Fishing for stars!

Freely enter and exit the star realm!

Even though the Star Witch is not a good soldier in actual combat, these two characteristics are enough to make it a god-level soldier.

Moreover, as long as the Star Witch does not die, she can be promoted to the original creator.

This soldier is really a bit against the sky.

So far,

Chen Ge has only explored the star realm twice.

Other lords may not even touch the threshold of the star realm.

This lord cemetery is full of dead lords.

There is a guy who should have obtained the Star Witch soldier.

But that guy is unable to protect the Star Witch.

That guy and the Star Witch were hunted by a god.

"Possessing a treasure is a crime..."

Chen Ge thought of an idiom.

But for him, this problem does not exist. There is a broken Taoist temple and the goddess of death in his territory. As long as he brings the star witch Gloria back to the territory and binds the Taoist temple, Gloria will be blessed with the power of rebirth of the goddess of death.


Let Gloria drive the magic ship Apostle!

Go to the star world to fish for stars!

With stars!

You can refine star iron!

You can let the Valkyrie King statue create a lot of godhood!

As long as you get a star!

There should be no shortage of godhood in a short time!


Take a look at the character panel of the star witch!

【Citizens: Gloria】

【Level: True God】

【Race: Star Witch】

【Skill: Fishing for Stars】

【Talent: Star Chaser (Can freely enter and exit the star realm!)】

【Talent: Foot Skills (Star Witches do not wear shoes or socks. They are born with a very special foot skill!)】

【Talent: Secret of the Witch (Special talent of the Star Witch clan, please experience it yourself!)】

【3D: 93/62/91】

【Character Rarity: Purple Gold]


The way to have enough talent?

The secret of the gifted witch?

Why do these two talents look a little weird?

Chen Ge was slightly stunned.

" barefoot witch is also a true god!"

A thousand meters away.

The legendary mermaid beside Bo Saixi transmitted the voice of the soul.


True God!

The barefoot witch soldier that Chen Ge obtained is a true god!

Does this mean!

The initial level of this barefoot witch soldier is a true god!

Wouldn't that be invincible!

Bo Saixi's heart was heaving again. She took a deep breath and gritted her teeth to speak on the lord channel.

【I...I'm going to collapse, Chen Ge is too strong! 】

One sentence.

The Lord Channel was silent for a moment.

After several seconds.

The Lord Channel exploded.

【Woo woo woo!】

【Broken! Our big-breasted beauty was broken by Chen Ge!】

【The beautiful girl with big breasts was paralyzed. Chen Ge, you bastard, as a man, don’t you know what it means to be gentle and considerate to women?】

【My heart aches! 】

Familiar faces swipe by one by one

【Damn it! I can’t take it anymore! I’m going to use the forbidden extraordinary potion given by the Undead Princess. The forbidden extraordinary potion can make my frost dragon promoted to a demigod in a short time! Chen Ge, you wait for me, I will send the demigod frost dragon into the lord’s cemetery soon!】

Ma Cang Ye roared.


After a few breaths.

With a roar.

A frost dragon hundreds of meters long appeared in the lord’s cemetery

"I am following the order of Lord Ma Cang Ye and stepping into the Lord's Cemetery. You mortals, who is Chen Ge!"

The frost dragon spread its wings, raised its head proudly, and roared in human language.




Around Chen Ge!

The Griffin Queen and 10,000 Royal Griffin Knights swept over!


Poseidon and more than a dozen people around him also swept over!


Frost dragon?

Legendary level?


This seems to be a demigod-level frost dragon!

What kind of taboo extraordinary potion did Ma Cang Ye really use to forcibly upgrade the original race of frost dragons to an extraordinary level, so that this frost dragon came to the lord's cemetery to find a place?

Ma Cang Ye?

I'm afraid he is a cerebral palsy!

At this moment!

Poseidon can only use the word"cerebral palsy" to evaluate Ma Cang Ye!

【Haha! Why is there no sound? Are you scared by my demigod frost dragon? Haha! The forbidden extraordinary potion given to me by the Undead Princess can give the frost dragon the power of the demigod peak!】

【Chen Ge, although you have received a divine reward, I don't believe you have become a god! You have 10,000 female griffin knights, right? So what! I asked the Undead Princess, most of the griffins in the weird world are only epic creatures. Even if you have a lot of legendary griffins, you can't beat my demigod frost dragon!】

【Chen Ge! Don't think you are invincible just because you are the top student! Ten thousand female griffin knights are nothing in front of the demigod frost dragon! 】

Lord channel.

Ma Cang Ye laughed wildly.


The next second!

In the lord's cemetery! The

Griffin Queen raised her hand!

Ten thousand Royal Griffin female knights!

Cast forbidden spells at the same time!

"Damn it!"

"A griffin that can cast forbidden spells?"

"Damn it!"

"Ten thousand forbidden spells!"

"Oh my god!"

"Dragon God, save me!"

The Frost Dragon was shocked, and the next second the shock turned into fear. It turned around and tried to escape from the Lord's Cemetery. Ten thousand instant forbidden spells devoured the Frost Dragon in an instant!


A miserable howl!

The Frost Dragon was reduced to ashes!

Not even a slag was left!




Poseidon covered her heart, and the legendary mermaids, legendary witches and other soldiers around her covered their mouths!


To kill a Frost Dragon!

Do you need ten thousand forbidden spells to bombard it?

It's too extravagant!



