Chapter 150 : Brother Tianshi, don’t turn to other people’s albums! Start the war, fight alone against the ice of the second ancestor! [[Customize]

And this picture seems a bit familiar.

Just now, the third ancestor of Huangpizi reprimanded that subordinate, which is almost exactly the same as he is being reprimanded now.

It’s just that he was not kicked out.

What no one noticed is.

I was in the corner just now and was going to see how my ancestors killed the Huangpizi from all directions, but now I don’t know where I escaped.

“but ”

The second ancestor Huang snorted coldly, looked around the crowd, and said, “We can’t kill them.”

“Can’t? Why?”

The three ancestors constricted their eyebrows in doubt.

“Because it’s still useful to keep them.”

The second ancestor replied.

“Just the same as those?”

The three ancestors suddenly said, “Then catch it alive.”

Looking at the two people who were muttering endlessly, if this were the usual, Wu Zongkui would definitely have cursed and talked nonsense, whether it was beaten or not, it would be dead for Laozi.

but now.

Wu Zongkui was silent.

It’s not just Wu Zongkui.

No one interrupted their conversation in the entire supernatural bureau.

Two Class B!

Although 260 they have a B grade, and a lot of C grades

But no matter how many C-levels add up, it is difficult to offset and contend with a B-level!

The good situation turned again in an instant.

During the conversation between the two, Ningbing had already dialed Zhang Qingxuan’s phone quietly.

As for why she can get through Zhang Qingxuan’s call so concealed and cleanly…

No one can think of it.

After she got Zhang Qingxuan’s mobile phone number, she directly set Zhang Qingxuan as an emergency contact.



On the other end of the phone, Zhang Qingxuan, who had already entered the mountain, pushed away the female fairy who was getting more and more inches away, hanging on his body, oh no, little Lolita, got on the phone.

But no one was talking on the other end of the phone, and I could only faintly hear two sharp noises one after another, but I couldn’t hear what was being said.

While watching the navigation, hurry at full speed.

At the moment when the enemy is in crisis, Zhang Qingxuan naturally has no thoughts to look through the phone’s photo album.

Of course, even if the situation is not in crisis, he still won’t watch it.

As the saying goes, a gentleman does something, what does it do, wait, does this phone have a split-screen mode?

Zhang Qingxuan stroked his hand.

The content of the navigation is split to the top of the screen.

At this moment.

The people in the supernatural game and the two B-grade yellow leathers have already started.

In order to prevent the villagers from being affected in the house, before the other party wanted to do it, Wu Zongkui had an idea, and pointed at the three ancestors of Huangpizi first and yelled: “Huang Mouse, we can hit you just now, but now we can still do the same. , Even if you come to help, it is useless!”

“I just used the face of the knife in my hand and slapped you three times, hahaha! I have to say, this feeling is so cool!”

After laughing three times, with a wave of a long knife in his hand, he cut the window to pieces and jumped out.

“court death!”

The three ancestors of Huang Pizi seemed to explode the furry cat in anger: “I want your life!”

Seeing the third ancestor Huang Pizi chased it out, everyone immediately understood what Wu Zongkui meant.


“Go and support Lao Wu!”

“I was just able to fuck my mother, and now I can fuck my mother!’

Everyone jumped out from the broken windows.

“Director Ningbing, he will leave it to you, so be careful.”

Wei Baling said to Ningbing. After seeing Ningbing nodding, he also chased after everyone.

“Huangmao girl, do you want to fight me?

The second ancestor of Huang Pizi looked at Ningbing, who was left with only one person, and smiled disdainfully, and asked: “Although you can count as some means, you are definitely not the opponent of this immortal. It is better to surrender, and this immortal can let you Less suffering from skin and flesh!

“Are you blind?

Ning asked coldly.


The second ancestor of Huang Pizi constricted his eyebrows.

“Color blindness!”

Ning Bing hummed coldly, raising a huge cone of ice with both hands and piercing the front door of Huangpizi’s second ancestor.

The ice cone condensed too fast, but in the blink of an eye, it whizzed out.

Huang Pizi’s second ancestor also stepped back on his toes, and got a backflip on the open space of the village committee yard outside the meeting room, and escaped the blow.

He hides easily.

But obviously, Ningbing’s attack was not intended to hurt the opponent.

Her purpose is the same as Wu Zongkui.

It has now been successfully reached.

At the same time, she was chasing out with a roll of her right hand, and countless ice needles were shot out like raindrops.

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