【Asakura Ya is dead?】

【I didn't expect he was really dead?】

【Congratulations to Ms. Asakura Ye on his passing away. Ms. Asakura Yui, you said you are good at foot massage. How much do you charge per session? Are there any hidden charges?】

【Good guy Andre, can you please have some bottom line?】

【What is the bottom line? I only know rice noodles!】

【This guy Ma Cang Ye used to chatter all the time in the Lord Channel. Now that he’s dead, the Lord Channel can finally be a little quieter!】

【Hmm? I, Luo Guangming, often speak in the Lord Channel? Are you cursing me to die too?】

Lord Channel.

Various messages flashed.


An Asakura Ye died?

The Asakura family directly replaced an Asakura Yui?

The advantages of these big families on Blue Star are indeed greater than those of ordinary people.


This Asakura Yui?

A world-weary face?


Seeing the world-weary face!

I really want to throw the God Stone at her!

Chen Ge chuckled. An Asakura Ye died, and he had no sympathy.


Eye of the Arcane!

Look at the blood of the ancestor offered by Madam Gulina!

【Ancestral God Blood: This kind of���If you swallow it directly, you will fall into a trap! This kind of thing is best used for sacrifice, or traded with high-level gods! 】



By the way, is Chaos Sun God interested in this thing?

Chen Ge thought of the Chaos Sun God in the giant chat group, thought for a while, and temporarily put away the ancestor god blood. He glanced at Mrs. Gu 807 Lina and the vampire girl who were kneeling in front of him, and with a casual move, he rewarded each of them with 10,000 god stones.


I thought of something. He made another casual move. He threw a god stone to each person.

"Divine stone!"


"Oh my god!"

"My Lord, the Mysterious Emperor! Gulina will always be loyal to you! My Lord, the Mysterious Emperor! Please trample on Gulina! Gulina can be your human pillow! As long as you don't mind!"The vampire girl and Mrs. Gulina were stunned.

"godhead..."My Lord, I will devour the Godhead first." The

Swan Princess Sophia took out the Godhead that Chen Ge gave her and swallowed it on the spot.


The divine punishment descended!


The divine punishment disappeared!

The Swan Princess became a god!

This scene.

Madam Gulina and the vampire girl were stunned again.

"Become a God..."

The Griffin Queen thought for a moment and swallowed the Godhead that she had obtained long ago. She had not become a god before because she wanted to lay a solid foundation.


The divine punishment came again!

The divine punishment disappeared out of thin air!

The Griffin Queen became a god in a second!

The angel of destiny Ariel saw this and swallowed the Godhead immediately, also becoming a god in a second!

Madam Gulina and the vampire girl could not help it, and swallowed the Godhead excitedly. In a few seconds, they became gods on the spot!


Above the territory!

Above the gray fog!

A blood moon appeared faintly!

A blood light fell!

It happened to fall on Madam Gulina!

Madam Gulina obviously had a more divine nature!

"Oh? Became a god? And got the power of the blood moon? Tsk tsk! Not bad! Really good! Even more delicious!"

The Valkyrie King statue exclaimed in admiration.

Madam Gulina was a little flustered.

Valkyrie King!

The legendary original god!

This is too weird!


If the mysterious emperor wants to serve me!

I can serve him anytime!

"Godhead is in short supply, and dominant godhead is even more in short supply."

Chen Ge glanced at the Swan Princess, the Griffin Queen, the Angel of Destiny Ariel, Lady Gulina and the Blood Clan Girl.

The main combat power of the territory is pretty good. But the Angel Corps is expanding every day.

And Godhead is seriously scarce.

Godhead is simply not as fast as the Angel Corps' expansion.

The Angel Corps can capture the forces in the strange world fog and obtain some good resources, but it can't solve the problem of the scarcity of Godhead.

The most critical point is that he is now stuck with the dominant godhead.

All the resources in his hands can only get the dominant godhead.

The only thing that can get the dirty high heels is to send the dirty high heels to the sacrificial temple.

The question is!

Where is the sacrificial temple!

"I started with 100 million divine stones, tricked so many goddesses to come to my territory, and got angel soldiers and various talents from the goddesses. I was stuck so hard, and the road to becoming a god for other lords was even more difficult. Who among the other lords of this term can become a god for the second time?"

Chen Ge thought to himself, and took out the star divine ore that the star witch Gloria had fished.

Come on! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Upgrade the ancient sacred object Godhead critical strike ring!


The divine ore disappeared!

The bronze ring flashed!

The appearance did not change!

The color became deeper!


【You have successfully upgraded the Divine Critical Hit Ring!】

【Your Divine Critical Hit Ring +2!】

【Critical hit multiplier increased to 1-500! 】

Upgraded successfully!

Critical hit multiplier range is larger!


Get a godhood!

The maximum critical hit is 500 without godhood!

Not bad!

Chen Ge nodded with satisfaction

"Lord, let's go explore the old world! If only the Lord and I go to the old world, we won't encounter any enemies. As long as the Lord has good eyesight, we can easily pick the God King Fruit!"

Swan Princess Sophia stared at Chen Ge's eyes.

"Oh? A world for two? Hehe! Little girl! I support you! Take down our Lord!"

The Valkyrie Queen laughed.


Bad women!

All of them are bad women!

All of them want to cheat our Lord's body!

The little fallen angel Emile snorted coldly!

"The old world is a very special world. With the Swan Princess accompanying the Lord, I don't have to be his bodyguard. Lord, I'm going to take a nap. Call me when you need me."The

Angel King Dusk yawned and flew into the Fallen Angel Temple.

"Hey, hey, hey! That's my temple!"

Emile was a little unhappy

"My king, as your most loyal subordinate, it is reasonable for me to sleep in your temple, right?"

The Angel King replied.

"Huh? You are my most loyal subordinate? Why do I feel like you are a traitor?"

Emile raised his eyebrows slightly.


Chen Ge brought the swan princess Sophia to the old world teleportation stone tablet in the center of the territory.

As soon as they touched the teleportation stone tablet, they were teleported at the same time.


【You have reached the Old World!】

【You discovered the old world!】

【You have obtained 100 million lord points!】

【You currently have 1.4 billion Lord Points! 】

As soon as he landed, the reward information appeared.

Chen Ge was a little surprised.

Entering the old world actually directly rewarded 100 million points.

However, this old world was a pure black and white world.

There was no color at all.

He and the Swan Princess came in.

It was as if they were also forced into black and white by the rules of the old world.

"Lord...Sofia is so cold..."

The Swan Princess murmured and threw herself into Chen Ge's arms. The next moment, she trembled like a beautiful snake.

"Cold...It's a bit cold indeed...The steel in my heart can't bear it..."Then let's keep warm together!"

Chen Ge whispered. In this pure black and white world, he held the swan princess Sophia and began a two-person journey.




When the two-person game really began! In the old black and white world!

Suddenly, earth-shaking thunder sounded!

In this old black and white world!

Pairs of black and white eyes appeared!

These pairs of black and white eyes did not have any human emotions!

They stared at Chen Ge and Sophia!




In front of Chen Ge!

Continuous prompts appeared!


【Your arcane eye resonates!】

【You have gained a ray of light divinity!】

【You have gained a dark divinity!】

【You have gained a black and white divinity!】

【You have gained a chaotic divinity!】

【You have obtained a supreme divinity!】

【You have the perfect foundation to become an exterminator! 】.

Posted by: AnIsMe, 12/03/2023 17:37

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