In Han Yuan's opinion, the swordsmanship of immortal cultivators is just a means of controlling objects.

The spiritual power changes its own nature through the magic weapon, turning into more powerful sword energy and sword energy, and then harnesses these sword energy or sword energy to fight against the enemy. These sword energy is naturally more aggressive and powerful than the monk's own spiritual power. Destructive, but still essentially a form of air and object control.

Why not the sword itself?

Naturally, it is because the spiritual power required to control physical swords and knives is too high, and the control is more difficult. In the Qi refining realm, these sword Qi are naturally chosen as the main ones.

When you reach a high level of cultivation, you can control magic weapons and even spiritual weapons and magic weapons, and fight enemies with your own body. Then the power will naturally be greater, which can be called sword control, weapon control, etc.

Of course, there are monks who specialize in swordsmanship and call themselves swordsmen, but swordsmanship is something different in their eyes.

Han Yuan is a pragmatist. No matter what it is, it only needs to be able to exert its power.

Since there is a blade of sword energy grass, he naturally chose to practice swordsmanship.

Place the leaves on the Sword Qi Grass in the palm of your hand.

He inputs spiritual power into the leaves.

The next moment, a weak but sharp sword energy burst out from the leaves and invaded his body!

The sword energy advanced rapidly along the meridians, causing indiscriminate damage to the meridians it passed through.

But his meridians have long been extremely tough, and the sword energy cannot harm them at all.

The sword energy came all the way to Dantian.

Han Yuan was already prepared, and the spell mark of Cheng Lin, who had just successfully cultivated his sword energy, came forward to meet him.

The sword energy collides with the spell mark of [Sword Qi Cheng Lin] and begins to destroy the spell mark. In this process, the monk can gain insights into the sword technique.

Han Yuan was not very talented in swordsmanship, but unfortunately he had the blessing of sword spirit. As he observed the crisscrossing of sword energy, Han Yuan vaguely understood something.

After the sword energy was exhausted, the spell mark of [Sword Energy Forming Forest] was restored again, much clearer than before.

His understanding of this sword technique actually felt inexplicably smooth and comfortable. The sword technique that he was not very proficient in when he first started has become much more proficient.

He was also a little surprised. He knew that practicing spells will form spell marks or spell runes. This thing can be used to speed up the casting of spells. It doesn't matter if it is destroyed. He can regroup it at any time because he has learned this spell himself. , but now, after the spell mark evolves, it can actually improve the progress of spell practice, which refreshed his knowledge.

"Others use this one-leaf sword energy grass, half to improve their swordsmanship qualifications, and the other half to break through the realm of swordsmanship. That is, I actually use it for daily practice."

Han Yuan complained to himself, and then saw happily that five more sword energies appeared again after the random buff effect, and began to rush towards his Dantian.

Han Yuan was very happy and opened his arms to let them enter his Dantian.

However, Han Yuan was soon surprised to find that after the five sword qi came to his dantian, they actually formed a combined attack and attacked the [Sword Qi Cheng Lin] spell mark repeatedly, trying to obliterate his sword skill mark.

During the attack, many mysteries of swordsmanship were revealed, which deeply touched Han Yuan.

It was like a teacher imparting his swordsmanship inheritance without reservation.

Han Yuan subconsciously stretched out his fingers, and there were five sword energy slashes simulating the trajectory of the sword energy in his body.

It's just that the trajectory of the sword energy, which I thought could be easily simulated, seems to be running in the sky, running on a trajectory that is different from the way ordinary people think.

Before he could figure it out, the sword energy was exhausted.

The spell mark of [Sword Qi Cheng Lin] has become more solid, and his understanding of this spell is also increasing rapidly.

It is indeed a good thing and the effect is very significant.

Han Yuan continued to refine a leaf of sword energy grass.

A single leaf can transform into several sword energy and enter the body.

Han Yuan was shocked to find that each time the sword energy entered, the trajectory was different!

Obviously those tracks were just appearances, and he didn't understand the deeper things in them.

"No wonder swordsmanship can be listed as a separate item, it's a bit difficult..."

Han Yuan gradually realized that the reason behind this was not simple, but he was not obsessed with understanding the reason. It would not be a loss if he could speed up the realization of [Sword Techniques Form a Forest].

Each blade was consumed, and the sword Qi Slash on Han Yuan's finger also casually imitated the attack trajectory of those sword Qi.

He has been imitating, and every time he imitates, he can gain a little insight, but it is very insignificant.

Unknowingly, the swordsmanship reached a small level, and then reached a great level in just two days.

The number of air swords on Han Yuan's fingertips has also increased to thirty-six. They are like wearing flowers and brocade, sometimes forming a flying bird, and sometimes forming a big fish.

The air sword is as flexible as his fingers.

However, Han Yuan did not focus on the Qi Sword at all. His movements had become instinctive, and he now focused most of his attention on training.

At first, he wanted to understand some of the mysteries of the sword, but after trying his best to comprehend for more than two days, he still couldn't understand the deep mysteries of the sword energy trajectory, so he decisively gave up struggling. Something like the sword was too elusive. , it is more practical to practice spiritual power.

As everyone knows, for normal sword cultivation and mastering a sword technique, progress is calculated in years. It is normal to improve a little every year.

Han Yuan's rapidly improving realm and magic during this period had whetted his appetite, and he became a little dizzy.

During this period of time, the cultivation level is improved too fast, which makes people easily susceptible to mood swings. This situation can gradually improve with the increase of age and experience.

If one's cultivation improves quickly, there will naturally be some innocuous side effects.

However, perhaps it was because of Han Yuan's indifference that when he imitated the sword energy trajectories of those sword energy grasses, he lost a lot of human intervention and gradually became more consistent with the principle of unrestrained and free swordsmanship.

The qi sword at Han Yuan's fingertips gradually became a little mysterious, and the sword qi of the sword qi grass changed from a physical resemblance to a spiritual resemblance.

All changes are smooth and silent.

With a thought in Han Yuan's mind, his spiritual power can roll up a blade of sword energy grass. The sword energy will naturally rush into his dantian and attack his [Sword Energy Forest] in a mysterious trajectory. He will subconsciously imitate it and let his fingers move. The pointed Qi sword is as similar as possible to the sword Qi in Dantian. Even if it cannot be imitated closely, it does not matter. Anyway, these are all incidental benefits. His main purpose is to practice [Sword Qi Cheng Lin]. Unknowingly, This spell is almost complete.

"Sure enough, the effect of Sword Qi Grass is good. Every time I hit the magic mark, my understanding of this sword technique will deepen, as if this sword technique becomes simpler and simpler in my eyes!"

Han Yuan had a feeling that the sword technique of forming a forest of sword qi seemed to be getting simpler and simpler in his opinion. The changes of the sword forest composed of dozens of sword qi seemed to remain unchanged, coming and going. There are just a few types.

He also secretly praised the excellent feedback effect of the spell mark. This method that allows people to easily understand spells is really suitable for people with "average understanding" like him.

At this time, there were as many as forty-nine qi swords in his fingertip sword qi slashes, and they were changing their formations at an astonishing speed. Their complexity had already exceeded the perfect level of sword qi forming a forest.

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