Chapter 151 : Why don’t you kill me! Call me to tell you the ancestor? [Customization]

“Small bugs!

The second ancestor of Huang Pizi flicked his tail, wrapped in a force of wind and wind, and resisted all the ice needles.

These two ancestors are rare in the weasel who develop tail combat power.

Because of him, the third elder Huang Pizi thought of protecting his throat with his tail at the moment of his death.

Ning Bing’s expression was not arrogant or impetuous, Bing Needle just delayed, and at the same time that the weasel resisted, a huge ice sword emerged out of thin air, like Demacia’s power-Shen suddenly fell.

The second ancestor of Huang Pizi raised his head and looked up, his face changed slightly, but he returned to normal in a moment.

He spread his ten fingers, his sharp claws exuded a cold light, his hands were raised, and he slammed into the ice and snow giant sword falling in the air.

There was a chuckle.

Ten sharp white claws rose into the sky, smashing the falling ice and snow giant sword.

Ningbing was not surprised, he had expected this a long time ago, so before the ice and snow giant sword fell, she had already begun to condense other moves.

But even though she had thought of this, the accident happened.

She condensed another huge cone of ice, but before she had time to release it, the second ancestor of Huangpizi had already rushed towards her.

“Huangmao girl, is this immortal really a living target?”

His claws are extremely sharp, and it is not difficult to see that he can shred the huge ice sword into powder.

Ability people are no better than cultivators, and their bodies are relatively very fragile.

Being caught by this claw, I am afraid that it will be torn into powder directly like that huge ice sword.

Ning Bing’s face changed drastically.

She knew what would happen if the paw fell on her body, and she waved her hands quickly, condensing a huge ice shield in front of her.

With a bang.

Then there was another crash.

The ice shield condensed by freezing ice successfully resisted the attack of the second ancestor of the weasel, but it also burst into pieces.

Ning Bing’s complexion turned pale, and he was blasted by the backlash and flew out. He ran a few steps in succession, until he reached the middle of the open space, and finally stabilized his figure.

And just at this moment.


Wu Zongkui sprayed blood and fell over, and fell on the position of Ningbing’s feet.

I have to say that this old boy is really resistant to beating.

After spraying blood twice, and after falling twice, he was still able to climb up vigorously, and he was even in the mood to ask if there was anything wrong with Ning Bing, who was holding his chest and his pretty face was white as paper.

Ningbing shook his head.

The rest of the people did not fight back under the hands of the three weasel ancestors, but it is surprising that the three weasel ancestors did not kill anyone except Wu Zongkui, but drove everyone away. Location near Ningbing.

Everyone was forced to gather again.

“They don’t seem to mean to kill us.”

Wei Baling whispered in the crowd.

This fat man looks like a tank, but he is actually a mage, so his injuries are lighter than the others.

“I have also noticed that he has been able to kill me several times, but he has avoided my vitals and hit me in some insignificant places.”

“Damn, I’m in a miserable situation. He avoided my key point, but hit another key point of mine.”

A middle-aged man clutched his trousers: “Fortunately, I already have a son. I only have pity for my beautiful wife in the family. If I have a long and two shortcomings, she can only use cold ones in the future.”

“It’s okay, I have a hot one here, I can help you!”

“Fuck you!”

“Now I am still talking about this, hurry up and think of a way, otherwise your wife will not only be able to use cold, but to see that your corpse is cold!”

“What can I do about this? Laozi has never encountered a B-class in his life, and now surrounded by two B-classes, Laozi died just right!

“If you want to die, die by yourself, Laozi still wants to live a few more days.”

“I knew it”

“Don’t know so long ago. Laozi knew that he was already in charge. Don’t talk nonsense, and quickly think of a solution.

Everyone was standing guard before and after, but they were arguing and chattering about who was taking the lead.

0………Look for flowers…

“Director Ningbing, what should I do next?”

Normally at this time, Wu Zongkui was thinking of a solution, but in this situation, he couldn’t think of a way to get his brains out.


Ning Bing replied very quietly: “Wait for Zhang Tianshi to come over.”

“Where are they? Almost there?”

Wu Zongkui asked happily.

“I don’t know where it is.”

Ningbing shook his head.

I don’t know where it is. What’s the use of this? I can’t quench my near thirst, my big niece! The joy in Wu Zongkui’s heart suddenly disappeared without a trace.

“But I believe that he will come over soon, even if he is still far away.


Ning Bing looked at the second ancestor of the weasel in front of him, did not look at Wu Zongkui but said in a very firm tone.

Wu Zongkui was taken aback, and took a deep look at Ning Bing’s side face.

“Oh, finally found out that we have no killers?’

The three ancestors of the weasel moved their ears and heard some people’s whispered conversations.

“It’s so slow to find out, you guys are really stupid!”

He laughed a few times and said: “So stupid, I don’t understand why we should kill you, right?”

“If anyone among you dared to call my ancestors, then I won’t answer your questions for you.”

After speaking, he looked at the crowd provocatively.

“Call your ancestor? Hey!”

“Laughing to death, Six Animals, do you really think you will be lawless after a few more years of life?”

“Want Laozi to call your ancestor? In the next life!

“After you kill Laozi, Laozi will suck your blood as a ghost, take your skin, and cut your rat whip to soak in wine and drink.”

Suddenly, there was scolding in the crowd.

They can die.

Danshi can be killed, not insulted!

Listening to the scolding, the faces of the third elder weasel became more and more ugly, and they were on the verge of rage.

And at this moment.

A figure in the crowd suddenly walked out.

It was the middle-aged man who was fucked with something. superior.

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