Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 92 An Unexpected Encounter With The Enemy, The Apricot Tree Talisman Shows Its Power

Three hours later.

It was already dark.

Guan Yuqi and the other two buried thirty-three special stones near a mountain road in the forest.

Every time a stone was buried in the soil, it would light up one by one, and make some vibrations, and then disappear.

"Brother Qi, what are these things? What's the use of burying them here?" Wang Chongba asked curiously.

Guan Yuqi transmitted the message: "This should be used to explore the surrounding situation. Anyway, don't worry about what it is used for. Just bury it according to the task requirements! Be careful, this thing still makes a lot of noise when buried, be careful of ferocious beasts approaching!"

The three people worked together, one buried the stones, one held the soundproof plate to isolate the sound, and another kept watch nearby, alert to the surrounding situation.

This task seems simple, but it also contains dangers, so they naturally dare not take it lightly.

When the last stone was placed, Guan Yuqi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, the stones echoed each other from a distance, making vibrations and noises many times stronger than before.

Guan Yuqi's face changed drastically.

Suddenly, Zhao Jiu, who was on guard, shouted anxiously: "Brother Qi, Brother Ba, someone is coming, hurry up!"

Guan Yuqi and Wang Chongba's faces changed, and they hurriedly ran to Zhao Jiu's direction.

"Hey, boss, I found the lackeys of the Earth God Sect, there are three of them! Kill them, plus the token, there will be 900 military merits!"

Guan Yuqi turned his head to look at the direction of the voice, and saw a team of four people chasing them!

These people are not formal disciples of the Yunyang Sect, but they are also casual cultivators who have accepted the task. The two sides are obviously hostile, because killing a head and adding the task token voucher can be exchanged for 300 spirit stones, three heads are 900 spirit stones, this income is higher than the income of ordinary tasks!

Zhao Jiu said anxiously: "Brother Qi, there is a middle stage of the fourth level of Qi Refining! We can't beat it, use the Gale Talisman quickly!"

Guan Yuqi also knew that the situation was urgent, took out the Gale Talisman that he had exchanged before from his pocket, and directly stuck it on his feet, and input a trace of spiritual power to activate it.

The Gale Talisman lit up immediately, and it was directly attached to the foot without any force. Guan Yuqi only felt a force bursting from his thigh, and his speed soared suddenly!

The two people next to him also made the same action. If they didn't use the talisman at this time, when would they?

"Where are you running?"

The team behind them also made the same action, taking out the Gale Talisman and sticking it on their feet, speeding up to catch up.

"It's over, it's over! The quality of our talismans is too poor, they will definitely catch up." Wang Chongba said in panic.

Zhao Jiu also regretted: "If I had known earlier, I would have waited longer. I only realized how unreliable these new talismans are when I used them."

Guan Yuqi was not as pessimistic as his two teammates, because he found that the distance between them and the people chasing behind them was not getting closer.

"Don't panic, don't you see that they didn't catch up?" Guan Yuqi said in a voice transmission.

Wang Chongba and Zhao Jiu were both startled, and they all looked behind them. Sure enough, the distance between them and the team behind them did not get closer, but was gradually getting farther away!

The people chasing behind couldn't help but curse: "Damn, how can they run so fast? Is it the good stuff of the Earth God Sect?"

"Boss, our Swift Wind Talisman is also the stuff of the Yunyang Sect! Is it a low-quality product?"

The boss calmed down: "It's okay to go slower. It's obvious that they don't have much money. When the Swift Wind Talisman is used up, they will die!"

"Hehe, the boss is right!"

Wang Chongba showed joy: "Brother Qi, we can escape!"

Guan Yuqi was calm and said solemnly: "No, we can't escape. Don't forget, we only bought three Swift Wind Talismans in total. Once they are used up, we can't escape!"

"This..." Wang Chongba's face changed.

Guan Yuqi made up his mind and said: "The only way now is to fight back! Relying on the slight advantage of the Swift Wind Talisman, we will kill this group of people!"

"Can we beat them?" Zhao Jiu said nervously.

Guan Yuqi pointed at the Swift Wind Talisman on his foot and said, "Didn't you notice? Our talisman is more than 30% better than theirs. The effect is comparable to the barely qualified yellow-grade middle-grade talisman! In this case, are our other talismans also more powerful? In this case, we can use all the talismans at once to kill them back and launch a fatal attack while they are relaxed! This is our only way to survive! Anyway, if we die, the property on our bodies will be a bargain for the enemy, so we might as well use them all!"

