Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 91 The Humble Team Of Casual Cultivators

At the entrance of Yunshengfang City.

A team of three casual cultivators in the early stages of Qi refining hurried back to Fangshi.

"Stop, check your identity."

Among the group of monks from the Di Shenzong at the door, a male cultivator walked out and said to the three of them expressionlessly.

Guan Yuqi, the captain of the casual cultivator team, quickly took out his identity token and said with a smile, "My token is here."

"Here's mine!" The other two people also quickly took out their tokens.

The male cultivator used the magic weapon to check the tokens and personal auras of the three people, nodded and said: "Okay, you go in!"

The three of them exhaled involuntarily.

After walking into Fangshi, teammate Wang Chongba smiled and said: "Brother Qi, we finally completed the mission!"

Another teammate next to him, Zhao Jiu, urged: "Hurry up. I heard from my friends that there is a shortage of good products in the exchange hall. If it is late, there will be no good things to redeem!"

Guan Yuqi waved her hand and said: "Don't worry, the Earth God Sect has a great cause, how come we are missing out on rewards? At most, it will be out of stock for a short time. As long as you have military merit, there is nothing to worry about. In the worst case, we can just exchange it for spiritual stones."

Zhao Jiu smiled bitterly and said: "Brother Qi, next time we leave Fangshi, we may encounter enemies or strong men at any time. Only by replenishing talismans and elixirs as soon as possible can we ensure safety!"

"That's true, let's go." Guan Yuqi nodded.

The three of them soon arrived at the north side of Fangshi and arrived at the door of three connected facades. They could see people coming in and out from time to time.

The three of them came to the verification hall in the middle and lined up. Soon it was their turn. After some submission and inspection, they successfully verified the completion of the task and received military merit awards.

"A total of three hundred military merits! Please verify it." Disciple of Earth God Sect reminded.

"Yes, that's right, three hundred!"

Guan Yuqi and the others looked happy. They actually got three hundred military merits in one mission!

One military merit is equal to one spiritual stone. Three hundred military merit is not a small amount. Usually their monthly income is only this, and after deducting the costs, there is not much left.

Now I have earned three hundred spiritual stones in half a day, so I am naturally happy.

The three of them looked at each other with excited expressions.

"The war missions are indeed very rewarding! Brother Qi, let's continue taking missions!" Wang Chongba said excitedly.

Guan Yuqi calmed down and said: "Don't be in a hurry to accept the mission. Go to the Exchange Hall to buy some treasures to increase your combat power, and then go and accept the mission!"

Zhao Jiu also agreed: "Brother Qi is wise."

So the three of them came to the exchange hall.

As soon as they arrived, they heard people talking from time to time in the queue.

"The exchange hall is actually out of stock. All the talismans have been redeemed. I just got a batch of new goods from nowhere. The talisman maker has never heard of them. Moreover, they were not made by Earth God Sect disciples. Who dares to ask for them? ah?"

"I recognize the talismans of the Earth God Sect, but I heard that these new talismans were made by monks in the city. Alas, as a member of the casual cultivator, I shouldn't say bad things about my own casual cultivators, but among the casual cultivators, How can I not know who these Talisman Makers are? They are all from wild backgrounds and their quality is worrisome."

"And they are all low-grade yellow-grade talismans, not even mid-grade ones, which is disappointing!"

"Wait a minute. I heard that in the courtyard behind, the disciples of the Earth God Sect are already working overtime. New products will be on the shelves in a while."

"Let's exchange it later. Anyway, I still have some stock on hand!"

The three of them listened to the conversation and looked at each other.

Soon it was the team's turn to redeem.

Three hundred military merits are already quite a lot for a monk in the early stage of Qi refining.

Guan Yuqi checked the redemption items and quickly chose a bottle of Qi Gathering Pill to enhance cultivation. One bottle now costs 130 spirit stones. Now the redemption in the exchange hall is actually 100 military merits, and it is from the Earth God Sect. The quality of the elixirs is much better than those outside, so it’s worth the money!

Then he chose elixirs for spiritual recovery, detoxification, and healing, which only cost a hundred military points in total.

There were only one hundred military merits left, which could not be exchanged for martial arts or magical weapons. Guan Yuqi's eyes couldn't help but focus on the talisman.

The Earth God Sect disciple behind the counter pointed at the dazzling array of talismans beside him and said, "These talismans are all of high quality, you can buy them with confidence!"

Guan Yuqi looked at the talismans with the apricot tree logo, a look of hesitation on her face.

"Brother Qi, forget about these talismans!" Wang Chongba shook his head.

Zhao Jiu next to him also hesitated and said: "Brother Qi, I think it is better to prepare some talismans. Although the quality of these talismans is hard to say, it is better than nothing! Time is tight now, and some tasks that are easy to complete will be completed soon. It will be picked up.”

Guan Yuqi hesitated.

At this time, the people in line behind urged: "What are you thinking? If you want to change, just change. If you don't want to change, leave. Don't occupy the latrine without shit!"

The cultivators in the queue behind them were much stronger than them. Guan Yuqi naturally did not want to offend her, so she gritted her teeth and said, "Give me the wind talisman, the fire talisman, the ice cone talisman, the random arrow talisman, the earth wall talisman, and the small diamond talisman." Come on three!"

"Okay, a total of eighteen talismans, 90 military merits!" said the Earth God Sect disciple.

"Well, let's add two more healing charms!"

"Okay, a total of one hundred military merits!"

"for you!"

After the exchange was completed, a total of twenty yellow-level low-grade talismans came into Guan Yuqi's hands.

After the three people left the exchange hall, Guan Yuqi divided the talismans.

"Everyone has one. Use it when you should use it. Don't be afraid of wasting it." Wu Yuqi said.

"Brother Qi, I'll give you the healing pill. I'll just use the healing charm!" Wang Chongba said proactively.

"Yes, Brother Qi, give us the healing talisman!" Zhao Jiu said.

"You... don't have to be like this!" Guan Yuqi shook her head and laughed, "It's okay. Whoever is injured will be given the elixir, and we will have nothing to share!"

Obviously, the three of them agreed that the effects of these two healing charms were average.

The three of them quickly returned to their residence and digested the elixir they had just purchased.

After a while.

"The quality of this elixir is so high, and there is only a little bit of erysipelas!" Wang Chongba said in surprise, "The elixir I took before took half a month to refine the erysipelas, but this one I feel will only take three days! "

Guan Yuqi also sighed: "It is indeed a mass product, and the quality is indeed extremely high."

Zhao Jiu regretted a little at this time and said: "No wonder those monks don't want to buy those new talismans. It turns out that the quality of Di Shen Sect's items is so high! If I had known, we would have waited."

Guan Yuqi patted him on the shoulder and said: "As you said, we must seize the time to complete the task. This talisman still needs to be bought. No matter how good the quality is, you still have to spend it. We don't have any inventory anymore!"

"Oh, that's really a pity." Zhao Jiu said regretfully.

"Almost, let's go do the mission!"


The three of them returned to the mission hall, accepted another simple mission, and then left Fangshi in a hurry.

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