Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 353: sudden fight

After the plane landed, Cheng Yi, Yu Peili, Liu Fulong and the others were easy to pack; Shen Huai's heavy luggage was checked in, and after getting off the plane, he had to go to the baggage claim area to wait for the luggage to be brought out from the conveyor.

Liu Fulong and Yu Peili were not suspicious that Shen Huai was the brother of a classmate from Chengyi Middle School. Luggage, and then take the car back to the city.

Cheng Yi wanted to keep in touch with Shen Huai and give her family an explanation. Naturally, she couldn't go their separate ways when she got to Yanjing. Yu Peili thought that Cheng Yi treated people politely, and since they all flew back together, it was normal for them to go back to the city together by car.

Liu Fulong saw that Cheng Yi was usually cold and arrogant. No matter how good other men were, it was hard for her to pretend that she was so arrogant. Sour is not a taste.

However, Liu Fulong was even more manic. Zhang Biqiang, like a green-headed fly, stuck to him and refused to leave first. He eagerly asked to help Cheng Yi with his luggage.

"Why don't you go first? It's not easy to take a car with so many people," Shen Huai asked Cheng Yi uncertainly, he thought, even if there is no Zhang Biqiang, even if Cheng Yi or someone else has a car to the airport Picking them up, it was uncomfortable for him, Cheng Yi, Yu Peili, and Liu Fulong to squeeze into a car, so he planned to take a taxi directly to the Donghua Hotel to stay, and made a phone call gesture to Cheng Yi, "Let's get in touch at night?"

Shen Huai was also afraid of complaining to his sister-in-law, thinking of contacting Cheng Yi at night and having a meal together, which could be considered an explanation.

Cheng Yi really didn't want to meet Shen Huai alone at night. The only way was to let Shen Huai take her back and let her family see that she and Shen Huai were indeed "communicating". Hiding at home and not meeting Shen Huai would be neat...

Using her own calculus, Cheng Yi said to Yu Peili, "Why don't you all go first, I'll go with Shen Huai and Manager Zhang, and we'll contact you when we return to the UK..."

Cheng Yi said this, Zhang Biqiang was so excited that the pimples at the corners of his mouth jumped up, thinking that the hospitality on the plane finally had an effect, which moved this beautiful woman's heart.


Before he left the country, a Jetta drove over and parked in the airport parking lot. He didn't say anything just because the Jetta would show up and lose points for him.

Yu Peili was about to say yes; Liu Fulong would not let Cheng Yi be alone with Shen Huai, Zhang Biqiang and the others, and interjected and said, "It's rare for everyone to meet together in China, or if we have lunch together at the Qinghe Hotel, you can go back again. rest?"

"Alright." Cheng Yi agreed without thinking.

She thought about getting off the plane, having lunch with Shen Huai and then going home, so that she could explain better to her family; and having Yu Peili and Liu Fulong to accompany her would save the embarrassment of eating alone with Shen Huai.

Yu Peili and Liu Fulong are both from Qinghe City, Hebei Province. Although Cheng Wenguang is an official in Beijing, his hometown is also Qinghe. Listening to Liu Fulong's direct suggestion to go to the "Qinghe Hotel" for dinner, Cheng Yi seemed to be quite familiar with the Qinghe Hotel. Shen Huai thought that the Qinghe Hotel might have the same nature as the Donghua Hotel. It is a hotel to the outside world. Inside is the Qinghe City Office in Beijing.

Shen Huai glanced at Liu Fulong and saw a stern look in his falsely enthusiastic eyes. He thought to himself that he was probably the son of a powerful family in Qinghe, right?

"Okay, Qinghe Hotel sounds pretty good." Shen Huai smiled, honestly, as if he was secretly happy to get a good meal.

"Qinghe Hotel?" Zhang Biqiang didn't know why, he heard that Cheng Yi was going to take a taxi with him and Shen Huai, but he was secretly delighted, where did he think that Liu Fulong would come to cross his legs again, and immediately sneered, "This kind of The quality of the hotel is too low. Everyone is destined to meet, so go to Wangfujing Hotel to get a meal. "

Liu Fulong was so angry that veins popped out of his forehead.

Due to certain external conditions, prefecture-level and city-based hotels in Beijing cannot apply for four-star or even higher-level hotels, but the internal equipment, especially the places used to entertain prefecture-level leaders to entertain guests and friends, the level of software and hardware services Definitely not worse than the five-star Wangfujing Hotel.

The difference here, Liu Fulong had no way to explain carefully to the two idiots, Zhang Biqiang and Shen Huai, and had to endure Zhang Biqiang's cynicism, making him so depressed that he vomited blood.

"No, I'd better go to Qinghe Hotel. I might have to stay overnight in Yanjing, and there will be a train to Huaihai tomorrow." Shen Huai advocated going to Qinghe Hotel, and asked Liu Fulong, "stay at Qinghe Hotel for one night. How much does it cost?"

Listening to Shen Huai's tone, it seems that the Qinghe Hotel is very low-end, so considering where to stay at night, Liu Fulong didn't answer Shen Huai angrily; Shen Huai shrugged.

Cheng Yi really felt that Liu Fulong's temperament was a little narrow, and asked Shen Huai strangely: "You don't live at home?"

