
【Damn it! Chen Ge flattened the big-breasted beauty! I can't accept it!】

【I also want to push it. Is there any kind-hearted female Bodhisattva who can let me push it too?】

【Beautiful lady Bo, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. Didn't you even resist? There's no mandatory barrier in the Lord's Cemetery. If you encounter the danger of death, can't you teleport out at any time?】

【Chen Ge! The hatred of having your wife stolen from you! I, Ma Cangye, have made note of it!】

【You guys are playing such a big game in the Lord's Cemetery, aren't you scared? 】

Bo Saixi said.

This caused the Lord's Channel to shake again.




In the Lord's Cemetery, millions of treasure chests fell in front of Chen Ge. The beautiful Bo was stunned again when she saw millions of treasure chests.


【You have obtained 500 million Lord Points!】

【Your current lord points exceed 700 million!】

【You cleared the Lord's Cemetery!】

【You have obtained the qualification to enter the Cemetery of Ten Thousand Races! 】

In front of Chen Ge.

A prompt message appeared.


Sweep the Lord Cemetery once?

Only 500 million Lord Points?

These millions of treasure chests.

Indeed, you can obtain a lot of resources.

However, the highest level is only the demigod level treasure chest.

It is basically useless to me.

All are obsolete. 557

It seems that if you want to get rare soldiers, you can only enter the Cemetery of Ten Thousand Races.


While Chen Ge was thinking, tombstones emerged from the ground in the deserted Lord Cemetery.


The Lord tombstones are refreshed?


Can I sweep the Lord Cemetery again!

Chen Ge had a flash of inspiration.


Chen Ge called out casually.


The little fallen angel Emile swallowed the divine stone in one gulp, raised his little hand and snapped his fingers.


What is Chen Ge going to do?

He won't?

A thousand meters away, the beautiful lady Bo looked puzzled.


The next second!

All the lord tombstones that had just been refreshed in the lord cemetery flew into the sky in an instant. In the blink of an eye, the lord cemetery collapsed again into a giant battlefield!




Millions of dead lords appeared!

Tens of millions of troops of different races gathered!

"Line up!"

"Prepare the forbidden spell!"

""Release the forbidden spell!"

Before Bo Saixi could fully react, the Griffin Queen had already led 10,000 Royal Griffin female riders to charge out, lining up in the air. When tens of millions of soldiers of different races launched a charge!


Ten thousand forbidden spells were released!

One wave (bcdh)!

Tens of millions of soldiers of different races!

Reduced to ashes!

Last time, there were still a few demigods left!

This time, no one will be left!

One wave cleared the field!


Bo Saixi gasped!

【I feel...I've been played badly! 】

Bo Saixi posted a message in the Lord Channel!


【I won't listen! I won't listen!】

【Beautiful lady with big breasts, you are a pure goddess in my heart, how can you say such things!】

【The contrast is too great!】

【Is Chen Ge that powerful?】

The Lord's Channel exploded again.



In the Lord's Cemetery, in front of Chen Ge, millions of treasure chests dropped again.


【You have obtained 300 million Lord Points!】

【Your current lord points have exceeded 1 billion! 】

The prompt message appears.


The second time I scanned the lord's graveyard?

The lord points I got were 200 million less than the first time?

The second time I scanned the map?

I only got lord points and treasure chests?

I didn't get any special soldiers?

Are special soldiers so difficult to get?

"The Lord's Cemetery is not very good. What's the use of several hundred million points? I need special troops."

Chen Ge frowned slightly.


Several hundred million Lord points!

This guy Chen Ge! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He is still not satisfied!

Is he deliberately being Versailles in front of me!

Bo Saixi's beautiful eyes widened

"My Lord, this male lord's Royal Griffin Knight is extremely terrifying. I wonder if you have discovered it! All of his Griffin Knights can instantly cast forbidden spells, and it seems that releasing forbidden spells does not consume any magic energy, or it has unlimited magic energy!"

At this time.

The legendary mermaid beside Bo Saixi secretly transmitted the soul.


Bo Saixi's body shook!

His heart shook!

He suddenly recalled the scenes just now!

Oh my God!

Chen Ge's Griffin Knight!

Can instantly cast forbidden spells!

Can instantly replenish magic!

This guy!

Does he have a magic weapon that instantly replenishes magic!


The lord's cemetery.

The lord's tombstones are refreshed again

"The Lord Channel World Announcement is something like that. It should be the Origin Will. Since the Origin Will mentioned that the Lord Cemetery can get soldiers, it should not be a lie, my dear Emile."

Chen Ge pondered for a moment and called Emile's name again. Emile smiled and raised his little hand and snapped his fingers.


The Lord's tombstone flew up again!

It collapsed into a huge battlefield in an instant!

The projection of a million death lords appeared for the third time!




Tens of millions of troops of different races gathered again!

Once again, they charged towards Chen Ge!


Under the command of the Griffin Queen, 10,000 Royal Griffin Knights released forbidden spells at the same time!

One wave!

Annihilate tens of millions of troops of different races!


【You have obtained 100 million lord points!】

【Your current lord points have exceeded 1.1 billion!]


Or are there only lord points and treasure chests?

No arms?

Chen Ge raised his eyebrows again.

"you you you...Are you earning points?..."

Bo Saixi stared at Chen Ge blankly.

Chen Ge did not respond.

When the lord's tombstone refreshed, he gave Emile a look.

A new round of sweeps began.

One round!

Two rounds!

Three rounds!

Seven rounds!

Add the previous three rounds of sweeps!

It was exactly the tenth round!


The forbidden spell devoured tens of millions of soldiers of different races!


Millions of treasure chests dropped!


Chen Ge subconsciously raised his eyebrows, thinking that this round would only have treasure chests and points rewards, but suddenly a mysterious starlight lit up, and a very tall woman dressed as a witch, a barefoot woman refreshed in front of him!

"What! Special forces!"

Bo Saixi exclaimed!


Are they here!

Special forces!

Chen Ge's eyes lit up!


Another mysterious starlight lit up!

A military building tower fell in front of Chen Ge!


The barefoot woman opened her eyes!

Her bare feet landed lightly!

"Gloria greets the Lord!"

Half-knelt on the ground and saluted Chen Ge!


【You have obtained the god-level troop, the Star Witch!】


【You have obtained the Star Witch troop building tower!】

【You can use the bones of gods and the residual souls of gods to summon the Star Witch!】

【The initial level of the Star Witch is a true god!】

【The Star Witch is famous for fishing for stars!】

【The Star Witch can enter and exit the star realm freely!】

【Any Star Witch can be promoted to the original creator as long as she lives long enough, so the Star Witch is regarded as the daughter of the ancient star god! It is also because of this characteristic that the Star Witch was hunted by the gods and almost exterminated! 】.

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