This magic ship?

What's going on with it?

Everyone's magic ships are between 10 and 100 meters long?

How come this magic ship is 10,000 meters long?


【Holy shit! This must be the magic ship of the Sea God! The bow of this magic ship is actually a woman's head! Our lord definitely can't have such a big magic ship!】

【A 10,000-meter-long ship! I, Andre, love sailing the most! This is the romance of a man!】

【I'm Meixi, and I'm so panicked now!】

【We can only see the shape of this 10,000-meter-long ship, but we can't see who is on it. There is no doubt that there is a god on it! The Yanlong Academy textbooks clearly state that the gods of the strange world are indescribable, and mortals like us cannot look directly at gods!】

【Haha! This must be the giant ship of Lord Poseidon! As a believer of Poseidon, I, Medivh, am here to attend the Poseidon Festival today. Everything is destined! The Poseidon Festival is the day when I, Medivh, will rise! 】

There was a moment of silence.

Information on the Lord Channel scrolled.

A giant ship of 10,000 meters.

It is actually the God Emperor.

Chen Ge was on the deck.

Looking at the information that flashed in front of him.

He smiled but said nothing.

The God Emperor can block the spying of the original gods. The strongest of these lords is only demigods, and they can't spy on any information of the God Emperor, unless Chen Ge unlocks the God Emperor's divine power barrier himself.


In addition to Avril, Emile, Ymir, the mermaid princess Adjani, and the statue of the Valkyrie King, two hundred true god-level angels are already lined up on the deck!

Waiting for Poseidon to appear!

"Lord Poseidon, your most loyal believer, Medivh, kowtows to you! Ah! Great Lord Poseidon, you rule the seven seas, you are omnipotent!"On a magic ship, there was a guy in a wizard robe.

Bang bang bang kowtowed to the Emperor of God.



Boom! 410

The guy who claimed to be Medivh had just finished kowtowing!

In the center of this blue sea!

Huge water columns suddenly rose from the sea!



All kinds of sea warships!

At this moment, it seemed as if they were teleported from all over the seven seas!


Another huge water column rose up!

Nine huge water columns were seen guarding a huge water throne!

【Damn it!】

【So magical! The movies we made on Blue Star are too conservative! This is the true way of water!】

【The sea tribes have gathered, the water throne has appeared, and the sea god is about to show up! Our God Academy textbooks also say that the gods of the strange world cannot be described or looked at directly.

【Do not look directly at God!】

【Forehead...Medivh from the God's School, why do I feel like you're worshipping the wrong sea god?】

【Is the beautiful lady Bo here? Huh? I think I saw the beautiful lady Bo. Her magic ship is actually 100 meters long and scarlet! Beautiful lady Bo, your original race is a mermaid. It must be easy for you to become a believer of the sea god. Seize the opportunity and take off! 】

Lord Channel.

Information flashed by quickly

"Citizens of the Seven Seas!"

""Welcome the Sea God!"

It's started!

The Sea God Festival!

Millions of sea creatures gathered in this sea area shouted!


The vast sea area shook!

The major lords subconsciously held their breath, and saw that the sea water seemed to be boiling, and there were more water columns rising up. These water columns turned into water elements, and then condensed into a huge human figure!

The huge human figure sat on the water throne formed by nine huge water columns!


The huge human figure was originally empty and transparent!

Suddenly it materialized!

A divine power!

Enveloped this sea area!

Enveloped the seven seas!

"Greetings, Lord Seagod!"

Millions of sea creatures knelt and shouted!

【Damn it!】

【Is this the god of the strange world?】

【The gods have come to the world, and all races are paying homage to them!】

【Is this the real body of Poseidon? It must be 500 meters tall! He looks so handsome in his cape! The trident in his hand reminds me of Poseidon in mythology!】

【Eh? The big beauty is called Bo Saixi. What is the relationship between the big beauty and Bo Saidong?】

【God! It's so scary! It's right what is written in the Yanlong Academy textbooks, God cannot be described, God cannot be looked at directly! I, Andre, just want to kneel down to the Sea God now!】

【We can't see the face of the sea god clearly. Is it because we are not of a high enough level and are not qualified? It is not an exaggeration to say that you cannot look directly at God!】

【I just heard another saying in Sardis, which is that a mortal can stand on equal footing with the gods. Now it seems that this saying does not make any sense and is pure fantasy!】

【I seem to have worshipped the wrong Poseidon, but it's not a big deal! I, Medivh, am already a believer of Poseidon. Poseidon is my biological father. The protagonist of the Poseidon Festival today can only be me!】

Lord channel.

