Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 62 Doubled The Knowledge Of Swordsmanship

Finally, under Han Yuan's observation, the spell mark of Jianqi Chenglin has successfully condensed into a complete and clear spell rune.

This means that his Jianqi Chenglin has reached the perfect level!

And the sword grass has not been consumed yet.

In this case, Han Yuan took the initiative to look at the advanced spell of Jianqi Chenglin, "Jianqi Chengsi".

Compared with "Jianqi Chenglin", Jianqi Chengsi reduces the size of each sword qi, and each sword qi is more condensed. The offensiveness is increased by more than ten times, and the flexibility is greatly improved!

Jianqi Chenglin still turns the sword qi into trees. The sword qi is very conspicuous. Jianqi Chengsi, each sword qi is reduced by more than dozens of times, and both the speed and quantity can be improved by an order of magnitude.

The former has a limit of one hundred sword qi, while the latter has only the basis of one hundred sword qi!

Han Yuan admired the difficulty of practicing this spell, but his two spells are of the same origin. He can convert the practice progress of "Jianqi Chenglin" into a certain practice progress of "Jianqi Chengsi".

After some attempts, the spell mark of the sword energy into a forest successfully changed into another more complex spell mark. While it was more complex, it also became more illusory.

Han Yuan also successfully entered the "Sword Energy into Silk"!

When he tried to condense the sword energy, the sword energy was easily reduced in size. The sword energy that was originally the size of a normal sword was easily reduced by a circle!

Silk is a perfect effect, and each level is a process of shrinking.

At first he thought it was difficult, but after trying it, he found it unexpectedly simple.

"This is the benefit of advanced spells, which can easily absorb the previous practice results!"

Han Yuan was very satisfied and continued to absorb a leaf of sword energy grass to improve the spell mark of [Sword Energy into Silk].

During this process, he was still imitating the trajectory of the sword energy. Although he did not expect to comprehend any sword art, he still had a fluke, so he would still imitate it, but he did not have much hope.

So his main energy was put on cultivating spiritual power again.

The Heart of Wood can indeed practice on its own, but with his control, the speed of practice will increase by dozens of times, so naturally, practice whenever possible.

When he closed his eyes and concentrated on practicing, the number of Qi swords on his fingertips had increased to sixty-four. Some of the Qi swords were able to synchronize the trajectory of the sword Qi in the Dantian in real time, and some were imitating the trajectory of the sword Qi they had seen before.

In terms of performance, part of the sword Qi above his left hand formed a snake, and another part of the sword Qi above his right hand formed an eagle. The two quickly intersected above his fingers, and the two seemed to have a spirituality, as if there was really a snake and an eagle fighting, which looked a bit magical.

Han Yuan practiced comfortably for another ten days.

The spiritual power in the Dantian increased a little bit, and the liquefied Tai Chi spiritual power lake increased by three times, which was a cause for celebration.

At the same time, after the sword Qi grass was consumed, the spell mark of [Sword Qi into Silk] also successfully reached the perfect state, enough to condense a thousand sword Qi, each like a silk thread!

This is a top-grade spell of the Xuan class. It can be completed so easily. Han Yuan couldn't help but sigh that the effect of the sword qi grass is really good.

Just at this moment, he opened his eyes casually.

The next moment, he was stunned on the spot.

On his left hand, a tiger composed of hundreds of qi swords stared at the top of his right hand, and the fierceness in his eyes was like substance.

On his right hand, there was also a giant long sword composed of hundreds of qi swords, floating in the air, graceful and erratic, with cold light flashing on the sword body, like a peerless sword.

The two sides confronted each other across the air, and the atmosphere seemed stagnant.

Han Yuan looked at the two "things" that suddenly solidified and motionless in a daze, and finally realized that this was the qi sword he cast.

With a thought, the tiger and the sword suddenly broke apart and turned into a large number of qi swords. These qi swords broke again and turned into countless spiritual energy that dissipated in the air.

Han Yuan raised his fingers, suddenly closed his eyes, and recalled the sword comprehension during this period of time.

Countless sword insights flowed into his heart at the same time, like a spring, and a stream of enlightenment came to his mind, like a continuous tide.

The next moment, a huge dice suddenly appeared in front of Han Yuan, and Han Yuan had no time to take care of it.

