Chapter 121 :Vitality! Push everything to the ghost’s head! [Purchase customization]


Lao Gao was shocked.

You are still in the back when you drive the car, have you arrived over there?




Sure enough, an expert!

While Lao Gao was full of question marks, he gradually became amazed~.

After Zhao Duofeng told Lao Gao, he put the phone in his pocket and suddenly violent, rushed up and grabbed Li Yangguang’s collar against his face-slapped him down.

After a slap, his expression gradually calmed down: “Next time there is such a thing, Laozi will let your wife become my wife.,

“Fuck you, then Laozi will have to put a hat on you when he comes back as a ghost.

Li Yangguang was slapped and didn’t mean to fight back. The two screamed at each other.

Two, you guys are talking like this, do your wives know?

At this time.

The rest of the police officers in the chemical plant drove over one after another.

“Zhao Ju, what happened!?”

“Team Lee, what’s wrong with your face?”

“Why it exploded, no one of us is there, right?”

The police officers were dignified and questioning.

Zhao Duofeng took a deep breath, turned his head and said to everyone: “Xiao Xu is still inside.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone’s expressions changed drastically!

“Xiao Xu is still inside?”

“Quickly, call the firefighter!”

“how come

Some people covered their mouths, others widened their eyes, and others turned pale for a moment.

“Xiao Xu informed us on the radio that there was an abnormality in this warehouse. When we rushed over, an explosion happened.”

The rushing voice on the phone was Zhao Duofeng running as hard as he could.

“Zhang Tianshi has rushed in.

Zhao Duofeng looked at the raging fire in the warehouse and took a deep breath: “I hope, I hope it will be all right.”

Even if Zhang Qingxuan is here.

But the explosion has already happened!

Moreover, the fire is still so big, an ordinary person in it, the chance of surviving

Very small!

“How did you do it, why did it explode?!”

at this time.

A fat man in his fifties, dressed in luxurious clothes and wearing glasses, ran over quickly.

This person is Wei Dawei, the boss of this chemical plant.

Behind him, there were a group of people in suits and leather shoes, including bodyguards and the management class of the factory.

Wei Dawei, who was panting all the way, saw the raging fire from a distance, and shouted at the policemen of the city bureau before he walked in.

And his voice fell.

Li Yangguang suddenly turned around and walked straight up towards him. The menacing appearance was obviously a gesture of action.

Being tall and mammoth, he shocked Wei Dawei and waved his hand quickly, letting the bodyguards stand in front of him.

The people in the city bureau also hurriedly stopped Li Yangguang.

“Let go, don’t hold me!”

He broke free a few times, and then angrily pointed at Wei Dawei who was hiding behind the bodyguard and shouted angrily: “You have a fucking face to ask why it exploded? Laozi also wants to ask you, didn’t you say there are no dangerous goods? Why? Will it explode? Laozi’s team members are still inside. If she has any shortcomings, Laozi will kill you with this skin!”

Killing intent!

A murderous intent from being the captain of a criminal investigation team for more than ten years!

Those bodyguards with knotted muscles were a bit chilly when they were pointed so, even though the person Li Yangguang was referring to was not them at all.

Wei Dawei shrank his neck, and there was a panic flashing under his eyes where there was still the appearance of the inquisitive teacher just now.

There are even policemen still inside.

If it is found that I have produced prohibited chemicals in private, and the policeman’s life is added, then I am afraid that I will spend the rest of my life in prison.

How to do

He was thinking wildly about how to deal with it.

But soon, looking at the blazing fire, his eyes lit up again.

They are all blown up, and it will be burnt up in a short time. Although they have lost a lot, it should be difficult for them to find out.

It’s a big deal, just push everything to the ghost’s head, anyway, there is no proof!


Thinking of this, Wei Dawei showed a female dry smile: “Laozi is so witty.”

Then, he narrowed his eyes with a bit of bitterness: “The family is stupid, and it has become a fucking ghost, delaying Laozi’s wealth, then don’t blame Laozi for continuing to buckle your head!”

0………Look for flowers….

“Okay, Lao Li, now is not the time to talk about this.”

A 50-year-old, wearing glasses, facing a pudgy man who is kind and like Maitreya Buddha, stopped the excited Li Yangguang said: “Although Zhang Tianshi has entered, we still hurry up and call the firefighter to come over. The fire is still going to Extinct.

The short fat man was named Feng Zhiguang, Li Yangguang’s immediate boss.

Hearing Feng Zhiguang’s words, Li Yangguang took a deep breath, then gave Wei Dawei a vicious look, turned his head, and started to contact the fire department.

Inside the warehouse.

Two golden lights flickered.

The brighter one is naturally Zhang Qingxuan.


There is also a relatively slightly dim, but in fact very bright, Lu Yu with a golden talisman on it.

Jin Guang completely isolated the flames, and the two were searching in the warehouse filled with flames, the crackling sound of burning was endless.

In the burning sound, two shouts came and went one after another.

“Xu Sitong!”

“Xu Sitong!’

“Little policewoman!

“Xu Si”

Xu Sitong is called by Lu Yu, while Zhang Qingxuan’s call is interspersed with many other titles.

But even if their voices can penetrate so far in the raging fire, there is no response at all for a long time.

Zhang Qingxuan’s face became more solemn, he closed his eyes and focused his spiritual consciousness to the extreme, and tried to make a circle around the entire warehouse at a rapid speed. Go, he saw a huge wooden board in a corner.

He came to the wooden board and looked back along the gap. Xu Sitong really curled up there. She didn’t know where the black ash was smeared all over the body for heat insulation. She was still in a coma, her breath was extremely weak.

Zhang Qingxuan breathed a sigh of relief.He didn’t pull the board that was already burning for the first time. He wrote a golden talisman with his fingers and hit Xu Sitong’s body. She hugged and swept outside the warehouse. Lu Yu, who had also been found, followed him. superior,

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