Chapter 107 : One of the two A-levels is Zhang Tianshi!! [Look for customization]


The loud sound is deafening.

A landslide?!

All the members of the Supernatural Bureau who were on defense changed their faces and looked up in the direction where the voice came from.

Vaguely, they saw a dark spot that was so dazzling in the dark for some reason. It seemed to fly upside down into the sky. Then, a bright golden rainbow cut across the sky and went straight to the black spot. .


Jin Hong hit the black spot that flew up to the sky, like an ancient bell between the sky and the earth was struck, and under the shining of the bright moonlight, there was a violent burst of air in the sky visible to the naked eye, and the strong wind blew in front of everyone in an instant. , Everyone felt pain in their cheeks.

Ning Bing has a pair of light blue eyes, wide and round: “A, A grade!””

“Class A?!”

Her voice was not loud, but “Zero Eight Three” seemed like thunder in the ears of the people who had been shocked.

“Director Ningbing, you said, that, is that an A-level powerhouse?!”

Wu Zongkui suddenly turned his head and looked at Ningbing.

Ningbing shook his head: “No, it’s not.”

Just as everyone was shocked, she said again: “That’s two A-levels, they are fighting each other!”

As soon as her voice fell, the black shadow that seemed to be about to be punched out of the atmosphere used a fist that fell from the sky, fought with the golden light, and both fell to the ground.

They all stay in the air for a short time by leveraging force.

Therefore, on the ground, it is their main battlefield!

Listening to Ningbing’s words, looking at the two figures that produced countless qi bursts and lower and lower heights, everyone stood on the spot, like sculptures!

What is the concept of A level?

It can be said that there are very few existences in the whole world.

And now

There are actually two A-level powerhouses fighting here?

This, I am afraid it will be rare in a hundred years. Wait!

Wu Zongkui suddenly thought of a question:

Why are there two A-levels fighting each other?

The two strong men who fought against each other just now, one black and one gold


Wu Zongkui suddenly widened his eyes and shouted, “Tianshi Zhang!”

“Among the two A-level powerhouses just now, that golden changhong is Heavenly Master Zhang!”

The expressions of the supernatural bureau were all startled.

“Master Zhang?!”

“The golden light just now was Master Zhang?”

“Golden light! The whole body of Zhang Tianshi is also shining golden light, yes, absolutely!”

“Zhang Tianshi turned out to be an A-level powerhouse!”

The mood of everyone in the Supernatural Game is the same as the mood of Chonglongxin just now.

They never underestimated Zhang Qingxuan, but they still underestimated it after all.

Compared with Chlorophin, their underestimation is even more serious.

Chong Longxin knew that Zhang Qingxuan was the Grand Master, and the group of people in the Supernatural Judgment directly regarded Zhang Qingxuan as a B-level.


Everyone was excited and shocked.

“Laozi fought side by side with the A-level powerhouses” This sentence is enough for them to brag for a long time.

But suddenly, no one in the crowd opened the mouth and said:

“Didn’t Zhang Tianshi go to Xie Chong’s lair? How could he fight another A-level? Who is the other A-level? Wait! Go to Xie Chong’s lair?!”

With everyone talking to themselves, everyone was awakened suddenly, and Chen fell to the bottom in an instant!

Zhang Qingxuan went to Xie Chong’s lair, but now he is fighting an A-level…

Does that mean

The person who fought against Zhang Qingxuan was the man behind this incident!

“Director Ningbing, do you want to support us?”

Wu Zongkui turned his head to look at Ningbing and asked.

Ning Bing shook his head: “The battle between A-levels is far beyond our ability to intervene.”

“Then what should we do? What can we do?”

Wei Baling asked anxiously, “The other party is also A-level. Once Zhang Tianshi loses, everything will be over!”

Ning Bing was silent.

What can I do?

They can’t do anything.

The only thing we can do is pray!

“Master, there are too many mosquitoes here.

In the dense forest, an old man with gray hair, the whisk in his arms exudes shining brilliance under the moonlight, at first glance, it is much better than what Zhang Qingxuan bought on Taobao some time ago.

Behind Lao Dao, followed by a boy who was about 13 or 14 years old, with a red envelope bitten by mosquitoes, and an angry expression on his face.

The old Taoist said without turning back: “The one who cultivates the Tao should help the world and save the people.”

“You and I have come here for thousands of miles. Although we have suffered a lot, as long as we can eradicate the evil spirit of doing evil and save the suffering people here, everything is worth it!”

While speaking, the old way stopped for a while, raised his right leg and scratched it.

The young Taoist pouted his lips, as if he was disdainful of what the old Tao said: “Is it to save the world and save people, or is it a 20 million yuan bounty in a supernatural situation?”

A blue vein on the old Dao’s forehead suddenly violent, turning his head and giving the young Daoist a scalp crit.

The young Taoist priest held his head and never said a word. He just looked at the back of his master in front, his lips kept bumping up and down.

Waiting for your mother!



A golden fist and a dark fist smashed together, and the air exploded, causing the surrounding towering trees to shake violently.

One punch is divided.

Zhang Qingxuan and Chonglongxin looked at each other from a distance, only one glance, and at the same time they were facing each other.

Physically fighting, the speed was so fast that it was almost vague. The explosion caused by the collision of the powerful air machine had already messed up the surrounding earth. It was shocking. Many giant trees that could not be held by the three people were beaten into powder.

This is the reason why Zhang Qingxuan throws the goods out of the ground and fights again. 3.7

Fighting underneath, he had to be distracted to take care of the villagers, and he couldn’t let go of his hands and feet.

Chulongxin felt more and more frightened as he fought.

He and Heilian Nishen are all one body, and now he is Heilian Nishen, but the outer layer of flesh was cut off by Zhang Qingxuan with a single sword.

The essence of Black Lotus Inverse God Gu is strength Gu, that is to say, the strongest method of Chonglongxin is his power.

But now, Zhang Qingxuan didn’t mean to use the Five Thunders of Righteous Law at all. He only urged a golden light curse to fight his physical body, and he was defeated steadily.

Not an opponent!

This thought flickered in Chulongxin’s mind.

After being beaten up by a fat meal, he has long no longer had any thoughts of immortality, and now, he has already given birth to a retreat.

Where there is life, there is hope.


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