"Qingling Technique!"

"Qingling Technique!"

Han Yuan faced the big banyan tree and released a low-level yellow-level spell he had learned before.

Every ten seconds, Han Yuan's finger would light up a green light, shining on the big banyan tree.

Every time the big banyan tree receives the nourishment of Qingling Technique, it will send out a joyful thought.

Han Yuan was surprised to find that using Qingling Technique could better bring out the effect of his transformation. If the pure spiritual power effect was 1, the bonus of Qingling Technique would be 4.

Green Spirit Technique can increase the growth of spiritual trees and the concentration of spirituality more quickly.

He has a feeling that part of the transformation of his skills comes from Qingling Technique!

This discovery made Han Yuan suddenly realize that the transformation of the martial arts was not a rootless thing, but came from the integration of the knowledge of cultivating immortals he had learned in the past two years.

Not only the Qingling Technique, but also the Spiritual Rain Technique.

It can be said that today's "Ancient Wood Spiritual Nourishing Technique" has changed beyond recognition and has become a technique that is only suitable for his own practice and perfectly adapted to him.

After the transformation of the technique, and then in turn to comprehend the Qingling Technique, one will feel as comfortable as a fish in water.

I had been studying Qingling Technique for several days but had not yet started to learn it. After only trying it a few times, I finally reached the level of proficiency!

He waited expectantly for a while, but the die that was supposed to appear did not appear.

The words random gain multiplier did not appear in front of me.

"Strange? No?"

Han Yuan was confused. He felt that his Qingling Technique had indeed improved to a higher level.

But the random gain multiplier never appeared.

He thought for a while and then used Qing Ling Technique again.

Only this time, he changed the target of the spell to himself!

An illusory dice indeed appeared.

[Random gain multiplier: 3]

[Qing Ling Technique’s growth-promoting effect*300%]

A ray of green light shone on his body, making his scalp itchy. He wiped his head and immediately found that his hair had grown a little.

"This...has become a hair growth technique!"

Han Yuan couldn't laugh or cry. At the same time, he also confirmed a problem. Only effects that act on oneself can obtain gain multipliers.

He had already guessed this before, and it was no pity.

"The best application scenario for my golden finger is to use items that permanently improve one's abilities. If there is a chance to obtain the treasures of heaven and earth that can improve your qualifications, just take off right where you are!"

Han Yuande looked at Shu for a while, then retracted his thoughts and continued to practice Qingling Technique calmly.

Don't ask, just ask Lando.

"Palace Master, Palace Master, I found the place where the spirit grain is stored!"

Chang Chun ran over in surprise, holding a bag in his hand.

Han Yuan's eyes lit up and he asked, "What spiritual rice?"

Chang Chun came closer, placed the small bag on the table, and spread it out for Han Yuan to check.

"This is Huangjie's top-grade spiritual rice - Huangliang rice, which means Huangliang Yimeng. Long-term use can not only increase the speed of practice and improve physical fitness, but the key is that it can nourish the sea of ​​consciousness and increase the upper limit of spiritual consciousness!" Chang Chun said excitedly, "That's the upper limit of spiritual consciousness. If my spiritual consciousness can be improved, my talisman-making technique will definitely be able to break through the bottleneck."

Han Yuan touched his chin. Huangliang rice was indeed good.

He asked: "Is there a large number?"

"Not much." Chang Chun shook his head regretfully, "Most of the warehouses over there are empty. I only found some in a small warehouse, which won't last long."

Han Yuan looked at the spirit rice in its shell and said, "Can it be planted?"

Chang Chun was stunned, then nodded and said: "You can grow it, but it's not easy to plant Huangliang rice. Does the palace master want to recruit Ling Zhifu?"

"No, I will grow it myself!" Han Yuan said with a smile.

Chang Chun was confused at first, and then shocked. The master of the palace is Ling Zhifu?

"I'm trying to plant something, but I'm not sure whether it will work!" Han Yuan said again.

"Oh." Chang Chun suddenly realized that planting was a way for the palace master to relax.

"Then I'll go get some more spiritual rice." Chang Chun said immediately.

"Well, it doesn't take much."


Three days later.

Du Yuanhe wielded a green sword and came to the sky above Cangming Cave.

He looked down and saw a familiar figure, leaning over to plant something in the spiritual field.

Du Yuanhe's eyes twitched: "Is this kid really planting things? I thought those pills and training rooms would be enough to dispel his thoughts, but I didn't expect that this kid is really... short-sighted!"

He lowered his height and knocked on the formation shield.

Han Yuan felt the vibration of the token and looked up to see the old man staring at him.

"Uh, Master? Are you passing by?"

Han Yuan quickly opened the formation.

Du Yuanhe fell down, glanced at the spiritual field where ninety-nine acres of land had been planted, and said helplessly, "Have you been farming these days?"

Han Yuan said quickly: "I have been practicing hard every day, and I feel like I am close to a breakthrough these days!"

