Lingwen Peak.

At the entrance of the main hall.

Han Yuan secretly looked outside and could see that a large number of inner disciples, more than 1,500 in number, had gathered in the large square in front of the hall. There were also a large number of outer disciples watching in the distance. There are also some core disciples and foundation-building elders preparing to watch the competition.

He asked Yue Mingxiong on the side: "Fourth Elder, is it appropriate for me to go and speak?"

"The Peak Master is not here now. You are the acting Peak Master. Naturally, you will have a speech. After you finish speaking, Yue Daoyuan will preside over this competition." Yue Mingxiong said in a low mood.

"Where is the second elder?" Han Yuan asked doubtfully.

"He is being punished by the ancestors. In addition to the second elder, the fifth elder, the seventh elder, and the ninth elder are also being punished. When the war starts, they will also go to the front line. Alas." Yue Mingxiong sighed, "Who called Let the thief escape."

"But this responsibility should be mine, not yours!" Han Yuan frowned.

Yue Mingxiong waved his hand: "You? What responsibility do you have? You are only in the realm of Qi refining. No matter how much the responsibility is divided, the responsibility will not be shared with you. Besides, you also provided the information about the thief. You have merit or demerit. We, the golden ones, Dan is the most powerful, but he doesn't handle things well, so he will naturally be held responsible. I rely on the remaining shadow of my ancestors to reduce the punishment. Alas, there is not much left of the remaining shadow of my ancestors. "

When Han Yuan heard this, his heart sank. He had never thought of this before. In fact, according to the ancestor's plan, they were still the heroes, but in order to implement the plan, they must continue to be sinners and be punished. Make meritorious service!

This makes Han Yuan feel very uncomfortable. Perhaps, after the success of this plan, if the second elders and the others are still alive, the benefits will definitely be great, but that is if they are still alive. If they die, no matter how great the benefits are, they The family cannot bear it and will gradually become lonely.

In other words, this is very unfair to the second elder and the others.

Yue Mingxiong seemed to feel something. He patted Han Yuan's body gently with his thick hand, and a smile appeared on his face: "Don't be stressed. This time, we were indeed careless. We thought it was just a few buildings." Brother Ji, I didn’t expect it to be a golden elixir. Oh, I was so careless! But we can’t be careless anymore on the battlefield.”

Yue Mingxiong gritted his teeth and seemed to hate Zhao Yumu deeply.

Han Yuan could only remain silent. It was useless to say anything now. It was a foregone conclusion that the Second Elder and the others were in the game, and they would have to do a full show.

He even realized that Patriarch Ziyun had anticipated this a long time ago, but Patriarch Ziyun didn't mention it at all. In the face of the righteousness of the sect, the life and death of several golden elixirs were really of too little importance, and it was more critical. The strange thing is that these Jindan Daoist people all belong to Lingwen Peak, not Gumu Peak.

But although he is the secret disciple of Gumu Peak, he is also the true disciple of Lingwen Peak, and he is even the acting peak master now!

"Don't think about it, the time is up, go and say something and announce the start of the competition." Yue Mingxiong said.

"Yeah!" Han Yuan did not refuse this time.

Han Yuan flew out of the hall with a flying sword and stepped onto the high platform of the square!

In the square, the inner disciples who were waiting in full formation looked over one after another.

Han Yuan glanced around and saw some familiar figures, such as Chang Chun and Liu Sixi. He also saw Liu Xinghe at the core disciple seat next to him, and also saw Liu Ji Zhenhe among the foundation-building elders next to him. Diheng, as for more people, he is very strange.

But the inner sect disciples are no strangers to Han Yuan, because Han Yuan is the new true disciple. Every inner sect has seen Han Yuan's portrait, so naturally they can recognize it at a glance. They watched Han Yuan appear in the In the center of the high platform, there were expressions of surprise in their eyes.

