Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 354: I don't care about you

After grabbing the airport guards and putting them in handcuffs, Liu Fulong began to struggle, and he was honest with two batons on his back.

Yu Peili was terrified, and she didn't know how to deal with it, so she followed to the airport police station at a loss.

Although Cheng Yi felt that things were troublesome and annoying, she couldn't leave Yu Peili and Liu Fulong alone. She really couldn't understand, so she turned around to make a phone call. Why did Liu Fulong get into a scuffle with Zhang Biqiang, who didn't get along very well, and his face was covered in blood?

Shen Huai had a lot of things inconvenient to carry, so he suggested to the airport guard to store the salute at the airport first, and it took about a quarter of an hour before rushing to the airport police station to make a record.

It's not so much to take notes as to watch the fun.

When Shen Huai arrived at the police station, Zhang Biqiang was sitting in the corner taking notes. In such a small case, the police usually ask the two parties to confront each other directly, so that the problem can be solved as soon as possible. Zhang Biqiang did not bite again, but it seemed that Liu Fulong was a little more honest at this time, with handcuffs still on his hands, squatting against the base of the wall.

While Zhang Biqiang was questioning over there, Liu Fulong buried his head in the crook of his arm and occasionally raised his head, but the look in his eyes was still fiercely restrained, which matched his **** face. It's a bit ferocious - looking at his nostrils that flare out from time to time, he knows that he is afraid that he wants to tear Zhang Biqiang to pieces, but he has to be honest in the police station.

Cheng Yi and Yu Peili both sat together in silence, their faces were very ugly.

"By the way, are you also a witness?" The police officer in charge of the question asked Zhang Biqiang to squat aside, beckoned Shen Huai to sit over, and said, "Come here and tell us what you saw."

"I don't know what's going on, everyone took the plane back from London together, and everyone was fine before getting off the plane. Liu Fulong also said that he would invite everyone to have dinner together and then go their separate ways. Everyone was laughing and talking. Later, maybe Zhang Biqiang said something unpleasant, and Liu Fulong smashed the drink bottle in his hand into his face, and then the two of them fought together, and then, then you come over..." Shen Huai just took the matter into consideration. I told the police about the situation, but I didn't say anything about him fanning the flames.

Shen Huai said this, and no one could say that he was wrong. He then said with a puzzled and regretful expression: "This is all good, why is it like this?"

"If this kid hadn't stalked Cheng Yi, could I beat him?" Liu Fulong wanted to stand up and scold Shen Huai, "Shen Huai, what you said to the police should be clear in your head, don't say anything unclear. Not white."

Only then did Shen Huai know that Liu Fulong had bitten just now that Zhang Biqiang was harassing Cheng Yi and Yu Peili on the plane, and after getting off the plane, he was still entangled, so he couldn't be bothered to beat people - he wanted to put the blame for the fight on Zhang Biqiang's head.

Shen Huai looked at Cheng Yi, with innocence, helplessness, and grievance, and asked, "Why can't I figure it out?" Immediately, he said to the police officer who asked him, "Okay, I'm not a witness. Did it, did it work? How did they start fighting, I don't know, and I didn't see it."

Cheng Yi looked embarrassed:

It is said that Zhang Biqiang is annoying, but not to the extent that he wants to drive him away. However, she had nothing to do with Zhang Biqiang after all, and when she was studying in the UK, she was well taken care of by Yu Peili and Liu Fulong, and she knew more about each other's parents, so she should excuse Liu Fulong.

Shen Huai's tone made the questioning police officer quite dissatisfied, and he asked, "What is your attitude, the witness is the one who will not do it if you say it or not?"

"That's all I know; I don't know about other situations, so I can't talk nonsense." Shen Huai sat there silently.

"Police officer, they are just impulsive, and it's not a big deal. Can we reconcile in private?" Cheng Yi asked the police officer in charge, thinking about putting things in order, and letting Liu Fulong accompany Zhang Biqiang to detention as soon as he returned to China. so? She said, "We came back from an eleven-hour flight from London, we were tired and a little irritable, but there's really no need to bother you with this trivial matter."

"You know what you are doing. You fought at Yanjing International Airport, and your face was thrown into the international arena," the police officer in charge said with a stern face, "If you don't take you seriously, will you meet in the future? Fighting on the plane?"

"I want to make a call..." Liu Fulong probably realized that the situation was a little serious, and stood up and asked to make a call.