Shen Huai spread his hands and said, "That dilapidated yard has not been lived in for more than half a year. It's better to stay in a hotel if you stay for one night. If it really doesn't work, let's go to the Donghua Hotel first." He was afraid that Yu Peili would not understand, and said, "Donghua Hotel is our city's office in Yanjing. We used to live there, and it was very cheap. I can also store these things there first..."

"Don't, just stay at the Wangfujing Hotel." Zhang Biqiang saw that Shen Huai had three briefcases hanging on his shoulders in addition to a large canvas bag, and his image was really shabby, but he felt that Shen Huai said a few things at critical moments. In a word, Liu Fulong's face can be made ugly by three points. He also eagerly helped Shen Huai to carry his bag and said, "The conditions of the local hotels in Beijing are really poor; your unit is not good for reimbursement, you are in For all the expenses in Yanjing, my brother invites you."

"No, no," Shen Huai said more and more politely, "I'm familiar with the Donghua Hotel, I can deal with it for 80 yuan a night, and I slept comfortably. Besides, I will sleep tonight. If you want to fool around with Manager Zhang, I don't have the invoice to get it back, and I have no way to report the itinerary to the unit..."

Shen Huai said to Liu Fulong again: "By the way, take a taxi later and go around the Donghua Hotel outside the East Second Ring Road. It won't be too far, right?"

"You are too busy," Liu Fulong was so angry that he vomited blood, Shen Huai looked humble, but every word made him sound extremely harsh, as if he chose the Qinghe Hotel to treat guests, it was really a low-end restaurant that couldn't get on the table. , unable to restrain himself, he pointed the finger at Shen Huai, lost his temper and said, "How did your unit send someone like you to go abroad, mother-in-law, it's not easy to do anything?"

Yu Peili was probably used to Liu Fulong's domineering temper and smiled awkwardly; Cheng Yi frowned upon hearing this.

Although Cheng Yi also felt that Shen Huai's image was a bit shabby, but Shen Huai's appearance at the airport was like this, and he didn't say who he was deliberately targeting.

It is very inconvenient for Shen Huai to carry so much luggage with him. It is completely reasonable to store it at the place of accommodation first. Liu Fulong speaks so rudely to Shen Huai for no reason. He really treats Shen Huai as a technician in an ordinary state-owned enterprise and teaches a lesson. , Cheng Yi felt offended.

Cheng Yi couldn't help but get angry and said to Shen Huai, "I'll call and ask the driver to come and pick us up..." Stepping on her high heels, she ran over and called the public phone to notify the driver to come and pick them up.

Zhang Biqiang was on the plane and saw that Liu Fulong had a close relationship with the two beautiful girls, and it was very unpleasant to the eye. At this time, seeing Liu Fulong lose his temper with Shen Huai for no reason, it made Cheng Yi unhappy, and he wanted to laugh out loud, and said to Shen Huai: "I thought who was so arrogant. It turned out that he wanted to eat soft rice. He even ate the food in the bowl, and then took up the pot. Miss Cheng's family has a driver, and her family must be amazing. Bar……"

"What are you talking about?" Liu Fulong was like a volcano full of gunpowder. Hearing Zhang Biqiang's words, he couldn't hold back the evil fire in his hand, and turned the can of beverage he was drinking directly at Zhang Biqiang Go up and smash it.

Zhang Biqiang was also a member of the old world, and he screamed with pain on his face, but he came back to his senses, how could he be willing to suffer this loss, rushed to the collar of Liu Fulong's clothes, punched him in the eye socket, and the two punched. Walking back and forth, she suddenly twisted into a ball, causing Yu Peili to scream in fright.

Shen Huai just pulled Yu Peili, who was terrified, but rushed to persuade him, and watched Cheng Yi hurried over, so he stepped up and tried to pull the two away. But seeing that Liu Fulong was about to hit him with his fists and feet, he quickly backed away and said innocently to Chengyi: "They started fighting suddenly, I don't know what happened..."

Cheng Yi didn't expect that a good trip would turn out like this. The pick-up hall provoked a lot of people to come to watch, and she was so angry that she yelled at Liu Fulong and Zhang Biqiang: "You all stop, what are you like and what qualities are you?"

Liu Fulong had no choice but to stop Zhang Bianqiang, who was more experienced in fighting, had already pinned him under his body, pinched his hair, pressed his face to the cold ground, and pumped his He scratched his ears and scolded: "Little \\ forced to raise, you dare to do it, I can't beat you to death..."

"Why, Manager Zhang, stop now, the police are here." Shen Huai persuaded, standing far away.

Zhang Biqiang wanted to stop, but Liu Fulong had never been humiliated like this since he was a child. When Zhang Biqiang let go of his hand, he jumped up, and he jumped over and kicked and kicked Zhang Biqiang like crazy. Cheng Yi and Yu Peili also wanted to grab Zhang Biqiang's face His face was pale, and he didn't expect that Liu Fulong, who was usually suave and elegant, would go crazy at this time.

The two of them scuffled for another minute or two, and their faces were covered in blood. The others couldn't even try to persuade them. Yu Peili was so frightened that she squatted on the side and cried, until the airport security came over, and she handcuffed the two of them involuntarily.

Shen Huai said sadly and inexplicably, "Why, why?" But he couldn't help but want to find a place to snicker for a while before returning to the scene.

Cheng Yi didn't expect the situation to turn out like this, her pretty face was twisted with anger, but she couldn't throw Yu Peili away, so she had to go to the airport police station to solve the incident. (83 Chinese Network)

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