Guan Yuqi is worthy of being the captain of the team. His judgment of the situation is much clearer than that of his two teammates.

Wang Chongba gritted his teeth and said, "Listen to Brother Qi!"

"I understand!" Zhao Jiu also responded.

The people behind are still chasing, dreaming of harvesting heads, unaware that the people in front are ready for a desperate counterattack.

The distance between the two sides, unknowingly, has narrowed a little, gradually reaching the farthest release distance of the talisman.

"Now!" Guan Yuqi shouted in voice transmission.

The three of them did not hesitate, turned around and used three talismans at the same time!

Random arrow talisman!

Ice pick charm!

Fire Talisman!

Three of them each headed towards the people behind to cover them!

They specially focused their fire on the fourth-level Qi Refining monk who was at the front. As long as he could be eliminated, the battle would be fought!

The group of people chasing behind them were also startled by the sudden attack.

But they were also experienced, and they quickly took out the talismans and took pictures.

The monk at the fourth level of Qi Refining not only had a small diamond talisman on his body, but also took out a magic weapon and a round shield. He estimated that he could easily block this wave of attacks.

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

Raging flames, ice picks, and wooden arrows all erupted in front of the monk on the fourth level of Qi Refining. This monk on the fourth level of Qi Refining was dumbfounded. What kind of talent is he? The flames, ice picks, and wooden arrows were released at the same time. Ice extinguished fire and fire burned wood. This Won't they cancel each other out?

However, he soon stopped laughing.

When these messy spells fell around him, they actually emitted powerful power. The ice pick arrived first and directly smashed the small diamond talisman on his body into pieces, making a bang bang sound when it hit the magic weapon round shield.

Before he could recover, the fierce flames and wooden arrows arrived together. The wooden arrows were burning with flames, and their power was actually increasing!

When it fell around him, it exploded immediately, and fierce flames enveloped him.

The shield in his hand soon became unsustainable. He shot the cassock continuously and put up a shield to defend against the flames. However, an arrow suddenly shot out from the flames and pierced his temple.

He stopped all movements in shock, and the body rolled and fell to the ground.




The three people nearby screamed in horror.

They were also affected by the talisman, and their robes were broken. Although they were not the center of the talisman's power, they were affected quite a lot!

The power of those talismans was too exaggerated. In addition, the incident happened suddenly and without preparation, it was in trouble!

The three people who were chasing also broke out: "I want you to fight!"

They also imitated Guan Yuqi's tricks, took out the talismans on their bodies, and sprinkled them on Guan Yuqi and the others.

The expressions of Guan Yuqi and the others changed.

They also took out the small diamond talisman and slapped it on themselves.

At the same time, he also took out the earth wall talisman and set up three earth walls in front of him!

A violent spell exploded in front of the earth wall, breaking through three layers of earth walls in succession!

However, the power of the remaining talisman was very low. When it hit them, the small diamond talisman only flickered a few times and did not break.

Guan Yuqi breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon his heart started to grow, because the three men had already caught up with him.

At this time, both sides have used up the first blast talisman. Guan Yuqi and the others do not have the second one, but the three chasing people still have it!

Guan Yuqi knew that there was still a hard battle to be fought next. After taking a look at the golden light with the small diamond talisman on his body, he still felt a little confident.

A full half hour passed.

A fierce three-on-three forest battle finally came to an end.

The three men who chased him followed in the footsteps of their boss and all died.

Although Guan Yuqi and the other three survived, their spiritual power has reached the bottom, all the pills to restore their spiritual power have been consumed, and their injuries are also serious. Especially Guan Yuqi, there is a huge sword wound on his chest, and the blood is The flow won’t stop!

Wang Chongba said with a cry: "Brother Qi, Brother Qi, don't die! Hurry, elixir!"

Zhao Jiu hurriedly took out the healing elixir from Guan Yuqi's body and asked Guan Yuqi to swallow it.

Guan Yuqi swallowed the pill and her face looked better, but the big hole in her body still could not be restored.

He tried his best to say: "The talisman...healing...injury talisman!"

Wang Chongba and the others came to their senses and took out the healing charms to use.

Vibrant green light swung out from the talisman and sprinkled on Guan Yuqi's chest. The horrific wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Guan Yuqi felt warm all over her body, and she still felt lucky to survive the disaster.

At the same time, he was completely convinced by these talismans with the apricot tree mark. They were so useful. This time he was able to successfully counterattack and save his life, all thanks to these talismans!

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