Zhao Yumu escaped on the spiritual trees, and in a blink of an eye he had arrived at the inner disciple area.

When he escaped into the spiritual tree in the courtyard of an inner disciple, his consciousness caught the scent of a familiar item.

"Huh? Finally found the informant!" Zhao Yumu looked into the courtyard.

There was a female disciple practicing a sword technique in the courtyard.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in the female disciple's ears: "Yunyue Nongying."

The woman paused for a moment, then continued practicing her sword skills.

It's just that the swordsmanship practiced was no longer the same swordsmanship as before. As he danced, he used his sword as a ghost to write the four words "Matsuki Qingxin" in mid-air.

After she finished practicing her swordsmanship with a calm expression, she sheathed her sword and walked into the room, then opened the room's formation to isolate the inside and outside.

When she closed the door and turned around, a figure was already standing quietly, it was Zhao Yumu.

"Disciple Qianyin, meet the special envoy!" The female disciple immediately saluted respectfully.

Zhao Yumu put his hands behind his hands and said calmly: "Tell me all the important places and important people on Lingwen Peak!"


The female disciple quickly came to the bedside, took out a wooden box from under the bed, took out a jade slip from it, and handed it to Zhao Yumu respectfully.

Zhao Yumu waved his hand, and the jade slip flew into his hand.

His spiritual consciousness penetrated it, and a large amount of information poured into his mind.

By comparing it with the Lingwen Peak information he had obtained before, he checked to see if there were any latest changes.

"Huh? Lingwen Peak has registered another true disciple during this period, and now he has become the acting peak master!"

Zhao Yumu wrote down the information about Han Yuan, and then he searched for other information. He soon selected some places, guessing that there might be inheritance secret scriptures in these places, such as the Sutra Pavilion, the Treasure House, Lingwen Peak Hall, Lingwen ancient stone wall, back mountain cave, etc.

"In addition to this information, do you have anything else to add?"

Zhao Yumu looked at the female disciple.

The female disciple shook her head and said, "I can't find any information above foundation building."

"Who is the person who built the base?" Zhao Yumu asked again.

"I don't know." The female disciple shook her head and said, "We all act alone and have no contact with each other."

Zhao Yumu frowned when he heard this, and finally nodded and said: "I understand, you first take me to the Sutra Storage Pavilion, Lingwen Ancient Stone Wall and other places to have a look."

"Yes!" the female disciple responded.

Zhao Yumu handed the female disciple a green wood chip: "Hide it on your body!"

The female disciple was shocked to see Zhao Yumu's body disappearing into the wood pieces like a ray of green light.

This piece of wood is still full of vitality, satisfying Zhao Yumu's pursuit. The mystery of the small magical power can make people change their physical form and body size, which is already extremely mysterious.

"The special envoy is so awesome!" The female disciple's eyes were filled with admiration.

She respectfully placed the wood pieces on the chest of her clothes, then made some preparations before heading outside.

She walked leisurely on the mountain path. When disciples passed by and met, they often said hello to her, and she always smiled and nodded.

No one could tell that there was another person hidden in her body.

Her first stop was to the Sutra Library Pavilion where the inner disciples were.

This is already the largest scripture collection pavilion in Lingwen Peak, and even the foundation-building elders exchange scriptures here.

At the entrance of the Sutra Pavilion is a counter. In addition to the inner disciples registering and exchanging exercises behind the counter, there is also a middle-aged monk in the foundation-building realm sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed in the corner.

When Qianyin stepped into the Sutra Pavilion, the middle-aged monk opened his eyes and glanced over.

Qianyin subconsciously stretched out her hand to cover her chest.

The middle-aged Foundation Establishment Elder glanced at her and did not notice anything unusual about her. These small actions of female disciples were sometimes easy to be ignored. If they were male disciples, they would be even more suspicious.

He closed his eyes and continued to rest with his eyes closed.

The male inner disciple behind the counter asked: "Junior sister, what books do you need to redeem?"

Qianyin said timidly: "Can I see for myself?"

"Of course you can. There are four floors in the Sutra Collection Building. You can only redeem the skills on the first floor."

"I understand!" Qianyin nodded.

The male disciple asked no more questions.

Qianyin stepped into the Sutra Pavilion with a nervous look on her face and looked a little shy.

And when she passed several rows of bookshelves.

A green light escaped from her chest.

Next to Qianyin, Zhao Yumu's figure appeared.

His eyes signaled Qianyin to continue shopping.

And he quietly came to the stairs.

At the entrance of the stairs, a forbidden spiritual light forms a light curtain. This is an identification formation, and it is also a defensive formation. Without an identity token, it is impossible to enter the second floor of the Tibetan Scripture Building.

However, this did not trouble Zhao Yumu.

He is a third-level array mage.

He stood in front of the light curtain, condensed runes in his hands, and drove them into the formation one by one.

The surface of the light curtain fluctuated, without causing much movement, and a small gap as big as a bowl was formed on the surface.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Zhao Yumu threw the wood pieces into the gap and passed through the light curtain.

And his body turned into green light, and then merged into the wood pieces, passing through the light curtain.

Using the formation cracking method and the small magical power of Mu Dun, Zhao Yumu passed through the restriction on the second floor within three breaths!

Zhao Yumu turned around and glanced at the formation light screen, with a faint smile on his face.

Then he climbed up the stairs and arrived at the second floor.

Naturally, he had no interest in the second floor of the Sutra Pavilion, and soon came to the entrance of the third floor. Following the instructions of the gourd, he successfully reached the third floor in just twenty breaths.

When he stepped onto the third floor, he carefully observed the situation inside the third floor.

He was sure that there was no real Jindan guarding him, so he explored the situation on the third floor. There were many jade slips and books, among which there were only more than ten books related to exercises.

After scanning more than ten techniques, the technique I was looking for was not found.

He was not discouraged and arrived at the entrance to the fourth floor.

The fourth floor corresponds to Nascent Soul realm skills, and the light curtain set up is naturally a fourth-level existence, which has exceeded Zhao Yumu's formation master level.

He looked seriously and took out a fourth-level forbidden talisman.

If he used the forbidden talisman directly, it would definitely cause fluctuations in the formation and alarm others, but by cooperating with the formation master, he was able to smooth out the fluctuations and sneak into the fourth floor quietly!

"This operation will cost a lot of money. I hope the fourth floor can surprise me."

Zhao Yumu began to use the methods of the formation mage, and one formation after another penetrated into the light curtain. It did not cause any fluctuations in the formation, and quietly changed the nature of the formation at that location.

After spending half an hour, Zhao Yumu used the forbidden talisman and pressed it on that position.

The next moment, a hole opened in the light curtain!

Zhao Yumu did not hesitate, threw the wood pieces in, and used the wood escape method to enter the fourth floor of the Sutra Collection Building!

He turned around and glanced at the light curtain that had returned to normal, and thought to himself: "No wonder the sect didn't carry out similar actions before. Without Jindan cultivation, no formation ability, and no special means similar to mine, it's impossible to pass through it silently. Pass this light curtain!"

In fact, he felt that the Di Shenzong's protective measures were still too weak. This was because the Di Shen Sect had not had any problems for more than a thousand years and had become somewhat lax about protection, which gave him the opportunity to take advantage of the loopholes.

Zhao Yumu looked relaxed: "Now that they are unprepared, it is the easiest time to steal the inheritance. I must seize the opportunity!"

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