Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 99 Battlefield Impact, Master Xing Is Targeted

There is a position at a medium-grade spiritual stone mine in the northeast of Yunshengfang City.

Elder Yue Pingqiu, who was in the early stage of foundation building at Lingwen Peak, and Ye Ming, who was in the middle stage of foundation building at Gumu Peak, were looking at the sand table with a frown.

Yue Pingqiu said: "There are already many Qi Refining disciples of Yunyang Sect and Danxia Sect active around, and there must be Foundation Establishment monks. We have more than enough defense, but the transportation of supplies has been greatly interfered with. This But what to do?”

Ye Ming was silent for a while and said: "Send disciples to clear out the enemies and reduce their strength!"

"This...will cost a lot of disciples!" Yue Pingqiu said with unbearable tone.

Ye Ming said calmly: "This is a sect war. Regarding the life and death of the sect, death is inevitable!"

Hearing this, Ye Ming nodded heavily and said, "Okay, I understand!"

"You must defend the camp well. I already know the location of the opponent's base and will keep an eye on him. If he makes any changes, I will stop him. You must also defend this place."

"no problem!"

After the two elders discussed and decided.

Groups of inner and outer disciples belonging to the Earth God Sect rushed out of the Lingshi Mine camp and began to clear the surrounding area.

It didn't take long for fighting to break out in the nearby area.

Ye Ming stood with his sword in the air above the camp, looking fixedly in a certain direction. In a valley in the distance, a formation station had been set up. A middle-aged monk was also standing in mid-air, looking sharply. Come over.

The two of them looked at each other from a distance of ten miles, and at the same time observed the Qi Refining disciples fighting in the mountains and forests.

Neither side intervened in the battle between the Qi Refining disciples, because if they did, they would surely lose the opportunity. Whether it was exposing their trump card or consuming their true energy, they would be at a disadvantage. In the end, in a life-or-death battle, the difference between life and death might be just a hair. , so they won't end early, it's not worth it.

Ye Ming stood high in the sky and observed the entire battle situation. The battle situation in the mountains and forests was not clear, but at a rough look, their Shen Sect side was actually at a slight disadvantage, which made his face look ugly.

However, he had no intention of stopping the fight and watched helplessly as his disciples were killed and wounded.

This battle lasted until nightfall, when both sides retreated.

Teams of injured disciples returned to the camp one after another. Some teams were missing one or two people, and some teams had not returned at all!

When all the disciples returned, a disciple came to report: "Elder, we have killed thirty-eight people, including seven disciples in the late stage of Qi refining and thirty-one disciples in the middle stage of Qi refining. Thirty-three of the enemies were killed. There are six people in the late stage of Qi refining, and twenty-seven in the middle stage of Qi refining. Seven people are seriously injured and are being treated. Fifty-eight people are slightly injured and they can recover in three hours."

Ye Ming frowned and said, "How is the elixir inventory?"

"There are enough elixirs."

"Where's the talisman?"

"The talisman may have some shortcomings!"

Ye Ming nodded: "The goal of this battle has been achieved. The passage has been barely opened. The supplies from behind can be delivered on time. The talismans will definitely be enough. You should prepare all the talismans and use them boldly! There will be a battle tomorrow!"


Ye Ming calmly watched each disciple go to repair, turned around and looked towards the valley in the distance, his brows and eyes were full of murderous intent, he couldn't help but want to kill the enemy personally, but he still held back, the situation of the battle Don't move lightly, as a single move can affect your whole body. If he rushes forward impulsively, he can quickly kill some Qi Refining monks, but he himself will also be in danger.

Although the words are unpleasant, the importance of a foundation-building monk is greater than that of a group of Qi-refining monks, and the death of one of them will affect the situation of the battle.

He could only take out the token and apply for more talismans and support from Fangshi.

At midnight, Ye Ming personally welcomed the arrival of an elite team and successfully received a batch of supplies, including a large number of talismans!

"Hey, the number of talismans this time is actually 10% more?"

The elite disciple said: "It seems that the casual cultivators no longer need our supplies, so we allocated some of them."

Ye Ming nodded and said: "Okay, distribute them all!"

Ye Ming immediately arranged for people to distribute the talismans, and every monk had sufficient talismans.

At this moment, Ye Ming felt relieved, and tomorrow's battle was guaranteed.

the other side.

In the valley camp.

A Yunyang Sect foundation-building elder also received a batch of logistical supplies.

He checked the supplies, then frowned and said, "Why are the supplies less than 10%?"

The person who transported them quickly complained: "Elder, because there is a shortage of talismans in the Sanxiu Temple, the real person gave some of them to the Sanxiu Hall. Now Fangshi is speeding up to make them. Elder, please bear with me! Now these talismans are It should be enough.”

"Enough? There is no such thing as a talisman that is enough! You can use as many as you have!" Elder Ji Zhu was very dissatisfied. "Go back and tell the city that you are not allowed to reduce the number next time. I am working hard outside, and they Are you holding me back like this?"

"Yes Yes!"

The transportation captain had no choice but to agree.

The next day, the battle started again.

It was obvious that they were still the same people, and the number of Earth God Sect disciples was even less than yesterday, but Ye Ming found that the battle situation had somehow gained some upper hand, although the change was not obvious.

When it got dark at night and the statistics were taken, they found that the casualties were 10% lower than yesterday, but the number of enemies killed was 10% more. Every time they went back and forth, they gained some small advantages.

At night, another batch of supplies and personnel arrived, supplementing the camp's consumption.

On the third day, the Earth God Sect disciples had an even greater advantage.

In the end, Ming Jin withdrew his troops, the number of casualties dropped again, and more enemies were killed.

On the fourth day, Ye Ming unexpectedly discovered that the surrounding enemies had retreated very far away and did not dare to invade Taiqian again.

But after Ye Ming had the advantage, how could he hold back?

Disciples were immediately arranged to pursue him.

Gradually, the original defensive attitude slowly turned into an offensive one.

The opponent's foundation-building elder wanted to take action many times, but he held back. Just like Ye Ming before, he couldn't leave. Once he left, the loss would undoubtedly be greater.

at the same time.

The battles around the mines and fields were similar to Ye Ming's. With the sufficient supply of talismans, the original defensive gradually turned into an offensive.

Changes are happening subtly.

Gengshengfang City.

Jindan Master Zhao Qizhen listened to his subordinate's report with displeasure.

"Master, due to the lack of talismans, the battle situation has turned into a disadvantage again." A foundation-building elder carefully replied.

"What's going on? Why are there so many less talismans?" Zhao Qizhen asked in confusion.

"Because... you said that the casual cultivator's side is very important, so we sent some of the talismans to the casual cultivator's palace."

"Wait a minute, didn't you already give away two hundred thousand talismans before?" Zhao Qizhen asked strangely, "Will you still give them away later?"

"Yes, we found that the Sanxiu Temple in Yunshengfang City has a lot of redeemable talismans and they are very powerful, so we have to continue to make up for the consumption in the Sanxiu Temple!"

"Why? Where did they get so many talismans?" Zhao Qizhen asked.

"Because a person named 'Master Xing' had already taken out 150,000 talismans before, and then successively took out 200,000 talismans, and each one was several times more powerful than the same level. There's nothing we can do..."

Zhao Qizhen narrowed his eyes slightly: "Master Xing again?"

News about this person had appeared in his ears many times, and he had become a thorn in his side!


Zhao Qizhen was silent for a while and said coldly: "Send someone to find this person. It's best if you can recruit him. If you can't recruit him, just kill him! Can you do it?"


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