"Honestly squat down," the policeman in charge of taking notes sat next to him, pointing at Liu Fulong and reprimanding him, telling him to squat down, "Don't think that if you make a phone call and find a relationship, you don't need to explain the problem clearly."

"My dad is a member of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and Deputy Secretary of the Qinghe Municipal Party Committee Liu Chuandong. I want to call my dad and tell him. I have been detained by the Civil Aviation Public Security Bureau. I can't go back to Qinghe for the time being, can I?" Liu Fulong stared at the record. The young policeman glanced at him and asked arrogantly.

The Civil Aviation Public Security Bureau is under the administration of Zhili Civil Aviation Administration and the Ministry of Public Security. No matter how powerful Liu's family is in Hebei Province and Qinghe, they cannot control the territory of the Civil Aviation Public Security Bureau. , the words that scolded her mother were not spit out after all.

The deputy secretary of the Qinghe Municipal Party Committee is not a big official, but the officialdom is Zhang Wang. Who knows what powerful people this kid knows in Yanjing or directly in the Civil Aviation Administration?

The policeman who took the notes was a bit more savage, his eyes swept over the people in the room, and finally looked at Cheng Yi and asked, "Who are your parents?"

Cheng Yi hated moving her parents out, but at this point, she only hoped that she could get out of the house as soon as possible. She lowered her tone and said, "My dad is Cheng Wenguang, the deputy secretary of the Yanjing Municipal Party Committee..." Seeing Shen Huai's eyes looking over with indescribable sharpness, she felt uncomfortable and turned her head to look out the window.

Just now, Zhang Biqiang looked like a dead pig not afraid of being scalded by boiling water. At this time, his face was a little disintegrated.

Liu Fulong's father was the deputy secretary of the Qinghe Municipal Party Committee. No matter how powerful the Liu family was in Qinghe City and Hebei Province, they were beyond the reach of the whip, and they couldn't come to Yanjing to harass Yanjing; but if he killed him and harassed Yanjing The daughter of Cheng Wenguang, the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, might not be able to get it out in three to five years!

Cheng Yi is the daughter of Cheng Wenguang, deputy secretary of the Yanjing Municipal Party Committee?

Zhang Bianqiang's heart was broken, he didn't expect that he would be so lucky.

The older policeman was suspicious, looked at Liu Fulong, and asked, "What number do you want to make, and I can help you?" He handed over the pen and paper at the corner of the table.

Liu Fulong wrote three strings of numbers and said, "One is from the Qinghe Office in Beijing, the other is from the Qinghe Mayor's Office; the last one is from the General Office of the Yanjing Municipal Party Committee..."

Liu Fulong wrote the third number. Mingli asked the police to verify Cheng Yi's identity, and he also wanted to show off his relationship with Chengjia. It wasn't even if he was in Yanjing, and it wasn't because the little policemen could move them.

Shen Huai smiled in his heart, knowing that when local officials came to the capital these days, they liked fellow Fan Fan. It wasn't too strange that Liu Chuandong and Liu Fulong climbed to Chengwenguangmen, but they didn't know how close the relationship between Liu and Cheng was.

Liu Fulong also glanced at Zhang Biqiang with unbridled ferocity; he asked Zhang Biqiang to look at him and his heart was pounding.

Cheng Yi only hoped that she could put things to rest as soon as possible. She had no intention of doing anything to Zhang Biqiang. She even helped him to absolve him, and said to the police, "It's really just some small conflicts, and it's not as serious as you think. Can't we review our mistakes?"

The older policeman asked the younger policeman to check the phone number, so he dialed the first one and confirmed Liu Fulong's identity. He knew that this matter was not something they could take seriously. He combined the transcripts and opened the handcuffs for both Liu Fulong and Zhang Biqiang, saying: "Fighting in the airport pick-up hall has a very bad impact, but since you are both first-time offenders, are you willing to accept mediation? If you are willing, go to the infirmary to clean the wound first."

Zhang Biqiang saw that the police had confirmed the identities of Liu Fulong and the others. Of course, he wished that Liu Fulong and the others would not remember the deeds of the villains, but at this time, it was obviously not something he could say for reconciliation.

Liu Fulong gave Zhang Biqiang a fierce look, nodded, and replied to the police officer, "Anyway, it's wrong for me to do it first, and I don't want to pursue anything about the previous matter..."

