Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 70 Preparing For The Hunting Operation

Han Yuan returned to Lingwen Peak.

During his flight, both Diheng and Yanagisawa sent good news.

Their golden elixir ancestors were all willing to come over and meet him.

The main reason was that Han Yuanzhan revealed the peak master's spare token, which gave him added weight.

When Han Yuan came to Lingwen Peak Hall.

He saw a handsome young man looking up at the outer eaves of the hall.

Han Yuan was startled, then hesitantly came over and said respectfully: "Han Yuan, I wonder who your senior is?"

"Haha, didn't you just ask Mr. Liu Ze? Speaking of which, I haven't been here in Lingwen Peak for some years." The young man said calmly.

Han Yuan was surprised, Patriarch Liu came so quickly?

He quickly said respectfully: "It turns out to be Senior Liu. Han Yuan is disrespectful. Please forgive me, Senior."

The young man turned around, looked at Han Yuan calmly, and frowned slightly: "Han Yuan, right? You can break through to the eighth level of Qi refining in three years of entry. Your cultivation talent is indeed good, but this is not the reason for your arrogance. . I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer."

Han Yuan was startled. There seemed to be a hint of dissatisfaction in Master Liu's tone, but he also understood that the dignified Master Jindan, even if he didn't go to visit him, actually asked others to come to see him. This seemed like he had not cleared himself up. s position.

Just when he was about to answer, another figure fell from the air without any sound.

Han Yuan looked up and saw a white-faced young man walking through the air.

The young man looked at the young man, a smile finally appeared on his face and said: "Senior Brother Diyu, long time no see."

The young man put his hands behind his hands and said with a faint smile: "Junior Brother Ji Zhen, I didn't expect you to come here."

The young man smiled softly: "I'm very curious how a Qi Refining Realm disciple can have the confidence to invite me here."

His eyes looked at Han Yuan.

Han Yuan was not afraid of the stage. He first bowed his hand to the young man and said, "Han Yuan has met Master Di!"

The young man smiled lightly: "Han Zhenzhuan, you're welcome. Why did you come to see me and me today?"

Han Yuan said seriously: "Two real people, inviting two people to come this time is really rude. Please Haihan, in addition to inviting these two people, I also summoned all the Jindan Dao people who are still in Lingwen Peak to come over." ”

The young man looked surprised and said, "Oh?"

Han Yuan said seriously: "I have a reliable source of information. I can confirm that enemies from outside the sect have sneaked into Lingwen Peak. I don't know what they are going to do. I don't know how many there are in them, and I don't know who the foundation-building elders are in the peak." Is there an undercover agent, but the enemy who infiltrated must have the strength of Foundation Establishment or above, and have extremely strong concealment methods. Therefore, for the safety of Lingwen Peak, I summoned the elders to discuss and invited the two of them to come, mainly Give me a strong momentum."

Di Yu looked strange and said, "Are you asking us to endorse your intelligence?"

Han Yuan nodded and said: "It's hard to explain the source of my information, but please believe me."

As he spoke, the aura on his body suddenly rose!

The eighth level of Qi Refining was suddenly promoted to the ninth level of Qi Refining, and then he quickly broke from the ninth level of Qi Refining to the tenth level!

This scene caused obvious changes in the originally calm and indifferent expressions on the faces of Liu Jizhen and Di Yu.

Diyu sensed the fluctuations in Han Yuan's cultivation, and also sensed Han Yuan's life breath.

He finally sighed: "You are only 19 years old, but you have already broken through to the tenth level of Qi refining. You can break through the foundation building before you are 24 years old, and you are very likely to break through the golden elixir. You are very good!"

Next to him, Liu Jizhen, who was a little dissatisfied with Han Yuan at first, also looked cautious at this time, and his originally scrutinizing eyes began to become suspicious.

Han Yuan suddenly cast a spell at this time, releasing two sword energy and attacking the two real people directly!

The two real people were surprised and casually accepted his attack.

Liu Jizhen felt the attack intensity of the sword energy, and his face finally showed a hint of wonder: "The magic power of the twelfth level of Qi refining, your practice speed and spell advancement are all a bit stronger than mine. I take back what I said before, I really underestimate you!"

Han Yuan handed over his hands and said sincerely: "Two real people, I have a close cooperative relationship with the two families, so I am willing to confess my cultivation and strength to the two. First, to prove that I have the qualifications to continue to cooperate with the two families in depth. , the second is to ask the two of you to help me vouch for it. I, Han Yuan, have always treated people sincerely. I don’t like to hide things. I have always been straightforward. I will not hide it. If I can find out the infiltrator and undercover this time, Feng The position of the Lord is definitely certain, so I hope you two can help me!"

The strength Han Yuan displayed was only a small part of his own, and he did not care about his position as the peak master. These words were just for future actions. Only by deceiving his own people could he deceive the enemy.

Di Yu and Liu Jizhen looked at each other and seemed to be communicating.

Afterwards, You Diyu said: "Junior Brother Liu and I have discussed it, and we can agree to your plan. I hope your information is true and reliable. Otherwise, it will be embarrassing for the two of us, and your true inheritance rights will most likely be lost." Greatly reduced.”

Han Yuan handed over his hand: "Thank you two real people for their help, Han Yuan is grateful!"

The three of them communicated some more and then waited.

It didn't take long.

Yue Daoyuan hurriedly walked into the main hall.

Behind him, a total of five Jindan Daoist people stepped in one by one!

The five golden elixir masters originally looked unhappy, but when they saw the two golden elixir masters behind Han Yuan, their expressions became a little surprised.

Han Yuan saluted the five of them: "Han Yuan, I have met the second elder, the fourth elder, the fifth elder, the seventh elder, and the ninth elder!"

A rough-faced Jindan master said with great interest: "Han Yuan, why did you ask us to come over if you have nothing to do?"

Han Yuan said: "Fourth Elder, I have important matters to discuss with some real people. Because I have cooperated with the Liu family and the Di family, I happened to accidentally discover that enemies from outside our sect have sneaked into our Lingwen Peak in the past two days. There may be an undercover agent who wants to do something against our peak. The situation is urgent, so I immediately summoned several elders to discuss the arrest! "

Several real people immediately looked at each other unexpectedly, and they all looked at Liu Jizhen and Di Yu.

At this time, the two of them naturally did not discredit Han Yuan, and both nodded.

"Huh? Such a thing actually happens?" Fourth Elder Yue Mingxiong was very surprised.

Han Yuan immediately nodded and said: "We can't determine the location of the enemy, and we don't know if there are any internal agents among the foundation-building elders, so I called the elders over."

Yue Mingxiong snorted coldly: "A thief actually sneaked in. This shows that we, Lingwen Peak, are not taking us seriously. In this case, we will let them never come back!"

Han Yuan said: "Elders, do you want to ask the main peak or other peaks to come over for help?"

At this time, the second elder Fu Changqing said: "There is no need to let other peaks come to help with this matter. Although our Lingwen Peak has become weaker over the years, a few thieves can't alarm other peaks and make other peaks laugh. A dragnet. No one can escape our hunting!"

Han Yuan murmured in his heart that this thief might be able to fight one against five. The second elder's tone was quite loud.

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