Lined up in a row?

Instant forbidden spell?

As if it's free?



On the Scarlet Magic Ship.

Poseidon's heart was beating.

She covered her mouth.

She thought of a guy.

Chen Ge!

The 10,000-meter giant ship couldn't be Chen Ge~'s!

This terrifying angel army couldn't be his main force!

Ten thousand royal griffin knights were just his personal guards?

The original race of this guy was not a griffin knight but an angel?

"I am the Lord of the Seven Seas. How could I be killed so easily in the Seven Seas! Haha! Hahaha! I am a god who has lived for at least 100,000 years. How could I not have expected this?"

The Sea God, whose half of his divine body was blown away by the forbidden spell, laughed like a madman. Huge amounts of water elements surged from the various seas and instantly repaired his divine body!

Sea God!


"Woo woo woo! Poseidon daddy! You are invincible!"

On the 100-meter magic ship, Medivh of God's Academy shouted wildly!


In the air!

The angel legions lined up in a row!

Raise your hands!

Instantly cast a forbidden spell!


Poseidon exploded again!

Half of his body was gone again!

God's blood splashed!



The sea water shook the earth!

Medivh of God's Academy was speechless!

All the lords were horrified!


Angel legions!

The forbidden spell was released again instantly!

The remaining half of Poseidon's divine body exploded!

God's blood rained down!


Only a head was left!

"True God Power...It is impossible to kill the Lord of the Seven Seas!"

The Sea God, who only had one head left, roared!

The power of the water element!

It surged from the Seven Seas again!

Trying to condense a new divine body!




The Angel Legion!

Started the crazy bombardment mode!

Forbidden spell!

Just like a Gatling machine gun!

Continuous bombardment!

This is not the forbidden spell of a legendary wizard!

Nor is it the forbidden spell of a demigod!

This is a forbidden spell of the true god level!

The replenishment speed of the power of the water element could not catch up with the explosion speed of the forbidden spell. At this moment, a scene appeared on the sea that the major lords would never forget!

The Sea God!

The god who holds the power of the Seven Seas in the strange world!

He was bombarded by the forbidden spell of the Angel Legion and could no longer condense the power of the water element!


"I rule the seven seas!"

"I am the Lord of the Seven Seas!"

The head of the sea god roared!


The angel army!

Cast another forbidden spell!


This time!

The head of the sea god exploded!


The fire of the sea god's spirit turned into a huge phantom!

It roared ferociously at the angel army!

The angel army responded with a ruthless forbidden spell!

The fire of the sea god's spirit could not withstand a wave and was washed to pieces!


Crash! A bloody rain fell in this sea area!

The sea water was dyed the same color as blood! It was particularly dazzling!

Horrible and weird!


At this moment!

The lords covered their mouths!

The angels around Xerxes of the God Academy trembled!


I don't know!

In this era!

There are still such powerful angels!

Aren't our angels waiting for revival!

How did they revive!



Those two hundred angels! They don't even need to chant to release the forbidden spell!

It even seems that they don't consume magic power!

Are our angels so powerful!


【You slaughtered Poseidon!】

【You have obtained 100 million lord points!】

【You have gained a sea godhood! 】

On the deck of the Divine Emperor, a prompt appeared in front of Chen Ge.


【The Sea God of the Weird World Falls! 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The next second.

The Lord Channel.

The red message flashed.

The lords present were shocked.

【Damn it!】

【Poseidon is dead!】

【Last time I remember it was the fall of the Eagle God, but I only had information about it. This time I saw with my own eyes the slaughter of the Sea God. It was so cruel!】

【The gods of this strange world are extremely terrifying to us lord students. None of them can be looked at directly. Such a terrifying god can actually be killed by explosion!】

【The angel troop is an invincible troop. I, Luo Guangming, will definitely get the angel troop tower!】

【No! My faith! My Poseidon father is gone! What should I do? Should I find a new father?】

【cough cough...It's too dangerous here, I'm leaving first! 】


In the air! A divine light flashed!

A godhead emerged!

A crown emerged!

A trident emerged!


"Is that Godhead?"

"Godhead! Damn it! Godhead! Among all the lords, only Chen Ge, who won the title of the top student before the first wave of impact, was awarded a godhead!"

"I want godhood, but I suppressed my inner thoughts because I was afraid of death! These two hundred angels are so fucking terrifying!"

"I'm withdrawing too!"

""Let's run away first!"

On the various magic ships, the lords exclaimed, and many of them gritted their teeth and teleported away. In a few seconds, only three magic ships were left.

One was Poseidon.

One was Anya.

One was Selina of God Academy.


On the deck of the God Emperor, Chen Ge raised his hand and the godhead, crown and trident flew in front of him.


The three beautiful lords subconsciously looked towards the God Emperor, but they could only see a rough outline, and could not see Chen Ge on the deck, nor the people around Chen Ge.



Selina gritted her teeth and teleported away.

Anya thought for a moment and teleported away.

Only Poseidon's magic ship was left


【You have obtained a godhead!】

【The Divine Critical Hit Ring is triggered!】

【The critical hit multiplier is 99!】

【You have obtained 99 godheads!

Here it comes!

The ancient relic is triggered!

One godhead becomes 99!

Add the godheads in stock!

It's exactly 208!

Chen Ge nodded with satisfaction, and the Eye of Arcane swept over the crown and trident. It turned out that the crown and trident were the proof that Poseidon ruled the seven seas.


He can rule the seven seas! He is just holding the crown and trident!

No wonder he is so weak!

If it is really like what Poseidon boasted!

Two hundred true god angels can't slaughter Poseidon so easily!


A cow and horse god!

But the path of the gods represented by the crown and trident is very good!

The real master of the seven seas!

He is also a creator!

"Lord, who are you going to choose as the new Lord of the Seven Seas? Is it this mermaid lady, or is it someone from other sea creatures who will be the new Lord of the Seven Seas? Lord, do you want to learn some divine arts? With divine arts, the new Lord of the Seven Seas will be more effective!"The

Valkyrie King statue said with a grin.

"Ajani, from today on, you are the new Lord of the Seven Seas!"

Chen Ge looked into the eyes of the mermaid princess, put the crown on her head, and handed the trident to her.


The mermaid princess was a little flattered!


A divine light flashed!

The mermaid princess had a set of divine robes on her body!

She had a divine power!

Although the mermaid princess relied on the divine nature to become a god before!

But her temperament is definitely not as good as it is now!




The new Lord of the Seven Seas was born!

The origin of the seven seas in the weird world felt it!

The seven seas made a shocking roar!

The power of water elements surged!

Flowed into the divine body of the mermaid princess!

The mermaid princess subconsciously closed her eyes!




"Huh? Lord, you haven't learned the art of deification, but crowning someone a god actually has the same effect, or even better than the art of deification?"

The Valkyrie King statue was a little surprised.

"The Lord of the Seven Seas? Humph! Nothing more than that! I want to be crowned the God King!"

Emile snorted.

"My Lord, this mermaid princess should be more delicious than before! Oh, by the way, my Lord, I heard that the three queens of light, darkness, and chaos are also very delicious!"The

Valkyrie King statue suddenly said.

Ding! A prompt appeared in front of Chen Ge.


【There is a Star Witch Troop Tower in your territory!】

【There is a Fang Tiannu troop tower in your territory!】

【When your angel army slaughtered Poseidon, the two arms towers absorbed some of the god's flesh and blood!】

【You can choose to summon a certain type of soldier! 】


Can I summon a star witch or a celestial maiden?

Choose the witch or the celestial maiden six?.

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