Chapter 106 :I am your scourge! [Purchase customization]



With my sword, even if your Golden Light Curse is great, it can break through a small gap in you. When the time comes, Zi Gu is silent, and you will become my sacred corpse even if you have three heads and six arms!

Grandmaster Saint Corpse!

With the blessing of Gu worms entering the body, can it break through the rank and achieve extraordinary?

The black meat ball shrank, as if excited by the thought in his mind.

And the next moment.

Keng made a crisp sound, and the sharp pain in the palm of the hand made the black meat ball wake up.

His striker knife, just as he thought, successfully hit Zhang Qingxuan in the neck.

But this knife.

He didn’t break through the defense of Zhang Qingxuan’s golden light body, but he was shocked, Wang Lufei’s hand was numb, and it was difficult to recover it for a while.

How can this be?

How could his Golden Light Curse be so deep-deep!?

The black meat ball was shocked, and at the same time, the numbness that went through the entire arm disappeared.Wang Lufei’s hand shrank back suddenly, but just as he withdrew, Zhang Qingxuan had already slashed out with a single sword, severing the arm that stretched several meters. The palm at the end.

There is only one moment of paralysis.

But this is a contest between masters.

Change in a flash, just fight for the slightest!

The palm that was chopped off fell to the ground, as if the tail of a snake that was chopped off struggling for a few times, and then there was no movement at all, and the arm without the palm was also retracted like a bereaved dog.

However, after being chopped off, the black meat ball did not swell with anger as usual.

After retracting this arm, countless more arms came out of his body.

Ah this


Suppressing the idea of ​​asking if your surname was Luo, Zhang Qingxuan grinned.

He is going to fight back!

The peach wood sword in his hand was flooded with lightning like a thunder knife on the Nine Heavens Demon Slashing Platform that slashed all the demons and ghosts, Zhang Qingxuan turned into a thunder light and disappeared in the same place in the blink of an eye.

next moment.

Three more arms fell to the ground, struggling unwillingly for a moment, and completely limp.


Zhang Qingxuan’s figure was suspended in the air, and after a soft drink, the lightning-struck Zaomu Sanqing Sword surrounded by thunder and lightning engulfed the mighty power of the world and cut it down with a single sword!

The other five arms tried to resist, all of them were cut off.

This sword is as powerful as a broken bamboo!


The terrifying sound of thunder and lightning exploded.

On the body of the pitch-black flesh ball, there is a thin white line from top to bottom.

Suddenly, the small white thread came in and emitted a dazzling light, and the electric light overflowed from it, and the white thread became wider and wider, and finally formed a huge wound that divided the white meat ball into two!

Is it over?!

Everyone was covering their mouths, watching this scene in disbelief, even more disbelief that Zhang Qingxuan was powerful.

The white light surrounding the thunder and lightning gradually swallowed the whole meat ball.


Just when everyone thought that the so-called Holy Mother Gu was dead, they had survived, and they were about to press shift+enter to type that GG in everyone’s option.

Inside the meat ball shrouded in white brilliance, a sound rang out.

One voice

“I have to say, you are very strong.

The tone of the voice was extremely flat: “It was so strong that I didn’t expect it.

“But you cut off my hope of resurrection.

“Next, you and me, never die!”


Amidst the white brilliance, a bare black figure walked out slowly.

He is not tall, but the knotted muscles are full of explosive power visible to the naked eye, and his dark forehead does not have a single hair. This shape is a bit like a detective who has not been exposed in the comics. Murderer

And after the shadow walked out.

Mrs. Lu and everyone were struck by lightning!

It’s not because you failed to play GG.

But this person is actually


“How can it be!?”

“How could you still be alive!?”

Old lady Lu was shocked by Sanlian, her voice and expression were full of incredible incredible!

This person, who was killed by them many years ago, caused the entire Jinzong to be cruel and innocent, and almost fell to the evil sect’s Jinzong lord, Chong Longxin!

Back then, old lady Lu cut off her own master’s head by herself!

“How could it be alive?”

Chong Longxin turned his head and glanced at the crowd, his dark pupils were locked on Old Lady Lu’s body again: “My good disciple, you cut off the head of the teacher with your hands back then, how could the teacher be alive? ”

0……Look for flowers……

“Then you” Old Lady Lu’s muddy pupils shrank.

“Now as a teacher, it’s a monster!” Chong Longxin cracked his mouth and laughed: “It’s a monster that has become a ghost and is accidentally parasitized in the Black Lotus Inverse God Gu, waiting to resurrect.

With a smile, his expression suddenly turned away, and his face kept twitching with anger: “But now, it’s just for revenge, to kill all of you monsters!”

“Especially you! Blame my plan!

He turned his head abruptly to look at Zhang Qingxuan, his pitch-black eyes were extremely stern: “You and I will never die!”

“Since I appeared here, we have never stopped dying.”


Zhang Qingxuan’s expression remained indifferent, as if he had already expected that the fleshy globus gu will come out of the worms: “However, even if there is no me to destroy your so-called big plan, you can only be a monster forever, and you can’t come back to life. This is the law of heaven.”


“Even if it can, it is absolutely impossible to bring back a wicked person like you to life.”

“You did a lot of evil in your lifetime, and after you died, in order to avenge you, you also planned the accident in Miao Jiang, so that I don’t know how many people died in your hands, and the karma is strong enough to be condemned by the heavens.”

Zhang Qingxuan’s silent Thomas distorted the angry face of Zhonglongxin.

But the next moment he suddenly raised his head and laughed: “Hahahaha!”

The laughter stopped abruptly, and he stared at Zhang Qingxuan with anger in his eyes: “I have a strong body of karma, enough to be damned, you are right.”

“But I have existed in the world for such a long time, and I have killed many people, and I have been contaminated with karma.”

He asked Zhang Qingxuan word by word: “Where is the scourge you mentioned?”


Zhang Qingxuan’s frowning sword eyebrows suddenly relieved.

He whispered: “I am your god!”


The streamer flashed past, and Chonglongxin smashed upward as if hit by a cannonball, smashing through layers of ground like a broken bamboo, and rushing straight to the ground.

Looking up along the huge pothole, the full moon in the latter night is extremely clean. superior,

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