Du Yuanhe said: "I'll give you three months to practice. Don't go out this month. Don't worry about rumors or provocations from outside. After three months, I will hold a true inheritance ceremony for you and officially become a true disciple."

Han Yuandao: "But..."

"Don't worry! I'll take care of everything! Just practice with peace of mind!"

Du Yuanhe patted his shoulder and immediately rose into the sky.

He looked at Du Yuanhe's retreating back, opened his mouth, and swallowed what he wanted to say.

Looking at the "Mirage Turtle Concentrating Breath" in his hand, Han Yuan complained: "This book seems to be of water attribute, can't you give it to the wood attribute? I will take the lead in practicing the water attribute of earth-level spells!"

He also knows his random gain multiplier cheat.

His understanding is still the same as before. Unless he obtains an item that improves his understanding, he can change his understanding.

But this kind of item is so rare that I have never heard of it before.

Han Yuan opened the Mirage Turtle Breath Condensation Technique and looked at it for a while. The writing on it was so confusing that he was sure that he would never be able to understand it.

At this moment, there was movement in front of the cave door.

Han Yuan looked over and saw a familiar figure.

"Hey, why is he here?"

Han Yuan's spiritual energy flowed to his legs, and he arrived at the entrance of the cave very quickly.

Across the formation, Han Yuan looked at the person coming and asked, "Qin Feng?"

Qin Feng said in surprise: "Brother Han, I didn't expect it was you! I heard a few days ago that you had become a true disciple, so I hurriedly came to look for you. It took me three days of searching before I found out you lived here!"

Han Yuan asked doubtfully: "Are you coming here?"

"I'm here to join Brother Han. We've been in the same hospital for two years. How can we say that our relationship is better than others, right? When I work for you, I'm definitely more reliable than others, hehe!" Qin Feng said quickly.

Han Yuan looked at him with a thoughtful look on his face and said: "Forget it, Old Qin, go back and practice hard. This place is not suitable for you to mix. There are some things in this storage bag. I'll give it to you. You go." Bar."

Han Yuan threw out a storage bag, threw it to Qin Feng, then turned around and left.

"Hey? Brother! Brother! Brother Han, don't. I can do anything. Let me follow you! I can do odd jobs, too!"

Han Yuan did not turn around and waved his hand to signal him to leave quickly.

Qin Feng stared blankly at Han Yuan's decisively leaving figure, lowering his head and arms in loneliness.

"Alas, I was still too arrogant before!" Qin Feng sighed. Han Yuan's rejection was also expected by him. He had never looked at Han Yuan before, and even mocked him a few times. If you don't retaliate against him, even if you are magnanimous, it would be normal not to accept him.

Grabbing the storage bag in his hand, Qin Feng still felt a little lost.

Behind the big rock not far from Qin Feng, two people watched this scene.

"Is this the Han Zhenzhuan? So young!"

"It's actually Han Yuan from the outer courtyard. I don't believe it until now. Haha, this Qin Feng is only at the third level of Qi Refining and wants to become a true disciple. His brain is really not good."

"What a pity. I thought I had found a flaw in Han Yuan."

"What should I do? Should I tell the president?"

"Forget it, it's such a small thing, what do you say?"

"Yes, but you can inform the president that Han Zhenzhuan has been released."

"It's okay to say it, but it's probably meaningless. I refused to meet the president before, so the retreat is actually an excuse."

The two conveyed the news of Han Yuan's appearance to Liu Xinghe.

After receiving the news, Liu Xinghe hurried over and arrived at the entrance of Cangming Cave.

He glanced at the two disciples who were hiding in secret, and motioned them to step aside.

Afterwards, Liu Xinghe came to the cave and shouted: "Liu Xinghe wants to see Han Zhenzhuan."

After a while, Chang Chun appeared at the door and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Senior Brother Liu, our master has just entered the training room and won't be able to get out for a while. Please ask Senior Brother Liu to come over next time."

Liu Xinghe's face couldn't help but darken slightly. Just now he appeared at the door, and now he is in seclusion?

This is obviously something he doesn’t want to see.

Liu Xinghe cupped his hands and said, "That's really unfortunate. I'll come back next time!"

"Walk slowly!" Chang Chun said.

Liu Xinghe walked away with a puff of his sleeves.

At this time, Han Yuan has indeed entered the cave to practice. It can be said that it is indeed a coincidence. Chang Chun is not talking nonsense. Of course, even if he is not in retreat, Han Yuan will not see him. The result will be the same.

the other side.

Qin Feng walked a certain distance, but still couldn't help but be curious, and his spiritual sense penetrated into the storage bag.

Then he was stunned.

He pulled out a piece of white paper and his eyes lit up when he saw what was written on it.

He looked at the storage bag again and found that it indeed contained the items needed for the mission, and he was reassured.

He walked back happily.

An hour later, he arrived at the Sutra-Tiding Pavilion at Gumu Peak.

A purple pharaoh looked at him and asked strangely: "Which peak are you from, and why do you come to my Gumu Peak to redeem your skills?"

"Can't you change it?" Qin Feng asked nervously.

"Of course you can. No matter which peak you are from, you can go to any Sutra Pavilion to redeem your skills. Tell me, what do you want?" The purple-haired old man looked at him sideways.

"I want to exchange for a wood-attribute spell that can restrain the breath and cover the realm. It is best to be a high-grade yellow-level spell. I also want to exchange for three low-grade yellow-level spells, namely Air Sword Slash, Constant Temperature Technique, and Earth-Building Technique!"

Qin Feng stated the request.

The purple-haired old man looked at him strangely: "Are you sure you want the high-grade breath-containing technique of the Yellow Order? Can you afford it? It's still a wood-attribute technique. You practice fire-attribute techniques, right?"

Qin Feng took out a yellow-level high-grade spell exchange token: "Elder, I use this!"


The purple-haired old man said unexpectedly, "Isn't this the top ten redemption tokens from the outer gate? This is definitely not yours. You redeemed it for, oh, that boy Han Yuan, right?"

Qin Feng looked surprised and said: "Elder, do you know Han Zhenzhuan?"

"Haha, this kid has become a true successor. How can I not recognize him? He previously exchanged the Spiritual Rain Technique and Qingling Technique from me. With these three, he has all the basic five-element spiritual cultivation skills. Haha, this kid He has become a real person, and he still doesn’t forget to farm, which is also a talent.”

Qin Feng smiled awkwardly and did not answer.

"Bring out another three hundred spirit stones!" the purple-haired old man said.

"Yes! Elders, they are all here!"

Qin Feng took out the three hundred spirit stones in his storage bag.

The purple-haired old man took the spirit stone and token, stood up and went to get the magic jade slip.

After a while, he handed him four jade slips.

"Don't look at these jade slips. They can only be used by one person and will be discarded after use."

"Disciple understands!" Qin Feng nodded quickly.

"Well, I chose the "Ancient Wood Hidden Qi Technique" for him. It is a good yellow-level high-grade breath-containing spell. I told him to practice hard and strive to achieve perfection. If he really achieves perfection, I will give him a gift. A set of ancient wood spiritual nourishing skills."

"Yes, elder!"

Qin Feng apologized and then retreated.

The purple-haired old man touched his chin, and his eyes revealed a strange look: "Has the disciples of the "Ancient Wood Spirit-nurturing Technique" which is simplified from the fragments of the "Jianmu Immortal Code" finally have the opportunity to understand and reach perfection? I hope you won't disappoint me, Han Far!"

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