Han Yuan looked at everyone, and finally said slowly: "My name is Han Yuan, the new true successor. You may or may not know me, it doesn't matter. Today I am announcing two news as the acting peak master. ”

The inner disciples were talking a lot and transmitting messages to each other.

"He turned out to be the new true successor, but when did he become the acting peak master again?"

"Did you see the two tokens on his waist? One is the true disciple token, but the other is actually the Peak Master token! Has the Peak Master already passed the throne to Han Zhen?"

"That should be a spare token. Although he is not the peak master yet, according to convention, he should be the next peak master!"

"Why is there no news at all? What is his background?"

"He has no background at all. There is only one possibility for him to become the acting peak master. He is a super genius!"


All the disciples and even the elders looked at Han Yuan with inexplicable and surprised expressions.

Han Yuan's expression remained unchanged and he said: "The first news is that the sect has issued a war order to annihilate the sect! A war declaration has been issued against the Yunyang sect! Naturally, we at Lingwen Peak must all participate in this battle! The sect will open all Level treasury, everyone can exchange their military merits for the treasures in the treasury, including foundation building pills, advanced skills, elixirs, spiritual weapons, etc. This battle is both an opportunity and a crisis. I hope everyone can do what they can, and don’t If you attack blindly, you will have a future!”

This news has actually spread throughout the world.

Everyone had been mentally prepared for a long time, but when they heard the official announcement, everyone still looked nervous, but some people showed excitement. This was a carnival moment for militants.

Han Yuan only hoped that these people would have clear minds by then.

He paused and continued: "The second news is that each peak of the sect will hold a sect competition, and our Lingwen Peak is no exception. The purpose of this competition is twofold, one is to exercise Your actual combat ability, recognize your own strength level, and have a clear understanding of the future war choices. The second is to provide certain resource support. The top 30 disciples can directly receive the Foundation Establishment Pill reward. In addition, the ranking Those in the top 100 will also receive certain resource subsidies. This is the last opportunity for you to practice without risk. I hope you can seize it. "

"Now, I announce that this inner sect competition has officially begun, and Elder Yue Daoyuan will preside over related matters!"

Yue Daoyuan immediately took the stage.

Han Yuan nodded towards him and handed the high platform to Yue Daoyuan.

Then, he flew into the crowd of inner disciples and came to Chang Chun and others, waiting for the competition to begin with a calm expression.

The inner disciple next to him looked at him confused, what is going on?

Yue Daoyuan noticed the commotion among the disciples near Han Yuan and said: "Although Han Zhenzhuan is a true disciple, his full name is the inner disciple of the true disciple. He is still an inner disciple, and he is still in the Qi refining period. He is satisfied with the inner sect competition. Requirements, so don’t be surprised.”

Liu Xinghe, who was standing in the audience seat, heard this, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He had become a core inner sect disciple, but he was not ready to break through the foundation building. In other words, he also had the qualifications to participate in the inner sect competition, although because of The reason why he had obtained the Foundation Establishment Pill was that after he got the ranking, the reward would pass over him and be handed over to the next person. There was no point in participating in the competition, but what he cared about more was having a chance to fight Han Yuan!

It is rumored that Han Yuan is only at the eighth level of Qi Refining. If he can defeat Han Yuan, wouldn't it prove that his talent is not bad? This may be the only chance to defeat Han Yuan. When Han Yuan improves his cultivation in the future, he will have no chance!

So under the suspicious gazes of the people around him, he suddenly jumped into the crowd of inner disciples.

Some core disciples who had not yet broken through the foundation building saw this, thought for a moment, and suddenly realized, they also flew down one by one and stood in the crowd.

Yue Daoyuan glared at the disciples, but didn't say much. He took out a huge box in his hand, which contained a large number of pairs of balls!

He waved his hand, and a large number of balls rushed out and flew into the sky.

Everyone took action to intercept a ball. Because there were so many, it was difficult for everyone to identify when choosing, and they could only rely on luck.

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