the most of it. Hurry up to seize the market. The completed factory building can be rented or sold, as long as it is conducive to local development; if a block is allocated, the park will continue to expand eastward.” Shen Huai said.

"Alas, Hong Kong started out with shipping and transit trade in the early days, and then the financial and service industries rose up on both sides of Victoria Bay, and then real estate and tourism led to the rise," Song Hongjun sighed, still not able to provide Meishan Iron and Steel's new factory Frustrated by the new investment, he said, "However, Hong Kong has neither the resources to develop heavy industry nor the market to develop heavy industry, so those people in Hong Kong do not have the foundation and deep understanding of developing heavy industry..."

People are always limited by their existing experience. They want those investors who were mainly engaged in light industry, service industry, and real estate investment in the past to focus on heavy industry companies, and they cannot compete in one day.

Shen Huai smiled slightly and said, "Sometimes we still have to face reality. At this time, in the eyes of foreign investors, the best domestic resources are cheap labor, so a lot of investment goes to industries that can squeeze as much cheap labor as possible. Understandable; therefore, at this time, we have to work harder and be more attentive.”

"I went to Boeing with a domestic delegation last year. The receptionist knew that I was in domestic transit trade and asked me how much business I had in a year. I was very proud and told the other party that it was transferred out through my hands in a year. There are more than 1,000 containers," Song Hongjun said with a dry smile, "Guess what the other party told me?"

Shen Huai smiled and said, "What's so hard to guess, a Boeing 747 now sells for more than ten or two billion yuan, and you can't even replace a single **** of a plane for a thousand containers of shoes and clothing. The company is showing off your business volume, not asking for humiliation."

"***," Song Hongjun said, picking up something to smash Shen Huai, "I will recall the bitter past, and you should also run on me."

Shen Huai smiled and walked away, Song Hongjun put down his things, and recalled: "People told me that if the scale of my company's business is expanded ten times, I can probably reluctantly change a plane from them to go back - to be honest, I used to tell the entity. There is no concept of industry, but this time I was particularly impressed. I do trade, and I don’t just mess around all day. At least the concept that one container can hold 9,000 pairs of shoes is still there. I was shocked at the time. Now, can it be said that hundreds of millions of pairs of shoes can barely be replaced by a big plane? Isn't that just to give 300 million Americans a pair of cowhide shoes to allow 1,000 people in China to fly in the sky? I have since then Only then did I formally study some things about foreign trade and the real economy, and then I really realized the gap.”

Shen Huai has been in the domestic industrial environment for a long has been studying these contents systematically, and the feeling is naturally much more profound. He took a long sigh and joked with Song Hongjun with a relaxed kiss. : "Your investment in the past two years has been biased towards the real economy, which turned out to be stimulated."

"I am in Hong Kong, and I have come into contact with a lot of people." Song Hongjun has been doing business in the sea for many years, and he has been living a luxurious life of feasting, furious horses and fresh clothes. At this time, recalling his mental journey in recent years, he still feels quite vicissitudes. He said, "In China Most people consider themselves big country citizens. In fact, after the end of the Cold War, the global order seems to be under the control of the United States, and under the United States, the status of countries in the world is mainly ranked by their economic aggregates. Although mainland China has some It has a population of 1.2 billion, but when it comes to the total economic output, it is only twice that of Taiwan, comparable to the palm-sized South Korea, and even less than one-eighth of Japan. In this case, China's international status will It's not surprising to be marginalized and be looked down upon, right? In the past two years, I have been in contact with overseas investors, and these grandchildren look at me, making people want to smash things, but they are shameless! This is a sense of humiliation So, when you talk to me about industry and industrialization, I'm thinking, damn, our old Song family finally has a master who has the right idea and can be called a character."

Shen Huai used to be close to Song Hongjun in the past, but he hadn't listened to him to analyze his own mental process in such a deep way, and he could understand that although Song Hongjun complained, he was actually willing to do some extra work. Blood is hot. (83 Chinese Network)

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