I don't know how long it took.

With the murmur of the Swan Princess, the game of two people in a row ended.

The old world was still black and white.

For a moment,

Chen Ge was a little dazed.

I don't know if it was because the Swan Princess was too delicious, but the pairs of eyes in the black and white world turned into women in his eyes.

As if!

They were all women of the Swan Clan!


Chen Ge whispered and fell asleep.

A few hours later,

Chen Ge suddenly opened his eyes.

He was still in the old world.

The Swan Princess was sleeping in his arms.

The skin of the Swan Princess reminded him of silk.

Chen Ge raised his eyebrows slightly.

He had a dream that he and the Swan Princess Sophia had nine daughters, and each daughter held a supreme power in the strange world. If the dream ended here, it would be fine, but in the second half of the dream, the nine daughters actually ate him.

This dream was a bit weird.

It felt like it was affected by the pure black and white old world.

【I am Gonzalez from the God Academy. I missed a very unfortunate opportunity! I received a mission from the Secret Temple and completed it in three days. I could have obtained a Broken Godhead, but I chose to explore a place called the Old World!】

【Unfortunately, the old world is a pure black and white world. After I entered, my field of vision was only one meter. My extraordinary level is legendary, and legendary creatures can only see a radius of one meter! I took only a few steps, and it seemed as if I heard the whispers of the ancient gods!】


【Don't look directly!】

【Alas! I regret it! My broken godhood! With the broken godhood, I can easily be promoted to a demigod! 】

Lord Channel.

God Academy Gonzalez suddenly sighed


【The old world? A world of pure black and white? Extremely low visibility?】

【Old World...The World of Whisper of the Ancient Gods...Is there such a world? It seems that the old world is not a place we can explore at this stage. From this, we can also infer that there must be good things in the old world!】

【The old world, right? I, Luo Guangming, have made note of it. I will explore it after I become a god!】

【Alas! I am Xerxes! Ever since my angel backstabbed me and I followed Chen Ge! I have never slept well! My original race Angel, will she miss me? I have been adventuring with her for a month. Even if she has changed her mind, she should think of me occasionally, right?】

【What the hell! Your angel is living a good life with Chen Ge, she must be living a better life than you, do you think she will still remember you! Wake up, Xerxes, you are the first student of our God Academy, the second student of this class, you should cheer up! 】

A lot of information flashed.



Legendary level?

His vision was only one meter after entering the old world?


True God level?

The vision is about one thousand meters?

Is it so different?

Chen Ge thought

"Lord...Is the mermaid princess tastier or Sofia tastier?..."

With a murmur, the Swan Princess Sophia woke up, and asked Chen Ge a question as soon as she woke up.

Um, about this question.

Just from the meat quality.

Chen Ge thinks that the two races are on par.

The meat quality level after becoming a god.

Both are stronger than the Goddess of Light.

Speaking of it.

The creatures in the strange world are really amazing.

The Goddess of Light was born on a glorious day, born as a god, and even the creator at birth, but the meat quality of the Goddess of Light is actually similar to that of the Mermaid Princess who has not become a god.


It is already top-notch.

But after the Mermaid Princess became a god, the meat quality was immediately improved to the level of extreme deliciousness. As the Mermaid Princess' extraordinary level increases, the meat quality can be further improved.

Extremely delicious.

Ultimate delicious.

Ultimate delicious.

Could it be?

The attributes of the Goddess of Light are too pure?

So the meat quality is not as good as the Mermaid Princess and the Swan Princess?


【Chen Ge! Why are you not wearing any clothes?】

【You, you, you! Something is wrong with you! 】


Lord channel.

Anya's information flashed.



She is in the old world?

She saw me?

Chen Ge was slightly stunned, and subconsciously activated the Eye of Arcane, scanning the pure black and white old world. He vaguely felt that there was a vague female figure ten kilometers to the southeast.

That was?


Anya in the old world?

She could actually see me clearly ten kilometers away?


【Holy shit! Did the beautiful Anya and Chen Ge meet somewhere? Chen Ge is still not wearing clothes? Oh my god! Chen Ge, you must have done this on purpose!】

【Chen Ge, you are so shameless!】

【Beautiful Anya, don't look at Chen Ge, or you'll get stye!】

【Anya, beautiful lady, where are you exploring? 】

Lord channel.

Various information is flashing.

【Chen Ge...Holding a naked beautiful woman...The beauty is a Westerner, I don't know what race she is, she has a body that makes people jealous...The beauty seems to have bruises on her body...】

The next second,

Anya's message came again.


The Lord Channel! (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It went viral!

【Damn it!】

【Beautiful Anya, please take a screenshot and post it on the Lord Channel. I want to appreciate Chen Ge’s picture!】

【Chen Ge, you are playing too extravagantly! 】

Please give me flowers

【Chen Ge, do you have the guts to post photos on the Lord Channel?】

【Chen Ge, send me a private message if you dare! 】


Anya beauty...

There is no need to share these in the Lord Channel...

You can appreciate it yourself.

Chen Ge shook his head gently.

As soon as he thought about it, a robe appeared on his body.

The Swan Princess seemed to be aware of Anya's presence.

A divine robe appeared on her body.


And in the next second!

In this pure black and white old world!

There was actually color!

Purple light lit up!

The purple light turned into fruits!

God King Fruit!

Four words appeared in front of Chen Ge!

"My Lord, this is the God King Fruit, but some are real and some are fake! Hmm? This time, every living being that enters the old world has nine chances to escape. Theoretically, they can get nine God King Fruits! My Lord, if you can get three God King Fruits, it will be considered a success!"The

Swan Princess' eyes lit up!


These fruits?

Some are real and some are fake?

Is it equivalent to choosing a blind box?


My Eye of the Arcane!

Can't it see through illusions!


Activate the Eye of the Arcane!

Chen Ge shouted in his heart!


He glanced at the fruit that turned into purple light!

At a glance!

He saw through the reality!




Chen Ge made nine consecutive shots!

He grabbed nine fruits!


The outer layers of the nine fruits spread out like lantern fruits!

Nine mysterious fruits with the same mark were lined up!

"What! Lord! Got nine God King Fruits!"

Swan Princess's eyes widened!

Her beautiful face was full of disbelief!

How could this be possible!

The old world hadn't turned black and white at the time!

Even the Creator High Priest of the Swan Clan!

At most, he only got three out of nine!

And Lord!

Got all nine!


Chen Ge activated the Eye of Arcane!

Sweeping at Anya who was ten kilometers away!

Anya also shot nine times!

Anya looked exactly like the mysterious woman in the crystal coffin!

How many out of nine could she get!

How many God King Fruits could she get!

One second!

Two seconds!

Three seconds!

Lord channel!

Anya's message floated over!


【Nine out of zero!】

【Not a single fruit was obtained!】

【This guy Chen Ge is invincible!】

【Chen Ge got nine fruits!】

【How can this guy be so perverted! Three].

Posted by: AnIsMe, 12/03/2023 17:37

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