Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 83 Accidentally Discovered The Hidden Function Of Random Magnification

Han Yuan reached out his hand and took a ball. He probed inside with his consciousness and saw a number "727".

This number is relatively large, and the match is later.

Yue Daoyuan saw that everyone had received the ball, and immediately said: "Now, the first round of competition begins. Please ask the first fifty disciples to go to the central arena to compete. The others will withdraw to the side to watch the battle. Watching the battle is also a way to improve combat experience. Don't miss it."

Soon, all the disciples withdrew to the side. In the square, fifty pieces of ground were lifted up. This is the arena for the battle. The area is large enough for the late Qi Refining disciples to fight back and forth.

Fifty foundation-building elders drove the magic weapons and flew to the corner of the arena in the air to serve as referees.

In fact, this competition has another invisible use, which is to let the foundation-building elders select disciples.

The foundation-building elders also have to go to the battlefield, and they have to lead the team. Each of them must bring ten to twenty late Qi Refining disciples. In addition to close people, other vacancies can be selected from this competition.

The foundation-building elders can give priority to selecting the three disciples on the rings they supervise. Whether they can select the disciples they like depends on their eyesight and luck.

A foundation-building elder took the lead and said, "This is the No. 1 ring. The two disciples who got the No. 1 ball can come over!"

The next moment, the two inner disciples on the side jumped onto the ring and looked at each other warily.

The foundation-building elder in the corner also looked at the two of them with scrutiny.

The other foundation-building elders also spoke in order.

One by one, the disciples jumped onto the ring.

When everyone got on the stage, a transparent blue light rose from the edge of the ring, forming a wall of light that separated and protected the ring.

Yue Daoyuan said at this time: "The first round of the first match officially begins!"

The battle was about to start.

Han Yuan stood aside, watching the battle carefully.

In his eyes, a green light flashed, and then the spiritual power running trajectories of the 100 disciples fighting on the field were all clearly displayed in front of him.

Then, in his sea of ​​consciousness, the eight spiritual texts shone together, and Han Yuan immediately had a little understanding of these spiritual power trajectories.

Especially for wood-attribute spells and sword spells, Han Yuan understood more.

Not long after.

A dice suddenly appeared in front of him.

Han Yuan was surprised that when he looked over, the dice locked on "6".

[Random gain multiplier: 6]

[Introduction effect of Pu Ying body method increased by *600%]

In Han Yuan's mind, a series of spell perceptions appeared out of thin air, and the spell content about Pu Ying body method also appeared in detail in his mind.

He realized that he had just comprehended a spell, and with the help of the random gain multiplier, the entire spell content was materialized!

At this moment, his heart was extremely shocked!

He discovered another special use of the random gain multiplier!

The techniques or spells he practiced before were all already in his original form, so he didn't notice this. But now, he had never seen this body technique before, but through the random gain multiplier, he automatically obtained the content of this spell!

From the fact that Zhao Yumu worked so hard and risked his life to steal a skill before, we can see how useful this is.

Han Yuan slowly calmed down his excitement and gradually calmed down.

He found that things were not that simple. This Pu Ying movement was only at the middle level of Huang level. With the help of spiritual writing and spiritual eye skills, plus the blessing of Mutian spiritual roots, it could be understood so easily. If it were a more advanced skill, It is not easy to understand the Dharma, so this function is not as great as imagined.

Han Yuan kept his eyes on the field while he was thinking.

As time passed, the dice appeared six more times.

He also learned sword steps, fire control techniques, small diamond techniques, body strengthening techniques and other spells.

In fact, he has realized more ways of operating spells, but most of the spells do not have a benefit effect on himself, so they cannot stimulate random gain multipliers, just like the [Sword Qi into Threads] he practiced before, the same cannot be said. Enjoy random gain multipliers.

Han Yuan is already very satisfied with this. Although these low-level spells can only increase his attack limit to a limited extent, they can enrich his combat methods and make him familiar with various spells, which can be said to have a lot of benefits.

Soon, the winner of the first disciple competition was decided. A foundation-building elder called a victorious inner disciple in front of him and said something. Then the inner disciple showed obvious joy. It seemed that It was the elder who took a fancy to him.

Qin Feng stood next to him and introduced: "Palace Master, that person's name is You Chi. He is an inner disciple of the ninth level of Qi Refining. He is 48 years old. He has no special background. He is good at controlling fire, but he is financially strapped. There are only two magic weapons: one for attack and one for defense.”

Han Yuan nodded and didn't pay much attention to that person. Instead, he asked curiously: "How do you know about his situation?"

Qin Feng handed over a book in his hand: "Master, you will take over the position of peak master in the future, so I specially sent people to collect the general situation of the inner disciples of Lingwen Peak. I will tell you later. Maybe it will come in handy, would you like to see it?”

Han Yuan gave him a strange look. This guy had thick eyebrows and big eyes, and he had a lot on his mind.

Qin Feng felt uneasy. He also had no background and no talent. He could only think of some ways to make Han Yuan feel useful. For this, he mobilized many handyman disciples and even outer disciples, and spent a lot of energy. Shi, only then did we collect the information.

"Well, you did a good job." Han Yuan finally praised him.

Qin Feng looked happy and said, "It's my honor to be able to share the palace master's worries."

At this time, the disciples for the second test of the first round had already entered the stage.

Han Yuan watched for a few minutes and triggered five more random multipliers. His methods became more enriched. Then he set his eyes on the seventeenth stage with a hint of interest in his eyes.

Qin Feng observed the situation and looked towards the arena. When he saw one of the people who was unfamiliar, he frowned slightly. He immediately took out a token and whispered a few words.

Han Yuan watched this scene and was still satisfied with Qin Feng's initiative.

He checked Qin Feng's cultivation level and found that he was still at the fourth level of Qi Refining.

He patted Qin Feng on the shoulder and said, "You must also practice well. You will be indispensable for the Foundation Establishment Pill in the future."

Qin Feng said excitedly: "I will work hard."

He looked back at Arena No. 17. One of the two sides fighting was at the ninth level of Qi Refining, and the other was at the tenth level of Qi Refining.

What he paid special attention to was naturally the one at the tenth level of Qi Refining. Whether it was spiritual power, spells or combat experience, he was much stronger than the other person. The battle between the two sides lasted less than a minute and was over.

There is no doubt that the disciple at the tenth level of Qi Refining won.

However, the elder Foundation Establishment, who was the referee, went to the defeated disciple and talked to him. On the contrary, the victorious one did not get the chance to talk.

The man seemed to feel something, and suddenly looked towards Han Yuan, and looked at Han Yuan from afar. The man nodded and smiled at Han Yuan, and then retreated from the ring.

Qin Feng, who was next to him, replied at this time: "Palace Master, I found out that the person who just won is Yue Feifan, the Sixth Young Master of the Yue family. He is at the tenth level of Qi refining. He is already a core disciple and has already obtained the Foundation Establishment Pill. , this time he participates in the competition, even if he gets a ranking, he can't get any rewards according to the rules. I don't know why he came to participate. "

Han Yuan's lips curled up: "He must have come to find me."

"Ah?" Qin Feng was a little shocked.

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