The major lords sent voice messages directly.

Each one was extremely shocked.

【Chen Ge! So what if you have 10,000 Royal Female Griffin Knights! Your 10,000 Female Griffin Knights are nothing but ants in front of the gods of the strange world! Chen Ge, if you have the guts, go challenge the Sea God! Chen Ge, where are you, don't tell me you didn't come! 】

Ma Cang Ye is going crazy in the Lord Channel

"I come and I conquer."

On the deck of the Divine Emperor, Chen Ge smiled slightly, raised his right hand and waved it gently.




The two hundred True God angels lined up!

They came out in full force!

"I am the god of the seven seas in the strange world. Today I invite you, the earthly lords, to participate in the Sea God Festival. I want to select believers from among you....Hmm? Angels?"

Almost at the same time!

On the huge water throne!

The sea god opened his mouth! The sea god had just said half of the sea myth!

The huge body of the sea god stood up!

Swish! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The sea creatures were puzzled and looked in the direction of the sea god. They were stunned!


The major lords were puzzled and also looked in the direction of the sea god. They were stunned!



Hundreds of angels!

What's going on!

How come hundreds of angels suddenly flew out of the ten thousand meter giant ship!

"The Secret Emperor...No...You can't be the Secret Emperor. Which god are you? Are you someone from the abyss? Did the Deep Sea Clan make some kind of deal with you? The Deep Sea Clan paid a huge price and begged you to kill me? Haha! I am the Sea God, the Lord of the Seven Seas. The True God can't kill me, not even two hundred True God Angels!"

The Sea God sneered!

With a wave of his left hand!


In the deep sea!

A huge sea beast rushed out!

The Sea God directly merged with the huge sea beast!

At this moment, the body of the god suddenly swelled to more than a thousand meters!

""Protect the Lord of the Sea!"

Millions of sea creatures shouted!

【Damn it!】

【It seems like a war of gods!】

【Danger! Danger! I'm Messi and I want to retreat!】

【A war of gods! Why retreat! This kind of opportunity is rare! It's a good time to watch it!】

【God War! I, Luo Guangming, can learn from this!】

【Humph! Challenging my faith in Medivh! What strange god dare not show his face on the ten thousand meter long ship! He is looking for death! Two hundred angels, so what! They can't beat my father, the Sea God! 】

Lord channel!

The major lords excitedly sent voice messages!

On the Scarlet Magic Ship!

Poseidon frowned slightly!


I have never seen these two hundred angels!

But the way the angels lined up in a row looked familiar!


When the angels lined up in a row raised their right hands at the same time and instantly cast forbidden spells at the same time, when the bright holy light covered the sky and swallowed everything!




Poseidon's beautiful eyes widened!

Instantly cast forbidden spells!

This scene looks so familiar!


Bright holy light!

Sweeping across the blue sea!

【My dog eyes!】

【The angel cast a forbidden spell!】

【Damn it! Killed in seconds! Millions of sea creatures were killed in seconds!】

【Oh my god! Are angels so powerful? Whose initial troop is an angel? Xerxes from God's College? Fuck! Xerxes, if you can mass produce hundreds of angels, wouldn't you be able to easily surpass Chen Ge?】

【Haha! I, Luo Guangming, have said it long ago! Angels are the top military force! The eternal divine military force! 】


The brilliant holy light disappeared!

In the vast sea area ahead!

There are no living sea creatures!

Only one sea god is left!

The huge sea beast under the seat of the sea god is already bloody!

Sea god!

This one is also covered in blood!

"Ha! Forbidden spell? I am the Lord of the Seven Seas. I have said that even the power of a true god cannot kill me, and no amount of forbidden spells will work!"

The Sea God sneered!


The huge trident swung!




The angel legions lined up in a row!

Raised their hands at the same time!

Forbidden spell!

Another forbidden spell! A true god-level forbidden spell!

Instantly cast!

The azure divine power that the Sea God's trident had not yet released was swallowed up by the brilliant holy light in an instant, and the giant beast under the Sea God's seat exploded into a blood mist with a bang!


The huge divine body of the Sea God!

Suddenly exploded!

Only half of it was left!

The blood of the gods!

Dyed the blue sea red!




The scalps of the major lords present were numb!


【Poseidon was smashed!】

【The war between gods is so terrifying!】

【Poseidon exploded!】

【Angels are invincible troops!】

【The invincible among the invincible! 】.

Posted by: AnIsMe, 12/03/2023 16:32

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