Chapter 120 : Explosion! Saved! Zhang Tianshi is here! 【Customization】

“Master seems to be crazy”

The young Taoist priest was so excited watching the old Taoist being blocked, his face mumbled with doubts.

Thinking about it, he couldn’t help but stepped back two steps, thinking about whether the old Taoist priest was beaten stupid by his master.

It seems, very likely!


The young Taoist shuddered, and the idea of ​​looking for opportunities to slip away in his heart became more intense.

Stay one more day, and one more day will be the risk of being cut into a fool like the master

Mr. Yun Qi didn’t know that his strange behavior was seen by the disciples as a lunatic.

He was so excited after being blocked.

There is no other reason.

He knew very well that this formation was not originally available.

And now it’s here

That means that there are really people in this Heavenly Master’s Mansion now.

Moreover, he is still a very young and capable person.

The old Taoist Yun Qi thought about Miao Jiang’s affairs, so many people in the supernatural situation were helpless, but they were solved by the young Taoist priest.


That young Taoist priest must be innate!

Moreover, there is this mysterious formation

“Back to Maoshan!”

“Little chestnut, let’s go back to Maoshan!”

The veteran 150 scholars almost said these words tremblingly with excitement.

The scarlet eyes were filled with uncontrollable joy.

“Master Zhang, I will be here soon.”

The police car galloped all the way to Zhongling.

The driver was a middle-aged police officer who asked Zhang Qingxuan to call him Lao Gao. Apart from introducing himself, he only said one more sentence along the way.


Zhang Qingxuan looked out along the windshield and found that this is not the city, but the direction of the industrial development zone.

Without asking more, he withdrew his gaze, and at this moment, Lao Gao’s phone rang.

“Hey, Bureau Zhao.

Lao Gao answered the phone and said, the identity of the caller is obvious.

“Lao Gao, where have you been!”

On the phone, Zhao Duofeng’s hurried voice rang, mixed with many strange noises, and it sounded extremely hurried.

The hands-free was not turned on, but the voice in the telephone receiver was still caught in Zhang Qingxuan’s ears, and the two sword eyebrows were slightly moved.

“Zhao Ju, we are on the Economic and Trade Road, and we will be there in about ten minutes by car.”

Old Gao replied.

“Quickly, drive quickly, I will notify the traffic control side and let them give you the green light all the way, quickly!”

Before Zhao Duofeng finished speaking, a violent explosion sounded in the handset of the telephone.

And visible to the naked eye.

In front of the empty industrial area, a fire pierced the sky of night.

“Who else is inside!?

“Zhao Ju, it seems, it seems that only Xiao Xu is left!”


Some conversations could be heard in the telephone receiver far away, and Zhao Duofeng’s burst of shouts was extremely harsh.

“Zhao Ju, Zhao Ju! What happened!”

Lao Gao yelled a few times with his mobile phone.

But there was only a mess in the earpiece, and there was no more answer.

“Tianshi Zhang, you are sitting down, something happened over there, I want to speed up, huh? Tianshi Zhang!?”

Lao Gao increased the throttle while talking to Lu Yu at Zhang Qingxuan in the back seat, but he looked up at the rearview mirror and found that the back seat was empty for some time.

Not only Zhang Qingxuan, but even the little girl has disappeared

Inside a huge chemical plant.

A certain warehouse, gas blazing into the sky.

Zhao Duofeng ran toward the flaming warehouse, unscrewing a mineral water bottle, and poured all the water on himself.

“Old Zhao, the fire is too big, you can’t go in!”

A middle-aged police officer ran up, seeing that the police rank on his shoulder should be of the rank of deputy captain, and he grabbed Zhao Duofeng who was trying to run into the fire.

“Li Yangguang, you let go (ahdh) me!’

Zhao Duofeng tried to break away from the other party’s pull.

“The fire is too big, you are purely looking for death if you go in!”

The middle-aged deputy captain called Li Yangguang shouted.

“If you are looking for death, you are looking for death!”

Zhao Duofeng suddenly turned his head to look at him, a pair of scarlet eyes revealing a strong resolute determination: “Even if you are looking for death, I have to go in. I can’t just watch that girl die in it like this!”

Li Yangguang was taken aback, then he grabbed Zhao Duofeng abruptly and put Zhao Duofeng on the ground.

“Stay for Laozi, I’ll go!”

After speaking, he turned his head and ran towards the warehouse full of flames.

“Fuck you, Li Yangguang, come back to me!”

The gray-headed Zhao Duofeng quickly got up and tried to catch up with Li Yangguang: “You are dead, what about your wife and children? What about your parents?”

Li Yangguang replied without looking back: “My son is your son, my parents are your parents, and my wife is still my wife.”

As he said, Li Yangguang’s voice paused, and his tone was low and said: “Let her find a good person to remarry.”

After saying these words, Li Yangguang speeded up the pace again.

Zhao Duofeng couldn’t catch up with Li Yangguang, who was a tall man. He almost howled and shouted “Li Yangguang, bastard, you come back to Laozi.”

And just watching Li Yangguang about to rush into the fire, his eyes were splitting, and when he was hysterical, he suddenly saw that Li Yangguang’s sturdy figure suddenly flew back, flying a long distance, but it was weird. ‘S did not fall to the ground.

It exploded again?

This was the idea that Li Yangguang and Zhao Duofeng had at the same time, but soon they all denied it.

Not an explosion.

If it explodes, you will be blown up, and then thrown out heavily. It is also very possible to fall directly to death.

And now, although he flew upside down for a long distance, he landed steadily and was not injured at all.

Suddenly, Li Yangguang seemed to have thought of something, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhao Duofeng.

Zhao Duofeng clearly understood.

They turned their heads and looked inside the warehouse burning with raging flames.

Among them, there was a golden light, even more dazzling than the fire, and it caught their eyes.

His excited lips were trembling: “It’s Master Zhang who has arrived!’

“It’s saved!”

“Xiao Xu, please, be sure to hold on!”

At this time, Zhao Duofeng’s phone rang again.

“Zhao Ju, Zhang Tianshi and the little girl with him are all gone!”

Answering the phone, Lao Gao’s anxious voice came.

“Master Zhang has arrived, Lao Gao, don’t be anxious, drive slowly, and be very safe.”


Lao Gao was shocked.

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