【Five days!】

【We only have five days left!】

【The first wave of impact is coming!】

【If you can’t withstand the first wave of attack, you will die!】

【I, Luo Guangming, can definitely easily block the first wave of attack!】

【I also obtained information about the godhood rewards from the Temple of Light!】

【The time of divine reward has been changed!】

【The moment the first wave of impact arrives, divine rewards will be distributed simultaneously, and the student who ranks first in our class will receive divine power!】

【The ranking of students only considers two indicators, one is the lord's points, and the other is the territory area! It does not consider the extraordinary level, the title, or the population!】

【My lord points have exceeded 500,000, and the area of my territory has exceeded 50 miles in radius. I have definitely obtained the godhood!】

【Oh, right! One more thing! The ranking of students during the first wave of attacks! We must stay in the territory! This means that we have to face the first wave of attacks head-on to get a ranking! 】

Lord Channel.

Luo Guangming suddenly went crazy

【Damn! Both legs of my frost dragon are lame! It has not been healed yet! My lord has 200,000 points and a territory of 20 miles! I must capture the Undead Princess tonight!】

【There are still five days left, so don’t reveal your territory data in the Lord Channel. In five days, I, Andre, will definitely create a miracle!】

【Alas! I, Li Yaoyang! If I hadn't scolded the Golden Crow away! My lord points would have exceeded 10 million, and my territory would have exceeded 200 square kilometers. I would have conquered the first wall, killed the first demigod, obtained the title of Duke, and established a duchy! You should have called me Grand Duke Yaoyang, but now my territory is only two square kilometers!】

【Beautiful Poseidon, you seem to be the chosen one of the Dark Moon Goddess. How many points do you have now and what is the area of your territory?】

【Which classmate is the chosen one of the Goddess of Magic? You should have earned a lot of Lord Points! 】

Various information flashed by.


What's the situation? Is the first wave of impact coming?

Isn't there still half a month left?

How come there are only five days left?

On the Holy Angel.

Chen Ge raised his eyebrows slightly.

"The time in the Sea of Time and the Chaos Realm is different from the time in the strange world?"

Chen Ge looked at the goddess of luck.

""Hmm, hmm, hmm!"

The goddess of luck nodded subconsciously.

Uh, return home!

Chen Ge thought, and the Holy Angel flashed white light and teleported back to the territory.


The goddess of light and a group of goddesses swept over.

"So fast?"

"Didn’t they catch the Sandworm of Time?"

"The time in the Sea of Time is less than an hour, right?"

The goddesses wondered.

"Lord...The first net caught the Sandworm of Time. The first time I entered the Chaos Divine Realm to comprehend the Law of Origin, the Lord obtained the Law of the Seven-Colored Gods! The Lord and I also saw the Goddess of Thunder ascend to the Primordial in the Sea of Time! My head...I'm still dizzy now!"

The goddess of luck took a deep breath and said.


The goddess of magic!

She was sipping the red wine!

She spit it out!


"The seven-color divine law!"

"The three-color rule, the path of the gods is guaranteed to be the Creator! The five-color rule, the path of the gods is guaranteed to be the original Creator! Rumor has it that the goddess of the night, the tyrant Adam, and the Lord of Time are the five-color rule! The seven-color rule, has anyone in our world ever obtained the seven-color rule!"

"The seven-color law, the road to the gods is guaranteed to destroy the owner!"

"As long as the Lord does not die midway and can obtain the promoted godhood, he can easily be promoted to the Destroyer!"

"this...The Abyss History...It seems that there is no demon god with seven-color law!"

The Goddess of Light, Death, Magic, Love, and Dark Moon blinked frantically.

"My Lord, my bloodline has a natural talent. Whoever truly becomes my man can instantly ascend to a godly level! My Lord, please come over here!" The Elf

Goddess closed her eyes and opened her arms....

The goddesses were stunned

"True God Promoted to Lord...Such a waste...My suggestion is to wait until the Lord is promoted to the Overlord, then charge the Elf Goddess, and then directly promote to the Pillar God. Once he becomes the Pillar God, I believe that with the power of the Lord's Whip of Divine Punishment, it will not be difficult to promote to the Creator."

The Goddess of Love smiled mysteriously.



Has he already obtained the Creator Godhood?

Is the Goddess of Love secretly giving advice to the Lord?

The Goddess of Light and others thought about it.


【The Griffin Queen surrenders to you!】

【Your kingdom has annexed the Griffin Kingdom!】

【You have obtained 10,000 Royal Griffins!】

【You have obtained 10 million Lord Points!】

【Your territory has expanded by two hundred miles!】

【Your territory's population +10,000! 】

Suddenly, a prompt appeared.


A large area of fog in the northwest of the territory dissipated.

The Griffin Kingdom came into Chen Ge's sight.


Griffin Kingdom?

Only 10,000 people?

Chen Ge looked towards the Griffin Kingdom and saw that there was no man in the Griffin Kingdom, all of them were female Griffin Knights. He couldn't help but smile.

The Royal Griffin.

Although it can't be compared with the Angel Legion.

But 10,000 Royal Female Knights.

It's also a beautiful scenery.



"Why are there so many angels!"

"Wait! True God! How is that possible! Prince of Mystery, how can you have a true God-level angel! Are you a believer of the Goddess of Light?"

"The Temple of Light is standing behind you?"

"What! The message cannot be delivered! I am the demigod Alan! I am a believer of the Lord of Glory! Prince of Mystery! You can't kill me! The Goddess of Light is the junior of the Lord of Glory!"


Suddenly, the fog on the west side of the territory cleared up.

A 500-meter-high golden wall stood on the ground.

On top of the golden wall, there was a demigod in golden armor.

The demigod screamed in fear.


The Angel of Death, Ymir, wielded the scythe of death to reap all life.

Angel of Light!

Angel of Darkness! Angel of Death!

Three angel legions rushed into the third wall.


The Angel of Death tower in the territory flashed with black light.

Angels of Death flew out one by one.

As long as a legendary creature or creature above legendary died, this tower would automatically transform into an Angel of Death!


【You killed the demigod Alan!】

【You got the Paladin set!】

【You have obtained the Glorious Holy Sword!】

【You've conquered the third wall!】

【You have obtained the title of Emperor!】

【Your lord points have exceeded 60 million!】

【Your territory has expanded to nine hundred miles!】

【You can build an empire now!】

In front of Chen Ge, a series of information appeared.




At this moment!

In front of the palace of the former Griffin Kingdom!

Griffin female knights knelt one by one! The Griffin Queen, dressed in gorgeous clothes, originally wanted to bring her guards to meet the legendary Prince of Mystery, but at this moment, she felt her scalp tingling!

My God!

Prince of Mystery!

No wonder I can't spy on his kingdom!

Prince of Mystery is a god!

There are many women who look like goddesses in Prince of Mystery's kingdom! Prince of Mystery's angel army!

Enough to kill through major empires!

Even kill gods!


The Griffin Queen gritted her teeth!

She shouted boldly!

"My Lord Prince of Mystery, can you give me your seed of life?"

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