The dice started to rotate on its own, rotating at an astonishing speed!

The rotation speed is the fastest ever!

At a certain moment, the dice froze and the number stayed on "36".

[Random gain multiplier: 36]

[The effect of kendo perception is improved*36]

At this moment, countless more powerful swordsmanship insights poured into Han Yuan's consciousness, and he entered an epiphany on the spot.

At this time, outside Cangming Cave.

Yuexianxian stood with his arms crossed and a sword in his hand.

"Where is your Palace Master?" Yue Xianxian asked Chang Chun next to him.

"The Palace Master is still in retreat!" Chang Chun quickly replied.

Yue Xianxian raised his eyebrows: "Three months have passed and he is still in seclusion? Has he been out of seclusion before?"

Chang Chun shook his head and said: "Since Yuezhenzhuan you left, the master of the palace has started to retreat, and he has not come out even once until now!"

Yue Xianxian was speechless and asked in surprise: "He was like this before?"

"That's basically it!" Chang Chun responded carefully.

"This junior brother is still an ascetic monk!" Yuexianxian didn't know what to say. "I made an appointment with him three months ago to come and fight with him. He won't forget it, right?"

Chang Chun lowered his head, not daring to reply at all.

"In that case, I'll wait for him a little longer."

Yuexianxian sat boredly at the stone table, waiting for Han Yuan to come out, while looking at the sky in trance.

Chang Chun was helpless, why did this aunt keep waiting? The last record of the palace master's retreat was five months, so there is a lot to wait for!

Yuexianxian muttered in his heart: "Has he discovered the treasure I gave him? Speaking of which, I really haven't figured out what it is, but if it can appear in the Jindan ruins, it must be a treasure, but No matter how precious it is, it’s only at the level of golden elixir. If you give it, you’ll give it.”

In the training room.

Han Yuan's understanding of the way of swordsmanship increased by leaps and bounds!

He had a completely new understanding of the way of the sword.

The sword spiritual text shines brightly in the sea of ​​consciousness, and countless knowledge about the sword spiritual text is also integrated in this process.

It was also the moment of his epiphany.

The box he put aside casually moved.

That was exactly the gift Yuexianxian gave to Han Yuan.

Originally, Han Yuan wanted to check it, but he forgot about it after practicing.

And at this moment when his knowledge of swordsmanship exploded.

The things in the box seemed to sense something and showed signs of trembling.

As Han Yuan's understanding became deeper and deeper, the changes in the box became more and more obvious.

The box was not locked, so at a certain moment, a strange metal ball broke through the box and floated in the air!

It seemed to be studying Han Yuan, as if it had confirmed something, and instantly flew to Han Yuan's Dantian. Surprisingly, this metal ball actually penetrated the surface of Han Yuan's body.

When the metal ball came to Dantian, it rushed towards the center, trying to occupy the central position of Dantian.

However, at this moment, Jianmu Seed burst out with power.

The metal ball seemed to be startled, and then was "driven out" of the Dantian.

The metal ball came to the meridians and began to travel through the meridians. When it came to the liver, it seemed to sense the existence of the heart of the wood spirit.

So the metal ball hesitated for a while, then rushed into it, and then allowed the wood spirit power to enter its body, and even accelerated the refining process.

At the same time, Han Yuan's knowledge of swordsmanship seemed to have something to carry it, pouring into the metal ball.

When the metal pellet appeared in Han Yuan's body, he sensed it. He subconsciously prevented the metal pellet from entering his dantian. Then, without sensing the danger, he allowed the metal pellet to do what he did.

After passively refining the metal balls, a stream of inheritance information actually poured into his sea of ​​consciousness, which contained a large amount of swordsmanship inheritance knowledge.

"Xiaoyao Jianwan, a fourth-level low-grade spiritual treasure, was left by the Yuanying Realm Xiaoyao Zhenren. Only those who have understood the same or similar sword intent as Xiaoyao Jianwan can inherit Xiaoyao Jianwan. If the inheritor has the opportunity, he will be destroyed. Kill the real person Xingyue..."

Han Yuan was receiving insights on the way of swordsmanship during his epiphany process, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. A doubt flashed through his mind: He was in seclusion in the cave, where did this sword pill escape from? Isn’t this just taking the next piece of cause and effect out of thin air? Could it be that he is on the list of gods?

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