Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 100 A New Combination Of Talismans

A few more days passed.

Master Xing Han Yuan, who was regarded as a thorn in the flesh, was still writing furiously on the talisman paper.

A brand new yellow-grade high-grade talisman appeared under his pen in a few breaths.

This apricot charm was worth two to three hundred spirit stones, and could be sold for five hundred spirit stones on the black market. Han Yuan threw it aside without caring.

He casually took out the second talisman paper, and after thinking for a moment, he improved another talisman and drew it easily.

This improvement speed is so fast that if anyone who knows the goods sees it, they will definitely be shocked.

When Han Yuan completed the transformation of the last talisman.

He stood quietly with the talisman pen in hand, closing his eyes and recalling the improvement experience of the past few days, which turned into a large amount of talisman-making insights and poured into his mind.

After a little tidying up, he opened his eyes.

Then he saw a dice spinning in front of him.

This time, he stared at the talisman without blinking and locked the dice based on his intuition.



The dice settled on a relatively good number.

[Random gain multiplier: 16]

[The effect of talisman making experience perception is increased by *16]

16 times the gain effect!

A huge amount of experiential knowledge poured into his sea of ​​consciousness. It was as if he had been improving the talisman for half a year day and night. The details of the Huangjie talisman were clearly visible in his eyes!

If he was a Huang-level Talisman Master before, now, he feels like he has become a Huang-level Talisman Master!

Countless talisman fragments seemed to come alive. He seemed to be able to see the spirituality of each fragment, some were lively, some were sharp, and some were gentle.

In the blink of an eye, these fragments returned to their original state and turned into ordinary talisman fragments.

But after he sorted out all his insights one by one.

Only then did he realize that every fragment he had seen before could be called a rune.

Every rune has at least two forms, sometimes sharp, sometimes gentle, which can also be said to be masculine and feminine!

Various forms of runes exist at the same time, but when they form a fixed rune, the runes will only show a fixed form.

Therefore, some seemingly different runes in the talisman are essentially the same rune.

He also understood the connection between spiritual texts and talismans.

The spiritual runes are actually a special combination of the same kind of runes!

For example, the Wood Spirit Rune he mastered is actually composed of 108 wood-attribute runes, and there are also 108 combination methods. The combination method is switched every moment, which is extremely mysterious!

The talisman is a special combination of different runes.

"Rune is the basic unit. Different types of runes can be combined into talismans, and runes of the same type can be combined into spiritual symbols!"

Han Yuan suddenly realized.

The more profound his understanding, the more he discovered that he didn't know anything about it.

Why do runes have different forms? Why can different runes form a talisman? Why can runes of the same type form spiritual runes?

He couldn't understand the reason. Now, he only had a certain understanding of how to combine the runes and only understood the appearance of the runes.

Despite this, he can already combine runes at will to form new yellow-level talismans.

His understanding of spiritual runes allows him to gain a deeper understanding of specific types of runes.

"It's time to create a new talisman!" Han Yuan thought.

The first thing created was still the "Wind Talisman".

The improved version of the Wind Talisman is still composed of eighteen runes.

The talisman he wants to create now will naturally break the previous structure!

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, he used his spiritual consciousness to visualize and outline, and the runes were combined one by one to form a new talisman composed of eighty-one runes.

Overall, the structure is very beautiful and coordinated.

Han Yuan picked up the pen and drew this brand new talisman on the talisman paper according to the structure imagined in the sea of ​​consciousness. The talisman pen meandered on the talisman paper, sometimes lifting and sometimes pressing down, and spiritual power was continuously injected into it. There is no stagnation or obscurity in it. When a complete talisman is painted, the world feels the sensation, and a large amount of wind-attribute spiritual energy is injected into the talisman. The talisman lights up one by one, rapidly absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

When the spiritual energy is fully absorbed, a brand new talisman is generated.

On the surface, the trajectory of this talisman is completely different from the previous wind talisman, but it is also a wind talisman, but the speed of blessing is different.

Han Yuan tried to put it on his body and activated the talisman.

The dice suddenly appeared, causing Han Yuan to move.

[Random gain multiplier: 7]

[The effect of the blast talisman is increased by *700%]

He took one step and flew out of the room like a real wind.

Chang Yixin was on her way to Han Yuan's residence when a strong wind blew towards her. The wind was so fast that she could not stand still and the books in her hands flew away. She turned around to look at the gust of wind in horror. , trying to see what the ghost was, but the wind had gone away in the blink of an eye.

"What was that just now?" Chang Yixin took a breath, "It was faster than my spiritual sense!"

The monk's spiritual consciousness can spread instantly, faster than sound!

She quickly picked up the book and planned to report this abnormal situation to the elder immediately.

But she saw that strange wind sweeping towards her again.

Chang Yixin was horrified. She wanted to hide, but the speed of the strange wind was too fast. She didn't even think about it a few times before the wind passed by her again and rolled her books into the sky again. His body was turned around several times by the strange wind before he stopped, and his hair was scattered like a chicken coop.

She watched blankly as the strange wind entered Elder Han's room, and then became silent. She suddenly realized in her heart: "It turns out to be Elder Han... What is he doing..."

Chang Yixin felt that she was being teased by Elder Han, but she had no evidence. She couldn't see clearly what was going on in the wind just now.

When she packed up and came to Han Yuan's room, she saw Elder Han standing by the table, holding a pen in his right hand and holding his left hand behind his back, as if in deep thought.

Chang Yixin looked around and then at Han Yuan, with a slightly strange expression on her face.

"What's the matter?" Han Yuan asked calmly.

Chang Yixin looked serious and said: "Elder, the sect knows about Master Xing and is willing to recruit Master Xing with extremely high treatment. If he is unwilling to join the sect, he also wants to ask Master Xing for more high-level talismans. "Excuse me, elder, how should I respond to the sect?"

Han Yuan raised his eyebrows and said, "Just say that Master Xing can provide some special talismans, but they must be sold at a price that is 10% higher than the current market price."

Chang Yixin opened her mouth but hesitated, "Elder, if you make money from the sect like this, are you really not afraid of the future reckoning?"

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