【I lost touch with the Frost Dragon!】

【Where's my frost dragon!】

【It ate the forbidden supernatural power, it is already a demigod, it can't be killed! I still need it to sweep the lord's cemetery!】

【Chen Ge! Answer me! Answer me!】

One second later.

Lord Channel.

Ma Cang Ye howled crazily


【The demigod frost dragon died?】

【Chen Ge's 10,000 female griffin knights killed Ma Cang Ye's frost dragon?...A group of ants bit an elephant to death? 】

Suddenly. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Various messages flashed by.

A group of ants?

Bit an elephant to death?

Bo Saixi saw a message and looked at her with a face that didn't know whether to laugh or cry.


You guys!

I didn't see it with my own eyes!

It's hard to imagine!

Chen Ge's 10,000 female griffin knights are not ants!

These 10,000 female griffin knights are all elephants!

"Chen Ge...Are your main troops female griffin knights?"

After taking a deep breath,

Bo Saixi asked in a low voice.

""Guess it, beautiful lady Bo."

Chen Ge responded with a blink, put away the densely packed treasure chests in front of him, put away the Star Witch Arms Tower, and took Emile, Star Witch Gloria and the Griffin Legion to fly to the end of the Lord's Cemetery.

At the end of the cemetery, a portal has been opened.

The portal connects to the Ten Thousand Races Cemetery.

When Chen Ge led the Griffin Legion into the Ten Thousand Races Cemetery,

Bo Saixi saw that the portal was not closed, and gritted his teeth and followed with the people around him, but a strange scene appeared. Only she entered the Ten Thousand Races Cemetery portal, and her legendary mermaids, legendary witches and other arms could not enter the portal.


Bo Saixi was stunned.


Chen Ge, who entered the Ten Thousand Races Cemetery first, was also slightly stunned when he saw that Bo Saixi could also enter the Ten Thousand Races Cemetery.

"Hehe! Lord, this woman seems to have something! Lord, why don't you dig out her brain and study it!"

The little fallen angel Emile glanced at Bo Saixi and then laughed.

Asking for flowers!

Bo Saixi shuddered.

This angel.

Looks so cute.

But it's so evil.

The fallen angel is indeed a creature of the dark camp.

"I just tried it, I didn't expect I could get in...Is this the battlefield of all races? It's so big. Compared with the cemetery of all races, the cemetery of the Lords is like a small boat in the sea."

Poseidon groaned and scanned the cemetery of all races in front of him. Although it was shrouded in gray mist, he could feel that the cemetery of all races was boundless.

"The probability of obtaining special rare arms in the Ten Thousand Races Cemetery should be much higher than that in the Lord's Cemetery."

Chen Ge smiled, took a step forward, and directly touched the only wordless tombstone in his sight that was a scene of ice sculpture.


Prize draw!

First time entering the Ten Thousand Races Cemetery!

Which race will be the first one touched!

If it is the Golden Crow!

It's just right to see if the Griffin Knight can smash the Golden Crow!


The wordless tombstone like an ice sculpture melted!

A ghost figure emerged!

The next moment the ghost-like figure turned into a woman in white!


This area!

Collapsed into a battlefield!

Chen Ge and the Griffin Legion were dragged into this battlefield!

At this moment, 10,000 Griffin Knights are fighting against a woman in white!


【You encountered the mysterious Eastern Goddess! 】

A message appeared in front of Chen Ge.


Eastern Goddess?

Sounds a bit powerful?

"Snow Girl?"

Bo Saixi thought of a race!


The next moment she shook her head!

She saw an extremely terrifying scene!

Ten thousand Royal Griffin Knights!

Lined up!

Instantly cast forbidden spells!

Ten thousand forbidden spells bombarded!

The woman in white was unharmed!

Even her hair was not messed up!

As if she ignored the power of the forbidden spell!

【Oh my god! Is this the value?】

Bo Saixi subconsciously spoke in the Lord Channel!



【Did the beautiful lady with big boobs type the wrong word?】

【Beautiful lady Bo, please, what you and Chen Ge did in the Lord's Cemetery, please don't broadcast it live on the Lord's Channel!】

【"Beautiful lady Bo, you have fallen. Your image in my mind has collapsed!"


Various information flashed.


The Ten Thousand Races Cemetery!

The woman in white suddenly raised her hand!

With a snap!

The Griffin Queen and 10,000 Royal Griffin Knights turned into ice sculptures!

Then they all shattered!




Bo Saixi covered his mouth!

He couldn't believe what he saw!

Chen Ge's Griffin Corps crushed the Lord's Cemetery, but the first battle after entering the Ten Thousand Races Cemetery was just against a woman who looked like a snow girl!

Chen Ge's Griffin Corps was instantly killed!

Lord's Cemetery!

Ten Thousand Races Cemetery!

The difference is too big!

Ten Thousand Races Cemetery!

Too scary!


Chen Ge lost 10,000 white-skinned and beautiful Griffin Knights!

How could he just raise his eyebrows slightly!

He suffered such a heavy loss!

His face should change drastically!


After a few seconds!

The shattered Griffin Queen and 10,000 Royal Griffin Knights were resurrected on the spot!


The Bo Saixi people were stunned!

This is!

Is this a great resurrection technique!



The Griffin Queen and 10,000 Royal Griffin Knights were resurrected!

The woman in white raised her hand!

The Griffin Queen and 10,000 female knights shattered like ice sculptures!


Bo Saixi gasped and lit up!

His heart was heaving violently!

Too scary!

This is terrifying!

The Cemetery of All Races!

It is not a place that the lord can explore at this stage!


Even if you become a god!

Coming here is to seek death!.

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