Du Yuanhe had a toothache. With the elixir he gave him, he could of course practice quickly, but his spiritual power was too scattered and would require a lot of time to purify, which would waste even more time.

His consciousness felt Han Yuan's breath at this moment.

The fourth level of Qi Refining has reached its peak and is indeed about to break through.


Du Yuanhe was startled and said in shock: "When did you reach the peak of the fourth level of Qi Refining? Your cultivation speed is wrong!! Isn't your fourth level of Qi Refining equivalent to someone else's peak of the fifth level of Qi Refining?"

"I had an epiphany a few days ago, and my practice has reached the level of Dacheng, so my practice speed is faster."

Han Yuan sighed in his heart. His level was still too low and he couldn't hide his aura in front of Old Man Du. Once he got the spell to cover his aura and practiced to a high level, he wouldn't have to worry.

However, he still surrounded his dantian with his spiritual consciousness to cover up the fact that his dantian had changed again. Although there was no way to stop Old Man Du from forcefully exploring it, Old Man Du sensed his spiritual consciousness, so he must be embarrassed, right?

Du Yuanhe did immediately explore the condition of Han Yuan's body, but before he could explore the Dantian, he was attracted by the green fluorescence in Han Yuan's liver.

"This, this is..." Du Yuanhe opened his mouth wide and his eyes popped out.

Han Yuan said cautiously: "Master, what's wrong?"

"Wait a minute, what's going on with the thing in your liver?" Du Yuanhe's breathing became heavy.

"It was when I broke through the fourth level of Qi refining that I suddenly had an enlightenment, which led to a breakthrough in the technique. Then this thing appeared in my liver. It was small at first, but now it is getting bigger and bigger. I originally planned to ask the master, what exactly is this thing? What is it? Is it harmful?" Han Yuan did intend to ask, so he did not cover the green fluorescence with his spiritual sense.

The corner of Du Yuanhe's mouth twitched. He knew that Han Yuan's previous skills were at the "Dacheng" state. If he breaks through again, wouldn't it be the state of perfection?

But even the Ancient Wood Spirit-nurturing Technique, which is at the perfect state, can’t do this!

He took a deep breath, looked at him like a monster, and said leisurely: "Have you ever heard of the sword's heart being transparent?"

Han Yuan said in surprise: "I have heard about this, but I don't know the specific situation."

"After understanding the transparency of the sword's heart, you will make rapid progress in the way of swordsmanship. You can quickly master all kinds of swordsmanship and increase its power. At the same time, it is equivalent to booking a ticket for the golden elixir." Du Yuanhe said.

"Then I..." Han Yuan looked at Du Yuanhe expectantly.

"Yours is similar to Jian Xin's Tong Ming, but it's still a little bit worse. Your realm should have just reached the level of Mu Xin's telepathy! And this physical object is the prototype of Mu Ling's Heart.

The heart of the wood spirit is usually born in precious and ancient spiritual trees. It is a natural treasure and has many wonderful benefits. The most important thing is that it can be used to cultivate the second golden elixir!

I never thought that this thing could be born directly in your body. "

Du Yuanhe's expression became strange and solemn: "Mu Xin's channeling is already incredible, but more importantly, this wood spirit heart can be snatched away. You must not expose it!"

Han Yuan was a little surprised, it was so precious?

This is beyond my expectation. No wonder this thing can practice independently, which is equivalent to another Dantian. It turns out that it really has this effect!

Du Yuanhe looked at him with a complicated expression.

This disciple is so defiant, far beyond his expectations. Such a disciple should be sent to the main peak of the Earth God Sect and become the true successor of the sect, but he also has selfish motives. Lingwen Peak has been weak for a long time, and it has become a vicious cycle. , if Han Yuan gets up, it will definitely lead to the strong rise of Lingwen Peak, and he can also benefit from it.

So, he didn't mention it.

He thought for a moment and said, "Wait for me here for a moment!"

Du Yuanhe rose into the sky and left with his sword.

Han Yuan scratched his head, what is this old man going to do?

Less than half an hour passed.

Du Yuanhe flew back in a hurry.

"Take it!" Du Yuanhe handed Han Yuan a jade slip.

Han Yuan took it curiously, put it between his eyebrows, and used his spiritual sense to check it, and a piece of information was transmitted to his mind.

""Mirage Turtle Concentrates the Breath" is a low-grade method of the Earth Level. It has the effect of concentrating the breath and concealing the Qi."

Han Yuan said in a daze: "Master, this is a low-grade magic formula. Did you get it correctly?"

"That's right. Although this skill is a low-grade earth-level exercise, the difficulty of getting started is only the same as that of a low-level Xuan-level exercise. It is still relatively easy for you to get started. In this way, the foundation-building monks cannot easily detect your situation. ”

Du Yuanhe said confidently.


A question mark slowly appeared on Han Yuan's head: Is it not difficult for me to be a low-ranking Xuan-level person? Master, have you misunderstood something?

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