Hearing Liu Fulong's words, Zhang Biqiang's heart pounded. Liu Fulong meant that they would settle accounts after they went out. His face collapsed, and he thought that it might be better to stay in a detention center for a few days.

The older policeman, regardless of what Zhang Biqiang thought, asked his assistant to take the two of them to the hospital to clean up the wounds, while Cheng Yi called the driver and told the driver to drive directly to the police station to pick them up.

After half an hour, Liu Fulong and Zhang Biqiang dealt with the wound, and the case was closed.

Zhang Biqiang knew that he was afraid and left the police station, but he didn't dare to just leave.

His roots and feet have been caught, and it is not enough to pat his **** and walk away. There's something I'm sorry about, Brother Liu, how can you get rid of your anger, tell me, I, Zhang Biqiang, will blink, it's my grandson..."

"I don't want it to be like this," Liu Fulong said. "I didn't think about what to do with you. I'm still the same. I just want to invite you to dinner at Qinghe Hotel."

"Okay, I'm here today at the Qinghe Hotel," Zhang Biqiang didn't dare to say "no", and begged Cheng Yi again, saying, "I have offended you a lot today, Miss Cheng, please let me Miss the honor..."

Cheng Yi was exhausted and didn't want to rub anything anymore, but seeing Zhang Biqiang wagging his tail and begging for pity, he couldn't bear to refuse, and at this time, he was hungry, thinking about having a meal together, staring at Liu Fulong to let this matter pass. , agreed.

Zhang Biqiang had his own car, so he trotted to the parking lot to pick it up; Liu Fulong was not afraid that he would slip away under the pretext of excuses, and also got into the car called by Cheng Yi.

Shen Huai sighed softly and got into the car.

Qinghe Hotel, as the Beijing Office of Qinghe City, is also outside the South Third Ring Road and is closer to the airport, so we arrived there quickly.

Zhang Biqiang really didn't have the guts to slip away like this, and honestly followed behind the black Audi car that made him see the heart-throb.

When he arrived at the Qinghe Hotel, Zhang Biqiang took the lead and rushed over to help open the door.

Shen Huai looked at today's play and it was almost the same. Next, Liu Fulong beat Zhang Biqiang to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars as a gift. He didn't have the heart to watch it. He sat in the car and didn't get down, and said to Cheng Yi: " I'll go directly to the Donghua Hotel and say hello to your parents for me..."

Seeing that Shen Huai couldn't get out of the car, Liu Fulong didn't tickle him. He pressed his knees against the door to keep it from closing. He stared at him with stern eyes and said, "Zhang Bi is begging for a drink, how can I be missing you? Why don't you open your eyes and learn something? , I may not open my eyes and offend someone in the future. Isn't it too late for me to teach you something again?"

Shen Huai stared at Liu Fulong's snarling, fierce eyes for a few seconds, then smiled lightly: "I don't care about you, I'm really tired and want to go back to the hotel to rest."

"You care about me!" Liu Fulong said, "What is your mother pretending to be?"

"Liu Fulong," Cheng Yi yelled at Liu Fulong when he saw that the more trouble he was making, "what are you making a fool of?"

"How can I be fooling around, I just want him to see, there are people who can't be offended by a small character like them," Liu Fulong argued, "he wants to eat swan meat because he wants to eat swan meat. If you don't teach him a lesson, he will try to entangle you in the future..."

Shen Huai smiled, got out of the car, took Cheng Yi's shoulders blatantly, let her lean into his arms, looked at Liu Fulong provocatively, and said, "I just want to eat swan meat today. What can you do to me?"

Cheng Yi hugged Shen Huai in her arms, which was a little awkward, but she knew that Shen Huai was provoking Liu Fulong to have no way out, so she protested to Liu Fulong like this, and she endured not to struggle out of Shen Huai's arms.

Liu Fulong was so angry that a Buddha ascended into the sky, but for a while he didn't understand why Cheng Yi didn't struggle out of Shen Huai's arms. Seeing Shen Huai teasing Cheng Yi, he rushed up and grabbed Shen Huai's collar and punched him. , Shen Huai is someone who is willing to suffer, he has already kicked out first.

Cheng Yi reprimanded: "Liu Fulong, stop!" She hugged Shen Huai again, preventing Shen Huai from fighting like a ruffian, and not letting Liu Fulong rush up to beat Shen Huai again.

At this moment, there was an exclamation: "Brother Shen Huai, Sister Cheng Yi, why are you here?" (83 Chinese website)

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